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Warlock Patron: The Outsider

Binding Mark: A symbol on the hand that glows when using magic.

Expanded Spell List

1st: Fog Cloud, Silent Image

2nd: Gust of Wind, Pass without Trace

3rd: Blink, Slow

4th: Greater Invisibility, Confusion

5th: Telekinesis, Insect Plague


1st Level: Far Reach

You can cast misty step 2/short rest.

6th Level: Devouring Swarm

As a bonus action, You can summon a swarm of rats 2/short rest that are under your control. They
attack the nearest enemy or attempt to devour the nearest dead or unconscious creature. If these rats
reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, they devour that creature’s body. The rats disappear when reduced to
0 HP or after taking a short rest. You can have two active swarms at once.

10th Level: Possession

As an action, you can possess one humanoid or beast (or 1 unconscious/recently deceased) within 30’
that you can see. The target must make a charisma save (DC = Spellcasting DC). On a failure, your body
disappears and you take control of the target host. You assume all the targets physical statistics, and
gain access to its movement types. You cannot cast spells. The possession lasts up to 1 minute during
which you can switch to a different host as a bonus action (requiring another save). The target can
repeat the save at the end of each turn. If the target makes the save, you can switch to a nearby target
or choose to appear within a space of your choice within 30’. Spells that can end a charm effect such as
dispel magic can end the possession early. Targets are unaware that they were possessed when the
possession ends. You can not be targeted by an attack or spell (other than mind affecting ones) while
possessing a target. You can do this 1/short rest.

14th Level: Doppelgänger

As an action you can summon a duplicate of yourself. It has your appearance and all of your non-magical
equipment and acts on your turn. It can be commanded telepathically with a bonus action. It has half
your current HP and disappears when killed, after 1 minute, or when you use a bonus action to dismiss
it. It grants you advantage if it is within 5’ of a target you are attacking. It has your statistics, and can you
use your skills but cannot cast spells. You can do this once per short rest.

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