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Argumentative Essay Planning Sheet

Paragraph one: Introduction
Attention getter: Use of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology in football match.
Explain the topic/background knowledge: VAR which consists of VAR and three video assistants
will support officials of football matches. These three assistant referees will act as assistant
video referees. But not all agree with the use of VAR in football, they say that football will lose
one of its interesting sides, namely controversy. In addition there also those who consider the
cost of purchasing VAR very expensive so that it is considered wasteful.
State your claim/thesis statement: VAR is the right solution to overcome the referee's mistakes
in making decisions. when the referee is in a disadvantage when there is an incident in football,
this is where the role of VAR is needed. by using a high resolution camera, the referee will easily
and very clear see the replay of an incident and not hesitate to make a decision so that the
match runs more fair play.

Paragraph Two: Body 1

Topic Sentence: reason 1 : VAR can make the credibility of every football match more secure.
Because, all events that occur in each match can be resolved by watching live recordings in the VAR.

Choose Supporting detail: With VAR, every viewer can see in detail not just the referee, this certainly
one or minimizes cheating.
Supporting detail: VAR clearly helps referees make decisions, especially when the referee is not positioned right
and when an incident occurs.
or tell Supporting detail: VAR minimizes the occurrence of unauthorized goals even though it has
more. crossed the goal line, even though the ball is out of goal again.
Concluding sentence: VAR is the right solution to lessen referee's mistakes in making decisions
in football matches, by using a super-sophisticated camera, the referee will easily make
decisions in incident, even the supporters can also draw decisions in the match.

Paragraph Three: Body 2

Topic sentence/ reason 2 : VAR makes players more professional in the field because each
Choose of their movements will be recorded by VAR.
one or
Supporting detail: VAR will also record every type of violation included in the penalty box,
details this makes players think more if they want to diving in the penalty box to look for penalties,
and because they are considered to have have a violation.
elaborate Supporting detail: in a few moments the player will be a little wicked, such as making an
or tell elbow to an opposing player, players assume that what they are doing escapes refereeing,
more. with VAR the referee giving them a yellow or red card because they deliberately provoke an
Supporting detail: sometimes the referee gives a yellow card wrong because maybe the
player who was hit by a yellow card is too far away from the referee, one of the functions of
VAR is to correct the mistake of the player's identity.
Concluding sentence: with so many players on the field, of course the referee has a little difficulty if
he has to oversee the movements of each player especially when the game runs with a fast tempo,
then the referee needs VAR help if there are players involved incident but escaped from referee's
Paragraph Four Counter Argument: Body 3
Counter argument : VAR is considered to be "killing" the controversial side which is actually
ornament football.

Rebuttal (Why are they wrong) : Football will feel bland if without controversy and VAR is
this controversial killer. football will run more interesting if it produces incidents, intrigue
and controversy. many football fans are waiting for controversial events on the field. Aside
from being a football ornament, controversy can also be used as a tactic to undermine the
mentality of a rival or competitor in a title race.

Conclusion: Paragraph 5
Restate opinion: Technology in football continues to grow, many football apparel makes high-
tech jersey or shoes to be very comfortable for players but technology to help the game run
slower even though the technology is felt not only by players but all supporters also feel, with
this VAR making the match run more honest, fair and not cause debate in the future.
Summarize reasons: VAR is the right solution for football nowadays, because it can record all
the events in football match very clearly but what needs to be improved is the speed of VAR in
re-airing a incident and VAR function not only replays the video but also makes a decision on an
event. so the decision maker in a particular incident is VAR not a referee.

Powerful ending: Football with or without VAR actually has created its own drama and
controversy. if without VAR the supporters could be treated to controversy over a goal that was
not legalized even though it had crossed the goal line or a player who pretended to fall in the
penalty box to get a penalty. however, with VAR the controversy could disappear, but not with
the drama even the drama will be more exciting.

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