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General Information

and Publications

As the nation’s resource center for

child protection, the National Children at Risk organization to become “a
Center for Missing & Exploited As a society our efforts to strong, loud voice for children.”
Children ® (NCMEC) spearheads prevent crimes that are com- Joining the NCMEC family in
national efforts to locate and recover mitted against children have 1998 is the former Lost Child
missing children and raises public not kept pace with the increas- Network. Established in 1983
awareness about ways to prevent ing vulnerability of our by local law enforcement, it
child abduction, molestation, and youngsters. The U.S. Depart- joined forces with other com-
sexual exploitation. A private, non- m e n t o f J u s tice recently munity members to provide
profit organization established in reported that in a one-year prevention information and
1984, NCMEC operates under a period of time recovery services to families in
Congressional mandate and works • 1,682,900 children ran the midwestern United States.
in cooperation with the U.S. Depart- away or were thrown away Today NCMEC is truly a
ment of Justice’s Office of Juvenile • 203,900 children were national organization with its
Justice and Delinquency Preven- abducted by family members headquarters in Alexandria,
tion in coordinating the efforts • 198,300 children were Virginia, and branch offices
of law enforcement, social-service involuntarily missing, lost, operating in Tustin, Califor-
agencies, elected officials, judges, nia; Lake Park, Florida; Kansas
or injured
prosecutors, educators, and the City, Missouri; Rochester, New
• 58,200 children were
public and private sectors to break
abducted by nonfamily York; and Columbia, South
the cycle of violence that historically
members. 1 Many fewer Carolina, providing hands-on
has perpetuated these needless
children, approximately assistance to families of missing
crimes against children.
115, suffer one of the children, advocating legislative
NCMEC is a national voice,
extremely serious kinds of changes to better protect chil-
mobilizer, and advocate for those
nonfamily abduction called dren, conducting an array of
too young to vote or speak up for
stereotypical kidnappings. prevention and awareness
their own rights—our children. We
These kidnappings are p r o grams, and motivating
are working to make our children’s
childhoods safer. crimes that involve some- individuals to become personally
From its creation in 1984 through one, unknown or slightly involved in child-protection
December 2003, NCMEC has known to the victim ’ s issues.
played a role in the recovery of more family, who holds the child
than 80,000 children, worked on overnight, transports the You Can Help
more than 95,000 missing-child child 50 or more miles, kills To learn more about the miss-
cases, handled more than 1.8 mil- the child, demands ransom, ing- and exploited-child issue
l i o n telephone calls through or intends to permanently and ways that you can join the
our nationwide, toll-free Hotline keep the child.2 chorus of voices around the
1-800-THE-LOST® (1-800-843-5678), country speaking out to better
and received more than 1 83, 0 0 0 “A Strong, assist and protect our children,
r e ports about sexually exploited Loud Voice please review our list of pub-
children on our CyberTipline ® for Children” lications and visit our web site at We have In 1 9 9 0 N C M E C m e r g e d From
circulated millions of photographs with the Adam Walsh Child child-safety information to
of missing children recovering 1 in 6 Resource Centers. John and detailed information about
children featured in our Picture Revé Walsh—founders of the how to investigate a missing-
Them Home® campaign, and trained organization and parents of 6- and exploited-child case,
more than 184,000 law-enforcement year-old Adam, who in 1981 NCMEC offers literature
officers nationwide, in Canada, was abducted and murdered about various aspects of these
and in the United Kingdom. And in Florida—called on the new serious problems.
yet there is much more to be done.

Single copies of each book are available free-of-charge. The price for each book, when ordering multiple copies, is listed
with the NCMEC Order Number.

An Analysis of Infant Abductions physical and mental assessment of the child victim, inter-
This book presents the findings from interviews and viewing techniques, and legal considerations. Included in the
record reviews of various nonfamily offenders who abducted text are actual drawings made by the children in the study. 56 pp.
children younger than 6 months of age and was written in NCMEC Order #71 - First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Country Reports
within the U.S. Department of Justice, and University of Pennsyl- An analysis of the procedures and systems of the eight countries
vania School of Nursing. The findings include a classification of with the highest number of caseloads pertaining to the Hague
infant abduction designed for law enforcement in the investiga- Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
tion and apprehension of a suspect and clinical classification NCMEC Order #101 - Australia. 28 pp.
designedformental-healthcliniciansintheassessmentanddiagno- NCMEC Order #102 - Canada. 28 pp.
sis of an abductor and in the treatment of the victim family. 76 pp. NCMEC Order #103 - France. English-language version. 20 pp.
NCMEC Order #66 - First copy free. Each additional copy $3. NCMEC Order #104 - France. French-language version. 24 pp.
NCMEC Order #105 - Germany. English-language version. 28 pp.
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis NCMEC Order #106 - Germany. German-language version. 32 pp.
The fourth edition of this book is an investigative tool for law- NCMEC Order #107 - Ireland. 16 pp.
enforcement officers and child-protection professionals NCMEC Order #108 - Mexico. English-language version. 20 pp.
handling cases of children who are sexually exploited. It was NCMEC Order #109 - Mexico. Spanish-language version. 20 pp.
authored by Kenneth V. Lanning and produced in cooperation NCMEC Order #110 - United Kingdom. 36 pp.
with the FBI. It provides investigative strategies, the NCMEC Order #111 - United States. 28 pp.
characteristics of a pedophile, and the difficulties often encoun- First copy free. Each additional copy $6.
tered in cases of sexual exploitation. It introduces a typology
that places sex offenders on a continuum from preferential Family Abduction
to situational, and combines the information from the This fifth edition, which was formerly titled Parental Kidnapping,
previous editions of this title with NCMEC’s former contains step-by-step information for those who have expe-
publication titled Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis. 160 pp. rienced a family abduction—whether domestic or international
NCMEC Order #70 - First copy free. Each additional copy $5.
and was produced in cooperation with the American Bar
Association. The handbook guides families through the civil- and
Child Molesters Who Abduct: criminal-justice systems, explains the laws that will help them,
outlines prevention methods, and provides suggestions for
Summary of the Case in Point Series
aftercare following the abduction. In addition Family Abduction
This book examines and reports on case histories of serial
thoroughly details search and recovery strategies and contains
child molesters and abductors while offering insights
valuable advice for attorneys, prosecutors, and family-court
for professionals in law enforcement, the court system,
judges handling these difficult cases. 244 pp.
healthcare, and corrections/probation on the back-
NCMEC Order #75 - English-language version
grounds, behavior, and techniques of such offenders
NCMEC Order #67 - Spanish-language version
in order either to help prevent their crimes or identify and
First copy free. Each additional copy $5.
stop them more quickly. It was written in conjunction with
the FBI, OJJDP, and University of Pennsylvania School Female Juvenile Prostitution: Problem and Response
of Nursing. 112 pp. The second edition of this handbook provides case histories
NCMEC Order #65 - First copy free. Each additional copy $5. about child victims of prostitution, information about
establishing a community program to help child victims of
Child Pornography: prostitution, and a case study of one such program and was
The Criminal-Justice-System Response developed in conjunction with OJJDP and the Office for Victims
This book details the problem of pornographic images of of Crime within the U.S. Department of Justice along
children in the United States and globally; discusses state, federal, with the Paul and Lisa Program, Public Administration Service,
and international initiatives in effect to address this serious crime; University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, and WHISPER
and offers insights into effective law-enforcement responses to Program. Included in the text are sample forms for executing
better address this problem both within communities and through- a program to help child victims of prostitution. 100 pp.
out the world. It was produced in cooperation with the American
NCMEC Order #68 - First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law. 168 pp.
NCMEC Order #81 - First copy free. Each additional copy $5. For Healthcare Professionals: Guidelines on
Prevention of and Response to Infant Abductions
Children Traumatized in Sex Rings This seventh edition is useful to maternal/childcare nurses,
This handbook provides the childcare practitioner with important healthcare security administrators, law-enforcement
guidelines in dealing with the child victim of sexual officials, public-relations officers, and families and was
exploitation and was developed in conjunction with the researched and written by John Rabun, NCMEC’s Vice President
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. Issues covered and Chief Operating Officer who is an expert in the field of
include an overview of the sexual exploitation of children, a infant abductions. It recommends actions to be taken to
description of the different kinds of sex rings, guidelines for the prevent an infant abduction from a healthcare facility or home
and outlines the steps to be taken if an abduction occurs. 92 pp. runaways, thrownaways, family/nonfamily abductions, or
NCMEC Order #05 - First copy free for individuals. First 10 copies when the circumstances of the disappearance are unknown.
free for healthcare facilities. Each additional copy $3. It was authored by a team of 38 professionals from local,
state, and federal agencies and describes—step-by-step
Good Practice In Handling Hague Abduction with definitive checklists—the investigative process
Convention Return Applications required for each of these types of cases and offers a
This report assesses the strengths and needed areas of improve- wealth of resources to assist an investigator. 224 pp.
ment for key countries that process return applications under NCMEC Order #74 - First copy free. Each additional copy $10.
the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International NCMEC Order #88 - Companion, 1-page Investigative Checklist
Child Abduction, offers practical recommendations for reform for First Responders. First 50 copies free. Each additional copy
in the countries investigated, and offers possible models to 10 cents.
countries considering accession to this Hague Convention.
NCMEC Order #113 - English-language version. 72 pp. A Model State Sex-Offender Policy
NCMEC Order #114 - French-language version. 80 pp. The second edition of this handbook is an eight-point
NCMEC Order #115 - German-language version. 80 pp. strategy recommended by NCMEC’s Sex-Offender Policy Task
NCMEC Order #116 - Spanish-language version. 75 pp. Force to guide policymakers who formulate and implement
First copy free. Each additional copy $10. concepts, policies, and laws to deal with sex offenders in their
community or state. 20 pp.
Guidelines for Programs to Reduce Child Victimization: NCMEC Order #40 - First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
A Resource for Communities When Choosing
a Program to Teach Personal Safety to Children Nonprofit Service Provider’s Handbook
These guidelines detail the recommendations of NCMEC’s This handbook was created to help existing nonprofit
Education Standards Task Force for communities when organizations survive and budding organizations learn
choosing programs to teach personal safety to children. 20 pp. from the experiences of their peers and was written by a
NCMEC Order #24 - First copy free for individuals. First 10 copies consortium of nonprofit service providers who work with
free for schools and community groups. Each additional copy $3. families of missing and exploited children. Nonprofit
service providers will find a complete guide for building
International Forum on Parental Child Abduction: the organization—choosing a board of directors, raising
funds, working with law enforcement, advocating
Hague Convention Action Agenda
legislation, working with the media, producing publications,
This report details the findings of a forum held in
and much more. The needs of missing and exploited
September 1998 to study the Hague Convention on the Civil
children and their families are extensively covered, and
Aspects of International Child Abduction and offers 12
the appendix includes numerous sample forms. 88 pp.
action-agenda items to help strengthen its implementation.
NCMEC Order #84 - English-language version. 33 pp. NCMEC Order #79 - First copy free. Each additional copy $5.
NCMEC Order #85 - French-language version. 31 pp.
NCMEC Order #86 - Spanish-language version. 31 pp. Online Victimization:
First copy free. Each additional copy $3. A Report on the Nation’s Youth
This groundbreaking national survey of 1,501 youth aged
Internet Sex Crimes Against Minors: 10 to 17 documented their use of the Internet and
experiences while online including unwanted exposure
The Response of Law Enforcement
to sexual solicitation, sexual material, and harassment. It
This groundbreaking national survey of law enforcement
was produced in cooperation with OJJDP and the University
estimated the number of arrests for Internet sex crimes
of New Hampshire’s Crimes against Children Research
committed against minors; identified extensive cooperation
Center and includes 12 recommendations to help make
among local, state, and federal agencies when investigating
these crimes; and documented initial success by the Internet safer for children. 62 pp.
NCMEC Order #62 - First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
law enforcement to combat these crimes. It was produced
in cooperation with OJJDP and the University of
New Hampshire’s Crimes against Children Research Personal Safety for Children: A Guide for Parents
Center. 32 pp. Comprehensive guide, released at the 2002 White
House Conference on Missing, Exploited, and Runaway
NCMEC Order #132 – First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
Children, for families to help keep their children safer
at home, at school, and in the community with additional
Knowing My 8 Rules for Safety:
action steps and resources in case of emergency. 16 pp.
Multilingual Child Safety and Prevention Tips
NCMEC Order #122 - English-language version
List of eight safety tips for children in Albanian, Amharic,
NCMEC Order #123 - Spanish-language version
Arabic, Armenian (Eastern and Western), Bulgarian, Chinese,
First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
Czech, Danish, English, Farsi, French, German, Haitian
Creole, Hmong, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Lao,
Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Prostitution of Children and Child-Sex Tourism:
Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. 39 pp. An Analysis of Domestic and International Responses
NCMEC Order #69 - First 5 copies free. Each additional copy $3. This book details the problem of child victims of prostitution
in the United States and globally; discusses state,
Missing and Abducted Children: A Law-Enforcement federal, and international laws in effect to address this
Guide to Case Investigation and Program Management serious crime; and offers insights into effective law-
This guide outlines a standard of practice for law- enforcement responses to better address this problem
enforcement officers handling missing-child cases whether both within communities and throughout the world. It
was produced in cooperation with the American International Division Brochure
Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law. 118 pp. Information about the resources available to families and law
NCMEC Order #73 - First copy free. Each additional copy $5. enforcement through NCMEC’s International Division.
NCMEC Order #118
Recovery and Reunification of Missing Children:
Is this your CHILD? If not—It may be the NEXT TIME
A Team Approach NCMEC Order #133 - African-American version
This guide was designed to educate and assist professionals NCMEC Order #134 - Hispanic/English-language version
who bear the primary responsibility of recovering and NCMEC Order #135 - Hispanic/Spanish-language version
reuniting missing children with their families. It was written
in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office Just in Case...Series
of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Missing Just in Case...Babysitter
and Exploited Children Comprehensive Action Program Information about finding a babysitter and safety tips.
and offers “best practice” guidelines and training tips NCMEC Order #12 - English-language version
for returning recovered children to their family and NCMEC Order #14 - Spanish-language version
discusses the dynamics of criminal victimization involved
in a child abduction. 48 pp. Just in Case...Daycare
Information about choosing daycare and preventing sexual
NCMEC Order #64 - First copy free. Each additional copy $3.
NCMEC Order #07 - English-language version
NCMEC Order #35 - Spanish-language version
Unless otherwise indicated, up to 50 copies of each brochure are Just in Case...Exploited
available free-of-charge. NCMEC charges 10 cents per copy for Warning signs of and steps to take in the event of child sexual
each brochure ordered in excess of the 50 free copies. exploitation.
NCMEC Order #20 - English-language version
AMBER Alert NCMEC Order #51 - Spanish-language version
Informational brochure describing the America’s Missing:
Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alert plan and Just in Case...Family Separation
how to start a plan in your area. Tips about preventing family abduction.
NCMEC Order #100 NCMEC Order #08 - English-language version
NCMEC Order #09 - Spanish-language version
Child Protection NCMEC Order #45 - Vietnamese-language version
Prevention information for families.
NCMEC Order #01 - English-language version Just in Case...Federal Parent Locator Service
NCMEC Order #02 - Spanish-language version Information about finding the abductor and child in family-
abduction cases.
Child Safety on the Information Highway NCMEC Order #11 - English-language version
Safety tips for families whose elementary-school-aged children NCMEC Order #47 - Spanish-language version
use computer online services.
NCMEC Order #03 - English-language version Just in Case...Finding Professional Help
NCMEC Order #06 - Spanish-language version Advice about how to find professional help for children who
have been kidnapped or sexually exploited.
NCMEC Order #30 - English-language version
Exploited Child Unit
NCMEC Order #43 - Spanish-language version
Information about the services provided by NCMEC’s
NCMEC Order #44 - Vietnamese-language version
Exploited Child Unit.
NCMEC Order #112
Just in Case...Grief
Guidelines regarding a healthy approach to the grieving process.
For Camp Counselors NCMEC Order #10 - English-language version
Information about detecting and reporting child sexual NCMEC Order #46 - Spanish-language version
NCMEC Order #04 Just in Case...Missing
Five steps to prepare in case your child might someday be missing.
For Law-Enforcement Professionals NCMEC Order #17 - English-language version
Information about NCMEC resources available to assist NCMEC Order #18 - Spanish-language version
law enforcement in the investigation of missing- and NCMEC Order #49 - Vietnamese-language version
exploited-child cases.
NCMEC Order #53 Just in Case...Runaway
Steps to take in case your child might someday run away.
The Front Line NCMEC Order #15 - English-language version
The current issue of NCMEC’s technical-assistance bulletin. NCMEC Order #16 - Spanish-language version
NCMEC Order #93 NCMEC Order #48 - Vietnamese-language version

ICAAN Brochure Just in Case...Testifying

Information about what the International-Child-Abduction Advice about helping children testify effectively.
Attorney Network is and how to join. NCMEC Order #19 - English-language version
NCMEC Order #117 NCMEC Order #50 - Spanish-language version

Keeping Your Children Safer in the World: Knowing My 8 Rules for Safety
Tips for Children, Teens, and Parents Safety tips poster for children.
Summary of general safety tips in all NCMEC brochures. NCMEC Order #28 - English-language version
Available in Braille ONLY. NCMEC Order #42 - Haitian Creole-language version
NCMEC Order #27. NCMEC Order #29 - Spanish-language version
NCMEC Order #26 - Braille version
Know the Rules Series NCMEC Order #25 - Bookmark version in English and Spanish
Know the Rules Brochure
Describes three basic safety messages for teens. Lost Child Alert Technology Resource
NCMEC Order #54 - English-language version Information about the Lost Child Alert Technology
NCMEC Order #61 - Spanish-language version Resource (LOCATER ® ) program that provides law-
enforcement agencies the technology to help recover
Know the Rules Package missing and exploited children.
In-depth safety messages for teens. NCMEC Order #120
NCMEC Order #55 - First copy free. Each additional copy $2.
NCMEC General Information and Publications
Know the Rules…Abduction and Kidnapping Prevention The brochure you are currently reading that contains a list
Tips for Parents of all NCMEC publications, information about the missing-
NCMEC Order #94 and exploited-child issue, and highlights of NCMEC
Know the Rules...After-School Safety for Children Who Are NCMEC Order #21 - Free in limited quantities.
Home Alone
NCMEC Order #36 NCMEC Resources
Information about NCMEC’s resources and support services.
Know the Rules…Child Safety for Door-to-Door Solicitation NCMEC Order #87
NCMEC Order #119
NetSmartz Workshop®
Know the Rules...For Child Safety in Amusement or Information about the NetSmartz Workshop, an online program
Theme Parks that teaches children how to be safer when using the Internet.
NCMEC Order #33 NCMEC Order #37 - English-language version
NCMEC Order #121- Spanish-language version
Know the Rules...For Child Safety in Youth Sports
NCMEC Order #34 New Neighborhood Safety Tips
NCMEC Order #22 - Bookmark
Know the Rules...For Going To and From School More Safely NCMEC Order #23 - Brochure
NCMEC Order #91
Parental Guidelines in Case Your Child Might
Know the Rules...General Parental Tips to Help Keep Your Someday Be the Victim of Sexual Exploitation
Children Safer NCMEC Order #127 - English-language version
NCMEC Order #60 NCMEC Order #129 - Spanish-language version

Know the Rules...Safety Tips for Halloween Preventing the Sexual Exploitation of Children
NCMEC Order #89 NCMEC Order #128 - English-language version
NCMEC Order #130 - Spanish-language version
Know the Rules...Safety Tips for the Holidays
NCMEC Order #90 Project ALERT Brochure
Information about what the Project America’s Law Enforcement
Know the Rules...School Safety Tips Retiree Team (ALERT) program is and how to become a
NCMEC Order #63 Representative.
NCMEC Order #41
Know the Rules...Summer Safety Tips for Children
NCMEC Order #82 Specialized Case and Forensic Imaging Services
Information about services provided by NCMEC regarding
Know the Rules...Summer Safety Tips for Parents cases of long-term missing and unidentified children.
NCMEC Order #83 NCMEC Order #124

Know the Rules...When Your Child Is Flying Unaccompanied Teen Safety on the Information Highway
NCMEC Order #32 Safety tips for families whose teenagers use computer
online services.
Know the Rules...When Your Child Is Traveling Unaccompa- NCMEC Order #57 - English-language version
nied by Bus or Train NCMEC Order #59 - Spanish-language version
NCMEC Order #77

Sample of English-language brochures containing general safety tips including Child Protection, Child Safety on the
Information Highway, Just in Case...Babysitter, Just in Case...Exploited, Just in Case...Missing, and Know the Rules - NCMEC
Order #98.
Sample of Spanish-language brochures (same as titles noted above) containing general safety tips - NCMEC Order #97.
All Vietnamese-language brochures - NCMEC Order #52.
TO ORDER copies of NCMEC publications, complete the attached order form and send it along with full
payment to National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Charles B. Wang International Children’s
Building, 699 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3175, U.S.A. Make checks or purchase orders payable
to NCMEC. Please do not send cash or stamps.

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Reprint Policy for NCMEC Publications

All NCMEC publications are copyrighted materials. Any individual, organization, or entity wishing to use NCMEC’s copyrighted
material may do so when the
• Materials are to be used for educational, noncommercial purposes. Under no circumstances is NCMEC’s copyrighted
material to be used for fundraising purposes.
• Actual use will not be presented as a sponsorship or endorsement by NCMEC of any individual, entity, product, program,
or event.
• Actual use will not be presented as any type of partnership or affiliated relationship between NCMEC and the reprinter.
• National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is clearly noted as the source of the information.
• Intended use will not conflict with NCMEC’s standards for child safety.
• Reprinter will immediately discontinue use of the copyrighted material if requested to do so by NCMEC.

In addition
• The reprinter may add a line of text to the reprint stating, “Provided courtesy of” and insert the individual/entity's
name and /or logo.
• Reprints of entire NCMEC publications need to be produced exactly “as is” with all text, visuals, and graphic
designs, including the logos of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
and NCMEC, as used in NCMEC’s originally copyrighted document.
• Reprints of excerpts from NCMEC publications do not need to include the visuals, logos, or graphic designs
found in the originally copyrighted NCMEC document.
• Reprints of entire NCMEC publications that are to be redesigned by individuals and entities must
Include all text, visuals, graphic designs, and logos in the same size/shape/position, or proportionally, as
found in NCMEC’s originally copyrighted document. This includes the use of the NCMEC and OJJDP logos
on the cover or “front” of the reprint. The NCMEC logo may be printed in black only or black and
PMS 185 (red). The OJJDP logo may be printed in black.
Submit a proof of the proposed reprint to NCMEC’s Special Assistant to the President for review and
approval. The Special Assistant to the President will share the proof with NCMEC’s Director of
Prevention Education and Director of Publications. The Director of Prevention Education will review the proof
for substantive accuracy. The Director of Publications will review the proof for correct use of NCMEC and OJJDP
logos along with any other logos used in NCMEC’s originally copyrighted document.
Include the statement below in the reprint
This work was printed with private funds and prepared under Cooperative Agreement #98-MC-CX-K002 from
the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
Points of view or opinions in this work are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official
position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children®,
1-800-THE-LOST®, CyberTipline®, LOCATER®, and Picture Them Home® are registered service marks of the
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Questions about this policy should be forwarded to the Publications Department at the

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Charles B. Wang International Children’s Building
699 Prince Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3175

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, established in 1984 as a private, nonprofit organization, serves as a
clearinghouse of information about missing and exploited children; provides technical assistance to the public and law-
enforcement agencies; offers training programs to law-enforcement and social-service professionals; distributes
photographs of and descriptions about missing children worldwide; creates and coordinates child-protection education and
prevention programs and publications; coordinates child-protection efforts with the private sector; networks with non-
profit service providers and state clearinghouses regarding missing-child cases; and provides information about effective
legislation to help ensure the protection of children per 42 U.S.C. §§ 5771 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. § 11606; and 22 C.F.R. § 94.6.
A 24-hour, toll-free telephone line, 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678), is available in Canada, Mexico, and the United
States for those who have information regarding missing and exploited children. The “phone free” number when dialing
internationally is 00-800-0843-5678. The CyberTipline is available worldwide for online reporting of these crimes at The TTY line is 1-800-826-7653. The NCMEC business number is 703-274-3900. The NCMEC busi-
ness number when dialing from other countries is 001-703-522-9320. The NCMEC facsimile number is 703-274-2200. The
NCMEC web-site address is

To receive information about the services offered by our NCMEC branches, please contact them directly.

NCMEC/California NCMEC/New York

Suite C 275 Lake Avenue
18111 Irvine Boulevard Rochester, New York 14608-1042
Tustin, California 92780-3403 585-242-0900 (telephone)
714-508-0150 (telephone) 585-242-0717 (facsimile)
714-508-0154 (facsimile)

NCMEC/Florida NCMEC/New York/Mohawk Valley Office

Suite 100 934 York Street
9176 Alternate A1A Utica, New York 13502-3930
Lake Park, Florida 33403-1445 315-732-7233 (telephone)
561-848-1900 (telephone) 315-624-7134 (facsimile)
561-848-0308 (facsimile)

NCMEC/Kansas City NCMEC/South Carolina

Suite B Suite I
1018 West 39th Street 2008 Marion Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64111-3859 Columbia, South Carolina 29201-2151
816-756-5422 (telephone) 803-254-2326 (telephone)
816-756-1804 (facsimile) 803-254-4299 (facsimile)

Andrea J. Sedlak, David Finkelhor, Heather Hammer, and Dana J. Schultz. U.S. Department of Justice. "National Estimates of Missing Children: An Overview" in National
Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice
Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, October 2002, page 10.

David Finkelhor. “What the Numbers Tell Us” in The Front Line. Alexandria, Virginia: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Winter 2002/2003, page 10.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), a national clearinghouse and resource center, is funded under Cooperative Agreement #98-MC-CX-K002
from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view or opinions in this brochure are
those of NCMEC and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ®,
1-800-THE-LOST®, CyberTipline®, LOCATER®, and Picture Them Home® are registered service marks of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Copyright
© 1991 and 2004 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.

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