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the art of

Germans have cultured a very rich According to Runge (1994), Immanuel
tradition in the field of pedagogy. Since Kant and Johann Friedrich Herbart made
the 17th century, some of the greatest the first attempts to provide a theoretical
thinkers of this nation have contributed to ground to the science of education;
establish education as a science, leading eventually, many others (Trapp, Gobelt,
to the development of what some Durkheim, Radke or Ferry) would make
scholars have called the "The Art of their contribution to gain the science of
Education". education its recognitions amongst the
human sciences.

nce of education.
Praxis and theory are directly related in the scie
scientific method.
The science of education bases it practice on the
gral human being.
Education must procure the training of an inte
and educator.
It establishes a difference between pedagogue
have been trained professionally for
Education must be carried out by people who
that purpose.



The concept of pedagogy proposed by


Germans triggered deep changes in the LEGACY

way education had been seen and Through the years, lots of
carried out up to that point in the countries around the world
have attempted
history; for instance, education becam to improve their education
al systems by
a matter of state, which led to its working alongside german
institutions that
institutionalization, additionally, specialize in pedagogy. In
the case of
teaching was professionalized , finally Colombia, we find that seve
ral german
it was established that education pedagogical missions were
carried out i in
would be secular. different moments of the
history of this
country; likewise, we find th
at germans also
contributed to the founda
tion of institutions
that would train the future
educators, for instance, th
e current
Universidad Nacional Peda



The WWII was a critical moment

for the
science of education; due to the fac
t that IONS
most of its bystanders did not rai CONCLUS
se their
voice against the Nazi regime,
condemning thousands of teenage
rs to a Undoubtedly, the science of education
dark fate; besides, many of these proposed by the german scholars has
theorists died along the way. It wa
s not made great contributions to the evo
until the late 80's with Brezinka, of the education, so much so that eve
Mollenhaue and Klafki that we cou
ld see nowadays, we can find traces of the
the resurgence of this approach wit
h principles of this approach in our
noticeable transformations. educational systems.


Angulo, A. (2007). Conceptos pedagógicos alemanes en la educación colombiana: La Segunda Guerra Mundial y la actualidad. Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras, 0(1).
Bóhn, W., & Soëtard, M. (2015). Evolución del pensamiento pedagógigo alemán (R.F.A.) desde los años sesenta. Revista Educación y Pedagogía, 3(7), 129-151.
Runge, A. (1994). La ciencia de la educación como profesión en Alemania (Capítulo 3). En: J., Sáenz (Editor) Pedagogía, Saber y Ciencias (pp 127-153). Medellín, Secretaría
de Educación y Cultura de Antioquia.
Tamayo, L. (2019). Discurso pedagógico alemán.

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