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Question 1

The restaurant manger would like to accommodate more customers to gain more sales. He should look at _____
increase responsiveness Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 2
A flower shop recently added to its services the capability to decorate personal and corporate events. Outbound calls
to existing customers from the customer database with the intent of increasing customer awareness will be done. This
can be seen in _____ metric.
reduce repeat transaction Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 3
Leaders and managers in organizations across all industries will have to create and effectively operate systems. As a
manager, you should constantly check on how efficiently your people are doings their tasks. This is part of _____.
Performance management Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 4
Picking from the pool of your best applicants doesn’t mean you got yourself a perfect employee. You should help them
maintain their efficiency. You should then think of your employees skills in performing the task and how best can you
best assist them to enhance his skills and advance in their career. This is the focus of _____.
Professional development Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 5
If you were a service provider. your primary product or service is to assist corporate clientele. _____ is the approach
that will help you improve the quality of the operations that focus on providing good customer experience.
Total quality circle Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 6
Some customers hang up the phone because they are having a hard time dealing with an AI. This customer attitude
affects the _____ metric.
Reduce waiting time Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 7
I have a couple of ways to see how you are doing in class. By giving an exam, comparing your scores from a standard
grading system with a pass/fail percentage rate, asking you to submit enabling assessments that focuses on
collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking checking them, and by asking you one by one on a recitation. This is how i
measure your _____. The same process is done in the industry to find how efficient an employee is.
performance Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 8
An application received in the mail is written in Spanish, Processing it would entail hiring someone who knows how to
speak Spanish. If you do so, ouwld this mean additional cost to your operations?
True Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 9
If a fast food cashier can take 50 orders per day yet the average should be 80, she lost 30 orders from what is
expected. The shortfall of 30 orders becomes part of the company’s loss. However, as mandated by law, the same
salary has to be paid to this cashier along with others who are hitting the average sales quota. What could have been
possibly causing her to be unproductive? Is she doing something that is not value adding? This is where _____ system
analysis should be applied.
Total quality management Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 10
When Mc Donald's transformed its drive-in operations into what it is today, it “move the process into a production line.”
Rather than getting more people doing the same tasks at the same time, they assigned people to do specific tasks.
There would be staff assigned to prepare the burgers, fry chickens, prepare spaghetti, etc. If you look closely at how
the McDonald brothers changed their business, it closely resembles a manufacturing assembly line. This transition
strategy is called _____
Lift and shift Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 11
In this strategy, the client company assumes the responsibility of fixing or improving a certain process before handing
it over to the service provider. This strategy is _____.
re-engineer and migrate Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 12
_____ is moving a matured process from its current organization to a service provider.
Lift and shift Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 13
If the input is unstructured, there would be early adjustments to be made or to rectify a situation which would use up
the company’s resources.
True Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 14
Jenny has been in the laundry service for 10 years. When it comes to washing clothes, everyone knows that she is an
expert however, she realized that the quality of her work can still be improved so she got her sister, Tina to help her.
Tina’s a bit inexperienced compared to Jenny. Before Jenny tells Tina to help her out, she tried to modify some of the
processes like adding more time soaking the dirty clothes, changing the detergent brand and putting a fabric
conditioner before putting the clothes in the dryer. It would be difficult for her to do these changes alone but with Tina’s
help she was able to improve the quality of her service. This strategy is called _____.
re-engineer and migrate Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 15
Proper transitioning of tasks from a client to a service provider helps in achieving successful business relationships.
The key person in- charge of migration is _____.
Transition manager Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 16
_____ is a metric that looks at timeliness and completeness.
Meet operational budget Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 17
_____ is important because proper documentation helps us have a smooth and effective transition.
Document Readiness Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 18
The success or failure of transition is dependent on 2 aspects. When you are asked if you are using the latest or most
compatible applications, they are looking at your _____.
Transition Critical Success Factors Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 19
If the inputs are well-planned and properly defined, it speeds up certain processes without incurring too much effort on
the part of the performer.
True Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 20
A restaurant owner wants to make sure that there is less wait time taking customers orders to accommodate more
orders. She should then look at _____ metric.
Reduce waiting time Score: 0 out of 1

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