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Commerce-Grade XI

Test -1
Classification of Human Activities
Date: 14th June 2021
Total Marks: 22

Sl No: Questions Marks

Part A
Question 1
a What you mean by human activity? How would you classify it? 2
b “The same activity may be economic as well as non economic at different 2
time or places”Comment
c What is economic activity? Give any two characteristics 2
d What is non economic activitiy?Give any two characteristics 2
e Classify the following activities in to Business,Profession or employment 2
(1)Deepak teaching Commerce in a reputed school
(2)Mukesh Ambani,chairman of Reliance Industries
Part B
Question 2
a Classify the following in to economic and non economic activity 3
(1)Taking photographs of family members
(2)Teaching in school
(3)Running a beauty parlour
(4)Looking after parents
(5)Working as a care taker in a senior citizens home
(6)Taking care of a pet dog
b What do you mean by profession?Explain any four characterstics 4
c Distinction between Business,Profession ang Employment (10 points) 5

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