Presumption of Statutory Interpretation: June 2018

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Presumption of statutory Interpretation

Presentation · June 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20737.79209

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1 author:

Shah Mohammad Omer Faruqe Jubaer

Leading University


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Act 1965, the War Crimes Act 1991

Presumption of statutory and the Adoption Act 1976.
Interpretation 5. There are two types of
Introduction: In the law of evidence, presumption:
a presumption of a particular fact can be Rebuttable presumption and conclusive
made without the aid of proof in some presumption. A rebuttable presumption
situations. The invocation of a presumption is assumed true until a person proves
shifts the burden of proof from one party to otherwise (for example the presumption
the opposing party in a court trial. of innocence). In contrast, a conclusive
Presumptions: When determining the meaning (or irrebuttable) presumption cannot be
of particular words the courts will make certain refuted in any case (such as defense of
presumptions about the law. If the statute infancy in some legal systems).
clearly states the opposite, then a presumption Presumptions are sometimes categorized
will not apply and it is said that the into two types: presumptions without
presumption is rebutted. The main basic facts, and presumptions with basic
presumptions are: facts. In the United States, mandatory
1. A presumption against change in the presumptions are impermissible in
common law.It is assumed that the criminal cases, but permissible
common law will apply unless presumptions are allowed. An example
Parliament has made it plain in the Act of presumption without basic facts
that the common law has been altered. is presumption of innocence. Another
example of presumption with basic facts
2. A presumption that mens rea (‘guilty is Declared death in absentia, e.g., the
mind’) is required in criminal cases. law says if a person has been missing for
Mens rea is one of the elements that seven years or more (basic fact), that
has to be proved for a successful person is presumed dead.
criminal prosecution. There is a The ancient Jewish law code, the Talmud,
common law rule that no one can be included reasoning from presumptions
convicted of a crime unless it is shown (hazakah), propositions taken to be true
they had the required intention to unless there was reason to believe otherwise,
commit it. such as "One does not ordinarily pay a debt
3. A presumption that the Crown is not before term." The same concept was found
bound by any statute unless the statute in ancient Roman law, where, for example,
expressly says so. if there was doubt as to whether a child was
really the issue of someone who had left
4. A presumption that a statute does not money in a will, the presumption was in
apply retrospectively. No statute will favour of the child.[3] Medieval Roman
apply to past happenings. Each statute and canon law graded presumptions
will normally only apply from the date according to strength: light, medium or
it comes into effect. This is, however, probable, and violent.[4] These gradings and
only a presumption and Parliament many individual presumptions were taken
can choose to pass a statute with over into English law in the seventeenth
retrospective effect. This must, century by Edward Coke.
however, be expressly stated in the
statutes, for example, the War Damage
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Presumption means guise something BASIC PRINCIPLES:

under the Constitution. (Supposed) To begin with it would be appropriate to
Grounds: discuss certain basic principles hereunder in
1) Statutes are presumed to be valid and separate headings.
constitutionality. Presumptions Constitutionality of a statute
We have to make a consistent assumption there are various interpretative tools for the
with the Constitution. Those who cannot determination of legal validity of a
determine which aspect of a statutory law is provision. They are presumption of
constitutional and which direction is non- constitutionality, rule of severability,
constitutional cannot predict the statutory
There is always a presumption in favour of
2) Whether the unconstitutional is connected the constitutionality of an enactment and the
with the general effect and scope of burden is upon him who attacks it to show
Statutory Law may appear with the intention that there has been a clear transgression of
of the legislature but not along with the the constitutional principles;
1. that it must be presumed that the
3) Any constitutional directives in the past legislature understands and correctly
that were in effect under the previous appreciates the need of its own people,
statutory law, but not currently, cannot be that its laws are directed to problems
used by those who do not know. To guess made manifest by experience and that its
the statutory law, it is necessary to know the discriminations are based on adequate
update of the law. grounds;
The ways presumption is needed: 2. that the legislature is free to recognise
1) Under the constitutional guidelines of the degrees of harm and may confine its
authority. restrictions to those cases where the need
is deemed to be the clearest;
2) No conjecture can be made against
fundamental rights. 3. that in order to sustain the presumption
3) There is no presumption against of constitutionality the court may take
separation of power. into consideration matters of common
knowledge, matters of common report,
4) Discrete power the history of the times and may assume
There is no conjecture going against it. every state of facts which can be
conceived existing at the time of
5) No guesses can be made against check
legislation; and
and balance.
6) There is no presumption against the 4. that while good faith and knowledge of
fundamental principals of state policy. the existing conditions on the part of a
legislature are to be presumed, if there is
7) In cases where there may be a non- nothing on the face of the law or the
financial outcom resinable, non-renewable surrounding circumstances brought to
and in-form, the presummation cannot be the notice of the court on which the
made. ( CrPC section-125) classification may reasonably be
regarded as based, the presumption of
constitutionality cannot be carried to the
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extent of always holding that there must including pre-Constitutional laws as the
be some undisclosed and unknown Parliament, in its.
reasons for subjecting certain individuals
Doctrine of severability
or corporations to hostile or
discriminating legislation. On the The court in Kaushal referred a passage
question of whether principle of from R.M.D. Chamarbaugwalla v. The
constitutionality is applicable to a law Union of India (UOI) where a Constitution
which existed prior to the constitution Bench explained this doctrine as follows:
Kaushal discussed article 13(1) and The doctrine of severability rests, as will
article 372 of the constitution of India. presently be shown, on a presumed intention
The court took support from Ram of the legislature that if a part of a statute
Krishna Dalmia, 16 Keshavan Madhava turns out to be void that should not affect the
Menon v. The State of Bombay,17 Anuj validity of the rest of it, and that that
Garg v. Hotel Association of India,18 intention is to be ascertained from the terms
John Vallamattom v. Union of India 19 of the statute. It is the true nature of the
and held: Every legislation enacted by subject-matter of the legislation that is the
Parliament or State Legislature carries determining factor, and while a
with it a presumption of classification made in the statute might go
constitutionality. This is founded on the far to support a conclusion in favour of
premise that the legislature, being a severability, the absence of it does not
representative body of the people and necessarily preclude it. A statute could be
accountable to them is aware of their unconstitutional because of two reasons one,
needs and acts in their best interest the subjectmatter being outside the
within the confines of the Constitution. competence of the legislature and two,
There is nothing to suggest that this provisions of statute contravening
principle would not apply to pre- constitutional prohibitions like part III, or
Constitutional laws which have been Basic Structure Theory. This is not material
adopted by the Parliament and used with for what reason invalidity exists. When a
or without amendment. If no amendment statute is in part void, it will be enforced as
is made to a particular law it may regards the rest, if that is severable from
represent a decision that the Legislature what is invalid.
has taken to leave the law as it is and this Basis of severability R.M.D.
decision is no different from a decision Chamarbaugwalla summarised seven points
to amend and change the law or enact a from American case law which was quoted
new law. In light of this, both pre and with approval by Supreme Court in Kauhal
post Constitutional laws are as follows:
manifestations of the will of the people
through the Parliament and are presumed i. In determining whether the valid
to be constitutional.Self-restraint, parts of a statute are separable from
therefore, must be exercised and the the invalid parts thereof, it is the
analysis must be guided by the intention of the legislature that is the
implications of presumption of determining factor. The test to be
constitutionality. The court finally applied is whether the legislature
concluded that: There is a presumption would have enacted the valid part if
of constitutionality in favour of all laws, it had known that the rest of the
statute was invalid.

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ii. . If the valid and invalid provisions Presumption against action based on
are so inextricably mixed up that one's own wrong:
they cannot be separated from one Presumption against action based on one's
another, then the invalidity of a own wrong generally, a person will not be
portion must result in the invalidity allowed to take advantage of his own wrong.
of the Act in its entirety. On the Statutes relating to succession usually do not
other hand, if they are so distinct and contain any provision excluding from their
separate that after striking out what benefit one who has killed the person to
is invalid, what remains is in itself a whose property succession is claimed. But
complete code independent of the courts in most countries have "read" such an
rest, then it will be upheld exception into such statutes. They will not
notwithstanding that the rest has allow the statute to be so applied as to
become unenforceable. enable the killer to succeed to the estate of
iii. Even when the provisions which are the person killed. The courts presume that
valid are distinct and separate from the legislature had impliedly assumed that
those which are invalid, if they all certain rules of morality will be applied. The
form part of a single scheme which Latin maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio
is intended to be operative as a [an action (suit) cannot be founded on an
whole, then also the invalidity of a immorai act] is thus applied to statutory
part will result in the failure of the interpretation, as it is applied in relation to
whole. When the valid and invalid matters governed by uncodified law. A
parts of a statute are independent and famous American case holds that a grandson
do not form part of a scheme but cannot succeed under a will of his
what is left after omitting the invalid grandfather murdered by the grandson. "No
portion is so thin and truncated as to one shall be permitted to profit by his own
be in substance different from what it fraud, or to take advantage of his own wrong
was when it emerged out of the or to found any claim upon his own inequity
legislature, then also it will be or to acquire property by his own crime."
rejected in its entirety. v. The
separability of the valid and invalid
provisions of a statute does not
depend on whether the law is enacted From an argumentative perspective,
in the same section or different maxims, interpretive canons, and
sections;; it is not the form, but the interpretive arguments can be regarded in
substance of the matter that is terms of presumptions. However, in order to
material, and that has to be order such presumptions and show the
ascertained on an examination of the different strengths of the possible arguments
Act as a whole and of the setting of based thereon, we need to identify the
the relevant provisions therein. vi. If organizing principle. In this section, we will
after the invalid portion is expunged analyze the pragmatic presumption of legal
from the statute what remains cannot interpretation, which is commonly referred
be enforced without making to as the purpose of the law
alterations and modifications therein, The Purpose of the Law as a Presumption
then the whole of it must be struck Both in ordinary conversation and legal
down as void, as otherwise it will interpretation, the addressees of the
amount to judicial legislation.
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conversation (the hearer or the citizens) have The argument from the purpose of the law
access only to the text of the law, from can be considered as grounded on a meta-
which they need to reconstruct the speaker’s presumption, governing the choice and the
meaning, or the legal meaning of the law. hierarchy of the arguments that can be
The psychological state of the speaker or advanced to support an interpretation. The
lawmaker is inaccessible because it is purpose of the law can be regarded as a
unknown (in ordinary conversation) or macro contextual argument, in which the
attributable only to a group (the parliament), statute to be interpreted is placed within its
whose discussions are not easily accessible broader context (the body of the laws), from
to the public (Easterbrook 1984). The which it’s intended generic or specific
intention that is communicated is the one purpose can be retrieved. This context based
that is retrievable from the textual and pragmatic presumption can overcome other
contextual evidence provided (Carston 2013, types of presumptions or determine the
p. 24). The explicit content of a speech act hierarchy of the interpretive presumptions.
(such as a statement of law) is the only
Types of Intentions And Levels Of
accessible instrument for reconstructing the Presumptions:
speaker’s intention. From the point of view
of legal interpretation, the Smith case is an The reconstruction of the ‘purpose of the
extremely clear illustration of the law’ can be examined within a pragmatic
‘textualistic’ reconstruction of the speaker framework. The meaning of a single speech
meaning. It underlies the essential relation act is subordinated to dialogical intentions.
between the contextual meaning and the Grice (1975, p. 45) represented such a
purpose of the enactment, retrieved through dialogical intention using the notion of the
other broader contextual information, ‘direction’ of the dialogue to which each
including background FABRIZIO speech act needs to be linked (Asher and
MACAGNO ET AL. knowledge (Greene Lascarides 2003, Chap. 7).
2006, p. 1920). In first place, what is In order to retrieve this meaning, or
reconstructed is the meaning that can be speaker’s specific intention, it is necessary
obtained from the co-text and the context.3 to retrieve the relationship between the
The arguments can be classified into two speech act and the whole text, namely its
general categories: (a) the ones aimed at relevance (Macagno and Walton 2013;
reconstructing the intention by means of Walton and Macagno 2007, 2016; Macagno
cotextual clues; and (b) the ones that appeal 2012). This mechanism of retrieval of the
to the purpose of the law, especially its speaker’s intention is clearly at work in
relevance to the more general and basic goal statutory interpretation. For example, in all
of protecting the citizens’ rights. The first the aforementioned criminal and civil cases,
type of arguments can in turn be classified the purpose of the use of the statement of
into linguistic and contextual arguments: law was retrieved by taking into account the
(1) Arguments grounded on the whole cotext of the provision in which it
presumptively shared meaning of a occurred, addressing a specific issue (the
linguistic expression; and relationship between drug trafficking and
other crimes; the commerce of consumable
(2) Arguments based on the constraints goods, etc.).
imposed by the co-text onto the linguistic
expressions. The so-called purpose of the law can be
regarded as a presumption to which other
Ordering Interpretive Presumptions:
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presumptions need to be subordinated, and his recommendation letters are usually

which can be reconstructed through different extremely concise.
types of arguments. On this perspective, the Case 1: Presumption of evasion ‘Do you
mechanism of interpretation crucially have any bank accounts in Swiss banks, Mr.
depends on the ordering of the presumptions Bronston?’ A.No, sir’.
underlying the different alternatives.
‘Q. Have you ever?’ The company had an
Types and Levels of Presumptions: account there for about six months, in
Any reconstruction of a speaker’s intention Zurich’.
resulting from his or her speech act is In this famous cross-examination case
grounded on several presumptions different (Sinclair 1985; Tiersma 1990; Solan and
in nature (Hamblin 1970, p. 295): Tiersma 2005; Horn 2009; Shuy 2011; Solan
The presumptions that are at the basis of 2002; Jacobs and Jackson 2006), the witness
meaning reconstruction have different actually held a bank account in a Swiss
conditions of defeasibility (Kauffeld 2003; bank, but was found to have testified
Kauffeld 1998). The first kind of truthfully, as he had never stated the
presumption (level 0) can be called contrary. The witness in fact only evaded the
pragmatic. It connects the generic or specific question; however, the lawyer examining
illocutionary force of a speech act Bronston relied on the prosecutor’s
(assertive/assertion in the context of writing adherence to the maxim of relevance, and
a recommendation letter) to its presumed gave to the answer an interpretation
generic or specific intention (informing the maximally relevant to the context. This case
interlocutor/providing information to sheds light on two fundamental aspects of
support a decision to hire someone). The Gricean maxims. First, Gricean maxims are
second type (level 1) consists in the hermeneutic principles (Poggi 2011),
conventional presumptive meaning of the presumptive principles (heuristics) for
lexical items (Grice 1975; Levinson 2000; retrieving what the speaker means (his
Macagno 2011; Hamblin 1970). For communicative intention) from what he
instance, ‘attendance’ is usually defined as says. They provide general patterns for
‘to be present at a place’. However, in the accounting for the relationship between a
case of the severe professor writing a statement’s literal understanding
recommendation letter, it could mean ‘to (conventional meaning) and the
participate in classes actively, showing propositional and implicated meaning that
peculiar skills’. The third type of the speaker intends to convey (Morra 2016a,
presumption) concerns expectations about b). In this sense, they do not provide an
relations between facts or events that can be interpretation, but rather account for an
used to interpret a specific content or an interpretation, bringing to light reasons to
action. For instance, attendance is not support it (Slocum 2015, pp. 203–207;
usually considered as an indicator of Walton 2002, 191).
academic excellence. The last level (level 3) Second, these conversational heuristics are
includes specific mutual knowledge defeasible, in the sense that they are
(Macagno and Capone 2016). defeated by stronger assumptions
For example, a specific professor may be concerning the goal of the cooperative
presumed to be extremely severe, and that activity the interlocutors are carrying out (in
this case, the goal of cross-examination is to

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elicit specific answers, to which the witness his home, or publicly represents that he
shall be considered committed, and avoid is the child's father.[9]
evasions). For this reason, the maxims need  A presumption of survivorship has
to be ordered and analyzed together with referred to a number of different
other types of presumptions governing presumptions. The term is sometimes
conversation, the foremost being the purpose used to refer to presumptions that one or
of the dialogue in which the interlocutors are another of two persons lived the longer
engaged (Grice 1975, p. 45; Morra 2016a, p. when they died together in the same
555; Butler 2016b, p. 520). accident.[10] The presumption that two or
more people who establish a joint
A number of presumptions are found in
account intend for the survivors to have
most common law jurisdictions. Examples
the assets put into the fund upon the
of these presumptions include:
death of one of the joint account holders
has also been called the "presumption of
 The presumption of death. A person who
has been absent for seven years without
 The presumption of mailing presumes
explanation and "gone to parts
that a properly addressed letter delivered
unknown" is presumed dead at common
to the post office or a common
law.[6] The time period it takes for the
carrier was in fact delivered and
presumption to arise has often been
received by the addressee.[12]
modified by statute.
 The presumption of fraud or undue
influence arises where a person in a
position of trust over another, such as
a guardian or the holder of a power of
 The presumption of sanity. A person
attorney applies the other person's assets
who faces criminal trial is presumed
to his or her own benefit.
sane until the opposite is proved.
Similarly, a person is presumed to have
testamentary capacity until there is
evidence to undermine that presumption.
 The presumption of validity is another
 The presumption of innocence, which
way of expressing a burden of proof: the
holds that the prosecution bears the
official acts of courts are presumed
burden of proof in a criminal case with
valid, and those who would challenge
the result that the accused may be
them must overcome this
acquitted without putting forward any
presumption. This is also termed
the presumption of regularity.
 The presumption of
legitimacy or presumption of paternity,
which presumes that a husband is
the biological father of a child born to
 The presumption of advancement in
his wife during the marriage, or within
nine months after the marriage is ended relation to transfers from husbands to
by death, legal separation, wives and from fathers to children.
[8]  In the law of the United States,
or divorce. Some jurisdictions also
hold that a presumption of paternity the presumption of
arises when a father accepts a child into constitutionality presumes that all
statutes are drafted in accordance
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with Federal and state constitutional

 The party challenging the
constitutionality of a statute bears the
burden of proof, and any doubts are
resolved against that party. If there are
two reasonable interpretations of a
statute, one of which is constitutional
and the other not, the courts choose the
path that permits upholding the statute

Statutory presumption means a rebuttable or
decisive presumption created by a statute. It
does not shift the burden of proof. It is
merely an evidentiary rule whereby the
accused must go forward with an
explanation to rebut the permissive
presumption. A statutory presumption
cannot be sustained:

If there be no rational connection between

the fact proved and the Statutory
presumption means a rebuttable or decisive
presumption created by a statute. It does not
shift the burden of proof. It is merely an
evidentiary rule whereby the accused must
go forward with an explanation to rebut the
permissive presumption. A statutory
presumption cannot be sustained.

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