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MAY, 2018.



1.2 General Background

When fault is detected on a distribution line, the line is disconnected/isolated due to the presence

of this fault and switched over to another distribution line by a line switching system. Line

switching is used to connect and disconnect distribution substations to and from a distribution

grid. At the cradle of technology, several ills were associated with line switching, which were

achieved using manual switches or fuses. It has endangered lives due to its exposure leading to

electrocution during maintenance; thereby compromising the objective of power system

protection. With advancement in technology and for realisation of the objectives of power

system protection, that is, continuity of supply and safety of both personnel and equipment; the

need to avert these ills was of paramount importance. This brought about the development of

automated line switching using relays and contactors. As time progresses, the relays and

contactors begins to fail due to damage encountered (wearing of contacts) as a result of arcing

and under voltage [1].

In recent technologies, automated switching of lines using Radio Frequency Identification

(RFID) and Solid State Relays (SSR) have been introduced. RFID technologies are grouped

under wireless automatic identification and data capture technology (AIDC). RFID is a general

term used to describe a system that transmits the identity (in the form of a unique serial number)

of an object wirelessly, using radio waves. An RFID system consists of an antenna and

transceiver, which reads the radio frequency and transfer the information to a processing device

(reader) and a transponder or RF tag, which contains the RF circuitry and information to be

transmitted [2].

Solid state relays (SSR), are also known as static relays as they do not have any moving parts or

contact bounce. SSR use semiconductor devices like diodes, SCR, TRIAC, Power transistor etc.

to conduct load current. Relatively low control circuit energy is required to perform switching of

the output state from OFF to ON position. Since there is use of semiconductor devices, static

relays are highly reliable and have a long life [3].

Automated Line Switching is employed when a normal transmission line is switched to one of

the standby transmission lines due to the occurrence of fault, and when the switched normal

transmission line is recovered, control returns to the recovered normal transmission line. It tends

to separate the faulty phase from the healthy phase and avoid total blackout on all phases without


In this project, an Arduino Based Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Line Switching using

Solid State Relay (SSR) with Individual Phase Selection is designed and constructed. This work

is focused on achieving the objectives of power system protection by ensuring safety and

continuity of power supply through automatic phase selection and the use of SSR. The SSR avert

the problem associated with relays and contactors while the automatic phase selection is used to

sustain energy consumption (continuity) in the time of phase fault or maintenance.

Problem Statement

In electrical power system, feeder pillars are mostly used prior to the load in substations. Feeder

pillars; which are distribution transformer cabinet boards, are used by the power authority for

supplying 3-phase and single phase loads to feed residential and some small scale commercial

consumers in towns, cities etc. at 415 V and 240 V respectively in a safe, economical and

convenient way for operational and maintenance purposes. The use of fuses within the system

cannot be overemphasized. To avoid overloading and ensuring the safety of lives and equipment

from faults such as short circuit (arcing); fuses, which are overcurrent protective devices with a

circuit opening fusible part are used. These fuses can become heated and severed by the passage

of large amount of current through it. Going by traditional method, when faults are discovered,

these fuses are removed sometimes using insulated pliers so as to create a safe ground for

maintenance. Also, electricity consumer may experience intentionally engineered rolling black

out due to fault or maintenance. Even with that, this method still exposes the operator or

technologist to the risk of being electrocuted [ CITATION JSa16 \l 1033 ].

1.3 Significance Of The Project

In light of increasing interest in power system protection objectives; this project will

improve the efficient use of line switching in the distribution grid, as it enables the operators to

effectively connect or disconnect distribution substations to and from the distribution grid. This

leads to safety of lives for the operator of the electric utility grid and continuity of power supply

to the consumers.

1.4 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project is to design and construct an Arduino Based RFID Line Switching Using

SSR with Individual Phase Selection.

Its objectives include the following:

1. To create a safe environment for utility operators by reducing the risk of electrocution.

2. To avert the problem (wearing of contacts) associated with contactors and relays using

solid state relays.

3. To implement an automatic switch system that is capable of selecting a phase to avoid

intentionally engineered rolling black out due to a fault on another phase.

4. To save time, energy attached to manual switching.

1.5 Methodology

To accomplish the development of the Arduino Based RFID Line Switching Using SSR with

Individual Phase Selection, a critical number of related works in the writing was checked, this

was followed by coming up with a design that will solve some of the constraints of current

frameworks. The methodology proposed here includes the utilization of numerous modules/units

for example, the utilization of radio frequency module (RF module), a microcontroller, and a

RFID reader.

The circuit was designed carefully and modularly (that is the project was divided into modules)

before interconnecting the various modules; important calculations of discrete devices were

carried out; the modules consist of the ac to dc converter unit which comprises of transformers

for the three phases which steps down the mains from 220V to 12 VAC, a bridge rectifier which

converts the AC to DC which is then filtered off via the use of capacitor. The OR gate unit,

which ensures that power is supplied to the main circuit whenever power is detected on any or all

of the phases and is achieved through the use of diodes. The controller unit has the controller

which is used for selection of the phases. The display unit, a 16 by 2 liquid crystal display is used

for the purpose of human machine interaction. Switches, buttons are used to ensure the selection

of active lines. The relay unit, the solid state relay is an opto-coupler made up of a light emitting

diode and a photo triac.

1.6 Scope of the project

This project work covers the design and construction of a device capable of connecting and

disconnecting distribution substations to and from a distribution grid. Various aspects of

Electrical power system engineering would be taken into consideration. This would involve

dealing with several components and modular units such as RFID RC-522 reader, Arduino Uno,

SSR, LCD and other discrete components required to accomplish the afore-stated device.

1.7 Justification Of The Project

In previous years, RFID technology has moved from the state of being unknown into

conventional applications that help the speed of solving security and safety problems. This

project utilizes mobility and accessibility of RFID towards the construction of an automated line

switching that is smart, efficient, sensitive and reliable for connecting and disconnecting of

distribution substation to and from the distribution grid and prevention of electrical hazards.

1.8 Report Organisation

This project work comprises of five chapters. Chapter one gives a background studies and

general introduction to the project work. Chapter two of this work spans through the literature

review of previous work on line switching, presents brief historical background on line switching

systems, theoretical background on Arduino and RFID. Chapter three consists of the step by step

methodology employed in the design and construction of this work. The test, result and

discussion of the result were discussed in chapter four while the final chapter, Chapter five

concludes the project with recommendation for further improvement on the system.




This chapter presents the historical background of a Line Switching system; RFID, Arduino as

well as the articles on some of the components used in this project. In addition, the reviews of

some literatures are also summarized for discussion.

2.1.1 Brief History of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an advanced technology that can be used to

identify a physical object in an automatic manner without line of sight interaction [5].

RFID operate within a specific range, it captures and transfers data from an item of equipment to

a reader via radio signals. A typical RFID system includes a tag, antenna, reader and software.

The RFID tag is responsible for transmitting information through an antenna concerning the

object in question to the RFID reader. After which the reader reads the information transmitted to

it and forwards it via a suitable communication channel to the application software running on a


The RFID application types relies on radio frequency (RF), which is normally classified into:

Low Frequency (LF, 125-134 kHz), High Frequency (HF, 13.56MHz), ultra High Frequency

(UHF, 860-960MHz) and Microwave (2.45GHz), each of the classification has its area of

application and susceptibility.

The number of organization that utilizes the RFID technology is increasing rapidly to optimize

their business, the companies include: U.S. DoD, Metro AG, Wal-Mart, Gillette and Tesco. The

top 100 suppliers of Wal-Mart were all required to adopt RFID technology in 2005 [6].

RFID is an automatic identification technology that uses radio frequency radiation to identify

objects bearing tags. It consists of a reader which transmits a signal according to a carrier

frequency, to one or more tags within its specific range. There are three types of tags, the first are

the passive tags, they are powered by the energy produced by the reader, the antenna captures

certain frequencies from the reader who provide enough energy to allow it to issue in turn its

unique identifier, the second type are the active tags, contain an internal battery used to operate

the chip and to broadcast a signal to a reader, the third are the semi passive tags, they act as

passive tags in communication, but their battery allow them, for example to record data during

transport [20].

2.1.2 Brief History of the Line Switching System

Research has shown that proper line switching can resolve system emergency and boost

system security margin. Line Switching is employed when a normal transmission line is switched

to one of the standby transmission lines due to the occurrence of fault, and when the switched

normal transmission line is recovered, control returns to the recovered normal transmission line.

It is needed when a transmission line is disconnected or a fault is found on the transmission line.

A transmission line is switched over to another transmission line by a line switching system. At

the same time, it becomes indispensable to use a line switching system which can deal with the

fault of the transmission lines with a high speed, to improve reliability of line services [8].

Recently, multiple national and worldwide directives are called for the development of advanced

transmission technologies as well as optimizing the use of transmission [7].

It is pointed out that corrective transmission switching can be used to improve the reliability of

the grid as well as the operational efficiency. Moreover, paper [9] shows that transmission

switching is effective for load shedding recovery under emergency and contingency situations.


After the research done, several articles that are concerned about Line Switching over Power line

were found, among them;

B. Filipovic-Grcic et al [10] deals with the application of controlled switching techniques for

limitation of switching over voltages (SOVs) and transient currents on the 400 kV transmission

line with capacitive voltage transformers installed at both ends. It shows that the controlled

switching significantly reduces SOVs, current transients and energy stress of station surge

arrestors. The controlled switching is a method for eliminating harmful transients via time

controlled switching operations. Consequently, the controlled switching reduces the mechanical

and electromagnetic stresses of the high voltage equipment and also prevents the unwanted

operation of relay operation. This work has to do with clearing of transient faults for improving

continuity of power supply. It is thus limited to high voltages and applicable to transmission


Garng M. Huang et al [11] investigates the stability issues that might arise when incorporating

transmission line switching into smart grid planning and operation. To demonstrate the

feasibility of line switching, scenarios and dynamic simulations were used to demonstrate system

security margin and online stability issues. Results shows that proper line switching can resolve

system energy and boost system security margin, even though less transmission lines were used.

It also reveals that small signal instability can be triggered by line switching. This work was

employed in transmission lines for system stability. Thus, limited to transmission lines and

stability issues that has to do with proper line switching.

Tada et al [8] introduces an object of the present invention to provide a line switching system for

switching lines by using APS bytes, in the case where the line disconnection between the nodes

is found, or a fault is found in the transmission devices of the nodes, in an optical transmitting

system in which a plurality of optical transmission devices are connected in a ring form, via

optical transmission lines. A line switching system for switching transmission lines of the present

invention when a fault is found in a transmission line may comprise optical transmission lines,

and a plurality of nodes connected in a ring form via the optical transmission lines, wherein

nodes which are located adjacent to a place on the optical transmission lines, where a fault is

found, exchange data using APS (Automatic Protection Switch) bytes to switch one transmission

path to the other transmission path. With this system, there is no need to be conscious of the state

for setting the lines of the entire system. Only finding a detour route is required for only the

carrier sent and received between APS nodes. Thus, it becomes possible to reduce the time

required for switching and the amount of managing data.

Yoshimi Hirati [12] developed an object of the present invention to provide a transmission line

switching system capable of reliably performing transmission line switching without the need for

an exclusive transmission line for transmitting line switching information. In order to achieve the

above object of the present invention, there is provided a transmission line switching system

including a plurality of normal transmission lines and a plurality of standby transmission lines.

This has to do with transmission line switching in which when a failure occurs on any of the

normal transmission lines, switching is performed to switch transmission to one of the standby

transmission lines, and when the switched normal transmission line recovers, control is returned

to the recovered normal transmission line.

Michael E. et al [ CITATION JSa16 \l 1033 ] presents Arduino based Radio Frequency Identification

(RFID) Line Switching using Solid State Relay (SSR) to ensure the safety of operators or

technologists and to also to avert the problems associated with relays and contactors using SSR.

In this work, no individual phase selection. Intentionally engineering rolling black out is

encouraged as the healthy phase(s) is not separated from the faulty phase (s), instead all lines are

either switched to logic 0V (off) or to logic high (5V). During maintenance or clearing of faults,

all phases are taken out of supply irrespective of whether faulty or not, hence the objective of

power system protection cannot be realised as continuity of power supply is not encouraged.

2.2.1 Brief History of Arduino

Arduino is hardware of open source platform that is developed to build an advanced computer

capable of sensing, interacting and controlling more than the average desktop computer; it has its

focus based on a microcontroller board on an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Arduino can simultaneously act as a sensor and an actuator; hence it is basically a cross-

prototyping platform [16].

There are different types of Arduino, which includes: Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino

Leonardo, Arduino Lilypad, Arduino Mega, Arduino Mini, Arduino Mini Pro, Arduino

Dneilanove and Arduino BT [17].

The reference model for the Arduino platform is the Arduino Uno and it consist of 14 digital

input/output pins, it is a microcontroller based on ATmega 328P, with operating voltage of 5v, 6

pins out of the 14 digital input/output pins can function as Pulse Wave Modulated (PWM) pins

with 6 analogue pins, a reset button, a power jack, a 16MHz crystal oscillator and an In Circuit

Serial Programming (ICSP) header. The input voltage range recommended is 7 to12v but a limit

of 6 to 20v is allowed, it is powered through the Arduino Universal Serial Bus (USB) via an

external power supply or battery. [18].

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) makes use of C and C++ programming

languages to produce sketches that are the computer programmes to programme the Arduino


Arduino, due to its portability, flexibility, ease of use, low cost, open source development and

independent software development appeal to electronics enthusiast, amateurs, and students

compared to other microcontroller toolkits [19].


The execution of this project was done with low cost materials such as; transformer, diodes,

capacitors, bridge rectifier, connecting wires and some other components, the following are

theoretical background of some of the major components used in this design.

2.3.1 Relay

Relays are of paramount importance in power systems as they are responsible for controlling any

over voltage or over current and at the same time protecting the devices from these ill factors. A

relay is a protective device and a switch that works on the principle of electromagnetic induction

to switch power on and off. The switching between ON and OFF is done with the help of an

electromagnet thus eliminating the need for a manual operation.

A relay is employed when there is a requirement to control huge amount of voltage or current

with the use of a small electrical signal. Sophisticated relays protect electrical power systems

against trouble and power blackouts. Therefore, relays can be used in the control and regulation

of power generation and distribution.

Prior to the advent of semiconductor technology, electromagnetic relays have been the

component of choice, basically due to price, function and availability. With emergence of

Semiconductor technology, the means to manufacture solid state relays (SSRs) has being

provided which in many applications outperform their predecessors.

In static relays (solid state relays), the comparison or measurement of electrical current and

voltage quantities is performed by a non-moving circuit which gives an output signal for the

breaking of a circuit breaker. Static relays don’t have any moving parts, hence its name. Due to

the absence of moving parts, it experiences no effect of gravity or vibration or shock [12].

In this type of relay, instead of using magnetic coil or mechanical components, analogue

electronic devices are used to create the relay characteristics and the incoming current or voltage

waveforms are monitored by analogue circuits, not digitized [13].

These relays use semiconductor devices like diodes, SCR, TRIAC, power transistor etc. to

control load current. SSRs have many applications due to the following reasons which includes:

high accuracy, relative simplicity, are highly reliable and have a long life, they do not have any

moving parts or contact bounce which lead to arc less switching, and thus have a fast response


2.3.2 Transformer

Transformer is a stationary device which operates based on the principle of electromagnetic

induction designed to transform the electric power from one level to another. A transformer

either steps up or step down voltage and current at the same frequency. It consists of two coils

(primary and secondary) of insulated wire wound round a laminated steel core, which are

mutually inductive to each other [21]. When an alternating voltage is supplied to the primary

coil, a magnetic flux is induced in the laminated steel core, this flux is linked to the secondary

coil via mutual induction of Electromotive Force (E.M.F), which is given by faraday’s law of

electromagnetic induction shown in equation 2.1;

e= 2.1

Where ϕ=magnetic flux induced

For an ideal transformer, the primary voltage, V 1is supplied to the transformer is given in

equation 2.2;

V 1=N 1 2.2

Changing the subject of formula of equation 2.2, equation 2.3 is obtained thus;

dϕ V 1
= 2.3
dt N 1

The induced secondary voltage, V 2is given in equation 2.4 as;

V 2=N 2 2.4

dϕ V 2
Where =
dt N 2

From equation 2.2 and 2.4, is shown in equation 2.5

dϕ V 1 V 2
= = 2.5
dt N 1 N 2

V 1 i2
Also, = =n 2.6
V 2 i1


V 1=¿ Primary voltage

V 2=¿ Secondary voltage

i 1=¿ Primary current

i 2=¿ Secondary current

N 1=¿ Numbers of primary turns

N 2=¿ Numbers of secondary turns

n=Ratiobetween primary∧secondary turns

2.3.3 Resistors

Resistors resist the flow of current in an electric circuit by producing voltage drop across its

terminals in accordance with Ohm’s law [22]. Resistor is a two terminal widely used circuit

element. Resistors are mostly used to regulate the flow of current and voltage drop in circuits; it

reduces voltages in power circuit when power is dissipated. A resistor is usually characterized by

its resistance by its Resistance, R, given in equation 2.7;

R= Ohms 2.7


V =voltage across the resistor measured∈Volts(V )

I =current flowing through the conductor measured ∈Ampere ( A) .

R=resistance ¿ the flow of current measured∈Ohms (Ω)

The equation given in equation 2.7 is known as Ohm’s law.

Whenever current flows through resistor, heat energy is generated with a resultant rise in

temperature. If a resistor having a resistance, R Ohm, passes a current of, I Ampere, the power,

P, dissipated in the resistor is given in equation 2.8 as;

P=I 2 R Watt 2.8

Every resistor has its power rating. Hence, the power rating of any resistor is the maximum

power that can be dissipated without a rise in temperature that can damage the resistor.

2.3.4 Voltage regulator

Voltage regulator is designed to maintain a constant voltage level automatically. Electronic

voltage regulators are used in devices such as computer power supply to stabilize the DC

voltages used by the computer and other elements. Voltage regulators have the capability to

withstand overcurrent drawn due to overheating and short circuit and the regulator shuts down

before any damage occurs.

2.3.5 Rectifier

A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC),

which flows in only one direction through a process known as rectification. Rectifiers are often

used as components of DC power supply and high DC voltage power transmission system. A

rectifier circuit is as shown in Figure 2.1

There are two types of rectifiers, half-wave rectifier and full-wave rectifier. In half-wave

rectifier, a single diode connected in series to load resistor is used. An alternating current is given

as input which is feed to a step-down transformer and the resulting reduced output of transformer

is given to the diode and load resistor as shown in Figure 2.2. The output voltage is measured

across load resistor.

Figure 2.1 Rectifier Circuit

Figure 2.2 Circuit Diagram and Waveform of Half-wave Rectifier Circuit

For full-wave rectification, an output voltage or current which has specific DC component or

purely DC is produced. The average DC output voltage of full-wave rectification is higher than

that of half wave rectification, output obtained from the full-wave rectifier has fewer ripples

compared to that of half-wave rectifier, hence, producing a smoother output waveform as shown

in Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4 respectively. There are two types off full-wave rectifier; the centre

tapped rectifier and the bridge rectifier. Figure 2.5 shows a centre tapped full wave rectification.

Figure 2.3 Input waveform of full-wave bridge rectifier

Figure 2.4 Output waveform of full-wave bridge rectifier

Figure 2.5 Centre tapped full-wave rectification

2.3.6 Liquid Crystal Display

In microcontroller systems, output are usually displayed on 7 segments display, light emitting

diodes (LED) or liquid crystal display (LCD). LCDs are 16 characters by 2 rows alphanumeric or

graphical data display. It could operate in 4-bit or 8-bit bus mode which would require 4 or 8

input/output data line respectively and 3 control lines are needed for its operation. Most LCDs

have the ability to display several lines, colour displays, graphics display, and backlight to allow

view in dim light. LCDs are made up of grids of pixel which are arranged into smaller grids

making up the characters. There are parallel and serial types LCDs. The connection o a typical

LCD is shown in figure 2.6;

Figure 2.6 Liquid Crystal Display

2.3.7 Capacitors

A capacitor is a passive electrical component which has the capacity to store energy in the form

of an electrical charge producing a potential difference across its plate. Structurally, capacitors

consist of two conducting parallel plates electrically separated from each other by a thin layer of

insulating material called Dielectric shown in Figure 2.7 such as; air, mica, ceramic, waxed

paper, plastic [23]. When the capacitor is connected to a voltage source, the capacitor charges

slowly, during which a charge (Q) is moved from one of the conducting plate to another, giving

one of the conducting plates a positive charge (+Q) and the other a negative charge (-Q). this set

up a potential difference between the plates with the positively charged plate at higher potential

than the negatively charged plates. The amount of charge Q required to generate a potential

difference V between the plates by a capacitor is its Capacitance.

Figure 2.7 Capacitor



The project designed and constructed is An Arduino Based RFID Line Switching System using

SSR with Individual Phase Selection. The system was conceived so as to ensure safety for

maintenance and protection engineers in the field of power. The system is illustrated with the

block diagram shown in Figure 3.1. It comprises of ac-dc converter unit, OR gate, controller unit,

sensor unit, relay unit display unit, switches and load.



Figure 3.1. Block diagram of the system

3.2 AC to DC Converter Unit

This is achieved via the use of a 12V step down transformer TR1 as shown in the Figure 2

below. The mains is step down from 220V to 12VAC. This is then converted to DC via the

bridge rectifier BR1. The DC power produced still has some elements of AC which is then

filtered off via the use of capacitor C1. Afterwards, voltage regulators of 9V and 5V are used

since 9V is used to power the Arduino board while the 89C52 is powered with 5V.

Figure 3.2. Circuit diagram of the power circuit

Mathematical analysis of power unit

Q=CV =IT . If V is the ripple voltage ¿ the output of therectifier , then, V =δV .

But δV = peakvoltage−Vmin .

Peakvoltage=√ 2 ×Vrms

Vrms=12 V

Therefore , p eakvoltage=16.97V (The dielectric voltage of the capacitor must not be less than

this voltage)

Since siliconmaterial is used , 1.4 V is deducted . Therefore , Peakvoltage=15.57 V

But Vmin=Vreg+ head

But it was put into consideration that sometimes public supply of power isn’ t more than 180V .

At that point the voltage supplied ¿ thetransformer will be less than 24 V but will be about

9.8 according ¿ the expression

230 V 12 V

( 180× 12)
180 V

Therefore the peakvoltage is=√ 2 ×Vrms

Peakvoltage=¿ √ 2 ×9.39=13.28Volts

Then the output as a result of barrier voltage of the siliconmaterial is 26.56−1.4=11.88V

Let the head be 3 V .

Therefore , Vmin=5+3=8 V

δV =11.88−8=3.88 V

t= when f =50 Hz


C= but I =0.5 Amps

(0.01 ×0.5)
C= =1289 ×10−6 this is approximately 1000 µF .


The use of the Gate is to ensure that power is supplied to the controller whenever power is

detected either before or after the fuses. To achieve this, diodes D1, D2 and D3 was used as

shown in the Figure 3. Figure 4. Shows the three phase AC to DC converter with voltage


Figure 3. The circuit diagram of AC to DC converter with Diodes as OR gate.

Figure 4. Circuit diagram of the three phase supply with voltage regulator.

The controller used for selection of the phases is 89C52. The controller was clocked with 12MHz

crystal at pin 18 and 19. Also, pin 40 and pin 31 are connected to 5V while pin 20 is grounded.

This will aid the system to be powered and enabled so as to fetch instructions from within its

memory. Pin 9 is connected to 5V supply via a 1µf capacitor. The circuit is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Circuit diagram of the controller connected to the power supply.


The display used for the purpose of human machine interaction is a 16 by 2 liquid crystal display

shown in Figure 6. The device has 8 data pins D0 to D7. The register select (RS) pin is used to

determine if data sent to the LCD is an instruction or a data to be displayed. The enable pin (E)

aids the enabling of the display. While the read/write pin when low ensures that data is written

on the display. Figure 7 shows how the LCD is interfaced with the other part of the circuit.

Figure 6. Symbolic representation of LCD.

Figure 7. Circuit diagram of the LCD interfaced with the circuit.


The button was introduced to ensure the selection of active lines. The momentary switches called

buttons are connected in series with 1kohms resistor as shown in the Figure 8. Closing the switch

will aid the output of 0V which is logic low while if opened it outputs logic high.

Figure 8. Circuit description of the system and buttons added.


The Arduino used as shown in Figure 9 is Arduino Uno R3. The micro controller board is made

with ATMEGA328 which has 14 digital input and output pins, 6 analog inputs, 16MHz ceramic

resonator, USB connector and many more. However, because of the different modules within it,

this controller was chosen to reduce cost and time of design. The controller serves as the central

processing unit of the whole design. It is interfaced RFID Reader and the 89C52. The

specification of the controller is seen in Table 1 .Figure 11 shows the device in the whole circuit.

Figure 9. Pictorial view of Arduino Uno R3

Table 3.1: Specification of Arduino Uno R3 controller


1. Micro-controller ATMEGA328

2. Operating Voltage 5V
3. Recommended input voltage 7V-12V
4. Input voltage limit 6V-20V
5. Digital input output pin 14
6. Analog pins 6
7. DC current at input output pin 40mA
8. Flash memory 32kB
9. SRAM 2kB
10. EEPROM 1kB
11. Clock speed 16MHz


The sensor as shown in Figure 4, used in this work is a Mafare product MFRC522. The

3V driven sensor comes with a card (RFID tag). This card is embedded with some information

which is picked up by the sensor at proximity and then interpreted by the controller.

PLATE 10. Pictorial view of the RFID sensor


This is an opto-coupler made up of a light emitting diode and a photo triac. For the triac to allow

AC power to flow through, the LED has to be ON. This is achieved when the controller sends

Logic 1 (5V) to a resistor R1 connected in series with the LED as shown in Figure 11. However

in this project, three SSR were used for switching the three phases.

Figure 11. Circuit diagram of SSR

Figure12. Complete circuit diagram




This chapter employs the use of modular design to explain the various units of the line

switching system. It gives a concise report on how the performance of all units were put to test,

the tabulated results obtained from the tests and the physical implications of the various results


4.3 Testing of Circuit Units

4.2.1 Power Supply Unit

The use of power supply for testing and implementing any useful electronic circuit is very

essential. This unit consist of a transformer which steps down 230V AC to 12V AC. Afterwards,

the 12V AC is converted to DC via the use of a bridge rectifier and then a capacitor is used to

filter and remove the ripples of the DC obtained. 7809 and 7805 voltage regulators are used to

achieve a regulated 9V and 5V DC respectively. The supply was measured using a multi-meter.

The test carried out in this unit is to verify the output voltage supplied by the unit.

The input voltage from the AC mains supply was measured to ascertain that the value is neither

too high nor too low. The input wires of the step-down transformer were connected to the mains

supply and the output AC voltage was observed and duly noted. The Multi-meter knob was

carefully switched for appropriate DC value measurement, polarity was ascertained and the

voltages across bridge rectifier and voltage regulators were measured and noted in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Voltage Results obtained from Power Supply Unit Test

Component Input Output Obtained Expected Remark
(V) (V) Value (V)
Transformer 230.00 11.60 12.00 As a result of coil
Bridge 12.00 10.60 12.00 As a result of barrier
Rectifier voltage.
LM7805 9.90 4.60 5.00 As a result of silicon
material that is used.
LM7809 9.90 8.60 9.00 As a result of silicon
material that is used.

4.2.2 Controller Unit

The controller unit is the central processor of the work; the controller used is an Arduino Uno

R3. It is made up of microcontroller ATMEGA328, a USB port, 14 inputs and output ports, 6

analog inputs, 5V output, 3V output and many more. It is the component that receives and

process data for further control actions.

4.2.3 Display Unit

A variable resistor is used to adjust the brightness and contrast of the LCD display to ensure and

proper visibility of the LCD; it was tested on a DC supply within the range of +9V to 5V.

4.2.4 RFID Unit

The 3V driven RFID sensor comes with an RFID tag. This card is embedded with some

information which is picked up by the sensor at proximity and then interpreted by the controller.


The design was tested and the following results were obtained.

Table 4.2 Experimental result of the power circuit

S/ Power IN Power Out

Red Phase Yellow Phase Blue Phase
1. 0 0 0 0 Key; Power Out=1 when 12V

2. 0 0 1 1 is measured and Power Out=0

3. 0 1 0 1
4. 0 1 1 1 when 0V is measured.
5. 1 0 0 1
6. 1 0 1 1 Table 4.3 shows the
7. 1 1 0 1
8. 1 1 1 0 experimental result of the

phase selected and output of phase(s) available upon selection.

Table 4.3 Experimental result of phase selection and output

S/ Red Phase Yellow Red Phase Output

N Phase
1. 0 0 0 NIL
2. 0 0 1 Blue Phase
3. 0 1 0 Yellow Phase
4. 0 1 1 Yellow & Blue Phase
5. 1 0 0 Red Phase
6. 1 0 1 Red & Blue Phase
7. 1 1 0 Red & Yellow Phase
8. 1 1 1 ALL
Key: 1=Selected

0=Not selected

Table 4.4 shows the lamp that comes on in phase with the line selected from the output obtained

in Table 4.3 above only after swiping the RFID card on the RFID sensor.

Table 4.4 Experimental control of the RFID control of the phases

S/N Output L1 L2 L3

1. NIL 0 0 0

2. Blue Phase 0 0 1

3. Yellow Phase 0 1 0

4. Yellow & Blue 0 1 1

5. Red Phase 1 0 0

6. Red & Blue Phase 1 0 1

7. Red & Yellow Phase 1 1 0

8. ALL 1 1 1

Key: L1=Lamp 1, L2=Lamp 2, L3=Lamp 3

0= When lamp comes off

1= When lamp comes on.


Table 4.2 shows that the main circuit is powered whenever any of the phases is available; The

OR Gate is used to ensure that power is supplied to the controller whenever power is detected in

any of the phases. Table 4.3 shows the phase(s) available upon selection. Table 4.4 shows the

effect of the phase(s) selected on the lamp(s) when the RFID Card was swiped across the sensor.

The lamp(s) turns on when it correspond with the phase(s) selected and the lamp(s) turns off

when the phase(s) is/are not selected only after the RFID Card has being swiped on the sensor.




This chapter summarizes the work done on the Arduino Based RFID Line Switching System

Using SSR with Individual Phase Selection, the result obtained, problems encountered during the

course of development of this project and open issues discussing the various recommendations

for future purposes in order to improve the quality of the project.





The Limitations of this project though specific is not wholly exclusive to the Arduino Based

RFID Line Switching System Using SSR with Individual Phase Selection, these limitations



In Engineering no system is perfect but all undergoes a gradual increase in efficiency and

purpose, therefore, in view of this the following recommendations are given for the project

‘Arduino Based RFID Line Switching System Using SSR with Individual Phase Selection’ for

future purposes:



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