FF Advanced: Bodywork Integration For Splits & Bridges

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FF Advanced: Bodywork

Integration for Splits & Bridges

Gold Medal Bodies

GMB FF Advanced: Bodywork Integration for Splits & Bridges

©2013 Gold Medal Bodies, Super 301, Inc
Ryan C. Hurst, Jarlo L. Ilano, PT, MPT, OCS, & Andy Fossett

All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced for review purposes, but other reproduction requires written permission from
Super 301. Please contact us at GoldMedalBodies.com for more information.

The information in this document is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. Since we have no control
over physical conditions surrounding the application of information in this book the author and publisher disclaim any liability for
untoward results including (but not limited) any injuries or damages arising out of any person's attempt to rely upon any information
herein contained. The exercises described in this book are for information purposes, and may be too strenuous or even dangerous for
some people. The reader should consult a physician before starting this or any other exercise program.

When purchasing products from Gold Medal Bodies / Super 301, the purchaser understands the risk associated with using this type of
product, and the purchaser understands the risk associated with following instructions from related products, and agrees not to hold
Super 301, its agents and/or representatives responsible for injuries or damages resulting from use without proper supervision.

This course and its authors accept no responsibility for any liability, injuries or damages arising out of any person's attempt to rely upon
any information contained herein. Consult your doctor before beginning training. Be sure to follow all safety and installation
instructions included with your equipment carefully. The authors and publisher of this course are not responsible for problems related
to the equipment you use to perform these exercises.

Please be sure to thoroughly read the instructions for all exercises in this course, paying particular attention to all cautions and
warnings shown to ensure safety.

If you experience acute injury or persistent, chronic pains, consult a licensed health practitioner. Nothing in this document can be
considered a substitute for qualified medical advice.

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Gold Medal Bodies

INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................4

How Does It Work? 4

How To Use This Protocol 5

OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................6

How To Get Started 6

The Focused Flexibility Protocol 6

APPLYING THE TECHNIQUES..........................................................................................................7

Front Splits 7

Side Splits 7

Bridges 8


FF Advanced - 3
Gold Medal Bodies

Congratulations and welcome to decrease in muscle tension which allows you to move
deeper into the stretch.
FF Advanced:

Bodywork Integration for Splits & Bridges!

H ow D oes It Work?
Though improving flexibility is often just a matter of patient,
consistent and steady practice, there are a couple of There are many theories for this phenomenon, but two are
strategies that can hasten the process along. the most appropriate for this discussion.

1. The best method is to enlist the aid of a health Trigger Point Theory
care professional experienced in soft tissue and
joint work. They can often jumpstart your ★ The trigger point theory states that there are
progress by targeting areas that are difficult for hyperirritable palpable nodules in taut bands of
you to work on by yourself. tissue which prevent proper relaxation of the
2. Second, is the use of various tools (such as firm muscle. Treatment of these points would then
balls or other similar objects and foam rollers) lead to an immediate improvement in range of
and strategic application of soft tissue tactics motion.
on these areas.
Counterstimulation Theory
This protocol explained in FF Advanced involves the use of ★ The counterstimulation theory (diffuse noxious
soft tissue work (either self massage or partner assisted) to inhibitory control) posits that a painful stimulus
help improve your body’s response to flexibility training. decreases the response of another stimulus.
Essentially you experience pain and discomfort
which lessons the discomfort elsewhere. In this
theory, the pressure pain from massage
With a little practice and intuition, this technique can spur
increases your stretch tolerance so you can
you on to greater gains in your range of motion. When move further into the stretch position.
performed immediately prior to stretching, there is often a

FF Advanced - 4
Gold Medal Bodies
Regardless of the mechanism, soft tissue work prior to
stretching has been consistently helpful for many people
and the methods we show here are relatively easy to apply
with the help of a partner. They can even be done on your
own with the appropriate tools.

How To U s e T h i s P ro to co l

In the accompanying videos, we demonstrate the techniques

on three specific skills:

1. Front Splits
2. Side Splits
3. Bridge

Though we show them on these specific moves, the

principles can be applied to any body area before any
associated movement.

The splits and bridge were chosen because these are

positions that confound many people and take quite a bit of
time and effort to do well.

The methods shown here can help move things along.

FF Advanced - 5
Gold Medal Bodies

H ow To G et Star te d The Fo c us ed Flexibility P rotocol

1. Choose a tender point on the muscles that you Just in case you need a refresher on the FF Protocol, here it
are working on and apply pressure (either with is!
your hands or using an implement such as a
rubber ball or foam roller).
1. Get into the position
2. Hold this pressure for 1 to 2 minutes, or until a
sensation of “release” is felt. 2. Do a short hold for 10 to 20 seconds
- Do not continue the pressure if there is an 3. Move back and forth into the stretch (dynamic
increase in pain or if you feel a sharp or contraction) for 10 repetitions
numbing sensation. 4. Then do another short hold for 10 to 20
3. Seek out other points in the muscle group and seconds
perform the same technique. 5. Then move back and forth into the stretch again
- When first using this method, do only 3 (dynamic contraction) for another 10 repetitions
points at most until you see how your body 6. Finally, do another hold (and feel free to hold
responds, then you can work on more points for a longer period this time, 30 seconds to
as you can tolerate. greater than a minute)
4. Immediately after you are finished with the soft 7. Get out of the stretch (and perform the same
tissue work, choose a stretch and apply the FF dynamic contraction to maintain tension as you
protocol. (see next section for review). return to neutral)
5. Start slow with light pressure and just a couple
of body areas and then increase pressure and
number of points as you get used to the

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Gold Medal Bodies


Fron t Spl i t s Sid e Splits

H i p F lexo rs Hip Ad d uc tors

1. Start at the Psoas and work down into the leg 1. Start higher up on the leg and work towards the
to the Rectus Femoris knee
2. For self massage, place a ball on elevated 2. Move into Frog and Pancake stretches
books so you can access the Psoas
3. Move into the Kneeling Lunge Variation

H a m str i n g s

1. Start higher and in the middle of your

hamstrings and work your way down
2. Move into the Hamstring Variation stretches

Side Splits work: Lacrosse ball to inner thigh with hip rotation

FF Advanced - 7
Gold Medal Bodies

B r i dges

S h o u ld e r E x te ns o rs

1. Start in the armpit and work down the side of

the body and down the side of the arm.
2. Move into Upper Thoracic Extension stretch
and the full Bridge position

Bridge work: Soft tissue work to pectorals

S h o u ld e r A d d u c to rs

1. Start in the “crease” of the front of your

shoulder and work towards the sternum
2. Move into the Prone Scaption Rotation stretch
and the full Bridge position

S h o u ld e r R o ta to r C uf f

1. Start in the backside of the armpit and work

toward the middle of the back.
2. Move into the Posterior Shoulder Opener and
the full Bridge position
Bridge work: The full bridge

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Gold Medal Bodies


While the Front and Side Splits, and the full Bridge position
are advanced maneuvers that many people aspire to attain,
the protocol and soft tissue techniques themselves aren’t
necessarily “advanced.”

They be used for any position and stretch you’d like to


Just apply careful thought and patience when working on

these techniques, and please don’t treat your body as a
piece of clay you can forcefully mold into whatever you’d

All the best to you in your efforts to move freely and well!
This protocol isn’t meant to be a shortcut to bypass a
mindful and patient approach to improving your flexibility.
It’s simply meant as another good option to help you Thank you. We hope to see you soon!
achieve your goals. The GMB Team
Ryan, Jarlo, Andy, Amber, Rachel, and Clayton
Improving flexibility requires as much mental concentration
and ability as it does physical effort, so search for your
progress with sensibility and a respect for learning and

FF Advanced - 9

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