Intelligent Ambulance Traffic Control: Aim & Objective Literature Survey

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JUNE 2020
Guide : Sri. RAJESH MS
Coordinator : DR. DEEPA J


The pace at which the world is developing is very high today. As The project aims in automatically clearing the traffic when an emergency SL IEEE PAPERS AUTHOR YEAR REMARK
the population increases day by day the number of vehicles also vehicle is approaching the traffic signal. This intelligent traffic control system NO.
clears the traffic congestion and thereby ensuring that the ambulance moves 1
‘’Low cost traffic M.E. 2013 Zigbee is used for communicationbetween and traffic
increases on the roads. This leads to high traffic jams in big cities. control system for Harikumar lampost.The range of ZigBee module is limited to a
One of the widely affected service due to traffic jams is that of an smoothly through the junction without stopping at traffic signals. In other emergency vehicles maximum of 100m
using Zigbee ”
ambulance. Many a times, an ambulance consist of emergency or words, the red lights has to be turned to green on the path of the ambulance, 2 RFID-Based Smart Tejas Nalk 2010 Emergency vehicles are identified when an RFID signal
critical patients which needs to be taken to the hospital in hence helping in clearing the traffic and providing a way towards its Traffic Control of certain range is detected .If the received signal is
Framework for from ambulance, lane is cleared.
minimum amount of time. Most of the times this becomes a destination. Emergency Vehicles Maximum reading range is 10m
difficult task when an area is flooded with traffic jams. With an
3 Removing Traffic Rajneesh 2012 GPS will convey the details of ambulance to traffic
intelligent traffic control system we can get rid of this problem The proposed system consists of IR proximity sensors which will be placed on Congestion at Traffic Tanwar lights which is used to control the traffic.
and also the implementation of proximity sensors on the roads either sides of the lane. By using this technique, based on the output from the Lights Using GPS
will help us to save a lot of time and congestion cost related to sensors the system will assign priorities to each lane and control the time for
traffic. which the lane signal remains green. In other words, traffic light of the lane
where the density of vehicles is the highest is cleared first.


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light to green signal immediately. In the normal operation the IR number of vehicles and can easily trigger the signal based on the result. The Intelligent Traffic System: A Review, Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), 2011 3rd
sensors present on both the sides of the lane gets activated combination of these two systems would easily control the traffic and will help International Conference on Issue Date: 8-10 April 2011
whenever vehicles are between them. Thus based on the output [4] Malik Tubaishat, Qi Qi, Yi Shang and Hongchi Shi, Wireless Sensor-Based Traffic Light
emergency vehicles to reach their destinations on time.
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values of the sensor, the microcontroller defines different ranges
for traffic light delays and updates those accordingly.

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