Sar Veena 2016

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Exchange bias field in mixed arrangement of NiO-Ni nanoparticles

Sarveena, Shalendra Kumar, M. Singh, and S. K. Sharma

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 050115 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4947769

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Exchange bias field in mixed arrangement of NiO-Ni
Sarveena1, Shalendra Kumar2, M. Singh1 and, S. K. Sharma3,1
Department of Physics, H. P. University, Shimla Pin 171005 India
Institute of Basic Sciences, Changwon National University, Gyeongnam 641-773, Republic of Korea
Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP, Campinas, 13.083-859, SP, Brazil

Abstract. Three samples of naturally mixed Ni (>120 nm) and NiO (~ 10 nm) were prepared with different particle
diameters/distributions and amount of metallic nickel. Exchange bias effect has been observed and strongly depends upon both
particle sizes/distributions and concentration of Ni, achieving the highest value (~ 2200 Oe at 5 K) for the pure NiO, while the
corresponding value for the sample with maximum Ni concentration is ~ 70 Oe. This is tentatively explained taking into account
the effect of induced dipolar field by bigger Ni particles on the stabilization of magnetically ordered surface regions of the
smaller NiO nanoparticles.
Keywords: Magnetic properties of nanostructures
PACS: 75.75.-c

In magnetic recording devices, a large exchange bias
field, HEX is one of the important requirements for the Firstly, the Ni-metallic precursor was prepared from
thermal stabilization of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs). the stoichiometric amount of Ni(NO3)2.6H2O (0.1
Furthermore, the enhancement and tunable HEX in mmol, 0.029g), triphenylphosphine (0.3 mmol,
nanomaterials is currently an active area of research, 0.078g) and tetraethyl ammonium chloride hydrated
whereas the study of the internal magnetic structure (0.03 mmol, 0.016g), which were mixed in 40 mL of
and interparticle interaction of magnetic NPs is of warm acetonitrile (ACN) and heated at 75 oC for 3-4
great interest from both fundamental as well hours under continuous Ar flux with intermediate
technological points of view1-2. stirring. Crystals of desired size can be achieved by
In the present work we investigate the effect of the co- cooling the solution slowly to room temperature.
existence of two different kinds of particles with Thereafter, 30 mL of 1-octadecene and x mL (x = 1.5,
considerable dipole-dipole interactions. One kind of 3.5 and 10 mL) of oleyamine (OLA) were slowly
particles is NiO NPs (mean size ~ 10-12 nm) with added to this solid solution (keeping the molar ratio of
core-shell morphology, labeled as NiO small particles. Ni/OLA=1:10, 1:25 and 1:70). The above mixture was
The other type are Ni particles (size >100 nm), labeled slowly heated up to a final temperature of 225 0C for 1
as big Ni particles. It is worth mentioning that the big hour under Ar flux with heating rate of ~ 3 °C/min.
particles have the typical internal multi-domain Finally, the solution was cooled down to room
magnetic structure as in bulk-like magnetic materials. temperature. The nanoparticles were washed adding
It is observed that changing the relative amount of excess of ethanol and centrifugation. The samples
each type of particle, i.e., the NiO/Ni number of were thereafter designated as S10, S25 and S70,
particle ratio, the HEX and the collective magnetic respectively.
response change drastically. Therefore, it is possible to The particle diameters and its distribution were
show that the big Ni nanoparticles in this type of measured by means of transmission electron
geometrical arrangement system can be conveniently microscopy (TEM) (300 keV JEM 3010 microscope)
used as pinning magnetic centers for stabilization of The structure was determined by X-ray diffraction
the frustrated magnetic structure within the core-shell (XRD) (Philips, X-PERT) and the magnetic properties
NiO nanoparticles. were measured with a SQUID (Quantum Design,
MPMS XL) magnetometer as well as a commercial

DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015

AIP Conf. Proc. 1731, 050115-1–050115-3; doi: 10.1063/1.4947769
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1378-8/$30.00

PPMS (Quantum Design) magnetometer installed with with the XRD analysis, but quite different for the big
VSM option with fields up to 140 kOe. Ni particles (for S25 and S70) as shown in Fig. 1(d-e).


Figure 1(a) and (b) highlights the morphology for NiO
(S10) NPs with the faceted-spherical shape and core-
shell internal structure, whereas the image in Fig. 1(c)
corresponds to S70.

Figure 2 Illustrative sketch of the possible arrangement

of the particles in each sample along with respective
amounts of Ni and NiO phase.

In Figure 2, the red arrows in big Ni particles are an

illustrative picture of a simplified internal magnetic
structure with internal domain walls, where the
effective magnetization is zero for each Ni particle.
For sample S25, some of the small NiO particles are
Figure 1 TEM images for sample (a) S10 and (c) S70. closer to the big Ni ones, and their magnetic surface
The inset (b) corresponds to the HR-TEM image for contribution is stabilized, whereas for S70, all the
one particle of sample S10 with core-shell internal smaller NiO particles are closer to the big Ni ones and
structure, (d-e) histogram of the bigger and smaller hence their magnetic surface contribution is almost
particle size distribution for S25 and S70 samples vanished.
We have recorded M versus T curves for the three
Briefly, the XRD (not shown here) pattern for S10 is samples measured under zero field cooling and field
characteristic of cubic NiO phase, whereas S25 and cooling (ZFC and FC) conditions (H = 20 Oe). It was
S70 consist of two set of diffraction peaks observed a noticeable effect on magnetic contribution
corresponding to hexagonal (hcp) FM-Ni and cubic arising from small NiO and big Ni particles (see
AFM-NiO phases. For S10 the average particle size of Figure 3). For S10, where the majority of magnetic
NiO NPs is ~ 8.0 ± 1.0 nm. Also, it is quite appealing contribution corresponds to NiO core-shell
to examine that there is no major increase in its value nanoparticles, MZFC consists of a maximum, TM ~ 53.4
with the increase in Ni/OLA ratio (for samples S25 K with TIRR ~ 200 K. Here TM is associated to the
and S70). We have further estimated the amount of mean blocking temperature, <T B> of the system and
hcp Ni and cubic NiO phase using the Reitveld fitting TIRR is the irreversibility temperature, reflecting a large
profiles. For S25, the amount of NiO phase decreases energy barrier distribution. Contrary, the MZFC for S25
from S10 (pure NiO phase) to 75 (± 6.0), whereas for has a similar trend as for S10, but with different TM
S70, the calculated amount of NiO phase is ~ 68 (± and TIRR values, 63 K and 220 K, respectively. This
3.0). On the other hand, it is noted from Fig.1 (d-e) clear shift in TM could be assigned owing to the
that for S25 and S70 one can clearly see two different susceptibility of thermally stabilized NiO phase, due to
size distributions and populations of particles (one the magnetic contribution of the big Ni particles.
with diameter similar to NiO as obtained for S10 and Interestingly, for S70, where the majority of magnetic
S25 and another, bigger one, with size ~190 ± 32 nm.) contribution arise due to the presence of multi-domain
Here, it is worth mentioning that the size of big big Ni particles (DTEM ~ 186 ± 31 nm), the ZFC-FC
particles for S25 is ~ 145 ± 24 nm. Interestingly, the curves follow the expected susceptibility of the AFM
population and the corresponding size distribution of NiO phase, where the susceptibility increases
small particles for all the samples are almost same and monotonically up to the Néel temperature (T~523 K).
are ~ 10.0 ± 2.0 nm). This is also in good agreement In fact, the magnetic anisotropy associated with the
core-shell NiO nanoparticles is drastically reduced due
to the surface magnetic stabilization, as is confirmed in

the temperature dependent magnetization hysteresis exchange bias (HEX) effect. However, HEX decreases
loops given in the later section. considerably for S25, almost vanishing for S70. The
results observed for the small NiO core-shell
nanoparticles show that the particles do not behave as
an ideal Stoner-Wohlfarth (SW) system3. From
structural point of view, one may visualize the
following magnetic structure for the small NiO
nanoparticles: each particle constituted by a
structurally disordered shell and a crystalline core. On
the other hand, the value HEX at 5 K for S25 reduces to
~ 67 % of value in comparison to that observed for
S10 (HEX ~ 2.2 kOe). This is due to the fact that the
mean dipolar field induced by the big Ni particles is
strong enough for the partial stabilization of the
magnetic surface regions of the small NiO
nanoparticles. This effect is even more pronounced in
case of S70, where the HEX practically negligible in
comparison to that of S10. Here, one can say that the
dipolar field induced by the big Ni particles competes
Figure 3 ZFC and FC magnetization for the with the coupling between the magnetic core and shell
investigated samples under an applied field of 100 Oe. components that occur within the small NiO
nanoparticles. As a result, HEX at low temperature is
drastically modified with the inclusion of the big Ni
Magnetization hysteresis loops were measured (T < particles.
TB), under ZFC and FC conditions (HFC= 20 kOe).
Some of striking features observed from the measured ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ZFC curves (not shown) are: they consist of two
distinctive regimes with different magnetic SKS are very grateful to FAPESP and CNPq for the
contributions; (i) a hysteresis contribution at low field financial support.
(it sharpens as the ratio of bigger to smaller particles
decreases), (ii) a linear component of magnetization at REFERENCES
high field, which might be associated to the magnetic 1
R. H. Kodama, A. Salah Makhlouf, and A. E. Berkowitz,
contribution of the shell of NiO nanoparticles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1393 (1997).
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Figure 4 Low field regions of the hysteresis curves

taken in FC mode at 5 K.

Interestingly, the loops for all samples show a shift

along -ve field axis, which is associated to the


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