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STUDENT NAME………………………………………………ID NUMBER

1. ABUSHE SETOTAW…………………………………………RU 3560/09

2. FREZER WORKU…………………….………………………RU 3787/09

3. ALAY DESSIE……….……………………………………….RU 0288/09



This is to certify that the project work entitled design and simulation of onion planting
machine is a work done by us, by the guidance and supervision of advisor Mr. Siraj M. in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Bachelor Degree in Mechanical
Engineering submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. We solemnly declare
that this thesis has not been submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of
any academic degree, diploma or certificate. We hereby declare that:-
Group Members ID No Signature

1. ABUSHE SETOTAW Ru/3560/09 ……………

2. ALAY DESSIE Ru/0288/09 ………… .

3. FREZER WORKU Ru/3785/09 …………..

On behalf our thesis work the above declaration made by the candidate is to certify the best of

our contribution and knowledge that we have:

Approved by:

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We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our advisor Mr. Siraj. Mr as
well as our department who gave us the opportunity to do this wonderful project on the
topic of visit coffee processing machine manufacturers and coffee processing enterprises.
Next we would also like to thank our parents and friends who helped us a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.

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Coffee is an important export commodity for Ethiopia contributing 41% of the
country‟s total foreign exchange earnings (IMF, 2006) and about 10% of the gross
domestic product. But there is still a problem in the way coffee is processed which could
lead to low quality coffee. Most farmers in Ethiopia process coffee cherries with a wet
processing method traditionally by hand equipment‟s. And some small scale industries
process dry coffees with dry coffee processing machineries imported from abroad and
some manufactured locally. Comparing the two methods it is found that the dry method
is simpler and needs smaller area.
The general objective of the project is to provide an effective of dry coffee processing
mechanism, which includes every machine component needed to produce a quality
coffee. And the specific objective of the project is to design the two basic components of
the dry coffee processing machine, the huller and the pre-cleaner. The design consist all
the assumption and calculation used to determine the dimensions of each machine parts
including the assembly and 3D CATIA model.
In this project, a new modified design of huller is introduced which is simpler and easy
to manufacture. We also recommend other interested students and designers improve it
further and manufacture all the other components.

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Table of Contents
DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................................iii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... iv

List of Figure ............................................................................................................................. vii

List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. ix

CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background........................................................................................................................ 1

1.1.1 Coffee production ....................................................................................................... 2

1.2 problem of statement ......................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Objective of the project ..................................................................................................... 5

1.3.1 General objective ........................................................................................................ 5

1.3.2 Specific objective ....................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Scope of the project ........................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................................... 6

LITRATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................................. 6

2.1 COFFEE PROCESSING IN ETHIOPIA .......................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Methods of coffee processing in Ethiopia .................................................................. 6

2. 2 Coffee Beans .................................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Types of Coffee Bean Plants ............................................................................................. 7

2.3.1 Coffee anatomy .......................................................................................................... 9

2.3.2 COFFEE PROCESSING ............................................................................................ 9

2.4. WET COFFEE PROCESSING ...................................................................................... 11

2.4.1 DRY PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 13

2.4.2 SEMI DRY PROCESS ............................................................................................. 14


2.5.1 COFFEE PRE CLEANERS: .................................................................................... 18

2.5.2 BUCKET ELEVATORS .......................................................................................... 18

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2.5.3 COFFEE HULLER .................................................................................................. 19

2.5.4 Eccentric separator ................................................................................................... 20

2.5.5 Catador ..................................................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................... 22

Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 22

CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................... 23


4.1 DESIGN OF PRECLEANER.......................................................................................... 23

4.1.1 Motor selection for the pre cleaner ........................................................................... 23

4.1.3 DESIGN OF V-BELT .............................................................................................. 25

4.1.4 Design of the pulley.................................................................................................. 27

4.1.5 Design of the shaft .................................................................................................... 28

4.1.6 DESIGN AND SELECTION OF THE BEARING ................................................. 31

4.1.7 Design and selection of the parallel key ................................................................... 34

4.1.8 Design of the helical spring ...................................................................................... 36

4.1.9 Design of mass unbalance.................................................................................... 37

4.1.10 Check the effects of the vibration on the springs and v-belt ..................................... 40

4.2 Design of Huller .............................................................................................................. 41

4.2.1 Hopper design ........................................................................................................... 41

4.2.2 Rotor blade design .................................................................................................... 44

4.2.3 Motor horse power selection .................................................................................... 45

4.2.4 Check the strength of the perforated cylinder .......................................................... 49

4.2.5 Design of belt and pulley .......................................................................................... 51

4.2.6 Design of belt ........................................................................................................... 52

4.2.7 Design of shaft .......................................................................................................... 54

4.2.8 Design of key ............................................................................................................ 57

CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................................... 58

Experimental Result .................................................................................................................. 58

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CHAPTER SIX ......................................................................................................................... 59

COST ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 59

6.1Assembly procedure ......................................................................................................... 61

CHAPTER SEVEN ................................................................................................................... 61

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 61

Recommendation ....................................................................................................................... 62

REFERENCES: ......................................................................................................................... 64

Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 65

List of Figure
Figure2.1Coffee bean plant ......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.2Coffee Anatomy........................................................................................................... 9
Figure2. 3Coffee Pre Cleaner ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2.4Bucket Elevator......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.5Rotating cylinder with perforate ............................................................................... 19
Figure 2.6Coffee Huller ............................................................................................................ 20
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Figure 2.7dry coffee processing machine assembly .................................................................. 20

Figure 3.8Shape Factor .P. [13] ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.9Open Area Factor ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure3. 10Material Weight Factor .W. [13] ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.11Efficiency Factor .F. [13] ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.12TYP. Factor [13] .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.13Stroke Length Factor for Flat or Horizontal Screens [13]Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.14Stroke Length Factor for Incline Screens [13 ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.15Timing Angle Flat Screen Factor .TIM. [13] ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure3.16RPM. Factor for Flat or Horizontal Screens [13] .. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.17Bed Depth Factor .BED [13].................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.18shaft motor with pulley ........................................................................................... 26
Figure3. 19 Excitation force variation with time ...................................................................... 58
Figure 3.20 Displacement variation with time .......................................................................... 58
Figure 3.21 Velocity variation with time ................................................................................... 59
Figure 3.22 Acceleration variation with time .......................................................................... 59
Figure3. 23 Belt modeling [9] ................................................................................................... 41
Figure3. 24 Size of the hopper .................................................................................................. 42
Figure 3. 25 Outlet dimension ................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.26 Overall dimension of the hopper ........................................................................... 43
Figure 3.27 Bending angle and overall dimension ................................................................... 44
Figure 3.28 Cross section of coffee huller ................................................................................ 44
Figure 3. 29 Area of the perforated cylinder............................................................................. 45
Figure 3. 30 Hulling mechanism ............................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.31 Case 1 ................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3.32 Case2 ..................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3.,33 Case 3 ................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3.34 Geometry ............................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3. 35Rotor blade dimensions in (mm) ............................................................................ 48
Figure 3.36 Weld dimension...................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3.37 Circumferential or hoop stress .............................................................................. 49
Figure 3. 38 A) Cross-section of a v-belt B) Cross-section of a v-grooved pulley............... 52
Figure3. 39 Dimensions of the pulley........................................................................................ 54

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List of Tables
Table3. 1Perforations for Coffee Screens [10] .......................................................................... 25
Table 3.2Dimensions of standard V-grooved pulleys (All dimensions in mm) [5] ................... 28
Table 3.3Recommended values for ( ) and ( ) [5] ..................................................................... 30
Table 3.4Principal dimensions for radial ball bearings.[2] ..................................................... 33
Table 3.5Proportions of standard parallel tapered and gib head keys [2] ............................... 35
Table3. 6Values of buckling factors. [5] ................................................................................... 37
Table 3.7Allowable Steady Loads and Minimum Fillet Weld Size And Allowable load for the
various size of fillet weld [8] ......................................................................................................... 50
Table 3.8Material and belt density [2] ...................................................................................... 51
Table 3.9Manufacturing process and cost analysis [1]&[6] .................................................... 59

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1.1 Background
Agriculture is the most important economic sector of the country. According to the
data from the Central Statistical Agency (CSA, 2008/2009) it contributes 45% of the
GDP, 85% of the foreign earnings and employs around 83% of the total population of
the country. The country's main exports consist of coffee, leather and leather products,
pulses, oil seeds, meat (canned and frozen), fruits and vegetables, live animals, gold,
and flowers. Agriculture is supplemented by services, manufacturing, mining, trade,
tourism, and construction.
The coffee sector contributes about 12 percent of the agricultural output and employs
25 percent of the total labor force. Coffee has been the leading cash crop for its growers
and small private coffee plantations. The land area under coffee cultivation is difficult to
determine because plots are fragmented and interspersed with other crops. It is
estimated, however, that Ethiopia has over 320,000 hectares of coffee trees. Annual
production ranges from 200,000 to 250,000 metric tons. About 35 percent of total
production is consumed locally.
The Ethiopian government is encouraging private investment in the coffee industry,
which it hopes, will lead to the expansion of large-scale commercial plantations and
improved quality and productivity. Currently coffee generates less than 35 percent of the
total export earnings. For the last several years its relative predominance in the export
sector is decreasing because of increased contribution of other agricultural products like
horticulture and floriculture.
Consequently, only a little over 26% percent of the total export earnings is
contributed by coffee during the 2008/2009 (NBE, 2008/2009). This is the lowest share
earned from export of coffee in the history of economy of the country and the trend for
the last several years shows that the share of coffee in foreign exchange earnings will
further decline. Coffee also contributes for sizeable amount of government tax revenue.
It seems that Ethiopia will, to some certain extent, continue to rely on this item for its
export earnings in the coming future.
Despite its economic and social importance for the Ethiopian economy, the
performance of the coffee sub-sector has remained unsatisfactory. No significant change
in mode of production and processing has occurred for several decades. Among other

things, imperfection in the market policy and the low base of market infrastructure were
cited as major causes of weak performance (IFPRI, 2003).
During the military regime (1974-1991) the Ethiopian Coffee Marketing Corporation
(ECMC), a state monopoly, operated using fixed price arrangements and handled about
80% of the entire coffee trade. Private traders had a limited role in both domestic and
export marketing. Similarly, coffee farmers also had very limited power when it came to
securing their proper share of the market price.
Although coffee is produced in many parts of Ethiopia most of the marketed coffee
comes from the regions of Oromia and Southern Regional State. The two regions
contribute for more than 90 % of the total coffee production (CSA, 2008/09).
The government of Ethiopia through its Plan for Accelerated Sustainable
Development Program (PASDEP) designed a strategy for a market oriented agricultural
development in which expanding exportable products in type, quality and quantity is
given priority.
In line with this strategy, to increase the productivity of coffee, the government has
been taking some basic measures during the last two decades. Some of the measures
taken were: lifting price ceiling of any kind, streamlining of export licensing
procedures, removal of price control, currency devaluation, foreign exchange
auctioning, creation of relatively better investment environment through new investment
code and regulations, launching of new export promotion strategy, suspending all the
export taxes and the recent establishment of The Ethiopian Commodities Marketing
Authority and The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) to facilitate agricultural
product marketing were the major ones. These measures have contributed to increase in
the supply of coffee to the export market
1.1.1 Coffee production
Coffee is produced in more than 50 developing countries providing income for
approximately 25 million smallholder producers (DFID 2004; Oxfam 2002b), and
employing an estimated 100 million people (NRI 2006).
World coffee production in 2006/2007 is forecasted at 7416000metric tons and world
coffee export is forecasted at 5568000 metric tons (USDA 2006). In 2005/2006, 52
percent of world production was accounted by the three main coffee producers
The top five consumers of coffee are (in order) the USA, Brazil, Germany, Japan and
France, while the Nordic countries have the world‟s highest coffee consumption per
capita. World consumption in 2006 is estimated at around 117 million bags (ICO 2006).
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About 65 percent of the world supply of coffee is Arabica, while Robusta currently
makes up around 35 percent, compared to 25 percent 20 years ago (Scholer 2004).
Ethiopia is probably the oldest exporter of coffee in the world (ITC 2002). In 2005 it
was the sixth largest coffee producer after Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia and
India, and the seventh largest exporter worldwide. It is the largest coffee producer and
exporter in Africa. Exports in 2010 were 174285metric tons, a share of 2.82 percent of
world trade in coffee beans (ICO statistical database).
The bulk of current Ethiopian exports go to Japan, Germany and Saudi Arabia. There
is a high degree of dependence on these three markets, which absorbed 63.3 percent of
Ethiopia‟s coffee exports in 2003/2004 (FDRE 2006). Moreover, exports to Japan,
Germany and Saudi Arabia have risen in the last 20 years, while exports to the USA
have declined (FDRE 2006). The bulk of coffee is exported as green bean for roasting in
consuming countries. Although the total share of its coffee exports in world trade is
small, Ethiopia plays an important role in the „global value chain‟ because of the fine
quality of its coffees (Daviron and Ponte 2005).
Historically coffee accounted for over 60 per cent of Ethiopia‟s total export revenues
(LMC 2000). While this proportion has dipped significantly in recent years with a
revival in the prices of major Ethiopian exports in the international market, total coffee
export earnings registered substantial growth in 2003/4 and 2004/5 due to increased
export volumes. Coffee has also long been an important source of tax revenue to the
Agrisystems (2001) estimates the number of coffee farmers at 1.3 million. With an
assumed family size of six to seven people, the numbers of Ethiopians associated with
coffee growing can be as large as 7–8 million. Moreover, coffee is labor intensive during
harvesting and processing, and provides an important source of income from casual
labor for many poor rural people.
Adding those employed in transporting coffee and ancillary activities, LMC (2000,
2003) estimates that 15 million people are dependent on coffee for at least a significant
part of their livelihoods.
Two coffee species are currently used for commercial purposes: Coffea Arabica and
Coffea canephora (also known as Robusta). Ethiopia produces only Arabica coffee,
which is widely believed to have originated there. Arabica coffee still grows wild in the
forests of the southwestern part of the country, which remains an important source of
genetic resources for the world coffee industry (Gole 2003).
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The land area under coffee cultivation is difficult to determine because plots are
fragmented and interspersed with other crops. It is estimated, however, that Ethiopia has
over 320,000 hectares of coffee trees. Annual production ranges from 200,000 to
250,000 metric tons, depending on weather and prices. About 35% of total production
has consumed locally (
Coffee farming systems in Ethiopia are conventionally divided into four categories:
forest coffee, semi-forest coffee, garden coffee and semi-modern plantation. Yields are
considered to be very low compared to other countries, with estimates of less than 200
kg per ha for forest coffee and around 450–750 kg per ha for semi-modern coffee
plantations (FDRE 2003a). Most coffee farmers do not use fertilizers, pesticides or
herbicides (LMC 2000).
An accurate estimate of production is difficult because part of the harvest is gathered
from semiwild and wild forests, and a good proportion of the crop is consumed on farm
or locally (Agrisystems, 2001). Most recent ICO estimates suggest that over the past five
years annual production has fluctuated between 2.8 and 5 million (60 kg) bags (ICO
statistical database), while the United States Department of agriculture forecasts a
harvest of 5.5 million bags in 2006/7 (USDA 2006).
Each woreda (district) is classified as a major, medium and minor coffee grower
based on the area covered by coffee trees (FDRE 2003). Coffee production is
concentrated mainly in the
Oromiya and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People‟s Region (SNNPR). Major
and medium growing wored as contain an estimated 800,000 coffee farmers with
approximately 520,000 ha under coffee, of which 63.3 percent is in Oromiya, 35.9 per cent
in SNPP and 0.8 per cent in Gambela.
Smallholder producers are responsible for about 95 percent of production, while state-
owned plantations account for 4.4 percent and private investor plantations 0.6 percent
(FDRE 2003a). Finally, coffee from each significant Ethiopian producing region has a
particular taste characteristic and a number of these coffee types are internationally well
known. According to the International Trade Centre, „Ethiopia produces some of the
world‟s finest “original” coffees such as Yirgacheffe, Limu and Harar‟ (ITC 2002, 299).
1.2 problem of statement
As we all know coffee is the backbone of our countries‟ economy. But still there is a problem
on the way the coffee is processed apart from the traditional one. Among the methods of
processing, dry processing is the most common and effective way for our country.
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In Ethiopia there are industries which process coffee using machineries imported from
foreign countries and some small scale processing industries use locally manufactured dry
coffee processing machines. The problem lies on the effectiveness of the machineries.
Some components of the machines are still imported from abroad like the Blade of the
Huller because it is very difficult to manufacture it locally, even if it is manufactured it will
not be efficient enough. This shows that there is a need to find a new way of dry coffee
hulling (processing) that can produce quality coffee and a processing machine that can be
fully manufactured locally.
1.3 Objective of the project
1.3.1 General objective
The major objective of the project is to design the mechanism of a dry coffee processing
1.3.2 Specific objective
The project specifically focuses on The design of the two major components of the dry
coffee processing machine, the HULLER and PRE-CLEANER.
Provide new modified model of HULLER, with easy manufacturing process locally available.
1.4 Scope of the project
The scope of this project is to design the two main components of dry coffee processing
machine, the huller and the pre-cleaner.
The design includes material selection, mechanism design, dimensional analysis, power
requirement, strength analysis, vibration analysis, component selection, and 3D model.

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Coffee is an important export commodity for Ethiopia contributing 41% of the country‟s
total foreign exchange earnings (IMF, 2006) and about 10% of the gross domestic product.
Over 25% of the population of Ethiopia, representing 15 million people is dependent on
coffee for their livelihoods. This includes 8 million people directly involved in coffee
cultivation and 7 million in the processing, trading, transport, and financial sectors
(Charveriat, 2001; Oxfam, 2002). Almost 95% of the Ethiopian coffee is produced by about 1
million small-scale farmers, with an average farm size of 0.5ha, while state-owned plantations
account for 4.4% and private investor plantations 0.6% (FDRE, 2003) of the zones.
2.1.1 Methods of coffee processing in Ethiopia
Two methods of coffee processing are used in Ethiopia These are dry processing and
washed coffee processing. Under dry processing un-pulped cherries are dried whole in the sun
under natural conditions after harvesting. In the washed method the cherries are pulped
immediately after picking followed by fermentation and washing to remove mucilage cover.
The resulting parchment is dried in the sun. Secondary processing is conducted by theakrabis
(local buyers) who generally operate hulling mills, where the dried cherry/ parchment is
hulled and prepared before transport to the coffee auction in Addis Ababa or Dire Dawa.
Export processing of the green coffee is handled by the exporters in their own facilities
following the consists of sorting, either by hand, or using electronic colour sorters, then
blending the different truck-load lots to make up export qualities and quantities. These are
generally in multiples of 18 tons, being the normal load of a 20 foot container. For the washed
coffees, after delivery to the exporter‟s mill, the parchment coffee is first hulled, then sorted
and blended for export. The most common method for post-harvest primary coffee processing
was sun-drying. This was followed by washed coffee processing using hand pulpers and
coffee washing stations. 71% of the coffee produced by smallholder farmers undergoes sun-
drying and the remainder is washed, while 49.0% wished to produce washed coffee using
hand pulpers. The remaining proportion of farmers (3.4%) preferred washed coffee processed
by the central coffee washing stations. There is therefore higher preference for wet
coffeeprocessing. This is because coffee processed through wet processing method produces
superior coffee brew and hence attract a higher market value. Farmers dry their coffee using
different approaches.

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About 48.0% spread their coffee on the ground, 49.5% dry on raised drying beds and 2.5%
dry on cemented patios.
2. 2 Coffee Beans
Three main types of coffee beans dominate world production. These are the Arabica
Coffee Bean, the Kona and the Robusta Coffee Beans. But; because environmental factors
deeply affect the flavor of coffee, the coffee bean types and blends are more usually identified
by geographic location rather than coffee bean type Acoffee bean is the seed of the coffee
berry, that's the parts inside the red or purple fruit.
Even though they are seeds, they are referred to as coffee beans simply because they
resemble beans. The coffee plant fruit, called the coffee cherry or coffee berry, almost always
generates two seeds, which grow with their flat sides together. However, in a standard crop
some of the coffee berry will generate just a single bean, and this is called a peaberry. Coffee
beans consist mostly of endosperm that contain from 0.8 to 2.5% caffeine, which is the main
reasons the plant is cultivated.
2.3 Types of Coffee Bean Plants
For the record of information, there are more than six thousand variations of coffee beans
worldwide but only 25 of it are considered as the major types. And from these 25 major types
there are only three important and common types used by the consumers. Different species of
the coffee bean plant includes Coffee Arabica, Coffee Benghalensis, Coffee canephora,
Coffee cogenesisCoffeeexcelsa, Coffeegallienii, Coffee bonnieri, Coffee mogeneti. Coffee
liberica and Coffee stenophylla.The seeds or coffee beans of the different plants produce
coffee with slightly different characteristics.

Figure2.1Coffee bean plant

The Kona

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Compared to Robusta and Arabica in the commercial world, Kona is much smaller yet
very expensive. This type of coffee bean normally grows in the country of Hawaii. Though
Kona is not being patronized as much by most common people in the market, it still has a
very high demand worldwide due to its powerful aroma. Having a very powerful aroma and
desirability, Kona is rarely blended with other kinds of drink flavorings.
The Arabica
Unlike Robusta, the Arabica type of coffee beans covers 60% of the coffee production in
the whole world because of the large bush that Arabica plants have. Also Arabica plants are
very vulnerable to pests, disease and frost. With this reason, the coffee beans of Arabica
plants are extremely expensive.
Arabica coffee beans can be used on itswholesome form aswell as it can be used as a base
with Robusta for coffee blends. However, Arabica has a very delicate flavor that can be used
as add-ons on the flavorings of coffee blends.
But Arabica coffee beans still vary accordingly to the region where they are grown and
used. In South and Central America, the Arabica coffee beans have the moderate aroma and
body, which are used mostly for breakfast blends with American flavored coffees. Arabica
coffee beans produce a superior grade of coffee known as the gourmet coffee because it
contains half of the Robusta caffeine as well as more aromatic properties and desirable
flavorings. Being a worldwide coffee variation, Arabica coffee beans are able to meet a
fraction of the standard provide by the Specialty Coffee Association of America.
The Arabica type of coffee beans has the most flavored profiles while Robusta is grown
predominantly because of its ability and hardiness to thrive. Also Arabica has the various
distinct flavors and characteristics of coffee beans. Under the Arabica type of coffee beans
there are variations as well that are named after the region or country where they are found
predominantly or have originated. In some countries like Ethiopia, there are numerous
expensive variations of Arabica coffee beans growing in every regions ofWholecountry.

There are more variations of Arabica coffee beans found in country of Africa because the
country is the first one in the entire world that valued drinking coffee. Three of the topmost
variations of Arabica coffee are found in Africa as well namely the Yirga cheffe, Sidamo and
Harrar. Kenya is also one of the countries where Arabica plants beans are cultured for coffee
drinking. It calls its Arabica coffee beans as Kenyan. Other countries where Arabica coffee
beans are produced include Uganda and Tanzania.

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Uganda also majorly produces Robusta coffee beans. Few of the variations of Arabica
coffee beans are to be found in Indonesia and Java is the most popular variation in the
country. Java variation adapted its name from the region of Java in Indonesia. Throughout the
time, it had become synonymous with the word coffee itself. More variations of Arabica coffee
beans are also found in Hawaii where the popular variation wascalled the "Hawaiian Kona",
which growson the Mountain Hualalai's slopes.
The Robusta
Robusta coffee beans are favored more for their robust coffee blends. Robusta coffee is
considered a lower grade of coffee, as it is usually grown at lower elevations. It has a more
astringent flavor and contains a higher amount of caffeine. Robusta trees are normally easier
to grow and simpler to maintain. They are also more resistant to disease and produce a higher
yield.The Robusta types of coffee beans are typically used to produce a lower priced coffee
blend. The types of coffee beans and/or coffee blends are more usually identified by
geographic location rather than primary coffee bean type. These includes the Tanzanian
Peaberry, the Kona Peaberry and Kona Extra Fancy from Hawaii, the Organic Sumatra
Reserve, the Madriz from Nicaragua Klatch, from the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia and he
Bourbon Santos from Brazil
2.3.1 Coffee anatomy
Coffee processing involves the removal of the different layers of a coffee fruit as shown in
the figure below.

Figure 2.2Coffee Anatomy


To produce coffee beans, ripe coffee cherries are harvested and processed various ways to
remove the skin, pulp, and parchment (husk). The husks of the dried seeds are removed to
expose two (sometimes one) "coffee beans". There are three distinctly different coffee

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processing methods; wet process, dry process, and semi-dry process The thick outermost
membrane of the coffee cherry (fruit) is similar to the skin of a grape.
In the wet and semi-dry processes, the skin of ripe coffee cherries is removed before drying
the coffee beans. In the dry process, the skin is left in place while the whole ripe coffee
cherries are dried to allow separation of the dried husk, pulp and skin from the coffee beans.
When the process is complete the un-roasted coffee beans are known as green coffee.

The final product is ready for export. Picking;-A coffee plant usually starts to produce
flowers 3–4 years after it is planted and it is from these flowers that the fruits of the plant
(commonly known as coffee cherries) appear, with the first useful harvest possible around 5
years after planting. The cherries ripen around eight months after the emergence of the
flower, by changing colour from green to red, and it is at this time that they should be
harvested. In most coffee-growing countries, there is one major harvest a year; though in
countries like Colombia, where there are two flowerings a year, there is a main and secondary
crop. In most countries, the coffee crop is picked by hand, a labor-intensive and difficult
process, though in places like Brazil, where the landscape is relatively flat and the coffee
fields immense, the process has been mechanized. Whether picked by hand or by machine, all
coffee is harvested in one of two ways:
Strip Picked:
The entire crop is harvested at one time. This can either be done by machine or by hand. In
either case all of the cherries are stripped off of the branch at one time.
Selectively Picked:
Only the ripe cherries are harvested and they are picked individually by hand. Pickers
rotate among the trees every 8 – 10 days, choosing only the cherries which are at the peak of
ripeness. Because this kind of harvest is labor intensive, and thus more costly, it is used
primarily to harvest the finer Arabica beans. The laborers who pick coffee by hand receive
payment by the basketful. As of 2003, payment per basket is between US$2.00 to $10 with
the overwhelming majority of the laborers receiving payment at the lower end. An
experienced coffee picker can collect up to 6-7 baskets a day. Depending on the grower,
coffee pickers are sometimes specifically instructed to not pick green coffee berries since the
seeds in the berries are not fully formed or mature.
This discernment typically only occurs with growers who harvest for higher end/specialty
coffee where the pickers are paid better for their labour. Mixes of green and red berries, or
just green berries, are used to produce cheaper mass consumer coffee beans, which are
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characterized by a displeasingly bitter/astringent flavor and a sharp odor. Red berries, with
their higher aromatic oil and lower organic acid content, are more fragrant, smooth, and
mellow. As such coffee picking is one of the most important stages in coffee production.
The wet method requires the use of specific equipment and substantial quantities of water.
When properly done, it ensures that the intrinsic qualities of the coffee beans are better
preserved, producing a green coffee, this is homogeneous and has few defective beans.
Hence, the coffee produced by this method is usually regarded as being of better quality and
commands higher prices.
• Sorting and Cleaning
Even after careful harvesting, a certain number of partially dried and unripe cherries,
aswell as some stones and dirt, will be present among the ripe cherries. As in the dry method,
preliminary sorting and cleaning of the cherries is usually necessary and should be done as
soon as possible after harvesting. This operation is done by washing the cherries in tanks
filled with flowing water. Screens may also be used to improvetheseparation between the ripe
and unripe, large and small, cherries. After sorting and cleaning, the pulp is removed from the
cherry. The pulp of the fruit is separated from the beans before the drying stage.
The pulping is done by a machine, which squeezes the cherries between fixed and moving
surfaces. The flesh and the skin of the fruit are left on one side and the beans, enclosed in
their mucilaginous parchment covering, on the other. The clearance between the surfaces is
adjusted to avoid damage to the beans.
The pulping operation should also be done as soon as possible after harvesting to avoid
any deterioration of the fruit, which might affect the quality of the beans. The pulped beans
go on to vibrating screens, which separate them from any un-pulped or imperfectly pulped
cherries, as well as from any large pieces of pulp that might have Passed through with them.
• Washing
From the screens, the separated pulped beans then pass through water-washing channels
where a further flotation separation takes place before they are sent to the next stage. Because
the pulping is done by mechanical means it normally leaves some residual flesh as well as the
sticky mucilage adhering to the parchment surrounding the beans. This has to be completely
removed to avoid contamination of the coffee beans by products resulting from the
degradation of the mucilage.

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• Fermentation
The newly pulped beans are placed in large fermentation tanks in which the
mucilage Is broken down by natural enzymes until it is dispersible, `when it can
be washed away. Unless the fermentation is carefully monitored, the coffee can
acquire undesirable, sour flavours. For most coffees mucilage removal takes
between 24 and 36 hours, depending on the temperature, thickness of the
mucilage layer and concentration of the enzymes. The end of the fermentation is
assessed by feel, as the parchment surrounding the beans loses its slimy texture
and acquires a rougher "pebbly" feel.When the fermentation is complete, the
coffee is thoroughly washed with clean water intanks or in special washing
machines. The wet parchment coffee at this stage consists of approximately
57% moisture.
To reduce the moisture to an optimum 12.5% the parchment coffee is dried either in the
sun, in a mechanical dryer, or by a combination of the two. The sun-drying is done on
extensive flat concrete or brick areas, known as patios or on tables made of fine-mesh wire
netting. The beans are laid out in a layer of 2 to 10 cm, and turned frequently to ensure even
drying. Sun-drying should take from 8 to 10 days, depending upon ambient temperature and
humidity. Coffee dries more quickly if raised on tables because of the upward draught of
warm air. The use of hot-air drying machines becomes necessary to speed up the process in
large plantations where, at the peak of the harvesting period, there might be much more
coffee than can be effectively dried on the terraces. However, the process must be carefully
controlled to achieve satisfactory and economical drying without any damage to quality.
• Resting
The beans are then rested in silos. This step allows them to stabilize chemically, and
moisture content is evenly distributed. Another step to ensure the consistency of the final
• Hulling
In wet processed coffee, hulling refers to the removal the dried parchment layer
immediately surrounding the bean.
• Polishing

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Polishing in not always done, but refers to the removal of any remaining silver skin on the
bean. Some claim that polishing gives the end product a cleaner, more refined flavor in the
• Grading & Sorting
The beans are then further subjected to a variety of sorting which focuses primarily on
size, density and color. Mechanical shakers are used to sort by density, and an electric eye
searches for defects: scanning for pits, discolorations, broken edges, and other malformations.
There are always defects in every lot, but one single bad bean can ruin a cup of coffee.
Finally, high quality coffees are sorted by hand; machines can never compete with a well
trained, discerning human eye. It is impossible to understate the importance of processing
coffee. At any one step, if things are mishandled, even slightly, entire harvests can be ruined.
If beans are left too long unraked on a patio, they will begin to mold, producing a grassy,
fermented taste in the cup. If dried too quickly, the acidity of the bean will fade greatly and it
will taste dull and lifeless. The amount of work that goesinto a single cup of coffee is
staggering. When you witness the entire process from beginning to end, it is a wonder that a
cup of coffee sells for as little as it does.
Dry process, also known as unwashed or natural coffee, is the oldest method of processing
coffee. The entire cherry after harvest is first cleaned and then placed in the sun to dry on
tables or in thin layers on patios. Cleaning: The harvested cherries are usually sorted and
cleaned, to separate the unripe, overripe and damaged cherries and to remove dirt, soil, twigs
and leaves. This can be done by winnowing, which is commonly done by hand, using a large
sieve. Any unwanted cherries or other material not winnowed away can be picked out from
the top of the sieve.
The ripe cherries can also be separated by flotation in washing channels close to the drying
areas. Drying: The coffee cherries are spread out in the sun, either on large concrete or brick
patios or on matting raised to waist height on trestles. As the cherries dry, they are raked or
turned by hand to ensure even drying and prevent mildew. It may take up to 4 weeks before
the cherries are dried to the optimum moisture content, depending on the weather conditions.
On larger plantations, machine-drying is sometimes used to speed up the process after the
coffee has been pre-dried in the sun for a few days.
The drying operation is the most important stage of the process, since it affects the final
quality of the green coffee. A coffee that has been overdried will become brittle and produce
too many broken beans during hulling (broken beans are considered defective beans). Coffee
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that has not been dried sufficiently will be too moist and prone to rapid deterioration caused
by the attack of fungi and bacteria.
The dried cherries are stored in bulk in special silos until they are sent to the mill where
hulling, sorting, grading and bagging take place. All the outer layers of the dried cherry are
removed in one step by the hulling machine.
The dry method is used for about 95% of the Arabica coffee produced in Brazil, most of
the coffees produced in Ethiopia, Haiti and Paraguay, as well as for some Arabicas produced
in India and Ecuador. Almost all Robustas are processed by this method. It is not practical in
very rainy regions, where the humidity of the atmosphere is too high or where it rains
frequently during harvesting.
Semi dry is a hybrid process used in Indonesia and Brazil. In Indonesia, the process is also
called "wet hulled", "semi-washed" or "GilingBasah". Literally translated from Indonesian,
GilingBasah means "wet grinding". Most small-scale farmers in Sumatra, Sulawesi, Flores
and Papua use the gilingbasah process. In this process, farmers remove the outer skin from
the cherries mechanically, using locally built pulping machines.
The coffee beans, still coated with mucilage, are then stored for up to a day. Following this
waiting period, the mucilage is washed off and the parchment coffee is partially dried in the
sun before sale at 30% to 35% moisture content.
• Milling
The final steps in coffee processing involve removing the last layers of dry skin and
remaining fruit residue from the now dry coffee, and cleaning and sorting it. These steps are
often called dry milling to distinguish them from the steps that take place before drying,
which collectively are called wet milling.
• Hulling
The first step in dry milling is the removal of what is left of the fruit from the bean,
whether it is the crumbly parchment skin of wet-processed coffee,the parchment skin and
dried mucilage of semi-dry-processed coffee, or the entire dry, leathery fruit covering of the
dryprocessed coffee. Semi-dry hulling at 30% to 35% moisture (GilingBasah), as occurs in
Indonesia, is thought to reduce acidity and increase body. Hulling is done with the help of
machines, which can range from simple millstones to sophisticated machines that gently
whack at the coffee.
• Polishing

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This is an optional process in which any silver skin that remains on the beans after hulling
is removed in a polishing machine. This is done to improve the appearance of green coffee
beans and eliminate a byproduct of roasting called chaff. It is described by some to be
detrimental to the taste by raising the temperature of the bean through friction which changes
the chemical makeup of the bean.
Cleaning and sorting
Sorting by Size and Density:-
Most fine coffee goes through a battery of machines that sort the coffee by density of bean
and by bean size, all the while removing sticks, rocks, nails, and miscellaneous debris that
may have become mixed with the coffee during drying. First machines blow the beans into
the air; those that fall into bins closest to the air source are heaviest and biggest; the lightest
(and likely defective) beans plus chaff are blown in the farthest bin. Other machines shake the
beans through a series of sieves, sorting them by size.
Finally, a machine called a gravity separator shakes the sized beans on a tilted table, so that
the heaviest, densest and best vibrate to one side of the pulsating table, and the lightest to the
Sorting by Color: -
The final step in the cleaning and sorting procedure is called color sorting, or separating
defective beans from sound beans on the basis of color rather than density or size. Color
sorting is the trickiest and perhaps most important of all the steps in sorting and cleaning.
With most high-quality coffees color sorting is done in the simplest possible way: by hand.
Teams of workers pick discolored and other defective beans from the sounds beans.
The very best coffees may be hand-cleaned twice (double picked) or even three times
(triple picked). Coffee that has been cleaned by hand is usually called European preparation;
most specialty coffees have been cleaned and sorted in this way. Color
Sorting can also be done by machines. Streams of beans fall rapidly, one at a time, past
sensors that are set according to parameters that identify defective beans by value (dark to
light) or by color. A tiny, decisive puff of compressed air pops each defective bean out of the
stream of sound beans the instant the machine detects an anomaly.
However, these machines are currently not used widely in the coffee industry for two
reasons. First, the capital investment to install these delicate machines and the technical
support to maintain them is daunting. Second, sorting coffee by hand supplies much-needed
work for the small rural communities that often cluster around coffee mills.

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Nevertheless, computerized color sorters are essential to coffee industries in regions with
relatively high standards of living and high wage demands.
Grading is the process of categorizing coffee beans on the basis of various criteria such as
size of the bean, where and at what altitude it was grown, how it was prepared and picked,
and how good it tastes, or its cup quality. Coffees also may be graded by the number of
imperfections (defective and broken beans, pebbles, sticks, etc.) per sample. For the finest
coffees, origin of the beans (farm or estate, region, cooperative) isespecially important.
Growers of premium estate or cooperative coffees may impose a level of quality control that
goes well beyond conventionally defined grading criteria, because they want their coffee to
command the higher price that goes with recognitionand consistent quality.
Other steps
all coffee, when it was introduced in Europe, came from the port of Mocha in what is now
modern day Yemen. To import the beans to Europe the coffee was on boats for a long sea
voyage around the Horn of Africa. This long journey and the exposure to the sea air changed
the coffee's flavor. Later, coffee spread to India and Indonesia but still required a long sea
voyage. Once the Suez Canal was opened the travel time to Europe was greatly reduced and
coffee whose flavor had not changed due to a long sea voyage began arriving. To some
degree, this fresher coffee was rejected because Europeans had developed a taste for the
changes that were brought on by the long sea voyage.To meet this desire, some coffee was
aged in large open-sided warehouses at port for six or more months in an attempt to simulate
the effects of a long sea voyage before it was shipped to Europe.
Although it is still widely debated, certain types of green coffee are believed to improve
with age; especially those that are valued for their low acidity, such as coffees from Indonesia
or India. Several of these coffee producers sell coffee beans that have been aged for as long as
3 years, with some as long as 8 years. However, most coffee experts agree that a green coffee
peaks in flavor and freshness within one year of harvest, because overaged coffee beans will
lose much of their essential oil content.
Decaffeination is the process of extracting caffeine from green coffee beans prior to
roasting. The most common decaffeination process used in the United States is supercritical
carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction. In this process, moistened green coffee beans are contacted

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with large quantities of supercritical CO2 (CO2 maintained at a pressure of about 4,000
pounds force per square inch (28 MPa) and temperatures between 90 and 100 °C (194 and
212 °F)), which removes about 97% of the caffeine from the beans. The caffeine is then
recovered from the CO2, typically using an activated carbon adsorption system.
Another commonly used method is solvent extraction, typically using oil (extracted from
roasted coffee) or ethyl acetate as a solvent. In this process, solvent is added to moistened
green coffee beans to extract most of the caffeine from the beans. After the beans are
removed from the solvent, they are steam-stripped to remove any residual solvent. The
caffeine is then recovered from the solvent, and the solvent is re-used. The Swiss Water
Process is also used for decaffeination. Decaffeinated coffee beans have a residual caffeine
content of about 0.1% on a dry basis. Not all facilities have decaffeination operations, and
decaffeinated green coffee beans are purchased by many facilities that produce decaffeinated
Green coffee is usually transported in jute bags. While green coffee may be usable for
several years, it is vulnerable to quality degradation based on how it is stored. Jute bags are
extremely porous, exposing the coffee to whatever elements it is surrounded by.
Coffee that is poorly stored may develop a burlap-like taste known as "bagginess", and its
positive qualities may fade.
In recent years, the specialty coffee market has begun to utilize enhanced storage method.
A vapor barrier liner to jute bags, most commonly the GrainProSuperGrain liner, is now
commonly used to preserve the quality of green coffee. Less frequently, green coffee is stored
in vacuum packaging; while vacuum packs further reduce the ability of green coffee to
interact with oxygen at atmospheric moisture, it is a significantly more expensive storage
Although not considered part of the processing pipeline proper, nearly all coffee sold to
consumers throughout the world is sold as roasted coffee. Consumers can also elect to buy
unroasted coffee to be roasted at home.
Dry coffee processing machine is used to hull and polish the Arabica coffee depending on
the geometrical shape and the strength of the ripe dry coffee .this machine is used capacity of

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1.2⁄ℎ to processand the result of the out put1.1⁄ℎ. The precleaner is used to separate the dry
coffee from large impurities (stones), sand and soil using the sieves.
This has the capacity of 1.2⁄ℎ to screning the bean. The huller is used to hull &polish the
coffee next the preclenaer. This use the mechanism rubbing force between the stationary
perforated shell and rotor blade, this cause to remove the husk from the green coffee
Coffee Precleaners are designed to clean and screen coffee, prior to feeding on to the next
processing stage. The machine effectively removes iron particles, stones, sand, rubble, leaves,
twigs and other unwanted matter. Separation is achieved by a series of screens, the first
screen removing large impurities and the bottom screen removing fine materials such as sand
and dust. The middle screen separates the coffee and delivers it clean. To increase the
efficiency of cleaning, an Air Sifter is used after the precleaning. The machine requires
minimum maintenance and has individual rubber ball cleaning mechanisms to ensure that the
screens have maximum screening area at all times. The screen inclination, throw angle and
amplitude can be varied, depending on the input product for ideal results. Vibratory motion of
the screen is affected by means of power vibratory motors.

Figure2. 3Coffee Pre Cleaner

Bucket elevators are designed to move flowing powders or bulk solids vertically. The
typical elevator consists of a series of buckets mounted on a chain or belt operating over a
sprocket or pulley. Take-ups are provided as a means to compensate for variations in length of
chain or belt due to temperature changes, atmospheric conditions, or wear. A steel casing
encloses the bucket line. Head sections and boot sections house integral transmission
components. Material is fed into an inlet hopper. Buckets (or cups) dig into the Material, and
convey it up to and over the head sprocket/pulley, then throwing the material out the discharge
throat. The emptied buckets then continue back down to the boot to continue the cycle.
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This component is used to carry the coffee bean from, pre cleaner to huller and Eccentric
separator to the catador. Bucket Elevators are made in a variety of shapes, weights and sizes,
utilizing centrifugal buckets or continuous buckets. Continuous Bucket Elevators have
buckets spaced continuously and operate at slower speeds. The continuous bucket placement
allows the force of gravity to discharge their load onto the inverted front of the preceding
bucket. The bucket then guides that material into the discharge throat on the descending side
of the elevator. Continuous elevators are used to handle friable, fragile materials because they
minimize product damage or are used to handle light, fluffy materials where aeration of the
product must be avoided.

Figure 2.4Bucket Elevator


Parchment coffee is feed into the machine where it husked & by the rotor blade and the
perforated plate. The polished coffee beans and husk are then separated in the aspirator unit
fitted below the machine. Components: - Rotor blade & perforated shell, feeder, fan and
electrical motor.

Figure 2.5Rotating cylinder with perforate

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Figure 2.6Coffee Huller

2.5.4 Eccentric separator
It is used to separate the coffee beans that have escaped the hulling process. Working
principle It uses an eccentric rotation which creates a vibration that separates the processed
and the unprocessed ones by their density. Components:-Oscillating disc and motor and
eccentric mass rotor.
2.5.5 Catador
Close circuit catador is designed for fine separation of heavy beans from light bean
s. They also separate dust, shells, immature beans, and extraneous matter from green
coffee throuh suitable adjustment in operating speed and air quantity. They are particularly
suitablefor removing bean matured beans.By nature air of their closed circuit, this
catadorensures a dust free operation and help in preservingthe factory environment. Catador
is used after Ocillating Screen Machine to removehusk and lightcoffee.
The coffee is fed into an air current where separation is carried out by density difference
and the light matter is carried up and excited via the light outlet. The heavy beans falls on the
wire screen and it is easy to operation machine. This component of the machine is used to
separate the pure coffee from the broken ones. Working principle: - It uses as blower to lift
the light density coffee and throw them in to a separate compartment

Figure 2.7dry coffee processing machine assembly

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Process description:-first the dry coffee will be cleaned in the precleanerthen it will be
transported by the Bucket elevator to the Huller which is at some elevation from the ground
the Huller then husks the dry coffee and separate it from the husk using a fan attached to it.
Then the green coffee will fall down on the Eccentric separator by the effect of gravity.
The Eccentric separator then separates the husked and untouched coffee beans , then the
untouched coffee beans will repeat the cycle and the husked ones will pass to the Catador by
a bucket elevator. Then the Catador separates the pure green coffee and the defected ones
which are liter in mass.

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This chapter consists of methods for completing the product .The applied methods,
primary and secondary sources which are well-structured; provide a step by step approach to
complete the task of this project.
This Sources is:
• Observations
• Interview with persons
• Internet
The above source helps us to identify the general working principle and mechanisms of
dry coffee processing machine.
The method we follow to achieve complete design of the machine we have;
• Background and literature review of the machine
• Define problem: Problem statement
• Gather information: Observations, internet patents, references
• Concept generation &evaluation: creativity methods, Brainstorming, systematic
design methods.
• Mathematical modeling: design of components, bill or selection of material and
sizing of components
• Final cost estimation
Complete engineering drawings

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The dry coffee processing machine as explained at the end (working principle of dry
coffee processing machines) of the chapter one has two main components. These are
precleaner and the huller. The components of the precleaner to be designed are Motor
selection for the pre cleaner , Design of vibrating capacity, Design of v-belt, Design of pulley,
Design of shaft, Design and selection bearing, Design and selection parallel key, Design of
the helical spring, Design of mass unbalance and Design of hopper and feeder.
The component of huller to be designed are Hopper Rotor blade Cylinder, Perforated
shell, Blank shell, Shaft and key, Pulley and belt, Bearing selection, Frame, Motor selection,
Bolts and nuts, Blower fan, Design procedure, and Hopper design
4.1.1 Motor selection for the pre cleaner
Standard Locked-rotor Torque of Single-speed Polyphone 60- and 50-hertz
Squirrel-cage Integral-horsepower Motors with Continuous Ratings. Power=2.1kw,
Frequency=50Herz, RPM=750rpm, percent of full-torque= 130 Nm
B = Basic capacity per square foot in tons/hour 0.0125 TPH/SQ FT 1.178 TPH/SQ FT
S = Incline factor (1.0 for flat screens) 1.025 1.025
D = Deck factor 1.00 0.90
V = Oversize factor 2.6 0.3
H = Half size factor 2.1 0.4
T = Slot factor 0.8 0.8
K = Material condition factor 1.2 1.20
Y = Spray factor 1.00 1.00
P = Shape factor 1.05 1.05
O = Open area factor 1.4 1.4
W = Weight factor 0.437 0.437
F = Efficiency factor 0.9 0.9
0.03883 TPH/SQ FT 0.072 TPH/SQ FT
A 6202 screen has 120 square feet per deck screening area.
Top deck 120 SQ FT x0.03883 TPH/SQ FT = 4.6595TPH CAPACITY

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Bottom deck 120 SQ FT x 0.072 TPH/SQ FT = 8.64TPH CAPACITY

If, however, the additional factors described in this paper are taken into account
TYP = Type of stroke factor 0.57 0.97 STR STR= Stroke length
factor 0.3 0.5
TIM = Timing angle factor 0.75 0.75
RPM = Revolutions per minute factor 0.6 0.6

NEA = Near size factor 0.8 0.8

BED = Bed depth factor 0.92 0.53

Using the basic capacity from above for each deck, a greater accuracy can be predicted for
the above screen application.

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Table3. 1Perforations for Coffee Screens [10]

Top Deck
4.6595TPH/SQ FT X0.06 =0.2705TPH/SQ M for the top deck
Bottom Deck
8.64TPH/SQ FT X0.11 = 0.9504 TPH/SQ M for the bottom deck
Therefore the total capacity of the vibrating capacity of the screens that is the top and
bottom deck is (0.2705+0.9504) TPH which is equal to1.2THP. The screens are made up of
cloth the top and the bottom deck. These wire cloth are inserted into the screen frame. The
numbers of the wire cloth that are woven in the top and bottom deck are designed below.
Top deck wire cloth (n);

Number of wire along the length(n1) = = 120 and

Number of the wire along it‟s the width (n2) = = 48

Bottom deck wire cloth (n);

Number of wire along the length (n1) = = 166

Number of the wire along it‟s the width (n2) = = 66

Therefore the bottom deck is made by waving number of wire (n1 and n2) and the same for
the top deck.
The center distance between the motor and pulley (x) =690mm from geometry. The angle
of groove on the pulley for v-belt is36° from standard (32° to 38°), material used for the belt
is oak tanned leather which has the mass density of ( ) =1000Kg/m3, the allowable tensile
strength is 2mpa may be expected to give abelt life of 15 year, over load factor =1.5 and with
belt cross section area 3502. For the material pulley is cast iron which has mass density of (
) =7200kg⁄m3 from standard table 3.9, speed ration is 2, coefficient of friction between belt
and the pulley rim, where is the velocity of the belt . ∗r .

= 7.85 m s
For open belt drive sin
= sin-1( 0.072) = 5°
And the angle of the pulley on the smaller pulley (pulley on the motor),

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= 180 − 2 ∗
= 2.95

Figure 3.8shaft motor with pulley

We know that of the belt per meter length

m =Area length × density = 350 × 10–6 × 0.69 × 1000
Centrifugal tension,
TC = m.v2 = 0.2415 (7.85)2 = 14.88 N
And maximum tension in the belt,
T = σ × a = 2 × 350 = 700 N
Tension in the tight side of the belt,
T1 = T – TC = 700 – 14.88 = 685 N
Let T2 = Tension in the slack side of the belt.

We know that ........... (2)

= 0.35 ∗ 2.75 ∗csc 18=0.43

∴ T2 =418N

No of belts,
Power transmitted per belt = (T1-T2 )*v = 2096W
Therefore, No of belts

Length of belt
Radius of pulley on motor shaft, r = ⁄ 0.05

And radius of larger pulley r2 = ⁄ 0.1

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We know that the length of the belt

L = (r2 − r1) + 2x + (r2 –r1) 2…………………………………………..(3)


4.1.4 Design of the pulley

The dimensions for standard v-grooved pulley are shown in table 3.3, from which we find
that for „A‟ type belt, Minimum pitch diameter of pulley (D) =75mm, Top width (b)

=13mm, thickness (t) =8mm, weight per meter length in=1.06N

Table 3.1 Dimensions of standard V-belts according to IS: 2494 – 1974 [5]

Type of belt Power in Top width Thickness (t)

Minimum Weight per
ranges (b) (mm) (mm)
pitch diameter meter length
kW of pulley in Newton


A 0.7-3.5 75 13 8 1.06

B 2-15 125 17 11 1.89

C 7.5-75 200 22 14.3 3.43

D 20-150 355 32 19.5 5.96

E 30-350 500 38 38 23

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Table 3.2Dimensions of standard V-grooved pulleys (All dimensions in mm) [5]

of w d a c f e
Types No of sheave
belt grooved(n) angle in

degree (2 )

A 11 12 3.3 8.7 10 15 6 32,34,38

B 14 15 4.2 10.8 12.5 19 9 34,36,38

C 19 20 5.7 14.3 17 25.5 14 34,36,38

D 27 28.8 8.1 19.9 24 37 14 34,36,38

E 32 33 9.6 23.4 29 44.5 20 -

Face width (B) = (n – 1) e + 2 f , B= 20mm
Density of pulley = (mass/volume)
Mass =density of pulley *volume
=0.002*&∗ 0.082 2 *7200 =3kg
Load the pulley due to horizontal force „A‟=t1 + t2 + 2 ∗tc
=689 ∗cos 36 + 446 ∗R(36 + 11 cos 36= 927N

Load the pulley due to vertical force „A‟=T1+T2+2*TC=674 N

The resultant load acting on the shaft is FR =
√( ) ( )
=1146 N

4.1.5 Design of the shaft

Selection of Materials; the best material is one, which serves the desired objective at the
minimum cost. The following factors are considered while selecting the material: availability
of the materials, suitability of the materials for the working conditions in service, and the cost

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of the materials. The material used for the shaft is steel (40 C 8) which have the following
mechanical properties that is ultimate tensile (560 – 670) MPa strength Yield strength 320
MPa because it have high strength, good mach inability, low notch sensitivity factor, have
good heat treatment properties and high wear resistant properties. The shaft is used to attach
the motor with the pulley pre cleaner.

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Figure 3.19:

Shaft with loading

Bending moment due to vertical load;
Moment at B=37080Nmm
Moment at C=-39400Nmm
Bending moment due to horizontal load;
Moment at B=26960Nmm
Moment at c=-280Nmm
Resultant bending moment;
Moment at B=45845Nmm
Moment at C=-39401Nmm
From the above diagram we see that the resultant maximum bending moment is point at
` M=MB=45845Nmm
And the maximum torque at „B‟, T= 53476 Nm
Table 3.3Recommended values for ( ) and ( ) [5]

Nature of load ( K m) ( K t)

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Stationary shaft

a) Gradually applied load 1,0 1,0

b) Suddenly applied load 1,5 to 2,0 1,5 to 2,0

Rotating shafts.

a) Gradually applied or steady load. 1,5 1,0

b) Suddenly applied load with minor shock only. 1,5 to 2,0 1,5 to 2,0

c) Suddenly applied load with heavy shocks. 2,0 to 3,0 1,5 to 3,0

Let the„d‟=diameter of the shaft in mm, we know that equivalent twisting moment (Te)
TE =√( ∗ ) ( ∗ )……………………………………………….(4)

TE =√( ∗ ) ( ∗ ) = 121825Nmm
We also know that the equivalent twisting moment (Te),

d=24.56 say d=25mm

Again, we know that equivalent bending moment (Me)

Me = (Km ∗ M ∗ M) + √( ) ( ) …………………………………… (5)

Me =10675.5Nmm
Then, Me = =10675.5Nmm
Taking the larger of the two values, so the diameter shaft is d=25mm


The basic load rating (Co ) in Newton‟s for ball and roller bearings may be obtained as
follows: For radial ball bearings is given by [Co ]Where; i= Number of rows of balls in any
bearing, = Nominal angle of contact (angle between the line of action of the ball load and a
plane perpendicular to the axis of the bearing) , z = Number of balls per row, fo=Factor
depending upon the type of bearing ( 12.3, for radial contact and angular contact groove ball
bearings and D= Diameter of balls

Page | 31

[Co = foizD2 cos ]

…………………………………………………………………… (6)
[Co =12.3*1*15*7.622 cos15]
Co =10.336KN
Static equivalent load for roller contact bearing
Static equivalent radial load for ball or roller bearing under combined radial and axial or
thrust load is given by the greater magnitude of the obtained by the following two equations:
[W = X OW R +YW A]……………………………………………………………… (8)
WR =Radial load, X O =Radial load factor, WA= Axial or thrust load, YO = Axial or thrust
load factor
[W= 0.5*1085 ]
W= 542.5N
Life of bearing
The life of an individual ball (or roller) bearing may be defined as the number of
revolutions (or hours at some given constant speed) which the bearing runs before the first
evidence of fatigue develops in the material of one of the rings or any of the rolling elements.
Basic dynamic load rating of rolling contact bearing.
Basic dynamic load rating in Newton‟s for ball or roller bearings may be obtained as
follows: for radial and angular contact ball bearings, except the filling slot type, with balls
not larger than 25,4mm in diameter is given by
Dynamic equivalent load for ball bearing:-Dynamic equivalent radial load for radial or
angular contact bearings, except the filling slot types, under combined constant radial load
and constant axial or thrust load is given by [W =XVWR +YWA] where V is a rotation
factor, 1 for all types of bearings when the inner race is rotating
[W =1*1*1085+0*0]
= 1085 N
Dynamic load rating for ball bearings: - the approximate rating of life (or service) life of
ball or roller bearing is based on the fundamental equation

* ( ) ∗ +……………………..…………………………………………….. (9)

L = Rating life, W = Equivalent dynamic load, C =Basic dynamic load rating

k =3 for ball and 10/3 for roller bearings
The life from the standard table of the bearing in hours,
LH = 20 000 hours, And life of the bearing in revolutions,

Page | 32

L = 60 N ∗LH = 60 ∗ 375∗20 000 = 450 ∗106 rev

Therefore the basic dynamic load rating (c)

C=108( ) = 8.31 KN

Basic dynamic load radial capacity ;

C= C ∗ Ks
∴ R = 16.6kN
Read using the values of the (C = 10.335) & (C= 16.6) from the Basic static and
Dynamic capacities of various types of radial ball bearings then the bearing number are
Therefore the bearings dimension is obtained from table number 6 the Principal
dimensions for radial ball bearings.
Threre for Bearing number=305, Bore= 25mm, Outside diameter=62mm, Width= 17mm
Table 3.4Principal dimensions for radial ball bearings.[2]

Bearing No. Bore (mm) Outside diameter Width (mm)

200 10 30 9

300 35 11

201 12 32 10

301 37 12

202 15 35 11

302 42 13

17 40
203 12
303 14

403 63 17

Page | 33

204 20 47 14

304 52 14

404 72 19

205 25 52 15

305 62 17

405 80 21

206 30 62 16

306 72 19

407 90 23

208 40 72 17

309 80 21

409 100 25

4.1.7 Design and selection of the parallel key

Given: - shaft diameter as calculated above = 25mm
Key material:- mild steel = 70 and = 42
Type of key:-rectangular key
From table We find that for a shaft of 45mm diameter we take the value for d=25mm
Width of key, w = 10mm, Thickness of key, t = 8mm
We calculate the length of the key by considering the key in shearing and crushing
Let l=length of key ,Consider shearing of the key, we know that shearing strength (or

Page | 34

torque transmitted) of the key T = L∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

And torsion shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of the shaft,

From equations (i) and (ii), we have

Table 3.5Proportions of standard parallel tapered and gib head keys [2]

Shaft diameter in
in (mm) up to Key cross-section to Key cross-section
and Width Thickness(mm) Width Thickness(mm)
(mm) (mm)
(mm) up

6 2 2 85 25 14

8 3 3 95 28 16

10 4 4 110 32 18

12 5 5 130 36 20

17 6 6 150 40 22

22 8 7 170 45 25

30 10 8 200 50 28

38 12 8 230 56 32

44 14 9 260 63 36

50 16 10 290 70 32

Page | 35

58 18 11 330 80 36

65 20 12 380 90 45

75 22 14 440 100 50

4.1.8 Design of the helical spring

Material used:-carbon steel which have allowable shear stress (]) severe service 336Mpa,
modulus of rigidity (G) =80KN⁄MM2, modulus of elasticity (E) =210KN⁄MM2 which is
subjected to axial load (load due to the weight of the plate plus the effect of the motor)
The load is distribute equal to all t he spring
They deflect at the same rate
The spring index (c) = 5
Axial deflection of the spring ( ) =5mm R
Axial load applied on a single spring W= +( )

W= + = 487KN

1, Mean diameter of the spring coil (D)

Considering the effect of curvature we know that Wahl‟s stress factor,
K= …………………………………………………. (12)

K= =1.31

The maximum shear stress

∴ d = 4.916mm
From table we shall take standard wire size SWG 5 having diameter (d)=5.385
∴ mean diameter of spring
And outer diameter of the spring coil D0
D0=D + d=32.31mm
Number of turns of the coils (n)

Page | 36

n = 4.42 say n=5

The solid length of the spring = (n+2) d= 37.695
Free length = (p * n) + 2*d=50mm
From standard table squared and ground ends, the total number of turns,
Check Buckling Of Compression Spring.
It have been found that when the free length of the spring LF is more than four times the
mean spring diameter (D), then the spring behaves like a column and may fail by buckling at
a comparatively low load. The critical axial load Wcr that causes buckling may be calculated
by: [Wcr= k x KB x LF] where: KB Buckling factor [LF / D]: k spring rate or stiffness of the
spring (W/g ) and LF free length of the spring.
Table3. 6Values of buckling factors. [5]

LF / D end / end
Hinged Built-in LF Hinged Built-in
spring spring D spring spring

1 0,72 0,72 5 0,11 0,53

2 0,63 0,71 6 0,07 0,38

3 0,38 0,68 7 0,05 0,26

4 0,20 0,63 8 0,04 0,19

4.1.9 Design of mass unbalance

Analysis of vibrating system involves:-
• Physical modeling
• Mathematical modeling
• Analysis

Page | 37

• Validation of the results with measured values and,

• Refinements if necessary.
The mechanical modal has to simplify so that it could be easily be solved but sufficiently
sophisticated to the real system. Physically, all elements of mechanical system are of
continuous type and to make the analysis simple and not to deal with non liner characteristics
of all components, we need to:
• Take simplified assumptions and identify the basic parts which have relevance to the
• Model by lumped or discredited equivalent, which are the mass, spring and damper.
Forced vibration of a single degree of freedom linear system
Forced vibration the energy source will not be removed and work is continuously being
done on the system while vibration occurs like rotating components constantly excited by
harmonic force of a driving motor.
General equation of forced vibration using
mx+ cx+ kx = T(t)……………………………………………………………. (13)
This is non homogenous order differential equation then the response using the
superposition homogenous response,xℎ(t ) a particular response,xp(t) i.e.
Total response=response of initial condition + response of external forces
Rotating unbalanced masses
This kind of excitation is an example of forced vibration is a result of small extra
irregularities in the distribution of rotating mass.
The equation of the motion governing the translational motion for the case of no damping
(c=0) is given by;
mx(t)+ kx(t) = Focos(wr∗ t)…………………………………………………… (14)
Note that the excitation F (t) could have a sin or cosine form. Here we have taken the
cosine. Dividing the equation (4.4) by the mass „m‟ and rearranging, we have;
x(t)t + kx(t) = focos(wr∗ t)................................................................................. (15)

This is linear non-homogenous ordinary deferential equation and the total response of the
system will have the homogenous (complimentary) and the particular part using the methods
of the undetermined coefficient the particular solution,v( ) will be given by:
XP(T ) = AOcos( wr∗t)………………………………………………… (15)
Where AO is the amplitude of the forced vibration

Page | 38

Xp(t) = ( cos(wr∗ )
( )

The total response x (t) is the sum of the homogenous solution (transient response),vℎ(t)
and the particular solution (steady state response) , xp(t);
x(t ) = xℎ( t) + xp(t)

x(t) = Ae- ( ( ) ( )
cos(wr∗ ) ( )

For the larger value time ‟t‟ the xℎ(t) term decays exponentially approaches to zero; as a
result, thexh( t)approachesxp(t) and the response will be;
The first derivative i.e., the velocity response of the system will also be given by;

X(t)= Aecos(Wr∗ ) (
cos(Wr∗ )

x(t ) = −Awrsin( wrt)…………………………………………………………. (19)

And the excitation force F (t) =Focos(wr∗ t)
Design Motor carrier (plate)
Sieve holder is used to the sieves with its coffee. Material used is steel
Volume of the sieve holder (plate 1) =0.003094m3
Mass =
=7800*0.003094 Mass=24kg
Plate 2
Volume =0.0013514m3 , mass of the screen =1.5kg, total mass=12kg
Plate 3 (top screen)
Volume =0.0013514m3 , mass of the screen =1.5kg, total mass=12kg,
Mass of the vertical structure =12kg,
Total static load with the mass of the coffee supported by the helical springs is 80kg
Assuming the spring ends are always in contact with the plates. The helical springs are
connected in parallel the spring stiffness is keq:
keq = 4k

Figure 3.20: Free body rotating mass unbalance [10]

Page | 39

keq = 4 ∗ 61.54 = 246.1N/MM

The natural frequency of the system „J is given by;

WN = ………………………………………………………………………(20)

r = …………………………………………………………………………… (21)

As explain in the design of the helical springs the amplitude of the vibration is v = 5.
So that the mass of unbalance is calculated as follows;
………………………………………………….. (22)

Therefore, the mass unbalance =5kg. This mass is added at the both ends of the pulley with
mass of 2.5kg.

4.1.10 Check the effects of the vibration on the springs and v-belt
The natural frequency of spring should be higher than the frequency of application of a
periodic load in order to avoid resonance with all harmonic frequencies for springs
clamped between two plates is given by;
Where d= diameter of the wire, D= mean diameter of the springs, N= number of the active
turns, G=modules of rigidity, and =density of material.

Fn = 9.377 cycle/s

Therefore the natural frequency of the spring is wn = 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ r = 58.92 rad/s So

Page | 40

the spring design is safe.

Vibration effect on the belt control of natural frequencies
It is well know that whenever the frequency of excitation coincides with one of the
natural frequencies of the system resonance occurs. The most prominent feature of
resonance is large displacement. In most mechanical and structural systems, large
displacements indicate undesirably large strains and steers, which can lead to the failure of
the system. Hence resonance must be avoided in any system. In most cases, the excitation
frequency cannot be controlled, because it is imposed by the functional requirements of the
system or machine. We must concentrate on controlling the natural frequencies of the
system to avoid resonance. As indicated, the natural frequency of a system can be changed
either by varying the system can be changed either by varying the „m‟ or the stiffness „k‟.
m = Area × length × density = 350 × 10–6 × 0.69 × 1000

Figure3. 9Belt modeling [9]

∴ Mass of belt = 2 × 2 = 4

Wn =√
Therefore the natural frequency of the belt is greater than the driving frequency. So that it
is safe design.
4.2 Design of Huller
Design specification for the huller
 Its hulling capacity should be 1.2 ton
 Rotating type cylindrical blade (rotor)
Design procedure:-
4.2.1 Hopper design
The hopper should be able to supply enough coffee to the huller blade according to the
• Flow rate should be 1.2 ton/hr (20kg/min) and the output area (assuming a square cros
section) of the hopper should be able to flow 20kg of dry coffee per min.
Page | 41

• Let Q = 20kg/min
We are interested to get the volume of A3 with square area” Lo × Lo” and height “K

Figure3. 10Size of the hopper

• We also know the mass flow rate of a flowing fluid is given by

ṁ = ρ ∗ u ∗ A………………......................... …..Considering the dry coffee as flowing

fluid, forced by gravity.
Where ρ = bulk density of coffee u = speed of flowing coffee
A = sectional area of hopper outlet
• From experiment and also experience the velocity of the coffee while packet and passing
through the hopper outlet doesn‟t exceed 0.1 m/s let us take u = 0.05 m/s
Using the above equation:-
0.33 kg/sec = 700 kg/m3 0.05 m/s ∗ A
A = 0.00942mm2 = 9428.5mm2
………………………………..,, Square cross section

Figure 3.11Outlet dimension

Other dimensions of the hopper could be calculated based on its volumetric carrying
• Let the total volumetric capacity be 10kg at a time.

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Figure 3.12Overall dimension of the hopper

V = m/ ρ V
vtto = 14285714 mm3
Li = ∛14285714 Li = 242.6mm ≈ 24cm
Final dimension of the hopper
Li = 240 mm
S = 50mm
Lo = 100mm
K = 50mm
Manufacturing procedure of the hopper
Material:- 2mm thick mild steel sheet metal
1. Trace and cut the sheet metal according to the dimension given in figure 3. By sheet metal
cutting machine
2. Prepare four identical faces and bend the edges as shown in the figure
3. Connect the faces and weld them using arc welding technique.

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Figure 3.13Bending angle and overall dimension

4.2.2 Rotor blade design

The dimension of the rotor blade depends on the amount of coffee to be processed. The
amount of coffee to be processed also depends on the rpm of the rotor.
Determination of rotor blade diameter
We have a capacity of 1.2ton/hr (20kg/min) based on this capacity and area of the
perforated cylinder

Figure 3.14Cross section of coffee huller

B= Effective arc length of the curved plate in which the hulling action takes place
A= The portion of the perforated plate with holes which are not effective in hulling.

B= /2 W= length of the perforated cylinder plus clearance of 3mm.

The area of the cylinder surface will be A=2 ∗w

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Figure 3.15Area of the perforated cylinder

According to figure 3.31 at a sample perforated plate size of (65mm*65mm) area there are
16 holes which mean 16 coffee beans.
So if 4225 mm ------------------ contains 16 coffees
(2 ) mm2 …………………………………………………………………………………... (x) coffees

X= ……………………………….…………. (1)

•We know that this area is covered in one revolution of the rotor blade
1rev = x coffees (at one revolution x coffees will be hulled)
Selecting a motor with rpm of 720 and reducing it 144 rpm by a pulley, we can get the
1min = (x ∗ 144) coffees……………. (2)
We want 20kg coffee per minute and Since 1 coffee bean is 0.336gm we get the relation:-
n= 54645coffees /min……………………… (3) Equating (2) and (3)
we get x ∗ 144 54645 x = 379 coffees
Using equation (1)
r∗ w = 15948mm ≈ 16000mm2
We can take r = w = 126mm
4.2.3 Motor horse power selection
First we must determine the torque required to hull the coffee at full load. One coffee bean
needs 20N force to be hulled and as we calculated previously there are 54645 coffees to be
hulled per minute.
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We also know that ¼ of the perforated plate is in contact with the rotor (using coffee as
contact media)
At 144rev ----------- 54645 coffees are hulled 1/4rev-------- n=?
This gives that 95 coffee beans will be hulled per single contact area.
If one coffee needs 20N force to be crushed, then 95 coffees need 1900N force.
Multiplying this force with the radius of the rotor blade we get, the torque requirement of
the coffee huller.
T = F∗r……………………………………………………………… (25)
= 239.4Nm
Using the relation of power

P = 3610 W or 4.8Hp
We can select a standard motor with 750rpm and 5Hp.
Number of teeth and radius of teeth determination
We have already determined the radius and the width of the perforated cylinder and also
the rpm and Hp requirement of the rotor blade. Now we will determine the number of teeth
and diameter of the teeth required (since circular cross-section teeth are used) using the
following geometrical analysis.

Figure3.16Hulling mechanism

Based on the previous calculations

• r = 126mm − (clearance) − (teeth diameter) − (plate thickness) = 93.8mm
• width = 126mm
• plate thickness = 5mm
letg = the gap between two consecutive tooth , R= teeth radius and C = clearance

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The gap between the tooth and the radius of the tooth is calculated geometrically as
Considering the dry coffee bean as a sphere the average diameter is measured as 12mm.
- Now let us consider three cases
Case-1 :- size of teeth > size of coffee

Figure 3.17Case 1
In this case there is no possibility that the coffee bean will be crashed (hulled) in the clearance
between the rotor blade and the perforated plate. So we can‟t use this kind of dimensioning.
Case-2 :- size of coffee > size of teeth but with large gap „g‟

Figure 3.18Case2
• The coffee could not be squeezed between the clearance because it is not supported by the
Case-3 size of coffee > size of teeth with smaller diameter

Figure 3.,19Case 3

• Case three is the most effective because the tooth support the coffee at both side.

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Figure 3.20Geometry
Determination of the number of teeth

Figure 3.21Rotor blade dimensions in (mm)

Circumference of the center curve = 2 ∗ 103.5mm = 681.7mm

Then dividing the above result by „g‟ or „DT‟ we get 68 equal spacing on the curve and since
the gap and teeth diameter are equal we can further divide this value and get the number of
teeth to be 34.
Determination of weld dimension
Each blade is welded on the rotor cylinder , we must determine dimension of
the weld which can resist the force exerted.

Figure 3.22Weld dimension

Given parameters
• P = 20N ∗ 15 = 300N (one teeth support(crush) an average of 15 coffees)
• Taking the maximum shear stress in the weld as 18 Kpsi (124.1Mpa) for E60xx type electrod
table …….
Let s= size of weld in mm, and t= throat thickness

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The joint in fig2.39 is subjected to direct shear stress due to the shear force of 300N and
bending stress due to the bending moment of ∗ W.
We know that area at the throat,
A = 2t 2 ∗ 0.707 ∗ l……………………….. (26)
= 1.414S∗ l = 1.114s ∗ 126 = 143.7 ∗ smm2

∴Shear stress, = P/A = = MM2

∗ ∗

Bending moment, m= p∗ W = 300 ∗ 126 = 37.8 ∗ 103NM

Section modulus of the weld through the throat,

Bending stress, = mz/2…………………………………………………. (27)

We know that maximum shear stress ( ),

124.1 = √( ) √( ) ( )

Minimum fillet weld size, for plate thickness up to ¼ inch (6.35 mm) can be taken as
1/8 in = 3.17 4 mm
4.2.4 Check the strength of the perforated cylinder


Figure 3.23Circumferential or hoop stress

Circumferential or hoop stressp= Intensity of internal pressure, d = Internal diameter of the
cylindrical shell, l = Length of the cylindrical shell, t = Thickness of the cylindrical shell, and
h?B= Circumferential or hoop stress for the material of the

We knowth hoop stress on the shell is given by the

……………………………………………………………… (29)
Page | 49

Input parameter
= 1900N/16000mm2 = 0.118 Mpa
l= 126mm
d = 252mm
t= 5mm
Checking the hoop stress for the perforated plate with the assumed dimension of 5mm we get
this result shows a smaller tensile stress than
allowable stress of mild steel 215mpa taking factor of safety two. So the thickness
considered is safe!
Table 3.7Allowable Steady Loads and Minimum Fillet Weld Size And Allowable load
for the various size of fillet weld [8]

60* 70* 80 90* 100 110* 120

Allowable shear stress on the threat Ksi (1000psi) o f fillet
weld or partial penetration grooved weld
] 18.0 21 24 27 30 33 36.0
Allowable unit force on the fillet weld Kip/li near in
tf 12.73h 16.97h 19.09h 21.21h 23.33h 25.45h
Leg size Allowable unit force for varies sizes of fillet welds Kp/lin ear
h in

1 13.73 14.85 16.97 19.09 21.21 23.33 25.45

7/8 11.14 12.99 14.85 16.70 18.57 20.41 22.27
¾ 9.55 11.11 12.75 14.32 15.92 17.50 19.09
5/8 7.96 9.28 10.61 11.93 13.27 14.58 15.91
½ 6.37 7.42 8.48 9.54 10.61 11.67 12.73
7/16 5.57 6.50 7.42 8.35 9.28 10.21 11.14

Page | 50

3/8 4.77 5.57 6.36 7.16 7.95 8.75 9.54

. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
.. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .

4.2.5 Design of belt and pulley

The following important points should be noted before designing the belt and pulley.
1. The pulleys should not be too close together ,in order the arc of contact of the smaller pulley
may be as large as possible.
2. Speed of the driving and driven shafts
3. Power to be transmitted
4. Center distance between the shafts
5. Service conditions
Table 3.8Material and belt density [2]

Material of belt Mass density in kg/m3

Leather 1000

Canvass 1220
Rubber 1140

Balata 1110

Single woven belt 1170

Double woven belt 125

V-belt: - is mostly used in factories and workshops where a great amount of power is to be
transmitted from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are very near to each other.

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Figure 3.24A) Cross-section of a v-belt B) Cross-section of a v-grooved pulley

4.2.6 Design of belt

• Number of belts
• Pulley selection
• Length of belt
Initial design parameters
- Power requirement of the rotor blade = 3.6kw
- Speed of the rotor blade, N2 = 144rpm
- Motor speed, N1 = 750rpm
- Pulley diameter on motor side , d1 = 70mm (minimum pitch diameter for
the power requirement)
- Pulley diameter on blade = 350mm
- Belt material rubber , ρ = 1140kg/m3
- Groove angle, 2β = 35° β = 17.5°
- Cross-sectional area of the belt, a = 375mm

= 2.75M/S

Figure 3.41: Motor with huller pulley

Page | 52

For an open belt drive as shown in fig 2.41


and angle of lap on the smaller pulley(i.e. pulley on the motor shaft)
3 = 180° − 2- = 180 − 2 ∗ 14.6 = 150.8°

We know that mass of the belt per mass length, m = area ∗ length ∗ density
= 357 ∗ 10 − 6 ∗1140 = 0.427kg/m
Centrifugal tension,
Tc = mv2= 0.427 ∗ (2.752) = 3.29N
And maximum tension in the belt, T = ∗ ∗ = 2.5 ∗ 375 = 937.5N
T1 = T − TC = 937.5 − 3.79 = 934.2N
Let T2 = Tension in the tight side of the belt
We know that

(Taking antilog of 0.95)

Number of V-belts
We know that the power transmitted per belt,
= (t1−t2 )V = (930.7 − 104.8)N ∗ 2.75 = 2.27KW

Number of V-belts

Take 2 belts
Length of each belt
We know that radius of pulley on motor shaft,

And radius of pulley on rotor blades shaft,

We know that length of each belt,

Page | 53
( )
L= ( )

Dimensions of the belt cross-section

From standard (table……………………..)
Type of belt –A
Top width (b) = 13mm, Thickness (t) = 8mm
Dimension of the pulley
Type of belt –A
W = 11mm ,d = 12 mm , a = 3.3mm , c = 8.7mm= F=10 , e = 15 , n
(No of grooves) = 2
Grooving angle (2 =) = 35° ,
Face width (B) = 2f + e = 35mm
D1= 70MM˜ D2= 350MM

Figure3. 25Dimensions of the pulley

4.2.7 Design of shaft

 A & D are the pulleys for the huller blade and the fan
• B & C are bearings
• The shaft transmits 3.6 kw at 144rpm
• The pulleys weigh WA= WB = 42.9N (volume of the pulley ∗ density of steel)
• Shaft material:- steel with permissible shear stress of 63 Mpa
• Mass of shaft is negligible compared to the pulleys masses
• Shock factor for bending , KM= 2
• Shock factor for torsion , Kt = 1.5 We know that torque transmitted by the shaft,

Let T1 and T2 be Tensions in the tight side and slack side of the belt on pulleys A&D

Page | 54

T1 = 934.2N&T2 = 104.8N calculated in the belt design

Total vertical load acting down ward on the shaft at A&D
= T + T + WA
= 934.2 + 104.8 + 42.9 = 1081.9N
Free body diagram

EFY= 0
2 ∗ 1081.9 = RB+RC …………………………..(i)
EM A= 0
RB= 190 + RC∗ 610 = 0.81 ∗ 1081.9
0.19RB+ 0.61RB = 865.52NM…………………………(ii)
Using equation (i) & (ii)
RB = 1081.9N
RC = 1081.9N
Section A-A

MX= X∗ 1081.9NM…………………………..(1)
Section Y-Y

Page | 55

MYˇ + 1081.9N = 1081.9(X − 0.19)

MY= 1081.9X − 205.5 − 1081.9X

Section z-z

MZ= 1081.9N MX …………………………………………(3)

Bending moment diagram

Figure 3.0.43: Bending moment diagram

From the bending moment diagram we can see that the bending moment is maximum at
the shaft from B to C.
Maximum bending moment, m= 205NM = 205 ∗ 103 NM
We know that the equivalent twisting moment,
TE=√( ∗ ∗ ) ( ∗ ∗ )

TE= )
√( ∗ ∗ ) ( ∗ ∗

= 554.05 ∗ 103 NMM

We also know that the equivalent twisting moment (Te)

Page | 56

4.2.8 Design of key

Given: - shaft diameter as calculated above = 45mm
Key material:-steel = 70 and] = 42MPA
Type of key:-rectangular key From table………. We find that for a shaft of 45mm
diameter we take the value for d=50mm
Width of key, w = 16mm
Thickness of key, t = 10mm
We calculate the length of the key by considering the key in shearing and crushing
Let l=length of key
Consider shearing of the key, we know that shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of the

Key T =l …………….. 1

And torsion shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of the shaft,

………………. (ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), we have

•Now considering crushing of the key , we know that shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of
the key,

T= L= T/2 ……………….. (iii)

From equations (ii) and (iii), we have

Taking larger of the two values we have length of the two values we have
Length of key, j = 95.2 ≈ 96

Figure 3.44: Rectangular sunk key

Page | 57

Experimental Result

Figure3. 26Excitation force variation with time

Figure 3.27Displacement variation with time

Page | 58


3.28Velocity variation with time

Figure 3.29Acceleration variation with time

Table 3.9Manufacturing process and cost analysis [1]&[6]


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No Part name quantity material Manufacturing process Estimated

1 Electrical motor 1 - Purchase according to 5000
2 Vibrating 3 Steel wire Purchase according to 400
Screens cloth the dimensional
3 V-belt 1 Rubber purchase 400
4 Pulley 2 Cast iron Sand mold casting 1500
5 Shaft 1 Mild steel Machining (lathe 250
6 Ball bearing 2 Steel purchase 150
7 Parallel key 2 Steel Machining (Shaper 40
8 Helical spring 4 Steel Machining (lathe 200
9 Sieve frame 2 Steel Welding according to 350
the dimensions
10 Pre cleaner 1 Steel Welding according to 2500
frame the dimensions

Huller r
13 Rotor blade 34 Steel Welding 450
14 Blank shell 1 Steel Welding 250
15 Pulley 2 Cast iron Sand mold casting 2000
16 Pin 4 Steel Machining (lathe 200
17 V-Belt 6 rubber purchase 680
18 Perforated shell 1 Steel Sheet metal rolling and 450
19 Hopper 1 Steel Sheet metal 150
development and
20 Shaft 1 steel Machining (lathe 200
23 key 3 steel Machining (shaper 40
24 Ball bearing 2 steel Purchase 150
25 Electrical Motor 1 - Purchase according to 5000
26 Cover plate 1 steel Sheet metal cutting and 50

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Total cost 20410

6.1Assembly procedure
Assembly procedure of precleaner
1. Set the frame [DWG No 6] of precleaner on the level ground 2.Assemble and weld
the helical spring [ DWG No 1] on the fra
2. Mount the sieve frame on spring holder.
3. Assembly precleaner shaft [ DWG No 4] to the beneath of the motor carrier frame
4. Keyed the pulley [DWG No 3] with precleaner shaft
5. Connect the v-belt with precleaner shaft
6. Insert the bottom [ DWG No 2] and top sieves [ DWG No 5] on the top and bottom
7. Finally check with precleaner assembly [ DWG No 7]
Assembly procedure of Huller
1. Assemble the Motor on the frame (blank shell assembly) [DWG No 18]
2. Insert the shaft in the blade assembly [DWG No 19]
3. Assemble the shaft in the bearing support [DWG No 18]
4. Assemble the pulleys and belts [DWG No 19]
5. Assemble the cover plate [DWG No 19]

From the project we conclude that the two components of a dry coffee processing
machine, the Pre-cleaner and the Huller are the most important parts and if they are designed
well, the whole process will become efficient.

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The project also shows that it is possible to process a considerable amount of coffee with
limited space.

We feel the project that we have done has a good future scope in any engineering industry.
The main constraint of this device is the low initial cost and has low operating costs.
Savings resulting from the use of this device will make it pay for itself with in short period
of time & it can be a great companion in any engineering industry dealing with rusted and
unused metals. The device affords plenty of scope for modifications, further improvements
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& operational efficiency, which should make it commercially available & attractive. If
taken up for commercial production and marketed properly, we are sure it will be accepted
in the industry. It has plenty of scope if the device is made larger in size so that the
capacity of shearing the metals is more and it can be used in the factory premises.

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1. David RH Jones &Michael F Ashby. An introduction to material microstructures processing
and design (3rd Edition).[page 13]
2. R.S. KHURMI & J.K. GUPTA. A TEXT OF MACHINE DESIGN,Eurasia publishing house
(pvt.) ltd RAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110 0552005 [p545-
555, 730-740, 1030-1045]
3. Ir.DessalegnTeaching material for mechanical vibration,AssosaUniversity, mechanical
engineering department, Assosa Ethiopia, April 2013 [page; 85-120]
4. Joseph E.shigly& Charles R.mischke Standard hand book of machine design (2nd
Edition), McGraw-Hill, New San Francisco, 1996 [p430-523]
5. Ir. DessalegnTeachingMachine element and design,AssosaUniversity, mechanical
engineering department [p485-589]
6. Mikellp.Groover. Fundamentals of modern manufacturing,(3rg Edition) United states of
America (ISBN-13 978-0-471-74485-6)
7. S. Graham Kelley. Fundamentals of mechanical vibrations (2nd Edition), USA,
1995(ISBN0-07-0116325-5) [p258-369,420-450]
8. Shigley‟s Mechanical Engineering Design, Eighth Edition McGraw_-Hill[p476]
9. SingiresuS.Rao, Mechanical vibrations (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley publishing company.
USA, 1995(ISBN0-201-59289-4)[p285-295,450-520]
10. Vibrating Screen Theory and Selection, by Allis-Chalmers 26M5506
11. Choosing a woven wire screen for top separation performance. Accessible on
12. Cimbria cleaner. Accessible on
13. Screen capacity calculation. Accessible on
16. Standards for electric motors (Pdf).

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Table 3.11 Material properties and their cost [1]

Metal Cost Density Young‟s Yield Tensile ductility Fracture Melting Specific Thermal Thermal
(uk£(usd)tonn1) (Mg m- modulus strength strength toughness To heat(J conductivity expansion
3) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) Kg-1K- (Wm-1K-1) (MK-1)
Iron 100(400) 7.9 211 50 200 0.3 80 1809 456 78 12
Mild steel 200-230 7.9 210 220 430 0.21 140 1705 482 60 12
Highcarbon 150(200) 7.8 210 350- 650- 0.1-0.2 20-50 1579 460 40 12
steel 1600 2000

Low-alloy 180-250 7.8 203 290- 420- 0.1-0.2 50-170 1680 500 12-30 10-18
steel (230-330) 1600 2000
High-alloy 1100-1400 7.8 215 170- 460- 0.1-0.5 50-170 1650 500 12-30 10-18
steel (1400-1800) 1600 1700
Cast irons 120(160) 7.4 152 50-400 10-800 0-0.18 6-20 1403 - - -
Copper 1020(1330) 8.9 130 75 220 0.5-0.9 >100 1356 385 397 17
Brasses 750-1060 8.4 105 200 350 0.5 30-108 1190 - 121 20
Bronzs 1500(2000) 8.4 120 200 350 0.5 30-100 1120 - 85 19
Nickel 3200(4200) 8.9 214 60 300 0.4 >100 1728 450 89 13
Monels 3000-(3900) 8.9 185 340 680 0.5 >100 1600 420 22 14
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 3.12NEMA Standard Locked-rotor Torque of Single-speed Poly-phase 60-
and50-hertz Squirrel-cage Integral-horsepower Motors with Continuous Ratings

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