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January 3, 2015 2 minute read

Vendor Invoice, payment & Manual Bank Reconciliation process in

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Hi Forum,

Please follow the below vendor invoice, payment and Manual bank reconciliation process step by step in SAP.

Vendor Invoice: (FBL1N)

Accounting Entry:

IT Outsourcing Expenses DR

TO Vendor CR
Payment through APP (F110):
Check payment variant:
Edit proposal:
Payment run:
Accounting Entry at the time of payment:

Vendor Account DR

TO Check out Account CR

After payment the vendor line item display is as follows:

Check out account GL Display: 4000 $ Open balance before manual bank reconciliation

Transaction code: FF67

Opening and closing balance before bank le execution.

In FF67 front screen give the bank key, bank account number of the house bank.
Press enter and give the checkout transaction which was created, value date, amount and bank reference
Click on save
Now click on save to post the statement.
Now execute the scheduled job.

Transaction code: SM35

Now execute in fore ground.

Main bank account (100001) is crediting from the con guration.

The checkout GL line items after manual bank le execution in SAP.

Accounting Entry:

Check out Account DR

TO main Bank Account CR


Happy learning, wish you all the best.


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Hidyath pasha

November 17, 2015 at 5:11 am

HI sir,

wonderful keep it up , it shows clear BRS cycle  thanks a lot


Former Member | Post author

June 15, 2016 at 7:25 am

Thank you Hidyath

Former Member

May 17, 2016 at 6:16 am


Nice document. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.




Former Member | Post author

June 15, 2016 at 7:26 am

Thank you Karthi


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