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Safety & Security

Chapter 1

By: Miss Ilham


Video link:

What is Internet Safety?

Safety when using the Internet (example: keeping

personal data)

Involved the use of devices such as:

Mobile phone

Computer/ tablet

Game console

Wireless technology
Personal Data?

Any data concerning a living person who can be identified.




Date of Birth

IC/ Passport number

Medical history
Security of Data

Security Risks associated with any electronic devices:

1. Hacking

2. Viruses

3. Child Grooming

4. Identity Theft

5. Spyware
1. Hacking

Act of gaining unauthorised access to a

computer system
How to prevent hacking?

Use firewalls

Use strong password

Change password regularly


Firewall sits between computer and Internet to

filter information coming in and out from the
Strong Password

Not easy to guess

Use capital letter, small letter, number and

symbol. Example: h@NnaH23

Avoid personal information and common word

Dont reuse passwords

2. Viruses

Program code or software that can replicate/

copy itself

Intend to delete or corrupting files on computer

Often cause computer to malfunction

How to prevent viruses?

Install an anti-virus software

Update anti-virus software regularly

Do not use software from unknown sources

Be careful when opening emails or attachments

from unknown send

Antivirus software is a type of program to protect

computers from viruses.
Security Patches

Security patches is a set of changes to

a computer program (example, anti-virus) to fix,
or improve it.

We have to regularly update anti-virus to

prevent new kind of viruses.
Video link:
3. Child Grooming

Child grooming is befriending and establishing

an emotional connection with a child for a wrong
Grooming Technique

Bribing the child by buying games, sharing drugs, alcohol,

sexual material, or allowing them to get away with improper

Letting the child know that, if they tell someone, the offender
might harm the child or family

Trying very hard to be the child's friend

Telling the child that the offender needs to look at the child’s
body for some reason

Frequently insisting upon or managing to spend uninterrupted

time alone with a child
What to do?

Report to parents/ teacher

Don’t talk with strangers online

Ensure anonymity

the condition of being anonymous.

No one can tell that it is you.



Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of

being anonymous.
Video link:
4. Identity Theft

deliberate use of someone else's identity

usually as a method to gain a financial advantage

or obtain credit and other benefits in the other
person's name
How to prevent identity theft?

Use strong passwords

Check social media privacy settings

Avoid phishing emails

Avoid public Wi-Fi

Check bank statements regularly

Always use secure websites

Update security software

Shred sensitive documents

What is phishing?

The recipient will receive an email which looks


The email will normally request the user to

update their details which could be their
password or payment details.

To update the users details they will have to click

on a link which will take them to a fake website.
Social Net work

Minimise the Potential Dangers:

Know how to block and report unwanted users in

chat rooms.

Never give out any personal information online.

Never arrange to meet strangers especially in a

secluded place.

Keep adults informed about your use of social

Online Gaming

Minimise the Potential Dangers:

Never use real name when playing games


Use appropriate language when using

headsets and communicating with other

Only play online with trusted friends.

5. Spyware

Is a software which can monitor your use of the

computer (internet browsing) and monitor and log
key pressed.
Effect of Spyware

Spyware software will send the data back to person

who planted the spyware software on your

This could include personal details like passwords

and banking account information.

Spyware software could also install additional

software to read cookie data and change web
browsing preferences.

small file or code that are stores on a user's


small lookup table containing pair of key and data

(example: surname - john)

usually stored user preferences

End of Chapter 1

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