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Does CBD Oil Improve Hair Growth?

I Heard, It
Can Help with Dry Hair Too.

It is a beyond heartbreaking sight to see strands of your hair disappearing down the shower
drain. Hair loss is frustrating, and it can have pernicious consequences on one's self-
confidence and, eventually, mental health. Although there are many remedies for dry or
thinning hair in the market today, the best approach is to maintain healthier hair throughout
your life. The great thing is that there are simple and natural ways to maintain healthy hair
and protect against hair loss, one of which is the Effective CBD oil tincture.

CBD and the ECS

CBD or Cannabidiol works through the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) by helping the body
maintain a balance called homeostasis, which helps the body to handle those factors in the
environment that could increase your risk of hair fall. The ECS has three main components:
endocannabinoids, metabolic enzymes and cannabinoid receptors. Endocannabinoids are
those molecules produced by the body to bind proteins and cannabinoid receptors throughout
the peripheral and central nervous systems. When you consume CBD, it comes in contact
with the ECS. It plays a defensive force that blocks enzymes like monoacylglycerol from
breaking down the endocannabinoids that the body naturally produces.
Although CBD is a cannabinoid that comes from the cannabis plant, it is not psychoactive.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the cannabinoid that gives the feeling of euphoria. Due to its
non-intoxicating effects, CBD is a welcome addition to the daily lives of people. CBD is
currently in use for its ability to help with hard-to-treat forms of seizure disorder and
epilepsy. Research has uncovered many possible medical applications of CBD. They are
stress and anxiety, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, vomiting and
nausea, inflammatory bowel disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and skin
conditions like psoriasis.

CBD Oil for Hair Growth

CBD Oil contains natural oils and amino acids found in almost all tissues, including hair. By
working with the body's biological systems, CBD works to support hair growth naturally.
Each hair follicle contains a protein called keratin. CBD oil contains amino acids, which are
the building blocks of protein, that can help to strengthen hair and reduce dryness naturally.
When the hair is dry, its texture can become brittle and easily breakable, causing more hair
loss. By strengthening the hair strands with CBD oil, dry hair can rebuild strength and create
a fuller look.

CBD oil is full to the brim with the nourishing omega fatty acids that seal moisture in the hair
and nourishes the cuticles. In a recent study on the inhibition of hair follicle growth by endo
and exo cannabinoids, researchers found that massaging the scalp with oil soothes the dryness
on the scalp by absorbing nutrients and promoting hair growth.

Prevention of Hair Loss
In a recent study, researchers found that CBD improves cerebral blood circulation and can
transport more nutrients to hair follicles, thus reducing hair loss by decreasing harmful toxins
and promoting hair growth.
The cannabinoid receptors on the scalp interact with CBD oil to regulate the functioning of
the immune system. CBD suppresses skin inflammation in these areas, decreases hair loss,
and promotes a healthier environment for the hair to grow on the scalp.
CBD also contains high amounts of essential fatty acids like Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega
9, which help prevent moisture loss and keep the hair well hydrated. Additionally, one of the
amino acids in CBD Oil, tyrosine, helps to maintain colour.

CBD Oil to reduce stress

Over the years, various researchers have made it clear that stress is one of the primary
reasons for hair loss. CBD Oil has many stress and anxiety-relieving properties that help
people sleep, and it is well known how important sleep is to our general health and well-
being. Therefore, it makes sense that sleep is also crucial in supporting healthy hair growth.

Less stress in the body also means less cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone," which is
behind the body's "fight or flight" response in a nerve-wracking situation. High amounts of
cortisol cause hair fall, weight gain and sleeping troubles. A good night's sleep is vital in
maintaining healthy levels of cortisol in the body. 
CBD in the treatment of hair fall induced by Hormonal Changes

While going through menopause or pregnancy, many women witness terrible hair fall due to
the drastic fluctuations in hormone levels. The common hormone which is responsible for
causing receding hairlines is DHT. When external treatments cannot help while you are
coping with such problems, CBD oil comes in as a saviour. CBD interacts with the receptors
in the body that control hormone regulation functions. It can achieve hormonal balance to
help in reducing hair loss and stimulation of hair growth. Likewise, stress can have an intense
impact on your scalp health and overall nutrient availability for hair growth. It can also
influence hormone fluctuations and further the problem.        

How to use CBD Oil?

1. External Application.
There is a vast range of CBD oils to choose from in the market today. Experts recommend
mixing CBD oil with carrier oils like olive oil before applying it to the scalp to increase
benefits. Let the oil on the scalp for a minimum of 30 minutes before you wash it off with
shampoo. It can also be left overnight and rinsed off the next day. 

2. Ingestion
CBD oil is available in various forms, ranging from tinctures and gummies to capsules. The
effective CBD oil tinctures are taken under the tongue and then swallowed after a few
seconds. The Capsules must be taken at the same time regularly, and gummies have a slower
effect. All these products are available in different potencies. It is wise to take it in the
quantities recommended by your physician.  

Thanks to the legalization of CBD in developed countries, the world has now started to open
up to CBD and the hair health benefits it contains. Medical sciences agree that CBD is an
effective medicine for hair loss. From the nourishing properties of the vitamins in CBD to
stimulating hair growth and how it can help with anxiety disorders and inflammation, the
benefits of CBD Oil are endless.

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