Your Passion: Brian Tracy

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Your Passion

I learned from a successful businessman, author, and motivational

speaker Brian Tracy, that passion is something you will do if money
is not a problem. My question for you is what thing that you like
doing if money is not a problem or if it’s free? If you are on the
business for money in the first place, I am telling you that you will
get burned out if the going gets tough. Bill Gates loves computers
that is why he was able to build Microsoft. Looking at his success
today, we never notice the countless hours he spent creating and
perfecting the operating system. His passion allowed him to
withstand the hardships and obstacles of the business. If you share
that passion like him, no obstacle will bring you down because you
love doing your business in the Philippines.

Relationships over Profits

Building relationships with your partners and clients is very
important in making your small business in the Philippines a
success. According to John Maxwell, a best-selling author, and
successful motivational speaker, ‘People don’t care what you know
until they know how much you care’. Your business is not your
products nor your services, but your people and your clients.
Business is about making an impact on people’s lives through a
product or a service. When I was starting my business, I see dollar
signs on the foreheads of my clients. I was focused on making
money rather than building relationships. Good thing that I learned
about this sooner, I was able to focus more on helping people
improve their lives. I remember what the late Zig Ziglar had said,
‘You can have everything in life you want if you will just help
enough other people get what they want’.
After Sales Matters
Businessmen are paid based on the product or services they have
offered or done. I remembered the story of a famous carwash and
repair company that calls their clients a day after to ask if their cars
are doing fine. They also ask for feedback in order to further
improve their services. Because of that simple gesture, they got a
lot of referrals from their customers. For you, it may be a small
thing but for customers, it may be a big thing. It shows that you
actually care for them. Think of an extra effort that you can give
your clients like sending them birthday cards or greeting them on
their birthdays.

Start Small, Dream Big

We all want to earn big so the formula will be to start big, right?
Some don’t start at all because they think starting big is the key.
That may be true but not always. Result or profit equals to action
regardless of the amount of capital. Some people are afraid to start
small because they think it will become a waste of time. To tell you
honestly, starting right away gives you the experience and develops
the skills you need in your small business in the Philippines. There
no wrong with starting small. It should be accompanied by
dreaming BIG. Every big and successful story came from a small
and humble beginning.

Opportunities Knock Only Once

A funny definition of opportunities as mentioned by Francis Kong is
that they are proud. Why? Opportunities want to grab right away or
else it will be gone. We may have been presented on different
opportunities in the past. We grabbed some but we let some pass.
Next time if an opportunity arises in the name of a trending
business idea or an in-demand business in the Philippines, make
sure to grab it right away and think of a plan on how to make it
successful later. It is better than having regrets that will haunt you
for the rest of your life.

Consistency is the Key

Have you tried cooking rice using the stove? If yes, have you tried
cooking it by occasionally putting out the fire from then resuming it
after some minutes? Probably not, why? Simple answer, it won’t
cook! Starting a small business in the Philippines needs consistency
before it is established in the long run. What I mean by consistency
is your everyday effort, activities, and time. The first months are
the most crucial parts of your business. It creates the momentum of
your business. Once momentum is established, that is where you
can rest for a while because once it starts rolling, it will be difficult
to stop. Remember that starting a small business in the Philippines
is the easy part, maintaining it is the hard part.

Glory to God
I am not a religious person but I believe that there is a Supreme
Being that governs all of us that is all-knowing and all-powerful
which is God. I remembered in the book Purpose Driven Life by Rick
Warren, he said that we have different talents that are given to us.
God wants us to use them to glorify him because he created us.
This business in the Philippines is a great avenue where we can
make use of our God-given talents and abilities. If you have a son
or a daughter, what is your reaction every time he or she does
something awesome? You smile, right? Same for God, since we are
all his children if we use our gifts to become successful and make an
impact on people around us, He smiles too.

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