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Explain the global transition /development of educational media (teaching and learning
materials) from ancient time to date.
Media development and media for development. Support for "Media development"
refers to efforts to directly improve the media in a society (through the means mentioned above).
"Media for development" refers to using existing media to convey messages about specific
development issues. Such efforts include many projects. Media for Development has been
applied to education, healthcare, business, disaster relief, corruption, minority empowerment,
and local community engagement, among other development goals. Also development of media
path through two means of communication such as traditional media and modern media.
Traditional media is an old means of communicating which reflects common people of society.
Traditional media were challenged and subsumed by emergence of modern media. The modern
media includes the use of traditional materials such as chalkboards, charts, print media
(handouts, magazine, and newspaper) radio, maps, atlases, globes, flash cards, posters,
textbooks, overheads projectors, videotape, film and television while Modern Media is an
advanced means of communication which reflects the contemporary society. This is a modern
form of media which emerged in the 20th century, based on digital services. This includes the
use of internet and its related instruments like computer, e-mail, voicemail, electronic meetings
(video conferencing) digital newsrooms, television, smart board, smart phone, interactive tablets,
blogs, and Web Pages. Also, this includes the use of different programs in a computer such as
plagiarism checker, face book, twitter, Skype, e-learning and YouTube. Examples of modern
media see the figure below;
Global transition of Educational media includes the following era below;

Early man era: Educational media have been used for a long time in the history of
education; they have been used from ancient time to date. The early ancient communities such as
Greece, Egypt, Rome, China and India were using traditional media in teaching the indigenous
education. The Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle played a great role in
establishment of ancient education. The sophist teachers who specialized in using philosophy
and rhetoric in teaching managed to transform the type educational system in Greece. They used
the term “techne” to refer to a scientific and systematic way of applying knowledge in giving the
Instruction. They formulated the cognitive rules to analyze the subject matter and designed
instructional technologies.

Writing technology: Egyptians created symbols; signs that stood for sounds based
syllabic system. By putting sound and symbols together, they could write any word. The
discoveries enabled them to acquire the skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, geometry, music,
dancing painting and sculpture. Drawing technology or the art of drawing could then be
associated with traditional technology where people use stones, pebbles, slates or slabs, sticks to
make some drawings on the rocks, wood and on flat surface. Later on they discovered the
papyrus which had been used for writing. The Egyptians made papyrus from a reed that grew
along the Nile River. They cut the reed into thin strips and pressed it together to form sheets
which were used for writing.

Medieval time: This marked the time between the end of Roman Empire and the
beginning of the modern world. It is also referred as the “Middle Age period”. This time
occurred between 5th to 15thcenturies when Western Roman Empire collapsed and marked the
end of antiquity.

During the middle age, the writing was done on a parchment. This was a thin dried
skin of some animals which was used in the past for writing. The production of book was done
by squeezing several written skin together to form a book. Further, European discovered paper
from the Moslems which made things easier. This discovery marked the beginning of
renaissance and the age of discovery which came with the modern era. This period served as a
bridge or transition between medieval and the beginning of renaissance and reformation time.
Renaissance Movement (14th to 16th centuries) marked as a time where changes took
place throughout Europe, from 14th to 16th c. The Renaissance period was a time of new
discoveries in fine arts, music, literature, philosophy, science and technology, architecture and
religious. Also the Invention printing machine was,

The age of books: In 1456, Johann Guttenberg discovers the printing machine. With
this invention, the art of printing spread widely and different books were produced. Those people
who were interested in learning assembled in a selected place for learning. This influenced the
teachers to find the place for writing and drawing during the instructions. The resultant effect of
this group was the invention of the chalkboard which is still in use to date.

Mass communication era: The invention of the radio and television marked another
milestone development of educational technology worldwide. This invention facilitated the
world mass communication and by implication was mass education.

The computer era: The invention of the computer has remarkably changed the
educational practice over the world. With the commencement of the computer and internet
marked the beginning of the modern era. The computer increases the use of electronic devices
like video and audio-conferencing and other services like electronic mail, World Wide Web,
wireless network, e-learning etc. The discovery of computer and internet marked the different
between the traditional and modern media in classroom instructions. It has become the most
important learning aids of the modern times. Examples of the computer era see the figure

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