Final Module ENG 9 (1st Q)

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1 WEEK 1

Name:____________________________________________ Date: _______________________


Instructions: Watch the link above. Take note the words that are written in capital letters. After
that, answer the following questions below.
1. What have you observed about the words written in capital letters?

2. Right five (5) sentences using the words you listed.


Name:__________________________________________ Date: _______________________


DIRECTIONS: Supply the sentences with their missing modals by underlining the appropriate
one in the parenthesis. Use the clues below.
1. I (can , will) dance pretty good.
2. (Can , Should) I try this?
3. You (can , will) use the library for your research papers.
4. We (must , should) stay here.
5. (May I , Can I) pick you up later.
6. (You must , You should) come by my house later.
7. I (would , had to) study!
8. She (can , may) become a star.
9. We (could have , might have) walk in the dark before.
10. I (will not , could not) attend the prom last year due to my fever.

1. stating general ability 6. polite invitation
2. asking permission in a polite/formal way 7. stating necessity
3. giving permission in a polite way 8. stating possibility in the future
4. making suggestions 9. stating ability in the past
5. making an offer 10. stating impossibility in the past


1 WEEK 2

Name:_________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Match the conditional clause in column A with the appropriate main clause in column B. Write
only the letter of your answer on the space provided.

_____1. If I were the president, A. she would help everyone in need.

B. I would not appoint my friends to public
_____2. If Rizal were to speak to us today,
_____3. If you hold on long enough, C. he could offer it to some other people.
D. he would tell us to love our country
_____4. If children listen more to their parents,
_____5. If I had listened to you, E. we only fool ourselves.
_____6. If he had consulted his constituents, F. you will see help coming.
_____7. If the mountaineers did not prepare, G. they would have died immediately.
_____8. If we hide our true feelings, H. the country will have less problems.
_____9. If the townspeople refused his help, I. he could have gotten their support.
_____10. If she were to become very rich, J. I would not have embarrassed myself.

Name:_________________________________________ Date: _______________________


A. Below are three important social and environmental issues today. We all know for a fact that
in one way or another, these issues do not only benefit people, but also bring harm to others.
What is your stand in each of the illustrated issues below? Use REAL PRESENT
CONDITIONALS in presenting your arguments.


Oil exploration


B. Below are optimistic expressions of the status of social justice today. Do you agree or
disagree with the expressions below? Present your arguments using PRESENT UNREAL
1. We live in a fair and just society. I agree/disagree because

2. It is important to treat others with justice and fairness. I agree/disagree because


3. Revenge can sometimes be justified. I agree/disagree because



1 WEEK 3

Name:____________________________________________ Date: _______________________


Activity #1
Complete the crossword puzzle below by understanding the given meaning.

T A E 1. having a very close relationship
2. a formal event
3. giving advice
R L 4. happening by chance not planned
5. subject to long and severe cold


Name:________________________________________ Date: _______________________


ACTIVITY #1 (Intimate)
I. Identify whether the conversation or dialogue is intimate or not. Write a happy face (☺) if it is
intimate and sad face () when it’s not.
_____1. “Hello Mr. Anderson. How are you today?”
_____2. “I do swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second,
Her heirs and successors according to the law, in the office of Governor-General of the
Commonwealth of Australia, and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws
and usages of the Commonwealth of Australia, without fear or favour, affection or ill
will. So help me God!”
_____3. Rita: “How is life treating you?”
Yssa: “Life isn’t treating me well.”
Rita: “I wish I would have known that earlier. I’m sorry.”
_____4. Jim: “Have you heard what Alex said? I feel insulted.”
Rex: “Yeah! He didn’t think of what you might feel.”
_____5. “I’ve heard your product service isn’t very good.”

II. Consider this situation: A student received academic recognition from the school. How do you
think a supportive parent would speak to the child? Would others, such as friend or teacher,
speak to the child in the same manner? Copy and use the table below to create possible
dialogues between the following: student-parent, student-friend, and student-teacher.

Parent Friend Teacher

Questions to answer:
1. What is the degree of formality in each conversation? Place a check (/) mark on the
column which corresponds with your answer.

Degree of Formality LOW HIGH

Student – Parent
Student – Friend
Student - Teacher

2. How does our relationship with others influence the way we communicate with them?

1 WEEK 5

Name:____________________________________________ Date: _______________________

ACTIVITY #1 (Casual)
I. Create a reply to the dialogue below.

Tony! Hi! Great to

see you.

Come on in!
Have a drink.
Never be too busy
to talk to you.

How are you doing,


What would you really

like to ask me?

II. As a teenager, how do you converse with your parents and with your peers? Using the table
below, create a dialogue between them.

Teenagers and Parents Teenager and Peers

Afterwards, use the third row to jot down the differences between the two dialogues. Take note
of expressions and type of register used.


1 WEEK 6

Name:____________________________________________ Date: _______________________


ACTIVITY #1 (Consultative)
I. Fill in the boxes with the missing letters to come up with the word being defined.

Column A Column B
B E E D - smiled very happily

C U G - held tightly

O S T E R U S - noisy and active

L A E - end without being renewed
D I N T Y - delicately, in a lady-like fashion

P E U L N L Y - with unreasonable irritation

7. - a contest in which tickets are distributed or sold;

O T E R the winning ticket or tickets are selected in a
chance drawing
P A A H E N L A - equipment

II. Choose the most appropriate word in Column B to be used in consultative communication
style in replacement for each word in Column A.

BEAM grin laugh smirk smile

CLING hug embrace grip clasp
BOISTEROUS loud rollicking rowdy uproarious
DAINTILY lightly softly deftly elegantly
PARAPHERNALIA gear machinery regalia equipment

1 WEEK 7

Name:__________________________________________ Date: _______________________


ACTIVITY #1 (Frozen)
Create a dialogue using frozen style about the given situations.

A patient talking to his/her doctor

An attorney talking to his/her client

A person taking an oath

A counselor talking to his/her client


Name:___________________________________________ Date: _______________________


Identify the following conversation whether it is intimate, casual, formal, consultative, or
frozen. Write your answer on the blank provided.

__________1. Yvonne: “Can we talk about what happened last night?’

Jovan: “I don’t know if I’m in the mood.”
Yvonne: “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jovan: “I’m sick and tired of you deciding when we do what.”

__________2. “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me

__________3. Judy: “Browns Technology, Judy speaking. How can I help you?”
Jeff: “Hello this is Jeff Samuel. May I speak with Amy Richards, please?”
Judy: “One moment please – I’ll put you through.”
Judy: “Mr. Samuel? I’m sorry, Amy’s in a meeting now. Would you like to leave
a message?”
Jeff: “Yes please, could you ask her to call me back as soon as possible? It’s an
urgent matter.”
Judy: “Okay, Mr. Samuel. I’ll give her the message.”
Jeff: “thanks a lot. Bye.”

__________4. Kelvin, Dutch, and Jay huddle close together as they walk down the

Dutch: “Goddamn, it’s cold! What did you make us walk for?”
Jay: “Seriously, I should’ve driven.”
Kelvin: “You are in no condition to operate a car. Besides, it’s not too much

__________5. Endorser: “Good morning ma’am! Would you like to try our product? This
vacuum is really helpful.
Customer: “I can see how that would be helpful.”

A. Look at these five types of language styles. Look for an example of them.

1. Frozen
 Language that does not change
 Prayers and pledges, "set" speech which is often scripted
 __________________________________________________________________

2. Formal
 Complete sentences and specific word usage
 Formal English often used to show respect used in places such as work, school
and public offices
 __________________________________________________________________

3. Consultative
 Formal register used in conversation
 Language of conversations with colleagues, peers, etc.
 __________________________________________________________________

4. Casual
 Language used in conversation with friends
 Idiomatic and often full of slang, used to signal belonging to a given group
 __________________________________________________________________

5. Intimate
 Language between close family members
 "Private" language full of code words only known to the members
 __________________________________________________________________

B. Here are some phrases that belong to different communicative situations, such as greeting,
complaint and encouragement. Put them into the right category.

Frozen Consultative Formal Casual Intimate




Thanks for following-up on the You're so good. I'm so amaze

Whoa, way to go! Nice catch!
Jones account. Great job! about you, Honey.

I offer You all my prayers,

I'm sick and tired of your crap! works, joys and suffering of this
How's my little snuggy wuggy?
day ..
Welcome to the Hugh Brothers
Oh, Bob. Just a moment! This is a complaint for damages
Industrial Center. Where
Listen, you know... well... what and injunctive relief arising out
tomorrow's world meets today's.
was with that off-key comment of manipulative activities in the
Please remember that no flash
last night? gold market from 1994 to the
photography is allowed during
present time...
this tour...
Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you Good morning. May I speak to
Hey, Jack. What's up?
this morning? the director, please?

Excuse me Ms. Anderson. As I

Thank you for applying for this understand the task, we need to I hope you don't mind my
position. We'll let you know focus on improving our delivery stating that the service is
within a week if you have been times rather than blaming our unsatisfactory. I would like a
chosen for an interview. suppliers. refund.

We all have personal heroes or idols- people who represent everything we’d like to be. They can
be people whom we know like a classmate, player, coach, movie star, musician, singer,
politician, reporter, etc. I want you to make a biography of the person who you think is your
heroes or idol with the usage of modals. You will be graded based from the following criteria:

Adherence to the topic 20 pts.

Creativity 15 pts.

Submission within the specified time 15 pts.

50 pts.

From the biography you made, make a video presentation out of it. It is similar in making
vlogs. You will be graded based from the following criteria:

Points Earned Points
 Logical presentation
 Clarity of the topic
Content 10
 Technical content
 Documentary sources
 Originality
Creativity 10
 Technical resources
 Audio quality
How well did the video  Image quality
Communicate message  Cadence and rhythm
 Language and vocabulary
 The length of the video
Setting the expected
does not exceed 10 10
Submission with the specified  The final submission is
time made on time
Adapted from:

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