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Earth Science Quarter 1 – Module 6: Ore Minerals: How

they are Found, Mined, and Processed for Human Use

What I Know (page5-6)
1.)A 6.) C 11.) D
2.) D 7.) D 12.) C
3.) C 8.) C 13.) A
4.) B 9.) C 14.) B
5.) B 10.) A 15.) C
What’s In (PAGE 6)
1.) Tungsten- Because of its high melting point and its strength, it makes
for a good filament in light bulbs

2.) Glass-The glass bulb protects the light's filament. Inside a light bulb,
electricity passes through a thin wire called a filament. The electricity
makes the filament so hot that it glows with a bright white light.

3.) Aluminum -The aluminum are created with the aim of

producing bulbs that are more durable and energy efficient.

4.) Copper-Copper is a metallic mineral substance, and is used in the

production of electric light bulbs because it conducts electricity very well

5.) Cobalt -Cobalt is used in many alloys & super alloys to make parts
in aircraft engines, gas turbine, high-speed steels, corrosion resistant
alloys, cemented carbides.
What’s New (page 7)
Guide questions:
1. Since we cannot see what underlies beneath, what can you suggest
on how minerals can be found? Minerals can be found by the process
called mining.
2. What do you think are the mineral deposit present in these layers of
Mineral deposits that are magmatic cumulates are only found in mafic and
ultramafic igneous rocks
3. How will you separate each mineral component? The valuable
minerals must be separated from the waste rock. To separate the ore from
the waste rock, first the rocks are crushed. Then the minerals are
separated out of the ore.

What’s More (page 10)

1.) T
2.) F
3.) F
4.) T
5.) T
6.) E 11.) 5
7.) B 12.) 1
8.) C 13.) 3
9.) A 14.) 2
10.) D 15.) 4

What I Have Learned (page 11)

What I Can Do (page 11)
To become more environmentally sustainable, mining operations must
lessen the impact on the environments surround mine sites. Reducing
inputs like water, energy and land disruption, and reducing outputs like
waste, acid rock drainage and reclamation are vital to a sustainable future.

Assessment (Page 12-13)

1.) C 6.) D 11.) D
2.) B 7.)A 12.) D
3.) B 8.)D 13.) D
4.) B 9.)C 14.) B
5.) A 10.) C 15.) B
Additional Activities (page 13)
It is said that mining is a free will doing of the Filipinos but having the right
of every Filipinos to the water and air is not law by the people but it's a
natural rights of humans to have it ,so government must protect this rights
of the Filipinos mining can cause a destruction in our environment
especially in water and air.

Quarter 1 – Module 7: Formation of Fossil Fuels

Date: 5/11/2021
What I Know (Page 19 -20)
1.) B 6.) A 11.) C
2.) A 7.) A 12.) D
3.) B 8.) C 13.) C
4.) D 9.) C 14.) C
5.) B 10.) D 15.) C
What’s In (PAGE 21)
1.) Ore-It is naturally occurring solid matter that has a metal
inside it.
2.) Mining- It is a process of extracting valuable materials such
as gold
3.) Minerals- It is solid and have crystal structure. It is naturally
occurring material.
4.) Open-pit Mining- It is the most common type of mining that
involves making a big hole (or pit) in the ground
5.) Underground Mining- It is used to extract the rocks,
minerals and other precious stories that can be found beneath
the earth’s surface
What’s New (page 21-22)

Mode of Transportation Source of Energy

1. Jeepney Petroleum/ Electrical/ Solar
2. Tricycle Petroleum/ Electrical/ Solar

3. Buses Petroleum/ Electrical/ Solar

4. Motorcycle Petroleum

5. Train Electricity

Guide Questions:
1.) Among the 5 modes of transportation, which is the most common? Jeepney
is the most common, cause Jeepney is being used everywhere
2.) What is the common source of energy of the different mode of
transportation? The most common source of energy is Petroleum.
3.) What do you think is the effect on the mode of transportation if the source of
energy is not available? People would walk to travel or use a bicycle.

4.) What do you think will be its impact on our economy?

Our economy will go down,
because we do not have the original source from the material.

What’s More (page 23-24)

1.) T 6.) F
2.) T 7.) T
3.) T 8.) T
4.) F 9.) F
5.) F 10.) F
What I Have Learned (page 24)
The Dead plants accumulate
at the bottom of the swamp
are acted on by heat and
pressure which condense the
plant matter.

To get coal, it needs to be And that is how you get

mined. In the Olden days coal, which you use for
Cola was mined manually, energy. Fuel and vital
however now, due to components in the steel
health hazards. It is mined and concrete industry
by machine.

What I Can Do (page 25)

i will use my voice to influence the youth and raise an awareness

to this kind of topic. I will show the world, the universe rather that
fossil fuels should be consumed in a minimal and controlled
amount because it is a non renewable resources which means
that it cannot be replace. I will also use this strand as an
opportunity to become my platform so that we/ everyone could
start to re calibrate our minds and redirect our steps into the
better future. Because our micro efforts will have a macro effect to
the world and to the environment.

Assessment (page 12-13)

1.) D 6.) C 11.) D
2.) A 7.) A 12.) C
3.) C 8.) C 13.) D
4.) C 9.) C 14.) B
5.) D 10.) C 15.) B
Additional Activities (Page 27)
Petroleum and natural gas are extracted from fields off the north west coast
of Palawan

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