Listening A1 Test Food Information Gap Activities Oneonone Activities Tes 94729

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Name: _____________________________________ Class: _____ Number: ____ Date: ____/_____/_____

A. You will hear five short conversations. Read the questions and circle A, B or C for each conversation. (5 points)
1. What does Mark have for breakfast every day?

2. How many portions of fruit does Jenny eat every day?

3 4 5
3. What does Jane like eating the most?

4. What does Henry never eat?

5. How often does Maria’s family eat out every month?

2 3 4
B. You will hear a woman making a reservation at a restaurant. Listen and complete the form. (6 points)

name: Kathleen (1) _________________________________

day: (2)___________________________________________
time: (3)__________________________________________

table for: (4)_______________________________________

meal ordered: (5)___________________________________

special request: (6)_________________________________

C. You will hear a news item on the radio about healthy eating habits.

Listen and complete the gaps. (8 points)

Presenter: Time for our weekly health spot. As usual with me in the studio I have Dr James Herdon who,
as you know, is a leading nutritionist. Dr Herdon, this week we’ll be speaking about the healthy eating
habits for teens so could you please give our teenage listeners some (1) _______________________ about
the healthy eating habits that they should have?
Dr Herdon: Yes, certainly. Well, in my opinion, teenagers need to consume a healthy diet that is high in
fruits and vegetables, and (2) _______________________ in nutrients like calcium and iron. Teenagers can
do a lot to improve their diet, eat healthy meals and snacks, and maintain a healthy (3)
_______________________. Teenagers should avoid eating junk food at all costs because it is high in
saturated fat, salt, sugar and (4) _______________________ in nutrients like calcium and iron as well as
Presenter: And what about (5) ________________________? What should they do in relation to what they
Dr Herdon: Well, I’d also suggest that they cut back on all the (6) _____________________ drinks they
drink. Instead I’d recommend that they drink water with a (7) ____________________ of lemon, lime or
orange instead. It’s natural and contains a whole less sugar which leads to (8) ______________________
like diabetes.
Presenter: Thanks Doctor, that’s all we have time for this week. See you again next week. 

D. You will hear a conversation between two friends.

Choose the correct option. (6 points)

1. One of the girls doesn’t want to eat ...

fish healthy food fast food

2. The two girls decide to have lunch at ...

a local restaurant. a take-away restaurant. Pizza Hut.

3. They order a salad because they are healthy and ... there.

fresh cheap tasty

4. They decide to share the ...

starters. main course. dessert.

5. They order... to drink.

some sparkling water some still water a bottle of coke

6. Their meal costs ... Euros.

7,5 10 15

1B 2A 3B 4C 5C

Text 1
Mark: Well, I have breakfast every day when I get up. I usually have something quick like some milk and
cereal. I never have anything cooked like bacon and eggs.
Text 2
Jenny: At school I learnt that it’s very important to eat fresh fruit every day. My science teacher told us
that you should try to eat five different fruits every day. I’m trying to do that but at the moment I still only
eat three.
Text 3
Jane: That’s such a difficult question to answer. Let’s see. I adore pizza and I also like Chinese food but I
guess that my favourite food of all really is spaghetti bolognaise. When my mum makes it, I always ask for
more! It’s really delicious.
Text 4
My mum taught us to eat everything when we were little, and I think that I manage to do that. Well,
almost. I eat things like liver and fish but there is something that I can’t eat no matter how hard I try.
Broccoli – it’s too green and mushy for me! I absolutely hate the stuff!
Text 5
Well, sometimes we eat out. We usually eat out when it’s a special occasion like someone’s birthday or
when my mum is too tired to cook. If I really think about it, I guess that we tend to eat out about four
times per month, on average, I mean.

1. Jones
2. Wednesday
3. 7 pm (7 o’clock)
4. 6 (2 adults and 4 teenagers)
5. barbecued chicken
6. (small) chocolate (birthday) cake

Customer: OK then. So here are my personal details so that you can make my reservation. As I said it will
be my son’s birthday and I want to make sure that everything will be just perfect for him. I want this to be
a birthday to remember.
Receptionist: Yes, madam. We will do our best to make sure that everything is just perfect. Could you
please give me a name to reserve the table under?
Customer: Oh, yes. Jones, Kathleen Jones.
Receptionist: And that’ll be a table for...?
Customer: Wednesday night.
Receptionist: How many people will the table be for?
Customer: Six, two adults and four teenagers.
Receptionist: What time do you want me make the reservation for?
Customer: 7 o’clock, please.
Receptionist: Have you decided what you’ll be having or do you want to choose when you get here?
Customer: Oh, yes, we always have barbecued chicken at Nando’s.
Receptionist: Do you have any special request?
Customer: Oh, yes, I’d like to order a chocolate birthday cake, please. A small one for the 6 of us.
Receptionist: OK then, I’ll jot that down. Is there anything else?
Customer: No, there isn’t, thank you.
Receptionist: OK then. Thank you for calling Nando’s and we’ll see you tomorrow evenin

1. advice 2. rich 3. weight 4. low
5. beverages 6. fizzy 7. slice 8. diseases


1c) 2a) 3c) 4b) 5a) 6c)

Girl 1: Oh, there you are! I was starting to get a bit nervous. So, where shall we have lunch then? Shall we
go to Pizza Hut?
Girl 2: No, I don’t really feel like junk food, so how about we go to our usual local restaurant?
Girl 1: Oh there’s a free table. Oh, here’s the menu. What shall we have?
Girl 2:Let’s order a salad for starters. They’re healthy and really delicious here.
Girl 1: OK then. Would you share a lasagna with me. I feel like lasagna, but one is too much for me.
Girl 2: OK then. What do you want to drink?
Girl 1: Let’s order a large bottle of sparkling water.
Girl 2: OK but how much does that all cost. I only have 10 Euros with me.
Girl 1: Hang on a minute. Let me see. Don’t worry. The bill only comes to 15€ which means 7.50€ each.
Girl 2: OK then. Let’s call the waiter over then.

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