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At the supermarket shop (Shopping Matching)

a. grapes
b. lemons
c. cherries
d. butter
e. pineapple
f. milk
g. yoghurt
h. cheese
i. ham
j. sausages
At the supermarket shop (Shopping Matching)

a. mushrooms
b. salt
c. carrots
d. chicken
e. newspaper
f. peppers
g. fish
h. potatoes
i. sugar
j. honey
At the supermarket shop (Shopping Matching)

a. apples
b. bread
c. bananas
d. oranges
e. strawberries
f. doughnuts
g. muffins
h. noodles
i. cake
j. beans
At the supermarket shop (Shopping Matching)

a. crisps
b. orange juice
c. lemonade
d. chocolate
e. jam
f. biscuits
g. tea
h. ice cream
i. cornflakes
j. ketchup
At the supermarket shop (Shopping Matching)

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

a. toothpaste b. dog food c. eggs

d. shampoo e. washing powder f. watermelon
g. toilet paper h. soap i. flowers
Shopping Matching

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

a. milk b. grocery c. tin

d. basket e. chocolate f. supermarket
g. bag h. fruits i. Half dozen eggs
Shopping Matching

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

………………………….. …………………………… …………………………

a. cashier b. chemist c. queue
d. flower shop e. baker f. trolley
g. toys store h. coffee shop i. fishmonger

How much is it?

30฿. 150฿. 25฿.

bread cake ice cream

18฿ 25฿ 30฿

yoghurt hamburger sandwich


How much is it?

199฿ 350฿ 2,500฿

1,599฿ 40฿
1. How much is the TV set?
2. How much is the ………………………?
3. How much is the ……………………….?
4. How much is the ………………………?
5. How much is the ………………………?

Who wants to buy what?



Henry Emma

1. ………………………..wants to buy a tennis racket.

2. ………………………..wants to buy a bicycle.
3. ………………………..wants to buy a doll.
4. ………………………..wants to buy a book.
5. ………………………..wants to buy some grapes.
6. ………………………..wants to buy some bread.
7. ………………………..wants to buy milk.
8. ………………………..wants to buy some tomatoes.
Dialogue At the take away food shop

30฿ 150฿ 25฿

bread cake ice cream

18฿ 25฿ 30฿

yoghurt hamburger sandwich
Shop: Hello. Can I help you?
Customer: Can I have ……………………………………, please?
Shop: That’s ................................baht Anything else?
Customer: I’d like…………………………………………
Shop: That’s ......................................baht altogether.
Customer: Thanks. Bye

At the Baker shop (Matching)

1. Cake

2. Apple pie

3. Doughnut

4. Bread

5. Roll

6. Muffin

At the Butcher shop (Matching)

1. Meat

2. Chicken

3. Doughnut

4. Bone

5. Beef burger

6. Ham

At the Clothes shop (Matching)

1. T-shirt

2. Dress

3. Trousers

4. Hat

5. Pullover

6. Socks

At the Greengrocer shop (Matching)

1. Bananas

2. Apple

3. Potatoes

4. Strawberries

5. Tomatoes

6. Carrots

At the Toy shop (Matching)

1. Bananas

2. Kite

3. Ball

4. Teddy

5. Rocking horse

6. Jigsaw puzzle

What can you buy where?

Write the name of the store or place. You can write
more than one.
Where can you buy pencils? ……………………………………..
Where can you buy bread? ……………………………………….
Where can you buy pork? ……………………………………….
Where can you buy clothes? ……………………………………….
Where can you buy vegetables? ………………………………………
Where can you buy cakes? ……………………………………….
Where can you buy ham? ……………………………………….
Where can you buy fruits? ……………………………………….
Where can you buy books? ……………………………………….

- I want to buy a chocolate bar.

- Look! There is a “Chocolate Box” –shop.
Let’s go there.

Let’s go shopping!
Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes I need a chocolate bar, please.
Shop assistant: Would you like milk chocolate or dark?
Customer: Milk chocolate. And a box of sweets.
Shop assistant: 129 baht. please.
Customer: Here you are.
Shop assistant: Thank you.
Complete the customer’s part of the conversation. Use
the suitable expression from the box.
Can I help you? What size are you?
What colour would you like? Here you are.
The changing rooms are just there. That pair looks great
Try this one. Are they better? They are 40€
Yes. Can I try on those trousers, please?
Size 40 I think they’re too baggy. Have you got a smaller size?
Light blue, please
Ok, thanks. I’ll take them
Thank you.
Yes, that’s fine. How much are they?

Going shopping
Shop assistant: Good afternoon! Can I help you?
Client: Yes! I would like a kilo of apples, please?
Shop assistant: I’m sorry, we don’t have any apples!
Client: Well, then I would like four oranges, please?
Shop assistant: Here they are! Anything else?
Client: Yes! And two kilos of plums.
Shop assistant: Here they are! Anything else?
Client: No thanks! How much is it?
Shop assistant: That will be five dollars, please! Thank you
very much! Good bye!
Client: Thank you! Bye!
Read .Check true or false and Answer the questions.

Last Saturday afternoon, Fred’s mother decided to go shopping.

She asked Fred’s help. So they caught a bus to town.
The bus stopped near a big supermarket and they went inside
carrying a bag. Fred wasn’t very happy because he hates shopping! He
thinks is boring!
Inside the shop, Fred’s mother picked some goods that they
needed – fruit, bread, some vegetables- but she couldn’t find any rice.
Fred, finally found it near the cereals. His mother was pleased.
Then Fred’s mother asked him to bring a bottle of coke. Fred
went look for it, but the bottles were in a difficult place so he had to
climb on a box to reach for it. When he jumped down, he fell and hurt
his leg.
To compensate him for his effort, Fred’s mother bought him an
ice-cream. His leg was hurting a lot so his mother phoned Fred’s father
that came to drive them home.
When they got back, Fred went to bed to rest his leg!

Going shopping

1. Fred and his mother went to the cinema. T F

2. They went to town by train. T F
3. Fred enjoys shopping. T F
4. The rice was near the cereals. T F
5. They also bought a bottle of wine. T F
6. Fred’s father drove them home. T F

Going shopping
Answer the questions.
1. When did Fred and his mother go shopping?
2. Does Fred like shopping? Why?
3. Why did Fred climb on a box?
4. What happened when he jumped down?
5. What did his mother buy him?
6. Why did Fred’s mother phone his father?
7. What did Fred do when they got back home?
Read the dialogue and answer these
In the shoe shop
Shop assistant: Can I help you, please?
Jane: yes, please. I want a pair of those leather
Shop assistant: what size, please?
Jane: eight.
Shop assistant: Here you are Ms.
Jane: Can I try them on, please?
Shop assistant: Yes, of course.
Jane: I’ll take them. Can I pay by credit card,
Shop assistant: Of course!
Jane: How much are they?
Shop assistant: 199 baht., Ms.
Jane: Here is the credit card.
Shop assistant: Thank you!
Jane: Bye.
Shop assistant: Bye Ms.

Read the dialogue:

Answer these questions on the text:
1. Where is Jane?
2. What does she want to buy?
3. Which size is she?
4. Does she try them on?
5. How much are the boots?
6. How does she pay?

Read and Answer the questions

My name is Dani. This is my mother Anna. It is the midterm
holiday. My mother and I are out shopping. I love going shopping.
We need a lot of things.
First, we went to a clothes shop.I needed polo shirts and a
skirt. My brother needed trousers.I saw a nice pink dress. The
winter clothes were nice too.My mother wanted a coat.
Then, we went to a shoe shop. It was full of nice shoes. I
wanted to buy boots. I liked a black pair of boots. The boots
were on sale. My mother bought the boots.
After that, we went to the chemist. My mother wanted
shampoo. My father needed medicine. I wanted a new hair brush.
I saw many things. The shop was busy.
We went to the green grocer. My mother bought apples and
oranges. We picked up grapes and pears. The tomatoes were red.
The peppers were red and green. The carrots were fresh.
We went to the supermarket. We bought many things. bread,
milk, juice and butter. My mother put tea & sugar in the trolley. I
put in eggs and jam. We paid for the shopping.
After finishing shopping, We were both very hungry. We sat in
a café. Mum had a cup of coffee and cake. I had orange juice and
a muffin. We then went home. It was a lovely day out
1. Who went shopping?
2. What did they buy first?
3. Did they buy anything from the chemist?
4. What did they buy from the greengrocer?
5. What was the name of the supermarket?
6. What shop did they visit last?
7. What did Ann eat?

Shopping for a Sweater.

-OK, here's my Visa. -Thank you. Have a nice day!
-How does it fit? -What size are you?
-Can I help you? -How about this one?
-Do you take credit cards?

Shop assistant: ………………………………………………………………………

Jessica: Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.
Shop assistant: ………………………………………………………………………
Jessica: I'm an extra-large.
Shop assistant: ………………………………………………………………………
Jessica: Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on?
Shop assistant: Certainly, there are the changing rooms over
Jessica: Thank you.
Shop assistant: …………………………………………………………………………
Jessica: It's too large. Do you have a large?
Shop assistant: Yes, here you are.
Jessica: Thank you. I'll have it, please.
Shop assistant: OK, how would you like to pay?
Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American
Thank you, goodbye

Listen to and read the following:

Jenny has got lots of beautiful clothes. She has pink and red
boots, many skirts and dresses. She likes to wear her favourite
green skirt and a new black T-shirt. When the weather is cold
Jenny wears her red coat. She doesn’t like trousers. Jenny’s
friend Sara has two favourite colours, yellow and purple. She
doesn’t like stripes, blue and orange. Today is Saturday. It is hot
and sunny. It’s eleven o’clock. Jenny and Sara are at Debenhams.
Jenny is looking for a new dress and shoes. Sara is looking for a
new belt. A shop assistant named is Linda is trying to help the
girls find what they need. Linda gives Jenny a lovely pink dress
but she can’t buy it, because it is too expensive. Then Linda gives
Sara a nice belt, but Sara doesn’t want to buy the belt because it
is blue. In the afternoon, the girls go to a café. Sara always eats
chocolate ice-cream. Jenny likes vanilla ice-cream with strawberry

Circle T (True) or F (False).

1. Two young ladies are out shopping. T F
2. Sara has red & pink boots. T F
3. Jenny likes red. T F
4. Sara doesn’t like yellow & purple. T F
5. It is a cold winter day. T F
6. An assistant is helping them. T F
7. Jenny & Sara bought many things. T F
8. The belt was green. T F
9. They both enjoy eating ice-cream. T F

Asking about shopping

While being in any shop, you use these following expressions:
*Asking for things
"Do you have any…?"
"I'm looking for…"
"I wonder if you could help me…?"
*What the shopkeeper says
"I'm sorry, we're out of stock."
"I'm sorry, that's the last one."
"I'm sorry, that's all we have left."
*What a sales person says
"Can I help you?"
"Are you looking for anything in particular?"
*Your reply
"I'm just looking, thank you."
"I'm just browsing, thank you."
*Asking about things
"Do you have this in another size?"
"Do you have this in another colour?"
"Is this made of leather / silk / plastic…?
"Does this come with a guarantee?"
"Is this fully refundable?"
"Can I bring this back if it's not the right size?"
"Can I bring this back if it doesn't fit?"

*Paying – what the shopkeeper says

"Do you have anything smaller?" (If you pay with a large
denomination note)
*Paying – what you say
"I'm sorry, I don't have any small change."
"I don't have anything smaller."
"Would you have change for this?"
"Can I have the receipt, please?'
"Can I pay by credit card?"
"Can I pay in cash?"
"Is this on sale?"

Clothing Store Dialogue

Look at the following dialogue:
Sales Clerk: May I help you?
Customer: I’m just looking, thank you!
Sales Clerk: Are you looking for anything in particular?
Customer: Yes, I’m looking for a T-shirt.
Sales Clerk: What size are you looking for?
Customer: I’m looking for a large.
Sales Clerk: Well, here are our T-shirts. This is a red one in a
Customer: Do you have this in another colour?
Sales Clerk: Yes, of course! Here is a blue one in the same size.
Customer: Thanks! Could you tell me how much this T-shirt
Sales Clerk: Let me see… It’s a hundred pound.
Customer: Oh! It’s very expensive!
Sales Clerk: It’s made of cotton, and it’s from Turkey!
Customer: Okay! I’ll take it. May I try it on?
Sales Clerk: Sure! The fitting room is over there.
Customer: Thank you!

Shopping in the market

At the greengrocer’s
Shopkeeper: Hello, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I would like some tomatoes,
Shopkeeper: Ok, how many?
Customer: Not too many, six tomatoes are
Shopkeeper: Alright, anything else?
Customer: No, that’s all. How much is it?
Shopkeeper: 15 baht, please.
Customer: Here you are. Good bye!
Shopkeeper: Thank you, good bye!

Shopping in the market

At the fishmonger’s
Shopkeeper: Who’s next?
Customer: Me!
Shopkeeper: How can I help you?
Customer: I would like some shrimps, please.
Shopkeeper: Oh, we haven’t got any shrimps, they
finished in the morning! Do you like
prawns? They are very similar.
Customer: Oh no, I don’t like prawns. Don’t worry,
good bye!
Shopkeeper: I’m sorry, good bye!

Shopping in the market

Shop assistant: Good afternoon! Can I help you?
Client: Yes! I would like a kilo of
apples, please?
Shop assistant: I’m sorry, we don’t have any
Client: Well, then I would like four
oranges, please?
Shop assistant: Here they are! Anything else?
Client: Yes! And two kilos of plums.
Shop assistant: Here they are! Anything else?
Client: No thanks! How much is it?
Shop assistant: That will be five dollars, please!
Thank you very much! Good bye!
Client: Thank you! Bye!

Shopping in the market

At the butcher’s
Shopkeeper: Oh, hello again! Do you want the ham and
sausages as usual?
Customer: Yes, but apart from the ham and sausages
I also need some burgers.
Shopkeeper: I haven’t got too many burgers, how many
do you need?
Customer: Four burgers only.
Shopkeeper: Ok, here you have them. Is this everything
you want?
Customer: Yes, this is everything. How much is it?
Shopkeeper: Everything will be 6 euros, please.
Customer: Here you are, see you next week!
Shopkeeper: Thank you, see you!

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