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The notebook

Lately, I am very busy and did not have much time to take care of the house. But I'm only human.
Sometimes I complain about the lack of time and energy to make sure their lives are perfect. One
evening, my eldest son Adam came home from his football training and handed me a piece of card. In
exhaustion, I took the card he handed me while carrying my youngest daughter Eve. Suddenly I heard a
phone call and I picked it up without realizing that the card given to me by Adam had been put back on
the table without having time to read it. Silently Adam took back the card and looked at it with grief.

Starting the next day, I noticed Adam had changed. In his spare time, he would try to help me
complete the household chores such as tidying up and sweeping the trash, cleaning the dishes in the
kitchen and arranging the family clothes. I feel relieved with the help extended and very proud because
Adam is willing to give me a hand while I really needed it.

Until one day when I came home I found Adam was gone. I looked for him around but failed to find
him. Apparently our family dog Mark is also missing. Not only that, the whole house was in an orderly
and tidy condition which amazed me. My anxiety grew until suddenly Adam and Mark went home. I feel
so relieved and happy. All my worries were gone when I saw his face in front of my own eyes. At this
time there is no other speech that can be uttered other than tears of joy. He said he was only walking his

Suddenly Adam took out a small notebook and handed it to me. Adam listed all the things he did
for 120 minutes. All works are recorded in detail with the time to be taken to complete it. Then, I saw a
card was tucked in the notebook. Apparently it was the small card that he had handed me a few weeks
ago. Slowly I picked up the card and attentively tried to read it. I read it unconsciously, tears streaming
down my cheeks. After reading it, I hugged Adam tightly. Apparently, after all this time, he wants me to
go to his school show. We went to the school show and Adam did a great job at the show. I am very
proud to be his mother.

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