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MS 1184:2014 3.36 guiding pattern ‘Tactile walking surface indicators (TWSIs) to indicate a direction of travel 3.37. grab bar Bar used to give a steadying or stabilising assistance to @ person engaged in a particular function, 9.38 habitable room Room, intended for dwelling purposes, including a kitchen, a bathroom and a utility room, 3.39 handrail Component of a stair or of a ramp or other building components that provides guidance, balance and support 3.40 hearing enhancement system Piece of equipment, product system, hardware, software or service that is used to Increase, maintain or improve listening capabilities of individuals with hearing impairments. 3.41 impairment Limitation in body function or structure such as a significant deviation or loss which can be temporary due, for example, to injury, or permanent, slight or severe and can fluctuate over time, in particular, deterioration due to ageing, 3.42. impairment, cognitive Deficiency of neuropsychological function which can be related to Injury or degeneration in specific area(s) of the brain 3.43. impairment, mental ‘Slower than normal rate in a person's cognitive developmental maturation, or where the cognitive processes themselves appear to be slower than normal, with ‘an associated implication of reduced, overall mental potential 3.44 kerb ramp Construction, in the form of an inclined plane that makes it possible to pass from street level toa higher pedestrian path, 3.48 keypad Arrangement of buttons or touch pads with numbered keys in accordance with the standard telephone layout. 3.48. landing Platform or part of a floor structure at the end of a fight of stairs or a ramp or at the entrance toalift cer 8 (© STANDAROS NALAYSIA 2014 Allrights reserved

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