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They survived war, violence and

genocide, but the Christian victims of terror

organisations like ISIS are are still in crisis.

To find out more about their ongoing troubles, browse

these six articles published in various magazines
written by Nuri Kino and Susan Korah.

You will also learn more about the alarming

situation in Lebanon and Syria.


Fundraising Lobbying Volunteering

Sponsored by the Influencing na tional and Our team of volunteers is
Swedish music and international laws to provide dedicated to being a voice
artist elite. At every gala better protection for Assyrians/ for the voiceless.
at least $100,000 raised Chaldeans/ Syriacs and other
for children in need. Middle Eastern minorities.
Children unpacking ADFA food box in Qamishli, Syria. Photo: ADFA

How sanctions cheat children

By Susan Korah

Leading voices are urging Canada to rethink Middle East sanctions that make daily
life a struggle just to get daily bread, Susan Korah reports.

conomic sanctions that afflict the poor must be the lives of people. The most important requirements of
lifted. I stress the word ‘poor,’” Archimandrite life that are considered normal for the rest of the world
(head of a monastery) Georges Masri said in have become for us a luxury: by this I mean heating,
an e-mail from his home base in Syria. He was responding medicine and earning a livelihood with dignity.”
to my request for his views on the unfolding humanitarian The archimandrite’s sentiments were shared by several
crisis in his country, and whether sanctions have Middle Eastern and international leaders of various
exacerbated it. religious and political persuasions who recently sent an
“The traditional war destroyed our infrastructure and urgent letter of appeal requesting that U.S. President Joe
service buildings such as hospitals, factories, energy and Biden remove sanctions.
water centers, oil sources, and what was not destroyed was While the spotlight was on U.S. sanctions, Canadian
stolen,” he added. ones have much the same effect, say policy analysts,
“The economic war (sanctions and inflation) destroyed academics and humanitarian aid workers. Towed along by

the powerful currents of U.S. foreign policy and its own survivors of the massive explosion in Beirut last August
penchant for multilateralism, Canada has its sanctions and to stem the tide of COVID-19, which is overloading
that are adding to peoples’ burdens as well. the healthcare system.
“We urge both the U.S. and Canadian governments
to lift the unjust and illegal sanctions imposed on the The streets of Damascus and other cities such as
Syrian people,” His Holiness Mor Ignatius Aphram II, the Homs and Aleppo in Syria are teeming with war-weary
Damascus-based Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch people literally scrambling for their daily bread, according
and All the East told Convivium in an e-mail. to humanitarian aid workers and the people they serve.
There is a glaring discrepancy between Canada’s use of The country, once known as the breadbasket of the Middle
sanctions as a silver bullet response to international crises, East, has become an international basket case.
and its immigration policy. “Syria is on the brink of a famine,” Carl Hetu, Canadian
director of Catholic Near East Welfare Association
If Canada’s goal is to enhance international peace and (CNEWA) told Convivium in an interview.
stability rather than the country’s status on the world stage “Lebanon is facing similar realities,” he added.
as a benevolent, refugee-welcoming country, it is time Nuri Kino, leader of the Sweden-based charity A
for the government to lift sanctions that are exacerbating Demand for Action, paints a grim picture of life in both
the misery of vulnerable people in countries.
countries already devastated by war, “One of our volunteers and
conflict and COVID-19. The struggle for Board members, Miriam Rasho,
Unlike the U.S., Canada has an travelled recently from Sweden to
open-door policy for immigrants, daily bread leaves Syria to assess the situation there,”
laudable for the most part, but which he said in an interview. “A man
requires some critical thinking. people exhausted she met there told her that it was
To compensate for falling better to live under the bombs of
numbers last year due to COVID-19, physically and war than under the sanctions from
Canada has set the most ambitious the West that have left the economy
immigration levels plan in its emotionally, in a quandary. He also told her it is
history. Plans are under way to impossible for a country to recover
welcome over 400,000 immigrants leaving them little under such conditions because it’s
per year over the next three years. in a chokehold.”
This is 0.9 per cent of the country’s energy to focus “The number of people on the
population in immigrants, which streets begging for food has doubled
is three times higher than the per on the deadly in a year, both in government and
capita newcomer intake in the U.S. opposition-controlled areas,” Kino
Rather than increase the quota of pandemic raging said.
immigrants and refugees, Canadian The struggle for daily bread
policy makers could expend more around them. leaves people exhausted physically
energy in changing the situations and emotionally, leaving them
that cause people to flee their own little energy to focus on the deadly
countries in the first place. pandemic raging around them.
Atif Kubursi, professor emeritus at McMaster University Kino said: “One of Miriam Rasho’s informants told her:
in Hamilton and a former executive director of the UN ‘If you get sick, you get sick. We are all mentally exhausted
Economic and Social Commission, points to the example after more than 10 years of war. It will just be another illness
of Canadian sanctions on Syria. and most people will not be able to afford medical care. We
“If a Syrian businessman wants to buy Canadian
products, he has to open an account for the transaction.
But this cannot be done as the Canadian government
prevents Canadian banks from opening such accounts for
the purposes of trade with Syria – no matter how benign
the Canadian product may be, or how urgently it might be
needed in Syria,” Kubursi told Convivium.
Sanctions against Lebanon are just as devastating for
ordinary people there, he said.
“Sanctions against Lebanon are often justified as being
directed exclusively at military items, but they frequently
end up being applied to virtually all goods – including
spare parts needed to operate machinery in hospitals, the
electricity sector and pharmaceutical companies,” Kubursi
said. ADFA board member Miriam Rasho from Sweden in Syria to assess
Lebanon desperately needs these items to help the situation there. Photo: ADFA

don’t have time other than to hunt for bread for the day.’” bring the brightest and best as immigrants and refugees to
Asked about Lebanon he said: “Beirut and other cities Canada, but to help ease the conditions that force people
are under lockdown and curfew. Our volunteers had to get to flee in sheer desperation.
special permission to deliver food to the needy. One of the Canada would do well to pay close attention to the
families that came to us for food was that of a little Syrian advice of His Holiness Mor Ignatius Aphram II, Syriac
refugee girl called Sama Hamad.” Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East.
Sama had her brief moment of fame when the Middle “To help alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people,
Eastern media covered the story of her entire family’s Canada can start by removing the sanctions and helping
survival in the August port explosion, and surgeons the Syrian people recover and rebuild their lives,” he told
replaced an eye she had lost. Convivium. “Also, by engaging in development projects to
“But when the media spotlight turned away from help people find jobs and provide for families instead of
Beirut, she was just another forgotten refugee child. She encouraging an exodus. This can be done through local
was very happy and grateful we helped her.” churches and humanitarian organizations.”
If Canada and other countries do not act swiftly and
Canada has so far paid no heed to UN calls to ease effectively to ease the burdens of the people of Syria and
sanctions, including an appeal last year by UN Secretary Lebanon, countless more of them will go to bed cold and
General Antonio Gutiérrez to all countries that have im- hungry. More children like Sama Hamad will have to
posed sanctions on others. depend on charity for their daily bread.
But the people of Syria and Lebanon have reached a And some day, even charitable organizations will run
breaking point, and it is high time to re-think the strategy out of bread. g
of using sanctions as a means to win political concessions.
The solution to humanitarian crises is not necessarily to Susan Korah is an Ottawa-based journalist.

Father and daughter have found water in Hassakeh, Syria.  Photo: ADFA

Stop the starvation
of Syrian children
by Nuri Kino

fter 10 years of war, Syrians are on the verge of the Syrian people. During her visit, she was shocked
starvation, according to the World Food Program. by the number of beggars on the street. Their numbers
Millions of hard-pressed Syrians go to bed hungry have doubled from when she was in the country during
and cold every night. Christmas 2019. In her first article, she asks how many
”Please stop asking us about the pandemic,” Amar, a more would be on the streets if more than a quarter of the
teacher, told me on a WhatsApp line. ”We cannot afford population had not fled the country.
to worry about the coronavirus. We are struggling to get
food on the table. If this table isn’t sold, we don’t eat. We The Syrian population before the war was 21 million.
are now selling our furniture to buy bread. At night, we According to UNICEF, the Syrian refugee crisis remains
hug our children tight to protect them from the cold. We the largest displacement crisis in the world, with 5.6 mil-
have neither electricity nor gas to warm our houses.” lion registered refugees, including over 2.5 million chil-
Amar’s salary is approximately $20 a month in U.S. dren, living in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.
currency. He, his wife, and two children live in a two- In 2020, the situation in all affected countries was further
bedroom apartment. The rent is $20 a month. His wife aggravated by COVID-19 and the subsequent economic
Leyla has tried to find work, but it has been impossible. downturn. According to the United Nations High Com-
Instead, she walks from one charity organization to missioner for Refugees, there are 6.2 million people, in-
another to find food. She tells me that they have to pay $6 cluding 2.5 million children, displaced within Syria, the
for electricity every month (12 hours a day). Every month biggest internally displaced population in the world.
they go short. Leyla says that before the sanctions, at least Almost half of Syria’s population is in need of aid, both
her cousin in Germany could send them some money. in government-held and opposition-controlled areas.
Because of the sanctions, that’s not possible anymore. Patriarchs of churches of the Middle East, diplomats,
A pound of meat costs $4, a pound of tea $3, bulgur or parliamentarians, and scholars from around the world
rice $1.50, and so on. sent an open letter on Jan. 21 to President Biden urgently
”We cannot afford to buy either meat, chicken, or requesting that he lift the economic sanctions against
vegetables, and we are not among the poorest. We are Syria.
supposed to be middle class, or at least were,” Leyla says. Among them is Ignatius Aphrem II, patriarch of the
She hopes that none of her family members will get sick Syriac Orthodox Church, known to many Americans
— ”that would cost a fortune, as medicine and hospitals because before he became the global head of his church,
are very expensive.” he was the archbishop of the Eastern United States. He
now resides in Damascus, the capital of Syria.
In June last year, President Donald Trump’s admin- ”President Biden, in his first day in the Oval Office, has
istration put new economic sanctions on Syria, targeting signed several Executive Orders to correct what is wrong,”
the Syrian President Bashar Assad. Since then, inflation said the patriarch when I reached him in Syria. “We
has increased to its highest level. After being one of the also hope he will listen to our plea and lift the sanctions
most flourishing countries in the Middle East, Syria now to end the misery of millions of Syrians. Children are
has streets filled with beggars and homeless people. literally starving because of the embargo against Syria.
In December, Miriam Rasho, my colleague — a board People are dying from the lack of medicine and adequate
member of A Demand for Action, the Sweden-based medical supplies. The harsh winter conditions are further
charity I founded — went from Sweden to Damascus increasing the suffering of the people since fuel is not
to write a report about the impact of the sanctions on available to heat their homes. Even bread, essential for

Syrian family diet, is not readily available. It’s very hard to economic plight. It added, “We believe that the legitimate
watch all these and not be able to take action.” national interests of the U.S. can be pursued without
collectively punishing the Syrian people by means of
The letter was prompted by a report by Alena Dou- economic sanctions.”
han, the United Nations special rapporteur on unilateral The U.S. and the European Union must adopt
coercive measures. In the report issued on Dec. 29, 2020, alternatives to comprehensive sanctions on Syria. The
Douhan expressed her concern that imposed sanctions international community should not impose collective
would exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation suffering on innocent civilians for the sins of their
in Syria, especially during the course of the COVID-19 governments. The entire human rights canon is premised
pandemic, exposing Syrian people to the risks of major on the inherent dignity of the individual. g
human rights violations.
The letter emphasized the fact that “millions of hard- Nuri Kino is an independent investigative, multi-award-win-
pressed Syrians go to bed hungry and cold,” stressing that ning reporter and minority rights expert. He is the founder
the unilateral sanctions imposed by the U.S. add to their of A Demand for Action and #tellcorona.

Beirut: Life in the
shadow of genocide
by Nuri Kino

Their family members were murdered by ISIS, they have been expelled
and persecuted, now they are fighting to survive the day. Nuri Kino,
journalist and founder of the organization A Demand For Action, writes
about two intensive days of relief work in Beirut, while he and many
others are waiting for an important signal and many are holding their
breath. Will Biden acknowledge the genocide of the Ottoman Empire? A
White House leak suggests that on April 24, President Joe Biden might
acknowledge the genocide of Christians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

t is a symbolic date. On the night of April 24, 1915,
more than 100 Armenian intellectuals were arrested in
Constantinople (Istanbul). They were executed shortly
afterwards. It was the start of the genocide of Christians
by the Ottoman Empire. At least 1.5 million Christian
Armenians, Assyrians/Chaldean/Syriacs and Greeks were
then slaughtered.
I’m in Lebanon, for more than 6 years we have helped
victims of the 2014 Genocide. The way this is connected to
the modern genocide is described below.
For a moment, in the darkness, a light shone on the
fate of Iraq’s Christian* indigenous people and other
minorities. But the spotlights on the Pope’s visit to Iraq
have now gone out.
Since 2004, many of us have fought to shed light on the
plight of Iraq’s indigenous people, its religious and ethnic
minorities. It has taken 17 years for the world media to give
us satisfactory reports about their plight. The Pope’s visit
was a tremendous win. Media from all over the globe laid
bare the atrocities against Christians, Yazidis, Mandeans ADFA giving food to those in need in Beirut. Photo: ADFA.

Food distribution in Tripoli, Lebanon.  Photo: ADFA

and others. A genocide. But what about the victims left of Saddam Hussein, the ethno-religious cleansing of Iraq
behind, the survivors and their needs? began with a grotesque video announcing the murders
I’m well aware that the wars in Syria in Iraq have of three young men. That day we learned of a new term
affected all the country’s inhabitants, no matter their “beheading.” One of the men was young Raymond
religion and ethnicities. I’ve also helped to expose the Shamoun. He looked straight into the camera, his eyes
horrifying and endless suffering of Yazidis, 8,000 of their clouded with fear, begging for his life. Seconds later a slow
women and girls kidnapped and subjected to tortures knife cut through his throat … According to the al-Qaida,
beyond comprehension. As of August 2020, nearly 3,000 he, Fadi ( also a Christian from Mosul) and an Egyptian
Yazidis were still missing. Hundreds of thousands remain man were”kuffar”, infidels and traitors.
in Internally Displaced Persons camps in Northern Iraq
living under squalid conditions. Fast forward to April 15th 2021 and Beirut. Our Swe-
den/based grassroots human rights and charity organiza-
Recently, I watched Once Upon a Time in Iraq, a five tion, A Demand For Action (ADFA) began in response
episode 2020 British documentary, and I was astonished to the ISIS genocide in the summer of 2014. For six years
to find no mention of the hundreds of churches that were now we’ve been distributing food in Lebanon, Syria and
bombed, all the clergies who were killed and the system- recently also Armenia. Most people registered with us in
atic cleansing of Christians in Iraq. I’ve lived with this Beirut are Iraqi and Syrian refugees forced to flee from the
knowledge for 17 years, the first ten years as a journalist terrorist’s violence, and we distributed 30 tons of food and
and author, and since 2014 also as an activist, or rather, hygiene articles to 830 families.
one of the voices of the unheard Unfortunately not everyone is eligible for aid, one day,
In autumn 2004, the first horrifying video from Iraq about 100 unregistered people stood in line and refused to
showed up on my laptop. Less than a year after the fall leave. I cautioned them that they must be careful, they’d

been too close to each other for several hours. But no one
listened. They were wearing masks and we sprayed their
hands with sanitizer to reduce the spread of infection as
much as we could. But because they were unregistered
we couldn’t give them our scarce supplies. People were
desperate and some had forged information in order to
get bread for their children. We had to calm down some
of our volunteers and the needy when shouting erupted.
I understand why people resorted to cheating to get food
for their children. Who wouldn’t?
”You should be ashamed, you know very well who my
brother was and what my family has sacrificed to save the
lives of others, and now we are not worth a piece of bread,”
a woman shouted at me. I had no idea what she meant.
She showed me a picture of her brother on her cell phone.
Then she broke down, cried, sobbed, stopped breathing…
and fainted.
After we revived her, she told us her name was Meyada.
Her sister Ghada and her husband Salah were also among
those not registered. And she was right, we recognized her
brother’s name. He fought against the terrorists and saved
48 Christian families. The last thing Meyada heard from
him was when he called and said ”the Islamic State has
taken me.” The call was interrupted. That was almost seven
years ago. They and their families have been refugees
in Beirut for over five years. Without help. Forgotten
among the massive number of refugees in Lebanon and
in the world. While they were telling us about the day Tony, born in Beirut.  Photo: ADFA.
ISIS painted the letter N for Nazari (Christians) on their
houses in Mosul I suddenly realized they must have been
neighbors with Raymond Shamoun. The man I first saw they came in slowly, two by two. Feryal, another of our
beheaded in that hideous video. volunteers showed Raqqiya and her sister Fatina in. They
”We were neighbors, I saw when they took him. They gave us their documents. She and her daughter were in
were not even masked, they forced him into the trunk of a the Syriac Catholic church massacre of October 2010 in
car; that was the last time we saw him until the video was Bagdad. Six suicide jihadists attacked the church during
circulated throughout Mosul. They even sold copies of it mass. 48 parishoners were killed and 80 other people
in shops,” Salah told us. We promised Meyada and all the injured.
others who didn’t get food to come to our office the next I’d heard about that attack from a man who called
day for their share. me from the bathroom of the church. He wanted me to
report it, hoping that might save lives. He had my number
The first one to arrive was Leyla. One of our volun- because he was one of the asylum seekers that Sweden had
teers (a refugee from Iraq herself) asked Leyla how she deported back to Iraq, illegal deportations I investigated
was. Leya immediately broke down in tears. She showed for Swedish radio. Over the phone I heard two young
us photos of her family. She only has one son left. Her priests plead with the terrorists not to kill anyone. When
two other sons died in Iraq. One was killed when he was they were found afterwards, the clergy’s bodies had been
stopped and asked for his id-card, it said ”Masihi” for sprayed with bullets.
Christian. That was enough reason for the terrorists to
ambush him. Her brother was killed in the same way. Her Later that afternoon Feryal suggested that we pay a
second son died from a stroke caused by all the distress. visit to Ashur’s mother who was sick and weak. Ashur was
She has one surviving son, now 36 years old. He was born kidnapped at the same time as Feryal. Ashur and two oth-
with a brain disease and is not fully functional. ers were then forced to wear orange jumpsuits and shot
Our volunteers cried too, when Leyla could not stop. in the head from behind as shown on an ISIS camera. I
Hiba, from Damascus made me promise not to tell her promised to take food and medicine to his mother.
story, it’s mindblowing. Another one of our volunteers, From the kitchen I heard children’s voices. When
Lena, lived in hell back in Baghdad. Only by a miracle did I went to see who they were I couldn’t believe my eyes.
she, her husband and children survive after threats to kill Feryal’s daughters. Now teenagers. While hugging them
them if they didn’t leave their house and their country. I couldn’t help of thinking of their cousin that one of the
We had to close the door, afraid of the spread of the terrorists took as a wife while they were captives. Today,
corona virus, because the needy in the line, both Lebanese no one knows of her fate.
and refugees, found it hard to observe caution. So Along with 200 others, Feryal’s entire family was

kidnapped by ISIS, in February 2015, in Khabour, the percentage of people suffering from extreme poverty
northeastern Syria, and brought to Raqqa—she, her increased from 8 to 23 percent during the same period.
husband and their children. What they have experienced Eliyas didn’t want to talk about it. ”I live in denial, I
is almost impossible to absorb. The lives of these children, don’t want to be reminded of the desperation of my
and those of others in the same situation, who were finally mother land. If I think about it I will lose my mind. I’d
liberated, have completely stagnated during their time as rather talk about, for example, the Armenian genocide or
refugees. what you in Syriacs call Seyfo. Will Biden recognize it on
Another kid ran from the balcony to hug me and the the 24th of April? Do the Americans even know about the
other adults – little Waskin who’s family we found in a connection between that genocide and the one in 2014?”
Beirut slum. His father had fought the terrorists and was Eliyas reminded me of the chain of horror, just
wanted, so the family fled from Hassake in Syria, leaving one example among many: Feryal’s grandfather fled
their beautiful house, to the Beirut ghetto. Seeing Wasking the genocide in the Ottoman Empire, from Haqqari,
reminded me of another child from Hassake who’s father’s southeast of today’s Turkey, to Simele in Iraq 1915. They
arm was chopped off because he had mother Mary were massacred again in 1933. The survivors, among
tatooed on it. Later the same day they sent his wife Iptisam them Feryal’s grandparents, this time fled to Syria. In
a message saying that she’d better take her daughter and February 2015 she and many others experienced yet
leave their house or he’d be killed. They did flee but he was another genocide. ISIS kidnapped them from Khabour in
killed anyway. I was glad to hear from our volunteers that northeast Syria.
Iptisam had received food.
Before the fall of Saddam it’s estimated that 1.3 million
Later that evening I went to an apartment in Burj Christians lived in Iraq. Today about 200,000 are left. So
Hamoud, the Armenian neighborhood in Beirut, close to where are the others? Some have made it to USA, Swe-
the port that exploded on August 4th 2020. Five people den, Canada and other countries in the west. But many, far
had called me, all from the Syrian too many, are scattered all over the
city of Qaryatayin. Three of them neighboring countries, in Lebanon,
were kidnapped in 2015. Ransom July, who wants to Jordan and Turkey.
had to be paid to release them. Two There are no accurate numbers
have family members who are still remain anonymous of how many Christians fled from
missing. No one knows what has Syria, but churches have estimated
become of them. picked me up, she the figures might reach 600,000.
Leaving the poorly furnished, ”July” who wants to remain
cold apartment, I felt I had no wanted me to visit anonymous picked me up, she
strength left. The corona situation, wanted me to visit a boy that might
the refugee’s suffering, all the trauma a boy that might become blind if he doesn’t get
and the plight of the Lebanese surgery, something his parents can’t
themselves emptied me of energy. become blind if afford. On our way to them she
But in comparison, I have nothing said ”thank you for raising funds
to complain about. he doesn’t get for the emergency Caesarean of the
The next day I had lunch refugee from Syria, she gave born
with a dear friend, the Lebanese surgery, something to a healthy boy that they will name
filmmaker Eliyas Salameh who has Tony”. As we left the house of the
made two documentaries about the his parents can’t boy that needs a surgery to save his
lives of Iraqi and Syrian Christians. sight July said ”aren’t the Americans
He reminded me about Rita, one afford. responsible for these people? They
of the women we interviewed for invaded Iraq, or am I wrong?”
our short film ‘Limbo’. She was also ”July” is from Sadad. In 1915
kidnapped by ISIS and sold several my grandmother Meyyo was found
times but she managed to escape. After my six hour phone in a well, she was put there with her family members, all
interview with her, Eliyas and the crew filmed a new assumed dead. She survived, was kidnapped, and raised
interview with her … She told us that she is stuck, like all as a Muslim until the day she was able to run away. Nearly
others – in limbo. one hundred years later, in 2013, I was informed about
During our lunch I asked Eliyas about his family, another well, this time in Sadad in Syria, where a Syriac
friends, and conditions in Lebanon. I wanted to learn why Orthodox family was found; only this time they all died.
his motherland has changed from being one of the most So why is it important that President Biden recognizes
flourishing countries in the Middle East to a place where the genocide? The answer lies in these (and many more)
the cost of food has tripled in just one year. testimonies I and others have been forced to listen to over
According to a study a study released by the United the years. If nothing else we hope the knowledge regarding
Nations Social and Economic Commission for Western the 1915 genocide will help prevent future genocides and
Asia the percentage of the poor in Lebanon doubled to give support and justice to the survivors of what happened
reach 55 percent in 2020, from 28 percent in 2019, while in 2014.  g

The Beirut stores that
became refugee shelters
by Nuri Kino

REPORTAGE. In Beirut, Christian refugees from Syrian and Iraq have found tempo-
rary shelter in stores in what was once part of a suburban mall. Living in appalling
conditions and below the poverty line, they struggle to survive, writes Nuri Kino
from the organization A Demand for Action in this eyewitness account.

efore the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, there Many Christians who fled persecution and genocide in
were about 1.3 million Christians in Iraq. Today Syria and Iraq came to Lebanon, as there was already a
there are not even 200,000 left. It is estimated that large Christian population here. But life in Lebanon is far
about 600,000 Christians have fled Syria in the last ten from easy. On the 4th of August 2020 an enormous explo-
years. sion in the harbour of Beirut, killed more than 200 peo-

ple and injured thousands. Lebanon was already suffering
from civil unrest, social and financial difficulties, poverty
and unemployment exacerbated by political tensions and
the increase of COVID-19 cases.

Today, the financial crisis is severe. The average sal-

ary in Lebanon was about $ 500 just two years ago. Today,
those who earned that much are forced to accept $ 50 a
month in salary. If they refuse they will be fired, and many
are unemployed and in line for a job, low paid or not.
Meanwhile, food and gas prices have gone up, not down.
The situation is unsustainable. And refugees from the sur- Screenshot from a video produced to give these unheard refugees
rounding countries are among the most vulnerable. a voice.
Charbel Sejaan Center and Roger Charbel, two small
former malls — located in Beirut’s suburbs, New Raw-
da and Sid El-Bauchrieh– have become housing for many the Center of Elie Sajaan, which was once a shoe store: “I
Christian refugees. They had fled Isis and other terrorist had to live in this miserable place because it is the cheap-
organizations to find more safety in Lebanon. est. The basic requirements for healthy living are not met,
Here are the stories of some of the people who live in so we have to spend for our needs in different ways. In
them; addition, the excessive humidity affected the health of my
Lamaa fled from Baghdad to Damascus in 2008. When eight-year-old son, who was suffering from asthma and
the war in Syria began and she was permanent bronchitis. This in-
again persecuted for her faith and creased our financial burden as we
ethnicity, she fled in 2012 to North- Unpredictable have to provide him with oxygen
eastern Iraq. But just two years later, on a continuous basis.”
she, her husband, three children, and circumstances Unpredictable circumstances
all other Christians had three choic- await him in this unfit dwelling,
es— convert, flee, or die. They fled, await him in this and he is now unable to even pay
this time to Lebanon. Now the family his rent or secure medicine for his
lives in a small hovel that used to be unfit dwelling, and sick son. However, sharing his suf-
a shoe store. They would not be able fering with Iraqi refugees in such
to pay the rent if they didn’t receive he is now unable to a neighbourhood eases his harsh
help from siblings abroad. Though conditions- which are becoming
they live in harsh conditions they are even pay his rent or more difficult day by day- and
content that they at least are safe. helps him to feel that his mother-
Assaad who also is from Iraq talks secure medicine for land seems less far away.
about his life in Lebanon, which has
become like clinical death, he says. his sick son. Bashar, also from Iraq, speaks
”I sought refuge in Lebanon in 2017, from his small cabin that was once
after we fled from ISIS and suffered a pastry shop, even though the
from persecution and torture. Our exit from Iraq burned place does not look like a home at all: ”I fled Iraq because
our hearts. I suffered several injuries due to the explosions of sectarian pressure on me and my family members after
that shook Iraq. We did not know what difficulties awaited several attempts at kidnapping, religious pressure and the
us. After a while, it became clear that stability was just an imposition of Islamic customs… etc. and sought refuge in
illusion. Evil did not go away, but hid for a while to gradu- Lebanon in 2017.”
ally begin to re-appear.” Bashar, who is overwhelmed with painful memories,
He continues his talk from his small room located in says: ”I thought we would be fine in this place, but on the

Unpredictable circumstances await him in this unfit dwelling, and he is now unable to even pay his rent or secure medicine for his sick son. 

contrary, my situation worsened. My nine-year-old son, the father has left them. No ventilation or lighting and
who suffers from headache, his health deteriorated due to high humidity, in addition to the high rent.
my inability to secure the necessary medication for him, Marin from Syria needs to provide large amounts of
and my 15-year-old daughter still suffers from trauma money to be able to take care of her family that consists of
because of the many scenes of killings, corpses and kid- three members: her young son, who is injured after being
nappings that she has seen.” He adds, ”I could not even tortured by terrorists, and her husband who suffers from
take my wife to the hospital when she contracted corona throat cancer and now is paralyzed because she could not
because I could not afford the costs of the hospital and afford his treatment. He is unable to breathe without an
treatment.” oxygen machine. He is also suffering from chronic blood
As for his place of residence, a store with no ventilation, pressure and diabetes.
no lighting and great humidity, he says: ”I’m afraid that I
am going to end up surviving from alms . We will have to Like most Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Marin lives
meet our needs at the neighbours” and share with them with her family below the poverty line. Obviously in pain
the rent for their miserable place of living, which is not in and anguish she says: “I am the support for my family, as
any better condition than ours.” Bashar still dreams every we depend on aid and subsidies to survive. But the aid and
night of obtaining to approval to travel to Britain, which subsidies we receive hardly cover our expenses. After pay-
will be a saviour for him and others like him who are no ing rent and bills, we have nothing left to cover the extra
longer obsessed with returning to Iraq. Their goals are nei- living costs, forcing my injured son to work as a porter,
ther near nor far. instead of continuing his education and securing his fu-
ture. With this, all our dreams are lost.” Marin is waiting
Maureen from Iraq, 33 years old, referred to the devas- to travel to any country to escape her harsh conditions.
tating conditions in which she lives with her four-year-old However, in the absence of real political progress in
child. She said: “In 2010, I took refuge with my family in both Iraq and Syria, returning home will remain a distant
Syria, as it is the closest to Iraq and enjoyed security and goal. Meanwhile, the international community needs to
stability. But this situation did not last long. After the start acknowledge and address the concerns of Lebanon and
of the crisis in Syria, family I was working with went to other refugee-hosting countries by providing real assis-
Lebanon in 2018 to escape the deteriorating situation in tance to governments, local and international NGOs, and
Syria.” to support international relief efforts, including through
Maureen is living with her autistic son. Her husband, UN mechanisms.  g

Screenshots from a video produced by ADFA to
give these unheard refugees a voice.

Finding the right helping
hands for Beirut
by Susan Korah

Canadian NGOs are meeting the challenge of keeping aid dollars from
disappearing into corrupt pockets after the explosion that shredded the
Lebanese capital, Susan Korah reports.

I think our country sinks beneath the yoke; Beirut to its foundations, leaving 157 people dead, 5000
It weeps, it bleeds; and each new day a gash injured, and 300,000 homeless, was the coup de grâce
Is added to her wounds. for a country that was bleeding for years under crushing
– William Shakespeare burdens.

It was shortly after 6:00 pm Beirut time when 2,750
t’s a long way from the bleak, windswept moors of tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse
11th century Scotland to the sun-drenched Mediter- exploded without warning.
ranean port of modern Beirut. Yet the words spoken Splintering glass, billowing clouds of smoke, blood-
by Malcolm, the Scottish prince in Shakespeare’s tragedy, spattered streets and injured people staggering in pain, —
Macbeth, succinctly describe the current situation of Leb- the sights and sounds of Beirut subsequently dominating
anon. traditional and social media channels are beyond
The cataclysmic explosion last Tuesday that shook heartrending—and eerily resemble pictures of the atomic

explosion in Hiroshima which surfaced on August 6, its country— despite all its flaws— as one where they or their
75th anniversary. families had found shelter and freedom of worship when
The Beirut explosion seems like the denouement to they fled genocide in their homelands.
the unfolding tragedy of Lebanon, a country where high “The refugees we help are in a very bad situation,”
unemployment, an economic meltdown, burdensome Nuri Kino the leader of the NGO said in an interview
taxes, staggering inflation that left its currency virtually shortly after the explosion. “Their homes in structurally
useless, and covid-19 were already fragile ghetto buildings have been
taking their toll. destroyed.”
These problems pale beside The Beirut Kino said that ADFA had been
the one that has pervaded life in able to switch gears quickly, and had
Lebanon for decades. A corrupt, explosion expanded its service to anyone who
kleptocratic government that has was affected by the explosion, not
no qualms about stealing tax payers’ seems like the only the refugees who have been
money with the same callous disdain under their care for years.
that Marie Antoinette of French denouement to the “Many people have asked if
revolution fame showed when she we work with the government (of
allegedly said: “If they can’t have unfolding tragedy Lebanon), and the answer is a very
bread let them eat brioche.” This definite ‘no, we are independent,’”
was in response to her famine- of Lebanon. Kino emphasized.
stricken peoples’ pleas for help. The NGO had raised over $80,000
US by Friday in an emergency
That Lebanon is ruled by a corrupt government that fundraising appeal. Its local volunteers are distributing
has kept its stranglehold on power for decades is no secret. food and water in the streets of Beirut. Milling throngs
The Canadian government immediately announced of starving people, too distraught to heed volunteers’
that it was providing $5 million to help meet the urgent appeals to observe social distancing rules, are desperately
needs of people affected by the crisis, with $1.5 million scrambling for what they can get.
going immediately to trusted humanitarian partners on “We are well positioned to adapt to the chaos quickly,”
the ground, including the Lebanese Red Cross. Kino said in response to a question about challenges,
International Development Minister Karina Gould has including food shortages, posed by the catastrophe.
pointedly stated that Canadian aid will be funnelled to “It’s difficult to find groceries in the city but we are well
“trusted” humanitarian organizations, and not be directed connected all over the country and have been buying like
to the Lebanese government crazy from elsewhere. Today we have been delivering in
“Trusted humanitarian partners on the ground” is a Burj Hammoud, the Armenian suburb of Beirut. We have
key phrase to be noted by Canadians with personal ties to special permission from the municipality and the army to
Lebanon, and others moved to help by sheer humanitarian do this because it’s under lockdown.”
impulse. Beirut’s Armenian community is an example of a group
Fortunately for Lebanon, there are several trustworthy that survived the genocide of 1915, and has rebuilt their
and reputable humanitarian organizations—besides the lives in Lebanon.
Lebanese Red Cross—working diligently on the ground, On Sunday, all the Armenian Apostolic Churches
providing desperately needed assistance in the form of in Canada held a special requiem service in memory of
food and medical supplies to the grievously wounded. those who lost their lives in the explosion. The diocese has
With years of experience on the ground, their workers established a Beirut Explosion Relief Fund.
have personal ties with the country, and are moved by a “The donations will be directed to the families of
genuine desire to walk in solidarity with those they serve. innocent victims through the Mother See of Holy
Fundraising efforts by these organizations and their Etchmiadzin,” Armenian Primate Bishop Abgar
supporters have gone into overdrive, and have met with a Hovakimyan said in his appeal.
generous response.
The small Sweden-based NGO A Demand for Action Marie-Claude Lalonde, Canadian director of Aid to
(ADFA) has a stellar reputation for directing almost the Church in need (ACN), told Convivium in an e-mail
all of its funds to benefit those in need, while keeping exchange that the leading Catholic charity had rushed a
administrative costs to the minimum. Staffed entirely first emergency sum of $362,500 to help feed people who
by volunteers, it has had years of experience working in have lost everything: “Their homes, their livelihood as
Beirut with refugees who had fled violence and faith- well as loved ones, relatives and friends.”
based persecution in neighbouring countries such as Iraq “We are monitoring the situation carefully and are
and Syria. in regular contact with the Bishops and Patriarchs who
Fundraising efforts by these organizations and their will also receive and manage the allocated funds directly,
supporters have gone into overdrive, and have met with a as is the way ACN functions in all cases, and without
generous response. intermediate intervention. We will definitely help again
Many of its supporters are Middle Eastern Christians when needed. It is but a beginning phase of our help,”
with deep personal ties to Lebanon, which they see as a Lalonde said.

ACN, too, has had years of experience in providing donor base,” Canadian director Carl Hétu said in a press
relief in countries with multiple problems including release.” Funds raised will be directed to the CNEWA office
corruption, war, nepotism, and rampant poverty. in Beirut which, in turn, will share with local churches that
“We never associate with the local governments or offer essential health and emergency services and pastoral
transfer help through them, that way we are certain the outreach.”
money reaches directly those in need. We have a long-
established relationship with local bishops and religious The faith-based organizations that Convivium con-
communities and we work exclusively with them. We tacted stressed that while the lethal explosion affects all
encourage people to be generous and to pray for our communities, one cannot over-estimate the importance
brothers and sisters going through very difficult moments,” of sending aid to a country brought to its knees by the
she said. catastrophe—but which nevertheless represents a ray of
Catholic Near East Welfare Agency (CNEWA) is hope for religious pluralism in the Middle East.
another well-known NGO that has been at the service of “With all the major issues devastating Lebanon, this
the churches and peoples of Lebanon and other countries week’s horrific incident only deepens what many describe
for decades, providing relief to all who are suffering and as an existential catastrophe not only for Lebanon as a
those who have fallen through the cracks, especially those nation, but for the existence of a culturally and religiously
facing homelessness and in need of medical care and food. diverse Middle East,” said CNEWA president Msgr. Peter
“CNEWA Canada will leverage most of its resources I. Vaccari. “CNEWA recalls the words of St. John Paul
to support the campaign— social media, website, II, who reminded the world that Lebanon is not just a
advertisements and personal and appeals to its generous country, but a message.”  g

Food distribution in Lebanon by Church in need (ACN).  Photo: ACN

Water distribution in Hassakeh, Syria. Photo: ADFA

Lest we forget Lebanon
by Susan Korah

Despite historic pacts between Israel and its Arab neighbours, Middle East
peace remains a chimera if Lebanon is left behind, Susan Korah writes.

orld media attention has shifted from the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Palestinians watched
horrific explosion in Beirut on August 4 to the with increasing nervousness as another Arab State, Bah-
historic Abraham Accord that is normalizing rain signed the Accord.
relations between some Arab states and Israel.
But speakers at a recent webinar on the region Thus, a real sustainable and lasting peace remains a
stressedthe importance of remembering that though the mirage in the desert of Middle Eastern politics, and this is
Accord is ground-breaking, it does not necessarily herald where Lebanon could play an important and critical role.
a new dawn of peace in all the Middle East. “Please don’t let Lebanon fall into despair,” the leader
It has merely shifted the traditional fault lines in the of the Maronite community in Lebanon pleaded during
political quick-sands of the region and potentially height- his keynote speech at the webinar, organized by Fordham
ened tensions between the Sunni-majority Gulf States University’s Centre for Religion and Culture as well as the
(UAE and Bahrain) and Shia-majority Iran. It has also Catholic Near Eastern Welfare Agency (CNEWA) and Salt
negatively impacted relations between the Accord’s signa- and Light Media of Toronto.
tory Arab States and the Palestinian authorities. The words from his Beatitude Cardinal Béchara
The latter feel an intense sense of betrayal. They im- Boutros Rai the Patriarch of Maronite (Catholic) Church
mediately recalled their ambassador from Abu Dhabi, the of Antioch and all the East, sounded like a lament.

But coming nearly two months after a devastating ex- right of freedom of religion and belief in the Arab world.
plosion that turned Beirut into a ground zero of death and All these are guaranteed in the 1926 constitution, mod-
destruction, the Patriarch’s words were more significant elled on that of France.
than a cry for a ruined city. They were more important It is also seen as a haven of safety and religious freedom
than a desperate appeal for humanitarian aid— although by millions fleeing political conflict and faith-based per-
such aid is still urgently needed as Beirut’s explosion survi- secution in neighouring countries such as Syria, Iraq and
vors are digging through the rubble Iran, particularly in the aftermath
of shattered glass and broken lives. of Tukey’s assaults on north-eastern
They were a call to the interna- A real sustainable Syria and the toll it has taken on
tional community to recognize that Christian communities there.
Lebanon is geopolitically too im- and lasting peace Cardinal Rai pulled no punches
portant to fail. They provided an ur- in explaining how the U.S. invasion
gent reminder to Western democra- remains a mirage of Iraq in 2003 devastated Middle
cies, including Canada and the U.S., Eastern Christian communities.
that it is in their interest help Leba- in the desert of “Iraq’s Christian population of
non recover from its multiple crises 1.5 million was drastically reduced,
of which the port explosion was just Middle Eastern and one million were displaced,” he
the last and most catastrophic epi- said. “After the Iraq war, we had the
sode. politics, and this Syrian war and then the ISIS inva-
sion. All these had a such a negative
Lebanon’s troubles include is where Lebanon impact on Lebanon on the Chris-
rampant government corruption, tian presence in the Middle East.
and a severe economic downturn could play an Lebanon’s economy suffered im-
that has impoverished its people mensely because all of our exports
and dragged the country down important and go through Syria and those routes
from its once enviable position were closed.”
as the “Switzerland of the Middle critical role. The Cardinal outlined a plan for
East” to the looming possibility of Lebanon which he called “active
sinking to the ranks of failed states. neutrality” that would ensure the
New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan strengthened the country’s prosperity and peace.
case for not giving up on Lebanon by emphasizing it is “Lebanon should not be pressured to intervene in con-
more than a catalogue of calamities. flicts outside the country, should be able to defend itself,
“Lebanon is a laboratory of religious freedom and ami- and should be able to have sovereignty within its borders.”
ty,” Cardinal Dolan said. In light of the Cardinal’s comments, the current gov-
Cardinal Rai agreed. ernment of Canada would do well to help Lebanon repair
“It’s a country where Christian and Muslim commu- the damage caused by the war.
nities live in harmony,” he said. But he added a sobering Minister of Global Affairs Francoise Philippe Cham-
note. pagne, International Development Minister Karina Gould
“The weakening of the Christian presence in Leba- and the bureaucrats at Global Affairs Canada would do
non would be a huge loss to Lebanon, to the Middle East well to pay close attention to the Lebanese Patriarch’s com-
and indeed to the world. Many churches have invested in ments.
schools, universities, hospitals and other social service in- Canada has taken a right step by providing humanitar-
stitutions. All these have created and nourished a vibrant ian aid on the condition that it bypasses corrupt Lebanese
society with a culture of openness, democracy and in- government channels. They should keep up the pressure
ter-religious co-living.” on Lebanon to set its political and economic house in or-
In a region that is notorious for authoritarian theocra- der by enacting effective reforms. They should also help
cies that violate the human rights of their minorities with Lebanon maintain its state of “active neutrality,” by staying
impunity, Lebanon, despite its many faults, is the lone flag out of outside conflicts while maintaining its own territo-
bearer of democratic values and freedoms including the rial sovereignty.  g


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