Lady in Waiting Chapter 4

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Lady in Waiting

Chapter 4
Lady of Virtue
I. Read Ruth chapter 3.
1. Write out every description of Ruth’s outward appearance. Include the Scripture references that support your
description. _______________________________________________________
2. Write out every description of Ruth from other people’s perspectives. Include the Scripture references that support
your description. ____________________________________________________
3. What two things about Ruth attracted Boaz? _____________________________________

“A woman of virtue is irresistible to a godly man.”

For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and smoother than oil is her speech (Proverbs 5:3).

To keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the adulteress. Do not desire her beauty in your heart.
Nor let her catch you with her eyelids (Proverbs 6:24-25).

With her many persuasions she entices him; with her flattering lips she seduces him (Proverbs 7:21).

4. What do these verses describe? ____________________________________________

5. Do you see these techniques in your magazines and ads? Explain. ____________________________

Lady in Waiting
“Most dateless women think their condition is the result of the ‘reflection in the mirror.’ Consequently, women spend
millions of dollars every year believing the myth that physical beauty is mandatory for marriage.”

6. What do you think about this statement? ________________________________________


“My wife’s character is what caught my attention. Her inner beauty was irresistible. Now, thirty years of
marriage and half a dozen children later, I am more attracted to and in love with her than when I first met her.” ---
P. Lord

But let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is
precious in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:4).
II. Read Proverbs 31:10-31.
1. List every reference to outward beauty. ________________________________________
2. List every reference to inward beauty. _________________________________________
3. Which of these listed are most valuable? _______________________________________
4. Of those listed, which ones get better with age? ___________________________________

As Jackie once said, “If a man chose me for external beauty, his destiny would be hugging a prune. But, if a man
chooses me for my internal beauty, his destiny will be unfading beauty even in the twilight years of marriage, because
of Jesus.”

A pastor once said, “Ladies, how you catch ‘em is how you keep ‘em.”

III. Take the virtue test on pages 58-59 of the book, Lady in Waiting. (Excluded from this study.)

IV. To marry a prince, you must first become a princess. A Lady of Virtue attracts admiration for qualities within
instead of attention for actions without.

Lady in Waiting

1. When you envision your perfect man, what are the qualities you see in him? ______________________
2. Do you have those same wonderful qualities? Explain. _________________________________
3. Do you think that your perfect man is hoping for a woman whose only beauty is outward and whose skill is in
attracting the attention o men? What do you think he is looking for? Explain. _____________________
4. Are you seeking admiration or attention from the men around you? ___________________________
5. Describe the difference. ________________________________________________
6. Are you a woman worth waiting for? Explain. _____________________________________

A man who has given you his attention can be easily distracted when a more attractive body passes by, but a man’s
admiration is for a lifetime.

V. Read Ephesians 5:18

How does a woman tap into “pearl-producing power”? In order for something to be filled, it must first be empty.
To be filled by the Spirit means that you must be empty of yourself. Instead, you’re full of God. You give the
Holy Spirit complete and total control of your life. “When you became a Christian, you received all of the Holy
Spirit. To be a virtuous woman, you must let the Holy Spirit have all of you.”

1. Do you have the Holy Spirit’s filling in your life? Explain. ______________________________

Lady in Waiting
2. Read Galatians 5:19-23. Which of these are displayed in your life? _________________________

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

“…If you want genuine pearls, you must allow the Holy Spirit to perform a special work in your life. Determine to
string a lovely pearl ‘necklace of virtue’ as a treasure for your Lord.”

Write a prayer of commitment right now to walk by the power of the Holy Spirit instead of by your own flesh. This
includes a daily practice of confessing your sin and asking God to fill your life with His power. You can begin now and
watch the beautiful work of God take place in your life. _______________________________

“Pearls of character” are listed in Galatians 5:22-23 as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control.

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