Reading and Writing Skills Finale

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SPJ International Technology Institute, Inc.

“Skill Provider & Job Placement Technology Institute, Inc.”

San Isidro Poblacion, Tinambac, Camarines Sur


Final Examination

Test I: Multiple choice. Shade the answer sheet with the corresponding answer. Please do avoid making

1. There are “basics” to a well-organized paragraph. Which among the following do exception?
a. Techniques b. Connectives c. Single Ideas d. Supporting sentences
2. What makes a well-structured paragraph?
3. The four fundamental properties of a well-written text are the following, except:
a. Coherence and Cohesion b. Organization c. Mechanics d. Rhetorical
4. It is the art of asking oneself about the text, “Why did it happen?”, “How did it happen?”, “What should
have been done instead, or be done thereafter?” It is dissecting a reading material.
a. Critical Thinking b. Critical Reasoning c. Critical Aspects d. Critical Reading.
5. A claim asserts that an action should be taken.
a. Policy b. No answer c. Judgment d. Fact
6. The overviews of the different aspects of using appropriate language are of follows. Which makes an
a. Levels of Formality b. Substantial Language c. Biased d. Jargons
7. Which among the following is the characteristic of effective language?
a. Justified language b. Precise and Clear Language c. Informal d. Consensus
8. It is a claim that asserts judgment of some sort rather than facts.
a. Value b. Policy c. Fact d. No answer
9. It refers to specialized language used by groups of like-minded individuals.
a. Jargons b. Biased c. Gay Lengua d. Lingua Franca
10. These are words that veil truth, such as “collateral damage” for the unintended destruction of civilians
and their property.
a. Lingua Franca b. Jargons c. Euphemisms d. Euphemismus
11. These include descriptions which create tangible images with details the reader can visualize.
a. Mass nouns b. Concrete noun c. Concrete Language d. Mass language
12. It describes the technical aspects of writing. It specifies the established conventions for words that you
use – spellings, punctuations, capitalization, etc.
a. Technicalities b. Mechanics c. Mechanisms d. Organization context
13. It is the act of constructing and deconstructing ideas in both spoken and written form based on a given
a. Critical Thinking b. Critical Reasoning c. Critical Aspects d. Critical Reading.
14. It is the process of expressing ideas and opinions as well as justifying a stand based on prior and
existing knowledge and experiences needed to arrive at a decision.
a. Critical Thinking b. Critical Reasoning c. Critical Aspects d. Critical Reading.
15. A claim asserts some empirical truth.
a. No answer b. Fact c. Judgment d. Policy

Test II. Analyze each statement below. Identify whether it claims a (a) Fact, (b) Value, (c) Policy or (d)
No answer.

1. Swimmers are more attractive than volleyball players.

2. Soda contains nothing to improve one’s wellness.
3. We need to elect council officers to address certain concerns if the people in the barangay.
4. Sleeping eight hours a day makes a person productive.
5. Research activity needs to be part of the curriculum.
6. One’s religious inclination determines his/her positive interdependence.
7. Plants are more valuable than animals.
8. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources should take equal precautions toward climate
9. “A family that prays together stays together.”
10. A clean environment creates a happy and peaceful society.
11. Living in the countryside is better than living in the city.
12. Other planets have already visited by people.
13. Football is more exciting than basketball.
14. ASEAN Integration should be made part of the curriculum.
15. Following healthy diet with enough rest and exercise will make you healthy.
16. Run!
17. Birds are the most lovable pets.
18. Law is more encompassing profession than medicine.
19. Students should wear their identification card anytime, anywhere in the school campus.
20. The PBO industry should hire single individuals.

Test III. At the back of your answer sheet, write an application letter of your own. Choose among the
following on which scene you would prefer to choose.

a. Applying as a student assistant in your highly institution.

b. Internship/ On the Job Training in Panasonic Group of Company.
c. Applying as a part-timer on a famous restaurant in Naga City.

Cleanliness of the piece - 30%

Organization of the content - 50%
Relevance to the chosen topic - 20%

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