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  I-Educational programs:
1. Provide the student with a broad spectrum of physics courses
2. Emphasize the role of physics in life and other discipline
(chemistry ,mathematics and biology)
3. Develop the ability of the students to conduct, observe, analyzes
and report an experiment
4. Develop the ability of the students to deal with physical models
and formulas mathematically
5. Provide the student with different practical, intellectual and
transferable skills
II-Graduate programs:
a) Master and Doctor of philosophy in science.
1. Improve the fundamental concepts and advanced techniques of
physics and scientific methodology
2. Enhance intellectual, computational, experimental,
communication and analytical skills of the students
3. Provide the students with the currently modern techniques in
4. Enhance the ability of the students to seek, acquire and process
data from different sources using the library and the internet
b) Diploma in Medical Physics:
1. Strengthen the student knowledge of physics and its role in
2. Provide the student with mathematical and computational tools
and models to be used in solving professional problems
3. Improve the students skills (professional, communication,
transferable skills)
III-Faculty members:
1. Develop the capability of the staff members in teaching,
research and community services
2. Encourage original research and innovative work
3. Encourage staff member to organize and prepare an annual
plan for their activities
IV- Research Programs:
1. Offering a new and advance research programs
2. Improve the post graduate programs offered by the department
3. Seek external funding for departmental research projects, either
from the university or the industry
4. Enhance the collaboration with other universities and research
V- Community services:
1. Encourage faculty members to get involved in national and
international committees
2. Encourage faculty members to get involved in the developing of
the pre-university education
3. Encourage faculty members to get involved in consultation to
the industry and other educational communities.

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