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a. Introduction

Saving and transaction accounts, loans, personal lending, debit cards and credit cards are
considered to be retail services. Retail banking is also different from commercial or investment

Retail banks provide people and families with monetary facilities. The three highly imperative
functions are Credit, deposit and money administration. Retail banks are a secure place to deposit
money of individual. Savings accounts, deposit certificates and other monetary products deliver a
high return rate compared to the mattress of their money. Banks base interest rates on the interest
rate of the Capital bond.

Retail banks allow the client, through checking accounts and debit cards, to administer your
money. Customer need not to do all of their transactions related to billing. All this can be done
online to add comfort for banks.

Retail banking is a consumer-oriented bank that provides basic banking services such as account
verification, account savings, loan services and much more. Retail customers are the public
members who take care of every individual's personal needs.

Most consumers use local banking branch services that provide customer service on site for all
banking needs of retail customers. Financial officials provide customer services and financial
advice via local branch locations. Financial officials are also the main contacts for applications
underwriting credit products.

b. Concepts and Application related to the question

Banks often interchange terms retail banking and commercial banking, which can sometimes
confuse customers. Retail banking refers simply to a banking division, which manages retail
clients rather than corporate clients. Therefore retail banking focuses on individual customers
and their financial needs rather than dealing with small companies or large corporations.
Retail banks may be community banks or large commercial banks' divisions. Many Financial
technology based companies, through Internet platforms and smartphone applications, can
provide the very same service in the digital ager as retail banks. Although retail banking services
are provided to people in the public at large, only small and large companies and corporate
bodies can benefit from corporate banking services.
Many financial services companies aim to be their individual consumers' retail banking
destination. Consumers expect retail banks to provide a range of basic services. While a
consumer cannot use all of the retail banking services, a checking and saving account is the
primary service for money deposit. This is a common, safe way to keep people's cash. It also
allows them to earn their money's interest. Most savings accounts offer fed-fund rate rates. In
order to allow easier withdrawals of funds and payment of goods and services, checking and
saving compliance also have a debit card.

Retail banks are also a major credit source for people. They provide credit to consumers for
buying large items such as homes and cars. This credit extension may include mortgages, car
loans or credit cards. The extension of credit is an important aspect of the economy because it
provides liquidity that supports the growth of the economy to the everyday consumer.

Retail banks have competed for a long time in distribution and made economies of scale through
network effects and arrangement investments. Economies of scale had boundaries above a some
standard rate. As a result, a few large institutions with similar efficiencies dominate the market
share in most retail banking markets. The specified changings in the retail banking business
model have been most useful strategy for regulatory changes.
Furthermore, retail banks have did a great job and takes bold step with customer experience
developments in other consumers. Several banks are distinguished by their innovation in
customer or branch models. Traditionally the marketing investments have focused to build
brands and increase loyalty: trust and security have been supported by a reputable brand that has
become a moat, protecting the sector from newcomers.

Nowadays, banks' channel tend to limit their own development rather than defend them from
attackers. The global retail banking landscape needs to be transformed by four shifts so that
banks need to rethink what they need to compete and win.
In retail banks, customers now expect simple, intuitive and seamless interactions between
physical and digital points. Banks are capitalizing but have struggled to keep pace to meet these
expectations. Various banks are vulnerable by traditional IT and data infrastructures. As a
consequence, few banks have true customer experience leadership. In addition only half to two-
thirds of customers normally rate their experience in exceptional manner even for institutions
before the curve.

Contact in the first digital world

We want to make sure that we route people to the right team at the right time, the right solution
when it comes to attracting and retaining B2C banking customers.

When the client arrives.

A potential new member would like to open a savings account. You shop online to find the best
for you. They are more likely to choose the best rate, but also who makes it easier.

Marketing at the right time for the right people

Management of banking take complete customer knowledge and they start identification of
people they don't know and strategy to get start doing business with them.

c. conclusion
Service of retail bank Professionals nowadays identify a solution that suits the requirements of
the customer, unlike purely digital offerings. In conclusion, a group of researchers from Deloitte
can gain premium from problem-solving skills that call for intuition, creativity, judgment,
persuasion and empathy. A new, committed client or member with the right tools and technology
to meet their banking needs with an expert team ready to help them as necessary.
Increasing armaments for superior CRM systems are taking place among companies. It is
important to offer unexpected value to the customers. Retail banks must offer more in order to
maintain and expand existing accounts, since digital options only dominate the market.

The professional retail banking service has unparalleled access to the thinking of their customers.
However, taking advantage of these opportunities requires a new way of thinking in which sales
are part of the solution in today`s retail banking. Professionals in retail banking must know:
Take every matter of customers with great priority, Customize the banking experience for
customers, Then Solve Be Authentic Understanding of every aspect of retail banking, the retail
banker must be Curious to surpass expectations of customers.


d. Introduction

Digital technology is a fast growing sector worldwide and is becoming a necessity for marketers.
Globally, retail banks have adopted different methods of digital technology to support their
advertising and promotion struggles. Digital technology responds to the need to inform
customers where they want it and where they want it. Innovation in industries around the world,
such as, facial recognition software and digital display technologies, continues to play a major
role since retail banks rethink their role across multiple channels. The convenience of daily
banking needs is reduced by the requirement of going to the bank office for depositing a check
online innovations and mobile applications.

Customers designated a resilient likeliness to discuss financial matters with customer service
agents in bank and still regard a suitable branch site as an important feature. Customers expect an
informative, extraordinary, impressive and productive industry-level familiarity and customized
digital signs to provide in real time information specific to a particular customer or customer.
Digital signage may deliver a range of products, services and public-related information based on
day-to-day information within the bank's network infrastructure.

In the knowledgeable policymaking process, information technology plays an important role for
banks by creating a means of collecting and codifying experiences and solutions of similar
decisions in areas such as financial management, client service and relationship development.
In determining the current structure of the banking system in most developed countries,
electronic technologies have been one of the main factors. Information Technology enables retail
banks, through message agility, improved population targeting and impact measurements, to
improve or enhance brand awareness. Digital signage also helps to increase the positioning of
brands and helps consumers to view their banks as innovative.

e. Concepts and Application related to the question

The technology's most visible impact is the banks' strategic responses to use them effectively to
deliver efficient services.
In the last decade, retail banking with the addition of technology has certainly become extremely
influential. Consumers are now more likely than to go to a retail shop, via business card or visa
card, to search and buy products online using their smartphones. Traditional retail banking is,
however, still popular and important to keep up with the progress of technology.

 Message strength and speed – Digital services offers dealers tractability and flexibility
to customize banking communication on the marketplace, create personalized, segment
the contact points and automate the quick deployment and modification, as required or
 Target group addressing – It also enables banking marketers to send specific messages
at special places – as digital merchandise systems do – to concentrate more on a
customer-centered brand other than a product focus.

 Affect initiatives- Information Technology displays provide banking companies with a

improved acceptance of the message impact on customer behavior. Marketers are able to
examine data by age, race and sex, measurable conversion tracking abilities, up sales and
more. Banks can use digital displays to understand their attitudes, including awareness,
loyalty and advocacy measurements.

 Digital video banks help train clients and employees

Banks are transforming the branch into a vibrant information foundation of monetary
products, services and information - using digital display - from a transaction hub where
customers engage with discounters. The result is tellers which can "sell" banking services
to customers, reinvigorate industry potential and modernize involvement in the retail

 Information technology is all about instructing the Customer. Information technology

enhances financial knowledge and helps clients comprehend fees and services more
clearly. For customers with digital signage versus print, Message recall is 35 percent

 Data analytics system provides historical, contemporary and future trends. These data
help the banks to take precise decisions and thus increase productivity, efficiency and
profitability overall.

 IT is moving from a corporate end to a main assistant to increase a bank's value by the
time. IT does so by maximizing banks' pro-active actions in terms of security,
communication and networking, such as strengthening and standardizing banking
infrastructure, and achieving inter-branch connectivity.

 Importance of technology for customer`s end

 Innovative, systemic, competitive and technologically driven in the market of the banking
 decreases branch customer stays and human interference
 Inter-sector reconciliation reduces the chances of fraud and misappropriation
 In the promotion of various systems of the banking, online banking is an effective
medium, indeed a marketing tool.
 Integrated customer data paves the way for customized services.

f. conclusion
Today's banking environment is highly competitive. Banks use latest technology to do persistent
activities and do growth within market environment which got variations of their processes, as a
'enabling resource' that can help develop a leaner and more elastic structure which is able to
rapidly respond to the changing aspects of a promptly altering marketplace situation. This is also
observed as a technique to decrease costs and to communicate efficiently with people and
institutions involved in banking.

IT enables the progressive growth of products, better market infrastructure, and reliable risk-
control technology, as well as helping financial mediators reach geographical reserved and
diversified markets. The Internet has influenced banks' supply channels substantially. The
Internet has proven to be an important means of delivering banking services and products.

Customers are able to view their accounts, receive accounts details and do payments by simply
punching on some keyboards or by utilizing their smart phones. The smart card i.e. cards have
additional new dimensions to the situation with a microprocessor chip. The 'Cyber Cash'
introduction is completely exchanged via 'cyber-books.' Submitting Electricity charges collection
and telephone charges have become easy. The upgrading ability and tractability of Information
technology for the banking sector have extraordinary chances to reach their clients. They can use
it with out any hesitation that banking services have undergone drastic changes, which has led to
greater expectations of bank customers.

The driving force was largely the increased technological sophistication and increasing Internet
popularity. Changing customer expectations from traditional banking to e-banking.

With computer and electronic equipment facilities, the retail banks modernized their services.
The revolution in electronics enabled the customer to be easy and flexible in banking operations.
The customer has been told by the e-banking company to leave huge bank accounts and large
bank accounts. The e-banks that can be called as a simple bank offer to their clients the following

ANSWER 3: Part A

g. Introduction
In the last few years, expertise is altering the manner in which retail banks work and convey
products and services to their valuable customers .The utilization of modern technics in the
financial world has enormous innovations. The innovative slogan of ‘Financial Technological
has become common in banking sector.

h. Concepts and Application related to the question

 obsolete Customer service

The most important way in which FinTech disrupts the financial and banking sector maybe with
the help of customer service. Previously, any financial company needed a good customer service
team. Anything involving the management of money or money required qualified personnel to
help solve problems and provide people with assistance. So if a bank is lack in modern
technology, then obviously its customer service is not considered a good one.

 No option of Banking online

Traditionally, if the retail bank is not providing the online service, then it is doing something in
the non-virtual world. Customer’s often-ly go to the city to take out their money, transfer funds
and arrange their finances from one place to the next. Customer obviously talk to a cooperative
personnel and communicate about his/ her problem regarding banking transaction. Such
premises, however, quickly become redundant. Without Online banking, it become increasingly
non sophisticated and poor banking system where people are not allowed to do their banking
transactions with a push of the button we can transfer money or pay for goods.
 Screening of any fraudulent activity
The examination and documentation of any fraudulent activity was used by both man and
machine to be the same effort. The IT system is not able to help and track potential deceitful
transactions, but it will be up to the bank personnel/ employee to look at all the information and
to see whether the account is fraudulent or not. So it becomes an activity that takes time overall.
Even so, retail banking system without Artificial Intelligence does not go outside the capability
of the banking personnel who design it and is now beginning to perceive and recognize fraud.
The machine tracks the victim's history, then calculates and forecasts fraud probability based on
past patterns. Human are not able to do everything at a much faster speed as compared to
machines. It means that many fraud teams don't get resolved, so problem become big and bank is
unable to even reduce these fraudulent activities.

i. conclusion
Without acceptance of modern technology by ``bank conventional Limited`` must face these
problems, which are written as follow:

1) Decrease in Efficiency:

Without embracing the modern technologies a retail bank is not able to provide efficient and
quick customer service.

2) Information handling become extremely difficult:

The implementation and strengthening of the internal control and housekeeping and reporting
functions become extremely difficult to handle and are unable in providing all the customer
related information without modern and up-to-date monitoring and information systems.

Retail Banking become slower and less reliable without modern technology and usage of
information technology. Records and documents become monster to maintain and retrieve. The
core banking system also become dump without computerized banking.

ANSWER 3: Part B

a. Introduction

The utilization of new and modern technology in the banking/ monetary world is obvious. The
banking sector has seen enormous innovations in recent years. With its continuously evolving
focus on business and consumers, the new motto "Financial and Technology" is gaining mutual
ground in the sector and the necessity of staying tuned to developments is increasingly seen
Fintech is considered to be a contemporary program, condensed by monetary based technology
but it is actually a new and modern phenomenon to support financial services. To date,
innovation has largely been at the forefront of these expert offers, mainly by improving the client
faces of financial services.

Digitization was the biggest revolution in banks. Banking is faster and more reliable than before.
Records and documents are now much faster and easier to maintain and retrieve. The core
banking system is also improved by computerized banking.

b. Concepts and Application related to the question

As the ``modern limited bank`` is utilizing the modern technology, so it get several benefits like:
 As modern technology has Positive impact on the banking sector, so as ``the
modern limited bank`` has.
 Use of Digitization by this bank is the biggest revolution in the banking sector.
 Banking become speedy, faster and more reliable as compared to other banks which are
not utilizing the modern technology. Customer Records and documents in modern limited
bank are now much faster and easier to maintain and retrieve.
 The core banking system also improves in modern limited bank because of computerized
banking. All sub-branches have admittance to centralized common data and are linked to
each other via CBS (core banking system).
 The handling of checks becomes quicker and more efficient in ``modern limited bank``
than ever with innovation in the MICR system of check processing.
 The UssD specialized for ``modern limited bank`` is launched by government, allowing
people without internet access to their bank accounts. USSD (Unstructured
supplementary services data).
 To facilitate excellent banking services, ``Modern Limited Bank`` have familiarized
Computerized Banking Services Key like Cash Deposit Machine, Cheque Deposit
Machine, from side to side these service have become informal.
 Internet Banking has been developed and now is being offered by nearly all banks with
increasing Internet access. All details and requests for transactions can be made online
without personally coming to the bank with the help of this procedure.
 In transactions, ``Modern Limited Bank`` offered more transparency.
 By using passwords, double authentication in online banking in ``Modern Limited Bank``
try to reduce fraud in bank.
 The technology is responsible to boost up the customer experience with bank. It
decreases competition between banks, which ultimately provides people with better
 Customers easily access ``Modern Limited Bank`` from anywhere with the introduction
of mobile banking. It's all a fast tap away.
 ``Modern Limited Bank`` have introduced Automated Banking Solutions such as Cash to
facilitate better services for its customers.
c. conclusion
In India, the banking sector like ``Modern Limited Bank`` progresses rapidly with a higher
customer driven and newly improved, innovative technology facilities. Because coin has two
sides, technology is also positive and negative on both sides of the Indian banking sector. The
risks are high but they are able to reduce by modern banking techniques. This digitalized
technology is the backbone of the Indian banking industry in the future.

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