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F-10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway – Foundation to Year 10 Sequence

Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Foundation to
Description Thread Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
Strand Year 2

Interacting orally Oral – Interacting, Participate in class Interact with Initiate interactions Initiate and sustain Exchange and elaborate
and in writing to participating and routines, structured teachers and peers with peers and known interactions with peers on suggestions and
exchange, taking action conversations and in social and class adults to plan and and familiar adults to opinions in spoken
ideas, opinions, activities using activities, organise social plan and arrange interactions related to
experiences, teacher-modelled exchanging ideas activities activities or social planning and negotiating
thoughts and tones and rhythms and opinions, using events in the context activities and events,
feelings; and correct tones of the school or local adjusting spoken language
participating in community, and vary for familiar and unfamiliar
planning, spoken language in participants, purposes and
negotiating, response to the needs contexts
deciding and and demands of other

taking action participants

Written – Interact with simple Exchange simple Exchange Correspond with peers Sustain and extend written
Interacting, written texts in correspondence correspondence and and other familiar exchanges about places,
participating and familiar contexts to with teachers and create simple written participants to plan future plans, and
taking action contribute to class peers to contribute material to plan future activities, and compare contemporary social
discussions suggestions and activities and events opinions on and issues and activities
arrange activities and contribute ideas attitudes towards
different cultures

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Foundation – Year 10 Sequence Page 1 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Foundation to
Description Thread Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
Strand Year 2

Obtaining, Oral – Obtaining, Locate information Obtain and process Obtain and process Analyse and Analyse, compare and
processing, processing and about family and information about specific information summarise relevant present perspectives on
interpreting and using information familiar events from significant people, from multiple spoken information obtained topics of interest,
conveying spoken and visual places and events sources, selecting and from a range of identifying the different
information sources and convey from spoken and sequencing spoken sources and ways emotions, intentions
through a range this information in visual sources, and appropriate content for convey this information and ideas are expressed
of oral, written simple visual and convey this specific audiences to known audiences
and multimodal oral texts information using through a range of
texts; learnt phrases and texts

developing and key words

knowledge. Written – Locate and present Locate factual Locate key points in Locate, classify and Collate and present
Obtaining, information about information from written informative organise relevant different perspectives on a
processing and familiar objects, sources and report texts, summarising the information, including range of issues from
using information people and personal this information to a points to report to analysing data in different sources
interests using visual known audience known audiences simple diagrams,
and contextual cues using learnt tables and graphs, and
characters re-present this
information for known

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Foundation – Year 10 Sequence Page 2 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Foundation to
Description Thread Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
Strand Year 2

Engaging with Oral – Respond to and Respond to and Engage with Engage with Engage with a range of
imaginative Participating in, create simple create simple characters and points imaginative texts, performance-based
experience by responding to Chinese stories, imaginative texts of view in short observing how imaginative texts, and
participating in, and creating songs and rhymes, using voice, imaginative texts, characters, emotions respond by discussing
responding to imaginative reproducing rhythm rhythm, and express personal and attitudes are attitudes portrayed,
and creating a experience and sound patterns appropriate gesture opinions and create portrayed, express expressing opinions,
range of texts, to express feelings and action simple spoken opinions about these explaining themes,
such as stories, imaginative texts aspects of an discussing characters, and
songs, drama imagined experience considering language use
and music. and apply this and cultural meanings,
knowledge in their own and apply this knowledge
performances and to create imaginative texts


Written– Create short Create short written Create written Create written Create written imaginative
Participating in imaginative written imaginative texts imaginative texts, imaginative texts to texts that express aspects
responding to texts using images using simple describing characters describe experiences of Chinese culture for
and creating and copied characters and and sequencing involving imagined different audiences and
imaginative characters short sentences events, using people and places identify how some
experience scaffolded models of concepts can be readily
texts, learnt characters translated between
or word lists for Chinese and English and
support some do not

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Foundation – Year 10 Sequence Page 3 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Foundation to
Description Thread Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
Strand Year 2

Moving between Translating/interp Identify equivalent or Translate the Interpret and translate Translate texts for Translate a range of
languages and reting similar Chinese meanings of simple texts used for different audiences Chinese texts and identify
cultures orally words or phrases for important everyday everyday purposes, varying the language how some concepts can
and in writing, familiar objects or words using identifying actions, to explain key points be readily translated
and explaining terms in English contextual cues words and phrases for these different between Chinese and
how meaning that do not readily audiences English and some do not
works. translate into English

Creating own Identify common Find English Create own bilingual Create short bilingual Create bilingual texts,
Chinese Chinese characters equivalents of texts such as signs, texts on topics of identifying similarities
translations and words in Pinyin common displays and posters personal interest and between Chinese and
using contextual expressions in on key content from English syntax and
cues Chinese and vice other learning areas vocabulary, and explaining
versa and provide subtitles how these similarities can
or commentary to be used when transferring
assist meaning culture- or context-specific
ideas from Chinese into

Reflecting on Reflecting Notice aspects of Reflect on how Describe aspects of Reflect on the cultural Compare the experiences
intercultural Chinese language aspects of personal own identity and reflect significance of how of young Australians with
language use and culture that are identity are on differences different groups and those of young people in
and how

‘new’ or ‘interesting’, expressed in between Chinese and members of groups Chinese-speaking

language and and observe how Australian and English language and name themselves and communities, reflecting on
culture shape relationships Chinese contexts culture, identifying how are represented by how these diverse
identity. influence language this knowledge can others experiences affect
use and own identity help their intercultural individuals’ identity,
exchanges attitudes and beliefs

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Foundation – Year 10 Sequence Page 4 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding the Phonology Reproduce the four Recognise the tone- Discriminate between Examine differences in Explain differences in
language system, tones and recognise syllable nature of similar or related sounds and tones, and intonation, rhythm and
including sound, how they can change spoken language, and syllables and words by patterns of sound flow in sounds when listening to
writing, grammar the meaning of words compare Chinese and listening with attention speech speakers of different ages,
and text. English sounds to intonation, stress genders and social
and phrasing positions

Orthography Recognise Chinese Reproduce key Identify how character Interpret texts by inferring Relate prior knowledge of
characters as a form of Chinese characters structure, position, and meaning from common character form and
Systems of language

writing and Pinyin as from familiar contexts component sequences character components or function to infer
the spelled-out sounds using stroke types and relate the form of a position of components, information about the
of spoken Chinese sequences, and character to its and analyse how reliable sound and meaning of
component forms and particular sound and this method is in unfamiliar characters
their arrangement meaning translating

Syntax Understand that Use nouns, adjectives Form sentences to Identify and apply Analyse and examine how
Chinese sentences and simple sentences express details such features of Chinese effective authors control
have a particular word to record observations as the time, place and grammar and sentence sentence structure and
order manner of an action structure to organise and use language to engage
and to sequence ideas sequence ideas in oral their audience
and written texts

Text Engage with familiar Identify similarities and Notice how the Analyse how authors Compare the purposes,
text types to predict differences in the features of text adjust features of text structures and
meaning organisation of simple organisation vary different text types for language features of
familiar texts according to audience different purposes and traditional and
and purpose audiences contemporary texts

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Foundation – Year 10 Sequence Page 5 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding Variations in Recognise that Recognise that Understand that Investigate the extent Explain the dynamic
how languages language Chinese is a major Chinese is spoken by Chinese is and dynamic nature of nature of the Chinese
Language variation and change

vary in use community language in communities in many characterised by Chinese language use language and how
(register, style, Australia countries diversity in spoken locally and globally changes over time are
standard and non- and written forms influenced by local and
standard varieties) global contexts and
and change over cultures
time and place
Changes in Identify the features of Identify the likely Examine how Explain how the Chinese Explain how language
language formal language used contexts and features language is used to language adapts to social defines people’s roles as
in familiar contexts, of informal and formal clarify roles and and technological outsiders or insiders in
such as at school conversations involving relationships between changes groups and cultures
known participants of participants in
different ages, genders interactions
and social positions

Analysing and Language Describe how people Identify how terms are Explore the ways in Compare and reflect on Analyse the ways in which
Role of language and

understanding the choices use different languages used to indicate which everyday how cultural contexts language choices reflect
role of language to communicate and relationships and language use reflects influence the way cultural practices and
and culture in the participate in cultural express aspects of culture-specific ideas, language is used within values and how language

exchange of experiences culture that may be such as the influence and across communities is used to express
meaning. different from their own of age, gender and familiarity and distance
social position on between participants in
language choices interactions

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Foundation – Year 10 Sequence Page 6 of 28
F-10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner pathway – Year 7 – 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Interacting orally and Oral – Interacting, Exchange feelings, ideas and opinions, establish and Interact and socialise with known and unknown
in writing to participating and taking maintain friendships and participate in group action participants in familiar contexts to plan and arrange
exchange, ideas, action events, and exchange feelings, opinions and

thoughts and
feelings; and Written – Interacting, Correspond and collaborate with peers, relating Correspond with peers and teacher, exchanging
participating in participating and taking aspects of their daily experiences and arranging ideas, negotiating decisions and inviting others to
planning, action sporting and leisure activities participate in collective action
negotiating, deciding
and taking action.

Obtaining, Oral – Obtaining, Locate and share with known audiences factual Locate and compare perspectives on people, places
processing, processing and using information about people, places and events from a and lifestyles in different communities, from a range
interpreting and information range of oral texts of spoken information texts, and convey this
conveying information to others
information through

a range of oral,
written and Written – Obtaining, Locate factual information about life in other Locate and organise information on topics of interest
multimodal texts; processing and using communities and about aspects of Australian life, from a range of written sources to develop a position,
developing and information including data from graphs and tables, and convey and convey this position to a familiar audience in a
applying knowledge.
this information to known audiences range of texts

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 7 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Engaging with Oral – Participating in, Express opinions about imagined characters and Respond to imaginative texts by stating how themes
imaginative responding to and events seen and heard in contemporary media and such as relationships, image and acceptance are
experience by creating imaginative performances, and create own portrayals of portrayed, and create own performances to express
participating in experience characters using gesture, action, stress, and ideas on personal experiences of these themes
responding to and

modelled phrases
creating a range of
texts, such as
stories, songs, Written– Participating in Respond to simple narratives and create short texts Respond to and create or adapt simple narratives that
drama and music responding to and about imagined characters and events describe experiences and characters from folk tales
creating imaginative or popular fiction

Moving between Translating/interpreting Translate simple texts from Chinese to English and Translate simple modified Chinese texts and familiar
languages and vice versa, identifying words and phrases in Chinese interactions in different contexts, identifying
cultures orally and in that do not readily translate into English, using alternative ways to interpret meaning
writing, recognising contextual cues, action and gesture to assist
different translation
interpretations and

explaining these to
others. Creating own Chinese Interpret common colloquial phrases and culturally Mediate descriptions of Chinese and Australian life,
translations specific practices from Chinese contexts into identifying what experiences and ideas are not readily
Australian contexts and vice versa, identifying translated between cultures
contextual restraints and considering alternatives

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 8 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Participating in Reflecting Reflect on personal experiences and observations of Reflect on the reactions and experiences of
intercultural using and learning Chinese language in familiar participants (including their own) in interactions and
exchange, contexts, and use these reflections to improve observe how languages is adapted to communicate

questioning communication effectively in unfamiliar contexts

reactions and
assumptions; and
considering how
interaction shapes
communication and

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 9 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding the Phonology Recognise the tone-syllable nature of the spoken Discern differences in patterns of sound and tone in
language system, language, discriminate use of tones, rhythm, and extended Chinese speech when listening to speakers
including sound, sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support of different age, gender, and regional background
writing, grammar and learning the spoken language
Systems of language

Orthography Identify how character structure, position and Relate prior knowledge of character form and function
component sequences relate the form of a character to to infer information about sound and meaning of
its particular sound and meaning unfamiliar characters

Syntax Identify and use the characteristics of Chinese word Analyse functions of grammatical rules and use
order and explain the use of Chinese-specific language appropriate to different forms of oral and
grammatical features written communication

Text Identify the characteristics of familiar text types, noting Compare the purposes, text structures and language
particular textual features distinctive to Chinese features of traditional and contemporary Chinese texts

Understanding how Variations in

Language variation

Recognise diversity in Chinese language use within Explore the development of Chinese as an
languages vary in language different communities and regions, such as dialects, international language and as a lingua franca in
and change

use (register, style,

standard and non- and local languages and character systems Chinese communities
standard varieties)
and change over time Changes in Identify traditional phrases and contemporary terms in Explore the role of tradition in contemporary language
and place language everyday language use and the role of technology in use and how languages change over time
changing the way people communicate

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 10 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Analysing and Language choices Discuss how language choices reflect cultural Reflect on how language and culture both shape and
Language and

understanding the practices, including clarifying roles and relationships reflect each other
Role of

role of language and

culture in the between participants in interactions
exchange of

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Second Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 11 of 28
F-10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway – Foundation to Year 10 Sequence

Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Interacting orally Interacting Initiate interactions, Interact and socialise Interact and socialise Interact and socialise Interact and socialise
and in writing to make requests and with peers and with peers and known with familiar groups and with a range of
exchange, establish relationships teachers to exchange adults, exchanging individuals, exchanging participants, recognising
ideas, opinions, with teachers and thoughts and feelings ideas and opinions personal information alternative positions,
experiences, peers about home routines, about personal such as sporting ideas and perspectives
thoughts and leisure activities and experiences and achievements, favourite relating to experience
feelings; and community events social activities pastimes, and sharing and lifestyle
participating in perspectives on aspects
planning, of contemporary life

such as popular music,

deciding and
taking action.
Participating and Collaborate with others Collaborate in and Take action, resolve Participate in planning Negotiate actions and
taking action in group activities and make decisions about issues, make shared joint projects and contribute ideas,
contribute to learning group activities and decisions and events that would opinions and
activities learning experiences in organise shared benefit the local suggestions in
familiar contexts experiences community, justifying interactions related to
choices and making shared tasks and
decisions problem-solving,
managing different

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 12 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Obtaining, Obtaining and Locate information Gather and organise Locate and compare Collate and analyse Investigate different
processing, processing about people and factual information factual information information from a interpretations of
interpreting and information objects from a range of from familiar sources from different sources range of sources to contemporary and
conveying sources, and sequence about countries and about different develop a position on historical events and
information events places communities and an issue people
through a range lifestyles
of oral, written

and multimodal
texts; developing Conveying Convey simple Convey key points of Plan and present key Plan and convey key Develop and present a
and applying information information to peers information to familiar points of information points of information position on topical
using illustrations and audiences to familiar audiences and opinions based on events and people by
gestures to support information drawn from referring to a range of
meaning, and respond a range of sources sources, and connect
to questions from this position to the
others perspectives of others

Engaging with Participating in and Participate in and Respond to simple Respond to popular Express opinions about Interpret
imaginative responding to respond to fables and legends stories and how popular representations of
experience by imaginative performances and through discussion of characters from imaginative texts, people and events
participating in, experiences shared reading of characters and events Chinese folklore, including poems and 故 encountered in
responding to

children’s stories, sharing opinions on 事, reveal important contemporary and

and creating a songs and rhymes with aspects of the traditional Chinese
cultural values
range of texts, a focus on rhythm, storyline, characters performance
such as stories, gesture and stress and themes
songs, drama
and music

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 13 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Creating Create own Create short personal Create short Create narratives that Create imaginative
imaginative representations of narratives and narratives to express express the everyday texts, drawing on and
experiences imagined people or performances of the experiences, experiences of young adapting
events using poetry, song, dance or thoughts and people, experimenting representations of
illustrations and actions drama which reflect the emotions of with dialogue people and events
culture and traditions of individuals in encountered in
the Chinese imagined contexts traditional and
community contemporary Chinese
literature, drama or

Moving between Translating/interpret Explain the English Identify common Identify and account Translate short texts for Participate in reading
languages and ing meanings of Chinese spoken Chinese for the potential loss different audiences, Chinese literature in
cultures orally words and simple expressions and of subtle meanings identifying what is lost original and in
and in writing, phrases heard or seen discuss examples of from character in translation and translation, and explain
recognising in everyday social actions, words and components and considering alternative assumptions or implied
different contexts phrases that do not individual characters ways to explain key meanings which inform
interpretations readily translate into in compounds when points how ideas have been

and explaining English translating into translated from Chinese

these to others. English into English

Creating bilingual Create simple bilingual Translate simple Create simple Create bilingual texts Create and adapt
texts vocabulary lists English texts into bilingual texts for relating to other bilingual texts for
identifying and Chinese and vice different audiences, learning areas and different settings and
comparing vowel and versa, using strategies explaining features of topics of interest, audiences, identifying
consonant sounds in for building vocabulary the different versions considering the the contextual and
Chinese and English and interpreting and the impact of influence of different cultural challenges
intended meaning of roles, relationships,

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 14 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
words in English and context settings and situations
Chinese when interpreting both
Chinese and English

Participating in Reflecting Reflect on aspects of Reflect on their Reflect on the Reflect on own Reflect on how
intercultural their Chinese identity reactions and benefits of learning intercultural conventions of speech
exchange, and personal responses to others Chinese and English experiences, and and particular Chinese
questioning relationships with when participating in in both Chinese and contrast ways in which cultural concepts can

reactions and others learning and cultural English interactions people of different influence
assumptions, experiences in Chinese generations, genders communication style
and considering and Australian contexts and linguistic when using both
how interaction backgrounds use Chinese and English
shapes language and respond
communication to different experiences
and identity.

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 15 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding Phonology Recognise the four Recognise the tonal Recognise the use of Identify changes in tone Explain the role that
the language tones and their function features of Chinese in tone, intonation and that occur when words features of prosody
system, in Chinese, and own speech, and stress of words to or tones are combined, such as intonation and
including sound, compare consonant understand when and express emotion, recognise atonality in stress play in
writing, grammar and vowel sounds in why some tones are opinion and attitude rapid connected speech, interactions in various
and text. Chinese and English not expressed in some and use this knowledge contexts
contexts and how to aid in interpreting
syllables are decoded meaning
from and encoded into
Systems of language

Orthography Recognise that Identify the form, Recognise the Use character and Infer possible sounds
characters are the composition and contextual meanings component knowledge and meanings of
written representation spacing within of individual syllables to infer sound and unfamiliar characters
of spoken Chinese and characters, relating or characters to meaning of new encountered in a range
the morphological components and their assist comprehension characters encountered of contexts by
nature of Chinese positions to their and vocabulary in texts, and examine identifying and
words meaning and sound development, and component form and explaining the role of
explain the form and function to associate the semantic and phonetic
function of correct sound and sides
components in meaning with individual
individual characters, characters
for example, 心,想,情,

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 16 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Syntax Recognise parts of Develop ways to Understand and use Recognise ways of Understand and apply
speech and understand structure sentences in basic structures and organising and complex grammatical
basic rules of word Chinese to elaborate features of Chinese expressing ideas in structures and features
order in simple own ideas grammar to enhance Chinese to achieve particular
sentences meaning and clarity effects, and explore
of expression grammatical features of
classical Chinese

Text structure and Recognise features of Recognise similarities Recognise and apply Identify structure and Analyse and compose
organisation various familiar text and differences in the conventions of organisation of different different types of texts
types in Chinese structure of spoken personal texts and texts, including for different purposes,
and written texts that compare textual expositions, procedural using appropriate
have the same features of different texts and recounts, and linguistic, textual and
purpose texts use these in their own cultural elements
speech and writing

Understanding Variations in Recognise diversity in Recognise how the Differentiate key Understand how Explain how gender,
how languages language expressions and context of interactions features and apply language is used to social class and age
Language variation and

vary in use gestures used in influences language rules for expressing reflect different roles, affect language use in
(register, style, everyday social choices meanings in spoken relationships, settings formal and informal
standard and interaction across and written modes in and values and modify contexts

non-standard cultures diverse contexts language use in diverse

varieties) and contexts
change over
time and place

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 17 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Foundation to Year 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6 Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Changes in Recognise Chinese as Explore diversity in Explore the impact of Explore the significance Explore ways to use
language use a major community dialects and in English on everyday of tradition in 名人名言 traditional characters to
language in Australia contexts in which communication in enhance their own
and around the world, Chinese is used in Chinese and the and 经典, and communication
and understand that Australian impact of Chinese on contemporary influences
language use varies communities English on language use
according to cultural

Analysing and Language choices Recognise differences Explore how the Explore particular Explain how Explain how languages
Role of language and

understanding and similarities in Chinese language cultural meanings communicative practices shape the
the role of communication across represents cultural conveyed in everyday are influenced by communicative
language and cultures, such as meanings in specific interactions across engagement with practices of individuals

culture in the greetings, names and ways languages different languages and and groups, and
exchange of gestures cultures identify ways to
meaning enhance understanding
across cultures

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Language Learner Pathway, Foundation to Year 10 Sequence Page 18 of 28
F-10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Learner Pathway - Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Interacting orally and Interacting Interact with peers and familiar adults, exchanging Interact with peers and others in familiar and unfamiliar
in writing to opinions and feelings and establishing friendships contexts to exchange alternative ideas and
exchange, ideas, perspectives, and to express preferences and opinions

thoughts and Participating and taking Participate in planning individual and group action to Participate in planning and presenting a social or
feelings; and action contribute to school and local community, making cultural event, negotiating options and solving problems
participating in
choices from available options
planning, negotiating,
deciding and taking

Obtaining, Obtaining, processing Locate and organise key points of information from a Summarise and compare factual information about
processing, information range of familiar sources people, places and lifestyles drawn from a range of
interpreting and sources, including multimodal sources

information through a
range of oral, written Conveying information Represent factual information related to other learning Develop and present a position on an issue based on
and multimodal texts;
areas and on topics of interest in a range of texts and information drawn from different perspectives and
developing and
formats for different audiences sources and provide advice and guidance
applying knowledge.

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Page 19 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Engaging with Participating and Interact with and express opinions on a range of Explore and express opinions on themes and emotions
imaginative responding to imaginative texts revealed in modified texts from classical and
experience by imaginative experience contemporary Chinese literature
participating in

responding to and
creating a range of Creating imaginative Adapt events and characters from popular Chinese Create narratives to describe experiences involving
texts, such as stories, experiences narratives for particular audiences and to create specific imagined people and places
songs, drama and

Moving between Translating/interpreting Translate short texts and identify words and phrases in Translate a range of simple Chinese texts and identify
languages and Chinese that do not readily translate into English how some concepts can be mediated readily between
cultures orally and in Chinese and English and some cannot
writing, recognising
interpretations and

explaining these to Creating bilingual texts Create simple bilingual texts for different audiences, Create texts in Chinese and English, explaining the
others. considering the influence of different roles, linguistic and cultural challenges of achieving
relationships, settings and situations equivalence of meaning

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Page 20 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Participating in Reflecting Reflect on personal responses and reactions during Reflect on how conventions of speech and particular
intercultural interactions in Chinese such as talking with a Chinese Chinese cultural concepts can influence communication
exchange, adult or interacting online with Chinese peers style when using both English and Chinese

questioning reactions
and assumptions;
and considering how
interaction shapes
communication and

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Page 21 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding the Phonology Explain the phonological and tonal features of Chinese, Compare features of speech of speakers from diverse
language system, including variations in tone, stress and phrasing in regions to standard Chinese including pronunciation and
including sound, diverse settings prosody (for example, intonation and stress)
writing, grammar and
Orthography Identify features of individual characters and the form Explore and apply the principles of character form and
and function of components in individual characters and function, including knowledge of semantic and phonetic
in related characters (for example, 心,想,情,闷), and radicals, to predict associate sound and meaning of new
Systems of language

characters encountered in texts

learn to relate components (部件) and sides (偏旁) to the
meaning and sound of characters

Syntax Explore features of the Chinese grammatical system Organise and express complex ideas in Chinese, for
example, analysing and comparing active and passive
sentence constructions

Text structure and Identify how information and ideas are organised in a Analyse textual features of formal genres and apply
organisation range of genres, and compare the textual features of these in their own speech and writing
narratives in Chinese and English to determine features
which are distinctive to Chinese

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Page 22 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding how Variations in

Language variation and

Differentiate features and apply rules for expressing Recognise how gender, social class and age impact on
languages vary in use language meanings in spoken and written modes in different language use in formal and informal contexts
(register, style, contexts
standard and non-

standard varieties)
and change over time Changes in Explore the role of language in passing on cultural Explore the significance of tradition in 名人名言 and 经典
and place language use values and beliefs to younger generations and identify
and examine contemporary influences on language use
changes in language use over time

Analysing and Language choices

language and

Discuss ways in which language choices indicate Explain how languages shape the communicative
understanding the role aspects of social position (such as class, gender and practices of individuals and groups and identify ways to
Role of


of language and ethnicity) and inhibit or encourage others’ involvement or enhance understanding across cultures
culture in the sense of belonging
exchange of meaning.

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese Background Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Page 23 of 28
F-10- Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese First Language Learner Pathway - Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence

Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Interacting orally and in Interacting Interact with peers and exchange opinions and Influence and engage others, debating ideas and
writing to exchange, ideas, preferences about new social and cultural experiences, opinions, selecting language, tone, culturally expected
opinions, experiences, adjusting tone, vocabulary and phrasing to influence stylised gestures, pitch and pace for different
thoughts and feelings; and others audiences

participating in planning,
negotiating, deciding and
taking action. Participating and Collaborate with peers to plan and organise Plan and negotiate actions to contribute to their local
taking action multicultural projects and events that would benefit and global community, and suggest alternatives when
their school and local community planning and negotiating

Obtaining, processing, Obtaining, Interpret the stated and implied meanings in authentic Identify and analyse the effects of how information is
interpreting and conveying processing informative texts, and use evidence to support or organised in authentic texts, and apply this knowledge
information through a information challenge different perspectives to create purposeful texts that persuade and inform
range of oral, written and

multimodal texts;
developing and applying Conveying Use and analyse a range of sources written in Evaluate the utility and reliability of sources when
knowledge. information simplified and traditional script to identify relevant accessing information, and use this knowledge to
information, and use this information to create present a point of view for different audiences
purposeful public information texts

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese First Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 24 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Engaging with imaginative Responding to Compare how contemporary Chinese media and Recognise and explain differing viewpoints on the
experience by contemporary texts literature represent the notion of ‘being Chinese’ or world, cultures, individuals and issues as represented
participating in responding ‘being other’, and use this knowledge to present a point in major forms of literature such as 散文,小品,小说,
to and creating a range of of view for an identified audience
texts, such as stories, and use this knowledge to create analytical and
songs, drama and music imaginative responses for identified audiences

Responding to Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations of classical Compare performance features of major forms of
traditional texts Chinese literature and famous speeches and discuss classical literature, such as in 诗, 词, making thematic
how cultural values can be transferred
and intertextual connections

Expressing Use particular language features such as dialogue and Create imaginative texts experimenting with genre,
imaginative imagery in short stories, literary essays and plays to textual features and stylistic devices
experience create own imaginative representations of experience

Moving between Oral Responding to Identify challenges in and techniques for mediating Interpret culture-specific concepts
languages and cultures translation between Chinese and English
orally and in writing,
recognising different

interpretations and Creating bilingual Create bilingual information texts for speakers of Create bilingual texts for a range of audiences,
explaining these to others. texts Chinese and English in Australia, recognising ‘code- contexts and purposes
switching’ and how specific vocabulary and terminology
from other learning areas can be translated in different
settings, such as for an expert or beginner audience

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese First Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 25 of 28
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Participating in Reflecting on the Reflect on adjustments they and others make in their Reflect on the language choices they make when
intercultural exchange, intercultural and the everyday language use, and connect these expressing their points of view to others and connect

questioning reactions and interpersonal adjustments to aspects of experience, culture and roles these choices to their identities in Chinese and
assumptions; and in Australian society Australian communities
considering how
interaction shapes
communication and

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese First Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 26 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding the Phonology Discuss features of Chinese phonology and compare Compare features of prosody across languages and
language system, their own pronunciation with that of other speakers of explore how they contribute to expression of meaning
including sound, Chinese
writing, grammar and
Orthography Identify and explain the differences between traditional Identify and explain how Chinese orthography enables
and simplified characters, inferring meaning and sound access to technical and unusual vocabulary, including
of unfamiliar characters from knowledge of components specialised abstract nouns, and a wider range of texts,
and positions using orthographic knowledge to identify characters
related to topics studied in other learning areas, such as
chemical elements (periodic table) and mathematical
Systems of language


Morphology Apply understanding of word morphology and Compare the nature of word formation, including subtle
vocabulary choices to interpret and convey meaning forms of adjectives such as 特有的 and 明朗, in the
development of new words in Chinese and English, and
evaluate their effectiveness in conveying new concepts

Syntax Compare how grammatical features such as tense and Analyse and experiment with the use and effect of
passive voice are constructed in English and Chinese, figurative and evaluative expressions, colloquial forms,
and identify distinctive features of Chinese grammar, for and other language features in texts
example, in tense marking (了、过), possession,

Text structure and Compare writing styles between Chinese authors to Discuss key stylistic features of different text types,
organisation identify and explore the purposes and features of text including classical literature
structure and organisation of ideas

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese First Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 27 of 28
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.

Sub Strand Description Thread Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10

Understanding how Variations in Explore assumptions and challenges for language use in Explain how changes in context impact on how language
languages vary in use language new environments, identifying and comparing ways in is adapted to convey meaning within and across
(register, style, which sensitive topics are introduced and discussed languages
standard and non- across languages, for example, comparing the Chinese
standard varieties) custom of asking direct questions about age, income
Language variation and change

and change over time and other personal matters with the contexts in which
and place these questions are asked in English

Changes in Analyse features of classical literature in their original Research the phenomenon of language change in
and contemporary forms, and apply features of 文言文 Chinese-speaking communities and monitor language
use in a range of contemporary contexts
and 古文 in their own language use, identifying rules of
intonation in classical poems and the impact of these
rules on modern poetry

Power of language Identify the features of persuasive language and analyse Analyse the language of different media and examine
its use in advertising the ways in which media use language to persuade and
influence others

Analysing and Language choices Analyse the use of language across genders and Analyse and discuss the ways in which language is used
and culture

understanding the role generations, within and across language communities to position authors, readers and participants in texts
Role of

of language and
culture in the
exchange of meaning.

Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Languages – Chinese First Language Learner Pathway, Years 7 to 10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence Page 28 of 28

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