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Week 1 Session 1


Odd: 18-21/15-18 cal

Even: Rest

Athletes Notes: Every minute on the minute complete between 18-21 calories for males and
15-18 calories for females. Adjust calorie count as necessary for your level of fitness. The
effort should be around 90% to maintain prescribed calories during the odd minute. Be fast,
but do not sprint. So, if you finish your calorie target in 40 seconds you will have 20 seconds
plus the following minute of rest remaining.

Min 0-1: Bike 18 Calories at 90% effort.
Min 1-2: Rest
Min 2-3: Bike 18 Calories at 90% effort.

Week 1 Session 2
3 Rounds

90 seconds at 60% effort

30 seconds at 40% recovery effort
90 seconds at 60% effort
30 seconds at 40% recovery effort
90 seconds at 60% effort
30 seconds at 40% recovery effort
90 seconds at 60% effort
30 seconds at 40% recovery effort

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Athletes Notes: No rest between intervals; comfortable, but challenging pace during the 90
seconds, straight into a slow recovery pace for 30 seconds, and so on.
Week 1 Session 3
3 Rounds

15/10 calories
-rest 2 min-
20/15 calories
-rest 2 min-
30/20 calories

Rest 5 minutes between rounds.

Athletes Notes: Give your best effort each interval. Try to choose appropriate, consistent
pace for your level of fatigue and prescribed calories. Effort should be around 70-80% for
each interval.

Week 1 Session 4
4 Rounds

3 minutes at 85% effort

30 seconds at 200 Watts
10 seconds at 500 Watts
10 seconds at 600 Watts
10 seconds at 700+ Watts at 100% max effort

Rest 4 minutes between rounds.

Athletes Notes: Pick a pace you can maintain each round while working at around 85%
effort for the duration of 3 minutes. It should get progressively harder to maintain as you get
deeper into the rounds. If you have completed the 10-minute max calories time trial, you can
pick your average pace +50/100 watts for each 3-minute interval.

Min 0-3:00: Bike at 62 RPM at 85% effort.
Min 3-3:30: Bike at around 200 watts at 40% recovery effort
Min 3:30-3:40: Bike at around 500 watts at 80% effort
Min 3:40-3:50: Bike at around 600 watts at 90% effort
Min 3:50-4:00: Bike at around 700+ watts at 100% sprint effort
Week 1 Session 5
15 Rounds

1 Minute On
1 Minute Off

Athletes Notes: Aim for around 200 watts higher than most current 10-minute max calorie
time trial pace. If you have not completed the 10-minute time trial, pick a number you can
maintain at around 80% effort for the duration of each minute and add 200 watts to it. This is
different from Day 1 EMOM this week; you are expected to work for the duration of each
minute. It will get uncomfortable. Stay strong.

Week 1 Mixed Modal Bonus Workout


Min 1: 15/12 calories

Min 2: 10-15 burpees
Min 3: 50-70 double unders

Rest 3 minutes.


Min 1: 15/12 calories

Min 2: 10-15 burpees
Min 3: 50-70 double unders

Athletes Notes: Pick a challenging number of reps you can maintain for 9 minutes. Rest 3
minutes, then do it again. May substitute double unders to jumping jacks or single unders.
Scale up burpees to the bar facing variation.
Week 2 Session 1

20 seconds at 90% effort

40 seconds at 40% recovery effort

Athletes Notes: Every minute on the minute, sprint the first 20 seconds at 90% effort, then try
to recover during the 40 seconds while maintaining a recovery pace. Repeat 9 more times.

Week 2 Session 2
3 Rounds

90 seconds at 40% effort

60 seconds at 60 % effort
30 seconds at 80% effort
10 cal at 100% sprint effort

90 seconds at 40% effort

60 seconds at 60 % effort
30 seconds at 80% effort
10 cal at 100% sprint effort

90 seconds at 40% effort

60 seconds at 60 % effort
30 seconds at 80% effort
10 cal at 100% sprint effort

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Athletes Notes: No rest between intervals; slow recovery pace for the first 90 seconds, right
into moderate pace for 60 seconds, followed by a faster pace for 30 seconds and finally a full
out sprint for 10 calories. Repeat 2 more times, before resting for 2 minutes. That is a single
round. Do it again 2 more times.
Week 2 Session 3
4 Rounds

25 calories at 90% effort

Rest 2 minutes.

15 calories at 90% effort

Rest 2 minutes.

10 calories at 90% effort

Rest 5 minutes between rounds.

Athletes Notes: Each interval should be around 90% effort. 2 minutes should be enough rest
to recover from each interval.

Week 2 Session 4
6 Rounds

20 seconds at 95% effort

1:40 at 40% recovery effort

No rest between rounds.

Athletes Notes: Try to maintain consistent pace during each 20 second effort. This is similar
to Day 1 workout this week, except try to push yourself just a little more during the 20
seconds, due to the prolonged recovery interval.
Week 2 Session 5
For Calories

Bike 5 minutes
Rest 4 minutes

Bike 4 minutes
Rest 3 minutes

Bike 3 minutes
Rest 2 minutes

Bike 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute

Bike 1 minute

Athletes Notes: This is 15 minutes of work total, excluding rest. Aim for around 50-100 watts
higher than most current 10-minute max calories time trial pace. If you have not completed
the 10-minute time trial, pick a number you can maintain at around 80% effort for the
duration of each interval and add 50-100 watts to it.

Week 2 Mixed Modal Bonus Workout


Odd: 15/12 calories

Even: 8 wallballs + 8 burpees

Athletes Notes: Pick a challenging number of reps you can maintain for the duration of each
minute. Substitute wall balls with jumping squats if needed.

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