Collection Program - Receivables Management

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Relaxation of Collection Effort:

Incremental Costs and Benefits

Details Formulals
Sales revenue
Average collection period in days
Accounts receivables collection period/360)
cost of funds invested in the receivables 15% * amout of rec
saving in the cost of funds invested in receivables

Bad Debt losses on sales

amount of bad debts % of bad debt loss*sales
reduction in bad debt loss from current state

Benefits of new collection programms due

to cost saving and reduction in bad debts
losses compared to present program row 11+row 15

Collection expenses
incremental expenses due to new collection program

incremental net benefit

net incremental benefit from program A is 83,500 an

Hence we recommend program A for the company
ation of Collection Effort:
mental Costs and Benefits
Present Program Program A Program B
10,800,000 10,800,000 10,800,000
60 45 30

₹ 1,800,000.0 1350000 900000

₹ 270,000.0 202500 135000
₹ 67,500.0 ₹ 135,000.0

6% 4% 3%
648000 432000 324000
216000 324000

₹ 283,500.0 ₹ 459,000.0

₹ 100,000.00 ₹ 300,000.00 ₹ 500,000.00

₹ 200,000.00 ₹ 400,000.00

₹ 83,500.00 ₹ 59,000.00

l benefit from program A is 83,500 and from program B is 59000

mmend program A for the company

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