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' Bill

to esiublish an e.fJtL'liv( syrlcm ofprotcction, relieJ and rchabililation ofwothen,

children, elders ctnl a\t vulnerable per:ton ugainst domestic riolence

WHEREAS the Clonstitution recognizes the fundamcntal rights of all individuals,

their ght lo be lreated in accordancc with thc law:
therr dignity and

\ITIEREAS it is essential to establish a protectioD svstem lor effecti\c serriec

deliyery tc &'omen, chrldren and elders and ary rulnerabJc pe$on to create an enabling
environment to encourage and facilitate women, children, eldcrc and any vulnerablc
pcnjors to fieely play their desired role in society, and to provide for ancillary mattem;

AND WIIEREAS it is expedienr to institutionalizc measu€s which provide

necessary safeguards preventing and protecting all persons, lncludrng women, childreo,
elde6 and any vulnerable persons. from domestic violence and for mafters connected
dr(Rt\irh or incidenlal thErel,J:

It is herebv enacted as follo*s


l Short title, extent and commencement,-( I ) l'his Act may be called the Domcstic
Vio)ence (Prevention and Protection) ,A.ct, 2020.
(2) [t exlends to the *'hole of the Islamabad Capiral 'l crritory.
(3) It shall come into fbrcc al once.

2. DefiDitions,- (l) In this Act, unless trere is anything rcpugnant in the subject or
(D "rggrieved person" means ally woman. child. clder. any vulnerable pr:rcon
or any othcr person who is. or has been. in a donrestic relationship with thc
respondent and who alleges to have been subjected to any act of domestic violcncc
by the respondent;

(ii) "child" means any person under the agc ol eighteen years living in a
domestic relationship wrth the respondent and lncludos any adopted, step oi fosler
(iiD "Code'- mears thc Code ol Ciminal Procedure. I 898 (Act v of I 898):
(iv) ''court" means the court of the i'irst class Magislratc and thc judge shall
have all the pbwers rmder thc Code of Criminal Procedure including power to grml
prr)tection, altard costs, compensation or damages as may bc.just and proper;
(v) 'domestic relationship" means a relationship hetr,!€cn pcrsons \xho l!e. or
have at anv point in time lived, toget-her in a houschold and arc either relarcd b).
consanguinity, malriagc. kinship. adoption- or are family mcmbcrs living rogcther
or for any other Eason are temporarily or J,ermanently residing iD one plaoc;
(vi) "domeslic violence" has the samc meaning as assigncd to it ill section ,1;

{vii) "household" mcans a household where the aggrieved persoD lives or ar any
stage has Lved in a domcstic relationship either singly or along uith the resp,rndent
includcs such a household qhethcr owned or rented eitherj(,intl]- b) the agereved
pelson and the respondent or <rwned a.nd rented by eilher of them. anl/ such
household in respect ofwhich either the aggricved person ol, the respondcnt r)r both
jointly or singly have an;-, ripfrt, tirle, intercsr or equitl and inciutlcs ;uch a
houschold which ma,, belong to the -toinl t'amil1 of whieh the resF)ndert is u
membcr. irrespeotive of the fact whether the rcspondent or the aggrievcd pcrson has
ght. title. intercsl ir such a shared household;

(\,iii) "informer-' means a pemon \!ho has crcdible infomratiorl rhal an oflEnce is
being committed under this Act:
(ix) "nronetary relieP mcans a moneta4 relief \\,hich a courL ma], order undcr
seclior 9:
(x) "notification ' mcans a notification publishcd rn the Gazclte ofPakistao.
(\i) "prescribed' mears prescribed by the rules madc urder this Acti
(xii) "Protecfion Committcc" mears a Committce constitutcd uoder section l5l
(xiii) '^I'rote.tion Ofrticer" means al offiocr designated by the Min,stry ol
IIuman Riglts under section l9;
(xiv) "Irrotection Order" means an ordcr granted in tcmrs ofseclior 8;

(xv) "rcspondetrt'' mcans a peBon who is. or has becn. in a domestic

relationship u.ith the aggriered pcrson arld against who relicf has beer soughr
under this Act;
(.xvi) "resid€nce order" means aI order granted in terms ofseotion 9;
(xvii) "Servicc provider" means anv such govemment faci)iry or ngistered
voluntaD orgarization established for the protDction ofaggrievcd person pror iding
legal, medical, and finmcial or an]'othcr assistance. These shall also inclrrde shelter
homes: and

(xviii) "Vulnerable pcrsor" means a person \r'ho is rulnerable due to old age,
mental illness. or physical. leaming. pslchosocial or other disability, or lbr othcr
special reason.

(2)Words and phrascs not dcfincd in this Act shall have rhe same meaning as assigned
to lhcrn in thc Pakistan Penal Code, 1898 (Act Xav of 1898) and the Code of Criminal
Procedure. i 860. (Act v of 1860).


3. Domestic Violcnce. - l)omeslic Violence shall mean all acts ol physical,

emotional. psychological, sexual and economic ablrse committed bv a respondent against
women. children. vulnerable persons, or any other person wi$ \,!'hom the rcspondent is or
has been in a domestic relationship lhat causes fear, physical or psychological harm to the
aggrieved person.

Expla.ation L For the purposes ofthis sectioni

(a) "physical abuse" means all acts \-\'hereby physical harm is inflicted upon the vulDcrable
pe^ons and includes all ol'finces under chapters XVI, XVI A. XVII, XX . XX A of thc
Paliistan l'enal Codc (Act XLV of 1860) hereinafter referred to in this section as PPC

(b) "emotional. psychological arld verbal abuse", is *here the aggrieved individual suli'crs
from a pattcrn of dcgrading or humilraring conduct of the respondent and includcs but nol
limited lo:-
(i) repeared exhibition of obsessive possessivetress or jealous.v causing repealed
invasion ofthe victim's privac),, liberty, itrtegrity and secunu;
(ri) insulls or ridicule directed at the aggdeved person;
(iii) llueals 10 cause ph],sicalpain to spouse or olher membcrs ofshared household:
(iv) threats of dil'orce or second mariage on baseless accusation ol insanit; or
inferti lity:
(v) hringing false allegation upon the character of a female rnenber or any memher
of the shared household;
(vi) willful or rtegligeflt abandonment ofthe aggdeved person;
(vii) slalking
(viii) harassment <,rr

(ix) compelling thc wil'e to cohabit \,"'ith anybody other than the husband
(c) "scxual abuse" includes any oonduct of a sexual nature that abuses, humrliates.
degrades or otherwise violales the dignity olthe vuherable person or any other personi

(d) "economic abLrse" includes intentional dcpri!atioo of econ(rmic or linancral res('urces
or prohibilion or restriction to continue access to such resourccs to Fhich aggrieved J'erson
is entitled to under ariy law or cuslom for thc tir)]e being in lbrcc.

Explanati,rn II for lhe purposes of determining *hether an)', act.,lmission. commrssron

or conduct of-the respondent constitulcs 'domestic violence" under lhis section. thc averall
facts and circumsl:lllces ofthe case shall be takcn into considetution

4. Punishmcnt. - (l)lf dn offence lalling under PPC is conrmittcd ir a dornestic

relationship lhe ofttnces shall be punishab]e as provided u.nder the PPC.
(2) If the oJlence conrmitted does not fall under the Pl'C, the act of domcstic villence
shall be punishable wilh simple impisonmenl r)f a maximum period of three years arrd not
less than six months depending on the gravit] of the acr of domeslic violencc conrnitled.
and a flne ofone hundred-lhousand Rupees and nliniltum of tvr'cnt-y-thousand Rupees shall
also be paid as cornpensation to the aggrievcd person.

(3) In default of pa1'ment of fine, rhe coun may award simplc Lmprisonment o'three
(4) Whoever aids or abets thc comrnission of an oll'ence domestic violcnce shall be
punished with thc same punislxlcfi providcd lbl, the offence,


5. Petition to the Court.- (1) An aggrieved person or any othcr person authorLzed by
the aggrieved perron may present a pelition to thc Court \r ithin $hosc jurisdiction;

(ir) the aggricved resides or cairies on business; or

(b) thc placc \rhere the lespoldenr and aggrieved la5r resided togeLher

(2) Thc coun shall fix the first date of hearing. which shall not cxceed sevcn dai's fiom
the date ofthc reccipr ofthe petition by the court.

(3) Upon receipt ofthe pclilion, the court shall.,,.rth or without issurlg an interirl ordcr,
issue a notjce upon thc person complained againsr and call upon him,'her to sho,{ canse
wirhin seven davs of receipt of nolice as to rvhy a p.otection order shall not Le rnade
against him/her for conmining an act of domeflic violence as allegcd in the J,etrtior.

sub-section (1) shall be decided qrthin a period o[ ninet]

(4) The petition made under
days and an) adjoummenl shall be granted for reasons b bc recorded in writin! by the

6. Right to rcside in a household.-(l) Notu,ithstanding imyrhing contained in any
orhcr lau'for the time being in force. fie aggrieved person, shal1 have the right to reside in
thc sharcd household, whether or not the aggrieved person has any nghr, title or beneficial
iotarcst in the same.

(2) lhcaggricvcd pcrson may choose to reside in the house. or in an altemative

accommod0tion to be ananged by the respondent as per the linemcial resoruces undet
court's order, or in a shelter home arranged by any service providcr.

7. Power to grant interim order, -(l) ln iuly proceeding under this Act, the court
may pass such irrterim order at any time and slagc of the pe(ition as it deems just and

(2) If
lhe coun is satisfied that a pe(ition prirnd /dc,€ discloses that the respondenl h&s
commilted an acr of domesric violence or thal thcrc is a likelihood that the respondent may
commit an act of domestic violence, it may rssuc ordcr on the basis of an aftidavit of the
aggrieved person or any other elidence or matcnal. bcfore the court as paovided under
sections 8. 9. and loagainst the respondent.

8. Protectioo orders and residcnce orders.- (l) The court on being satislied that
prima licie domestic violence has taken place or is likely to takc place may pass a
protection order in lavour ofthe aggrieved person and direcl thc rcspondent,-

(a) not to comnrit any firrther act ofdomestic violencc;

(b) not to have any communication in any lbrm or manner including personal, oral
or written, electronic or telephonic or ccllular with the aggrieved person, with
or without exc€ptions;
(c) to stay away from the aggrieved person u,ith or lr'ithout exceptrons:
(d) lo stay at such distance from the aggrieved person as may. keeping in vie\{ the
pcculiar facts and circumstances ol thc casc, bc dclcrmined by the Court;
(e) to wear an ankle or \ T isl bracelel GPS trackcr lbr any act of grave violence or
Iikely grave violence uhich may endargcr the lite, dignity or reputation of the
aggrieved person; a::d
(0 to move out of the house in case of an act of grave violence ifthe life, dignity
or reputation of the agg eved person is in danger.

(2) ln addition to the order under sub-section (l), or othcrwisc, the coufl on being
satislicd that domestic violence has taken place may pass an order:-


(a) resrraining lhe respondcnt Irom disposscssing or ln an) other nranner

disturbi0g fte possession ofthe aggrieved pcrson from the houschoidi
(b) restraining the respondent or an,v ol his,'hcr relatil,es liom enterirg tho
househol(l: and
(c) diccting the respondent to secue ahernative accommodation firr lhc
agg rieved person or f the c ircum stanccs so require to pa) rent for the ranc

(3) The court ma,'pass any other direction which ir ma] deem reasolable to prot(cl and
provide for tJre salety ofthe aggrievcd person or any child ofsuch aggrieved person.

(4) The court may require ftom the respondent lo execute a bond, uith or \r,ithout su.elics.
for pre\entiog the commission ofdomestic \,iolcnce.

(5) While ar order under suh-sectioN (1), (2) or (3), the coun may also pass an
order directing the officer in charge of the nearest police station to gile prolection to the
aggrieved pcrson or to assist lhc aggrieved person or the pcrson making an applicar-ion on
his or her behalfin the implementation ofthe order.

(6) While nlaking order under sub-section (f). the courl rnq, impose on lhc resFondent

obligatjons relating l(t the discharge of rent or othcr payments, havurg regards to rc
Iinancial necd; artl resources ofthc panics.

(7) The cou-i iry di.ect the omcer in charge of the police station iD *hose jurisdictron
the coufl has beer apl'rroached lo assist in tl're implenrentation ofthc prolection ordq.

(8) The court may direct the rcspondent to retum to the possession ofthe aggrieved person
any property, valrrables or documents to which the aggrieved pe.son is entitled.

(9) The coun shrll in all cascs *'hcre it has passed any order u[dcr thts section, orJcr that
a copy ofsuch order, shall be given to the partios to the applicatioo. the officer in clrarge of
the poJice station in lhe iurisdiction of which the coud has been approaohed as wcll as 10
lhe service provider located within the local limrts ofthejurisdiction oithe court.

9. MonetarX relief.- (1) The coun may. at any stage ofthe trial, may pass interim
order directing thc respondent to pa) monetary relicl to nleet the expcnses incuraed and
losses suffercd by the aggrieved person and any child of the aggrieved person as a l'esult ol
the domestic violence and such relicfmav include. but is not limitcd to-

(a) compensation for suffering as a consequelce ol economic abuse to bi

determincd by the court;

(b) loss of eaming;
(c) medical expense;
(d) the los_s caused due to the destnlction. damage or rcmoval ofany property
ftom the control ofthe aggrieved person; and
(e) the maintenance for the aggrieved person as rvell children. if an-v, including
an order under or in addition to an order ofmairltenance Lulder anv law for
the time being in lbrce.

(2) The rcspondent shall pay moretar), relief granted to thc aggrieved persor uilhin the
penod specifred il the order made under sub-section (l)

(3) Upon failure on pa11 ol the rcspondent to make payment in tefins of the order undcr
sub-section (2),the court may dlrect an cmployer trr debtor, of thc respondent, to
direcd) pay the aggrieved person or to deposit \r!,ith the court a portion of thc wages or
sala es or debt due to or accrucd to the credit of the respondent. uhich amount may be
adjusted tou.ards the monetiu.v relefpayable by the respondent.

10. Custody orders.-Notlvithstanding anlthing in any lau for rhe time being in fbrce,
thc court may, at any stage ofthe peririon for protection order or for any other relief urder
this Act. grant temporar) custody of an aggrieved person to an apprcpriatc person or

Protided lhal if the aggricvcd pc$on is a child then an appropriatc person ot

service prc'virler shnil be deterrnined by the Court as pcr th. GuaJdians and Wards Acts
1890 (VIII of 1890);

Prcvided rhat if the aggrieved person is an adult custody shall be granted to a

serrice provider or some olher person to any person or scnicc provider in accordatce ll'ith
tlre u'il1 ofthe aggrieved person.

11. DurEtion and alteration of interim, protection and residence ord€rs.- (li The
ioterim order made under section 7, the protectio[ oader made under section 08 ard the
cusrody order under seclion 10 shall remain in force until the aggrieved person applies for
dischargc of such order.

(2) If the court on receipt of an application at any stage liom the aggrieved person or thc
respondent is satisfied that there is a change in the oircumstance requlring altcration,
rnodification or reoalling of any order made undcr this Act, it may, lbr reasons to he
recorded in writing pass such ordcr, as it may deem appropriate

(3) The residcncc order shall rcmain in li)rce lill altered b) thc court

(4) Nothing contained in sub-scctions (l) and (2) shall preveDt an agglieved person from
maling a ftcsh application alier the previous order has been dischargcd.

12. frrr breach of an interim or protection ordcr by the rcspondenl - ( l) A

breach ofprolection order. or of the interim order or ofthe residcnce order. or of a rusrody
order by the respondent shall be an olTence alrd shall be punishablc uith imprisonr'lent of
one year ,uld wrth fine of one hundred th(,usand Rupees rvhich shall be pard to the
aggricved person

(2) Nohvithstanding anlthing contained in the (lode the oflcnce under ftis sectiorr ihall be
(ognizahle, brilablc llnd compollndchle.

13. App€al.-r.l) An]. person agg eved b)'orderofthe coufl under Seclion 12rnay file
all appeal to lhe court of Sessions within thirty days of the passing oI the order of senlcnce
and fic Coufl ofSessions sh.rll decide the appcal uithin sixly days.

(2) Any pcrson aggdcved by the Iinal decision ol thc Coun ma)'. withir ten days ol
the final JudU,mcnt or order ofthe Court prefers ar appeal to rhe ('ourt of Sessions.

14. Proccdure.-( 1) AII proceedings under this Act shall be govemed by the Co,le

(2) Nonridrsunding an).thing contained in sub-section (l) thc Coun mar, lbr reas(,ns to bc
recordeC. dispensc *,ith an1 prorision of thc Code and follo\\ such procedure ai il ma\'
deenr fit in the circumstances oflhe case.


15, Protectior Committee.-( I ) 'f he Ministry ofHuman lughts shall, b)'notification iD

the official Gazette. constitr(e a Protection C\)mmittee lor thc purposes ofthis Act \yjlhif
tkee monlhs ofthe passage ofthe Act

(2) .,\ Protection Committee shall comprisc of a representative ol thi l-amil)

Protcclion Shel1,er, a representative ol the Natiooal Commission oo the Status of!y'omen. .i
medical drrctor or psychologist or psycho-social u'orker, a law ollicer. and a p<.:lir:e officel
not bclow the raDk of Inspector, preferahll' femalc. as ma) be prsscribed by the nrles iuid
the Protection Officer uho shall also act as thc Secretarv ofthe Proreclion C'ourmittce.

(l) One half of the tolal mcmberc of thc Protcction Committee shall constitute
thc quorum

16. Duties atrd fuDctiotrs ofPiotection Comntittec.- I'he Protection Commilee mN:-

(a) inform the aggrieved person ofhis,/her rights provided urder this Acl or any
other law for the time being in lorce aod thc rcmcdies and dre hclp thal may
be provided;
(b) assist the aggrieved person in obtaining any mcdical trcatment necessitated
due to the domestic violencel
(c) if ncccssarl.. and with the consent of the aggrieved peEon, assist the
aggrieved person in relocating to a safer place acceptable to the aggrieved
person- which may include the house of any relative or family fricnd or
other safe place;
(d) assist the aggrieved person, by assigning thc Proteclion Officer, in thc
preparation ofand filing ofanl/ petition or.epofi under this Act, the Code or
any other 1a'* for the rime being in lbrce:
(c) kcep official record of the incidents oi'domestic \jolence in its arca of
(i) maintain record of the names and oontacl details of the service provider
from whom the aggrieved person may scck further help and assistance
rncluding shelter;
(S) Perform such other duties that may hc assigned to the Protectlon Committee
under this Act or the rules ntadc there under.

17. Powers, privileges and immunities of Protcction Committee.- (1) The mcmbcrs
ol the I'rotcction Cornmittee shall be deemed to he public servant uithin the meaning of
Section 2 I (]1' lhc Pakisnn Penal Code (Act XLV of I 860)

(2) The Protection Cosmittee slmll be housed in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Centre
lbr Womcn undcr Vinistl,l of Human Rights.

(l)l'hc Mrnistry of Human Rights shall providc a SccreLarial. under thc Shahccd
Benazir Bhutto Ccntrc for Women- as well as necessary staff supported by a budtsct
rcquircd for the esfahlishmeflt and functioning ofthe Secretifiat.

(4)l'he members of the Protection Commrttee shall attend the meetings of $e

Conrmittee. The quorum for the meeting 01 lhc committce shall be two third of its

lE. Dclcgrtion of functio[s aDd powers.- The Protectioo Comnlittee may (lclegate
any ofits fir ctions arld pou-ers ro any ofits membcr or members.

19, Protectiotr Omcer.- (t) The Ministry ofHunran Rights shall, by notilicatjon in the
ol'ficial Gazette, desigrrate a leam of Protection Ol_ficcls, one ma]e and one l'emaie fbr lhr'
purposes ol thls Act. Protechon Officers are to be appointed in the prescdbed nranncr
within onc rnonth ofthe frarning ofthe rules puEuant to Scctior 24 of this Act.

(:2.t l'he Secretiuiat of the Proteclio Commillee shall provirlc suppon to lll!
Proteulion I )Ffi!er in his funiti.'ns.

(3) lhe Protection Omcers shall not be a part of the investigation proccss bu
shall assist the aggrieved pcrson in accordance with provisions ofthe Act

20 Dolies ofProtection Officer.-lt shall be the duty ofthe Protcctiou Officet

(al Io file an application for obtaiuing a prolection order undcr secd(m 9, if s.,
desired by the aggrieved person.
(b) b make a domestic incidcnt report to the Protection CommitLec, iD such
fomr and in such manner as may be prescribgd. upofl reccilt oaa cornplarlt
of domestic violencc ard forward copies thercof ro the Nationrl
Commission fo. the Status of Womeni
G) to makc an applicalion in such form and in such manner a; na-v he
prescrihed to the court, iflhe dggrieved persoD so desircs. claiminil r('liefli)r
issuance ofl prolection order;
(d) to ensure that thc aggrieved person is provided lcgal aid;
(e) to maintain a list ofall ser',rce providers prorrdilg lcgal aid or courselin:,.
shelter homss arrd medical l'acilitics in a local arca widrin thejuri;rliction ,,f
the court:
0) to malie a\ailable a safe place of residence, il lhc aggrieved peron io
reqnires and forward a copy of his report of having lodged tlrc aggriercd
person in a sheltcr home to lhe Protecrion Committee;
(g) to get the aggrieved person medtcally exarniled. if the person ha i sustainrd
bodily injuries and lbrqard a copy oI thc medical report Lo the Protecti,u
O) 1() ensure tl'lat the order for monetary relicf ulder section 10 irr compli.d
with and executed in accordance with the procedilre pruscribedl and
(i) 10 perfo.m such other duties as may bc assigned to hirn.
21. Service Providers.-(l) Il any procecding under this Acr, the court or lhe
Proteclion Committec mav cnqage the ser\iccs ofa seruice pror ider

- (2) Sen'ice provlder shall have all the priviieges and lnrmunitics cnjoyed by the
Protection Commitree.

A seruice provider shall hale the powff to;

(a) record the domeslic incident in a prcsclibcd lbrm if the aggrievcd person so
desires, and lbrward a copy thcreof to thc Prlrtcction Ofliccr ha\i t
jurisdiction in thl] arca where the domcstic violence look placc:
(bJ get the aggricr.ed person medjcally cxamined atrd lorward a copy of thc
rnedical report ro the Protection Officer within the local limirs of $hich the
domestic violence took Ilace;
(c) enswe that the agg eved persor is provided shelter in a sal'e place of
residence, if he or she so and forward a report of the lodging of the
agg eved person in a sale place of residence to the Protection Cornmiltec
nithin the local iimits of the place \-""'here the domestic violence look place;
(d) provide the aggrieved person rvith an,v aid or assjstance if he or she nral so

22. Protection of actioEs taken itr good faith.-No suit, prosccutioil or other legal
proceedings sha1l lie against an) Protcction Committee, ProleclioD (Jfllcer or serliue
providor lbr ary{hing which is done in good laith or purported to bc done under i.his Act.


23. Act not in derogation of any other la$.-The plovisior)s of this Act slull be in
addition to, and not in derogation of, any other la\! lbr the time bei11g ili force.

24. l'o'rver to make rules.-Minisfy of Human Rights may by notificahon in thc

Ollicial Gazette make rules for cilrr)ing olrt the purposes ofthis Act.

25. Removat of dilficulties.-If any difficult-y arises in giving effect to anv provisron of
this Act. the Federal Govemment ma,v make an order to remo\e the said difficulty.

Statement ofObiects aDd Reasons

The Constitution of Pakistan, through the fundamcntal fughts cnshrined in it, nundates
the state ofPakistan to protcct its citizens from unlawlul deprivurtion ol iile and libcfty and
holds inviolablc the dig ty oI every peruon k also dcclares all citizens to be equal before
the larv and prohibits zrny discrinination bascd on scx. These rights to life, dignity and

norFdiscriminadon are violated through acts of domestic violc|ce, which are systematia
and widcspread and occur regardless of age or socio-economic :tatus. Besides, rlrder llN
HR Conventions rjtified hy the Govemment of Pakistan particLrlarly Conventir)n on lh.
Elimination of all forrns ol Discriminalion Against Women (CEDA\\'). slates are obligeJ
to take legislative measues for protection of womcn in domestic life. Thouglr this Ac1. e
Iegal and institutional fr:rmework has been proposed for the temtorial jurisdiction r,i
Islamabad Capiral Territory to ensue that victims of domestic violencc arc provided legiLl
protectioD and relief and thc perpetralors of this offence are punished. Such legislation has
been made at the provinciaL level except l(iyber Pakhtun-khwa.

(Dr. Shireen M. Nlazari)

Minisler for Hunlan Righrs

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, ga, d p * tq yu.iV,,t't/.:.,tr itlz-,.:,PILL !o(t.,'t
GJ?', J@r
- / /

( fr, (r) -:i6) g1n1;,re,p1ti'F -t

-(xy \,>u,4Lil,1AL,9i1tvt.>,/r,t,,
-fury'r;;c.,prAo G)

\vL Al,,it lLrYrtd{8,v,v,!e[ V (r) -:r>@i -f

It J *-t, +,y fi, d i {rt *,/ $r z,.t, ol o d' i {--"'tf " <A

,A l/.- -: V,hr J i'ltt v6

t ) r
2,,t, fz. L, n J,f *.fi v L
,.-$d, &vL,fi/L
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if,!. i /u,:,t'.,,'
? J e4. J v, ttE',,
:c- :r7Qrn nqtofd D,t^e 6),?')!vtl.-' rl " Qrt)

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rr:l;,t! lt y )V, ^, i, +: [;;et i L tlx t-fV ot,?t t

,.,,i,,!.{t, 4,{ ;t/t T ryfgv,'L J tf --' 1yL;" (&,1)
un r t

L dttt; y, gn {, f.- r,! oi,,J,',.r' 7, f. 1,O,'t Oi + 11,e,

J t.,, 1 v {4,fiP t,,, },-f, b

-- 4 l, f. t{L g n 7., o, {' {',,
', lt,/ t

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;rJ*rrul-f gi4b-1tfu{y"a,f.,f r.tV.+,,r,/c'--'/"<ov)
-)r,) *,r F,/ t n {t ia J e/,, {;,tr, q u rr,,tr f }-/,w L
rt/,rx {--'V 64--9tct1n,rry4 7-/a.,$/-;v t!
j/{ a,}l/o l,' lr l r- rrd,f'-< 6l.Aat,f i t,, (
u, r,

,f-- ou A$!t+ J O/qt,.t tl r,,r sr {..,':,i,a ;v,,:,p, $ t

, {; F., / e, J r- tr# t.- t,,t t/.4 J r &,t

+ sl., "*6 t

;.lS : x rd., P,,>?, Jvf--{,

{,at1t,,?L J- \Jix 6.>t PJ } \ t t,y ;fqr a-.' / " (}l )
- e{- r.}L q-ir! u {{s1..- ty,tt {t <-,\ttt $yl:,' Q)

:c-;r7-t {VSt s)ilroaZ --' -, Wl' (O)

tLr o,i

: <-.,17./c- u (r, i, r,f€' iL J z-' \,7" G{)

tr,'7{,,/,PJLI a^i,.-"Iirf ' G,l)
:a- :r// J r, E- y V,t ? A; E.,r ; e,,?Ltqi :<.-"b?/t" (i!)
r o O :

7't f fir' 4 1fL u,.-' f +, ti " (,4)

,Jt.,,t i 6,., t, i d Lyl,;;vL,f,7z
a,y f4 --' l,S t- <,4>
t n d,fi O,,, -:'yL,.t jL J t

7,'7f (rt 6, il'Lc;, --',! 1, { " Uy)


i,,/. j I fi l',,,', o*, A ; 4 x t;r I F, P --", rt11, I J,7" (,7)


,7 f;t., g 9., r,',,,,.f1 v y.lrr"6,t7 /., efiQ L z-,r7 ).;tv

,'t : q J e sfq hq tt LJ -
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+, r'-f a /--" rt * " (ut) t)
-;zz- 7

- x) : E z.-.v J G.L !, -- a t! g,,.irl

,/. ! e* fu (f 6,, ( o, a { 4 o! e u et J err r. z--},,t u tlt (r) r

c,c.l. a/ J- ),tt s,, rirtu S,a.,O r/.,,t(,nqt -rt rc# D gd\.?t7 f


t{t,,!tsr,t,c, tl4, 6 ti.- ;v (2t J ;---',,t *,/ -,td*,{ -r

L g x't71)ut
tiL Jt vt G v't oa, t)?, CUb, it-l,,,r=Cr,, -; uX,.f,l,,.f
- ni; a UAr iQ,r i,*:, -: ; A f, fli r sz, t x et gPld)t J r-i v L,.t
-,)= Lj'r1{;r11t -,Ji6l

r t)v+ +, i L Ll Jv i A,r7.| l t ?' $ t . " (J|
/rt ut <.- t

-it sl, et,,7, -;)r),,,)r'-rlt/ gslt oy frl st ;t rta ;f

LG e c o QQ,l ;, J ) ? ftF. J_ n -d a J c ( v. p iL
> t l

yi,-) :t 71-QL4J r-F,?uq,'lustaU;,'rit-r, llr" (z)
(x ;,, rr,-(;r gE- J e rJ tl,,t
t tw d, tf; 2Li v,
, g'r ;i, o by!, a., (t t,/o1w ) ;, r
(f ., n ii,-?.ti.,t*, Q)it)

: xL +,/.,:t L( Jb'2, ) ;'4tlty., tr 6 A

J tE, t

n-Iftli,f <O') :xv ) | t

Out'iv.l i
e' $ r-c6A-r {1.,',6 L/, ; J, ;,r,, f, Qr) ; s. x e :


t! L LJ'o 6rr t Z, j tb t : Q r!,-. 6 6., r, r<c t {t 1, Qtg)t r

: t., (t
) c F.4,r :/L
{,f t{'r-, 4r{, ; J'; t) <

- n r.45/;. i * --..w I /a t o v'! f, / f ( )

-xt,ll4L,/o,,v ivL iflt{,,uLt }/Or (d)
,1,,f t{ t f .,',c ! t,.f ;,t,! e / r -:; 01,.,: " j, t ; ot " ((r'.1

j F,6,:,,4 x c/f,x t,fl- i,n t,ftj 2,,"i,! -"2,!,,f



-( C t :, /;t tJ,/i -- { u :,j,rt t,r g v d' J t vt G v"

jv., r' (r.)

,{ud, ;t t el, 6/9.,711,.f 7 Je O *yy-rV,t {, g,,g


"6fi-;trru.,, (.,1 o tf
- i E

f ;),, -(r,,, "P&,,f ,fittJ,S ;' yiL- iil i 11 -t p,-d,

-(.-q6,)e *{-,tv,,' i v ;1 vL Lt,r?a',Pf rt *,tr"iL;';rt t

,({,,t f*d-e,tfz {t-u LiiL{eeo oQQl (i -:t)/ -rr

- q 4- t I iGLGe O a QQ l*. L t) n 7,-l t v ( r
.-,,t ;,,1 tL, p l,!, ] :< Y i : i L G c) o 6, n -b"'l' U )

,A rrV(,fL,.o *d,.e *6,tr r, t! tV O,r rt! rili 1- L'2" tlJv &,'\;

a.*L a N,.f,Pg,.; 6 {-- f,,*t t z- :,fit {r'"t' (x : {c"ot 4 Lx L'/
fu-.-, rfi {,r s[ !*, 4 LxTvz- t!' ut {ic <r)

,,,11j'-zt t!1t ixt,/..vtt,, ;t L.I1trrL 1z Ltn*,Lfih G )


,.4 l, lg.- -;,, {'-f, f ',
F, P J I (r)
-lythlldly -6
L; tL c: v,rp 1!sl (E-
r /&o,' ;,,{l t u fl,
r( Lr't V,r.,/ (-lt)
Ltrt| tPtt

- g t A t / r;.7 $ti,/, tr)t I t'-OA S V

,! J,", { o, G,.-- a q ( l'' lt, (- 17 A.,v,H,!o" v.l, *
- ! * r!.1 -- g,o n.-(r'r ;
t!".r::uLl.u{,}L;vLL1t.,V d,v{-l*,4)r'{'-'rh: (r)
.- ;g. Jr ( Jv qlr { L *,t} t, ; rL t),,>vL J,"' il it ",!-'rO'V J ;k {

z- V
y, u -ro { t'p L ( ; ar ft L /- a L,f {L, i } /,- t,' il t
gt t, t

.)t*nr(LbdttL o* t!o i,- )-Q(o"b,{tJ,-rL(t)-t, t}-: U')
- Lv :, I 0 L,u [ -l r'
( r. I i/ i- q V L
r t
fi i
Lrt,{J e& o I s l, &,,1 P, ;;' i -\
,, w A !o?, 3 0 /'1t ;t
f,4' ;, n, d,/,a.=.'f164 J"v Ctf,f, -,,y

SrDt.-,-,v {1r,) r-da,LJv,i4t*L {tl'r,r, Arff.,f (r)

i 12 -,9 6q., gt,hv,,.i 1 ui' v t!,-da' t{y, r

-; i;y,f e'ff I'f {[ U.

,d, dt,,(d{"JLI gtt,.)t* (r) -'.tUe r v L I

- {-,, tzt :ti;- o,l*t!L l,v,r.,V {qt4 b-7.,,r,i' tf t/L t,,-,

tt t,i.,,

ftl,,z L/-t-t J r--!.-v xa g/ t ;t.>, i, ln g Q I'l w I {r )

tl t
1J t t

':.- - ? . - -
,t, L lb,,, i.-6,1-a' ttL, -l x, 2t ) r-lx.' I u- ), !, 9 Q./= {i.,t
L )-t J,'.{ w {L,l6,v fa "u t!, v o,ti,{, sff tc ;b L f, z. 4. [-, y y

- *{'{1 )GL D :te'

i t ; 19

4t ut6/t6,1),9*,tr-Q.,)Lo*trw (t) (t -n
)t d r-',,1 6t- t,u UfA. tL,-f,/ )7 etCt ( Lx t 1 v<!r ! tu t 1v
--,t' = cr, 6f & L{L, &A r <-.1 r>

J i. A, ra.!,r4 2 ! i ? L e. t; 7 i v X f, P e)
t t,

6 & di.- saLoi,!- JTyg ;,!"t
u -(rl t, 12it su ;, (, ;
+;t P (O)
:<--n:;,1\ tVL.> ;tft'
*,uv,,, J |ru'y'Lz- )PJb,!L*+,4 b-s''.'.-';i'7 (.,)
, rl;;,! f,Pt rt(,r( Lt'i4 L t t t{ L,f,p<,/'{ (,)
t /i,t(,rJy{i ces "-t 4 L"&JB / z--f{,>,/ e,t L

,tl: Z--lcLl4

i,o et <-p o/ yo,z, & ; I f,fl',.t -,r'6,f,.,t< { G)

1<-r x, l,{!,; ct t* r.) t
*, -l :,> t P. L, oL + f ut f i L <l ;, J- ; (r )
,l +,-r1,,t,.,(a /1, cf ,/ yl,l, +.-/,!,.f,ft;t ) *- (-;tt)
: ft, r.tfig rt r*.,Lr/t 2r ) r' (a)
c..L@ :t <- L tt

oa=-cfu c, wlty(,Jr, J,Vu

t t- F,P/1, J n- <t > ff
( 1,.-r 4 1!L /t,t r,f.zt r!er i 4 / t

t fl4,{x f.,f ,., /;',,f,P,, h,! L L, "4 4.f, Ui A /g t,o (r )
/ ti v L o ? v, -- s-t | *! L S
A J.,,! -gr,' L,v *rf.l'' O )
d N- ;.-. /,r,', L +,
" { /.} L( r
o ) r' ( r ).( I ) -:. t'r J ; !-z G)
,y'6. ;aL f y-, artrtfl,lZ-t,o ('ft n>.,.44 {g,v t7rL fit.
-/-', v,!fl- i2 j 1 a' 1; v r!,1' t L,," l,.f
- - t, 1.2''' t

,r (- ( u,1,, ) I i-',) t*, z-,r 1, f i /; X <, ;, t: !72 ( r)

r, t t >

v,t t,',- :,,fL o* ut

-,tn {, d-- Jv',r,4,,r i4c6 & iz, 6L.r;
jv., ! *,.t or v.,t> $ (L
-, -", /rt., g V' L F cy't'J t*'i z) r,

- /o-p r,t i,P' X *; fln ;4
tu 7,v: y,Q fi &t tf 615ra, rtt r,r4 4 i2t ) r', ! * ( t)
t r , t

ff, y' c,,r'. - /,-/.,, i
f,,/;ltl-'f i-/,'vfi{;l; Ix (q) :,,Jto:st4.t/..>t -&S0'J

f r,f iv,,l -"v,pr,-t {tt.,g t7, L iA }4't,tP- }t -'t;.",!4,!

-,!,.t V,/.,t/( lr.ry |
i''tr L "*6 v tfe: v'tv r L ot r'n

{'-- n 1, a4 Qt,) r' r, }zt -:l:,tJt .,t

cf dL :,t ?, 4 t* (r)

l'- ti - ; v t! *,Fc{x rtP,','1, P a * L' i *;/ (tL .-' d., v


tfx J v,): ;ot t *r, {.i,t +-./t:r:t.ot,Jt ! L L 1.4 /-ct-'n ;-1,>) tr eb ) o r.u t r

:v-,.,,,b, Li * L L /lz,i J ua G v,,.lci.- ; t!4 u (Jt)

:6va($"i ('.,)
qti,.* k2)
l,.tJ, :fi' t./ rx o r.z, L.l p rta: q tf' d,l 1,/L "{, P (r)
a ; s r/t ; r,.n l, A,-t,J t)'o
d /lt,.Jt,t g o l" L,.r t,-f., t
/ (r)

v.--sr,,iL {L ;nor iL
:7 J e foL
i! 6,,r, J'.,,/,P,.c'L -,./oi frt/)t 1,.'.:L(tD, t!; ?)

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t t5.,,,7 $styr-,\f', r,.u,, 0.,, /efrPo,-l 7 *.-, u,\ z {''t: i i tl'iL)t J ?

,!;, J rt i,,1,.r., z-v (',' lrty'-- i.,,; 6't!1, J t -. 4 (i ) -"",',, f y

16 ffir P- - { 6,,r,,! $ J v.- < V

- q q ut

irl ;,.- o ; s &,1 /,

ir,i,,Jr Z, t/' ilL Jt ;"r. -:,PLbf -t. .f
,/, L L o,,,.,,' rf' r{"st aI p,r'ra b-7 ('s{L o' i, iL L {t'b')'' i' n t

- 1f.-, o, /r,!,) ;i", v,!P,4i,6 t ;io, : r &

, t rt q, J t j., t.) * ; + 4 {, f , f l' -l7 1 $ y'
: t: cf t ( g ) 6 t r

- tf- /oPr,y'f Aly

yf*'v4',) { Gt nq'o;t t'/ )

l,{.-,.r1,,{y,,:/1 i,yy i i i.- d 4 f, Pl, l* t t

"f u ;/
-,fuV,i, ut -la,l,ir,! rtff ,4 i ty /

6,#Lz-i' (r) ,/)t lt>l ,>L6t ui -ll

f I ;- i L r'|f,, {;,.{,/8,a1, f': J-if"-tX";,.,,t *zfiL u"' {
d rl d, r,,t )z t,f',{r, t} r, 6 o,, ir,.- )r,) *'', ur' y' * lr (r )
ti v>x ,1,{,,/Af ;1 J utt r. $ ;uv ( ;' J-+, +'* x l4er'> tsb!7
-.-,1,)g g, ; ro,ft3,* d/e,V f ,-,,'- " 2- /a:;a ia
i{.>l -t :' o :i'sti

- Ll l:./: l-;. a- aV ( r r,!J-.(7, t c Jr,, f <r>

,t. L L v i,,-"L fa v 4flf Z,f' a {J o & O ).,,' (r) ov, }-: G )

-fu. : Cu -- L.[ t/, ->" i I tt o ) v

)tiili b ?-u
(x 6,!r g ;,,
-: u,!J ;{t't l, f y{,1, t t,s;;fc-- ='V tllt J t" (r)

-*,-t {i,r/f,71sgn -; ;.-r,7t!Lt -z L-yfiJ 4 ,ni z-r 7.-l)v {tt

*; c j €,,,5 ;t i t,-. r,).e 1s iL ;,,,1 ; L f t{J t O J- O i sr l ( r)

7{tt:f:'.-tr*iLu,Fcil!Jv.-{L,-1,* (r) -:t}t -r

- 6- /-W 4&,., t' L ftii v f:",! x, q{/,-fi,S w L 1 L. L,16, L
r tt yr,a- g

.,; t L s
t r
o.-- { ! 4 fL.l tr, i !, ; v.- 4 fL l' * (r)
-{a'? [ q'.;L t) ] v' I s( u.,.,ff a.}L.J ryt (t) -:/@] -w
, l, z n L.f,+${d, t t,.-) r _;t :t L 7',f. uft e 6 <,> ;, t}-; ( r)

g:):/o:.>t)bLt '.,(A,)Qbtt!-ijlu--ft.{LliV

,j?$Aot;, (r) JE{ -16
- t!-'v99{,, L *,rr L 6, *'f,eI 4y l- L 1} q pQ
r t t

4, -.rv L i{i i,:g g i, tn$ L,(,c, si Jrte,a; r{ (r)

d'),x :( {-,4L pt e)t }4.{t,,t,t } e7r,,t { 6.v, jQ r,-.r4r;t,r*1

4tu-, 5 (,,-P i &r,, iL U,tL {r fr;/ t,r ? { V,{,e, r7;t *r i!4 tyi G
_h_.r$t!t., i;;g{,,,,fL Lr;{ c)
-.wo- L .,(A _N

1,,!,{,1, i,t -;,1 t

O z- o ?6t (tr iL J' t' {rtP G;tD
(- / f-- 7 {
, q t!( 7t " t

t'ru' et g i v

tc,r.;,v,!r,{,/,1 J lLo t,,.*6.,,r.-u(tS+.r[ <=)

ff,ftr,.t i,v{ 1v u f,-^J*o,'! u"''/ l'" O'"?l' <t')
g i a yd t,,, i,,!' {rl t uz * /.;,v { f ,P,-t
J i,.l v

e., 4, r,fiiL s igi, 6 r{ rt rt,i I r) yg } v:/' J ut
(r) t

,t /-;'v,! F, I 1, L rus L i -/i t''t 6''V 6

; t

,t/., ;,q, t5., {7 (c,ti L, i *drl L *L' ti
p Lt (') I
s :

,,r ro + r ii/.- tl,/,,, ir. /*'F,! 4t nt 1 t $'{1 i 4y G) t

,.- 6-l,f v7 J v,6q let el.-'v

6. * t i,,,$, *L u,,'r",{ g' w fi t,f&' ot! i t

)/' >= t ( :)

,16rtLb;{ (t) -:.2 teVli? ,e,lt$tL -lL

- L t1ro, Pu yJyvt lflr
6' t! {'t rtt'*"Llod dvlrr-q 7'f' D

- & t,,,,t + drL i ? i) o,t ;,t,tt ) z-u /r4'l:' i ${ ( r) t

i'z--t t ff ,i* tf jt'a t g i e'' : t

(r )
-E J,,f l..iI, -t f ,1:
t ti r


- [.-,rl i,!*,yu.. t!4,(,,L L f'4''rL'*' lEa vt

[q, pQ L I *,L i' L o,' r vcto''Y' L'{d"'L #{ U)


y sJ) z-t .,t,l.} t,,g,r r,f' \){ It w { -:,=,lt1tlv(tfl -lA

/ - . . -/

( eI t tg 6.,(7, i ? 0Ar o.,r ;, (r) ;p?Sr _n

;t 1., : La $t ;t
,.t t|,r" 6 w;, 6J q, a,!/,f{l 4 { t;zdV oia.{l,'t vJt' i- L s't 7r
t r

-Lt r/- ft *z y' ;i, #1 ),,.1,>' 7, t L,t $ L Lv 11 (' L " i

., O t t r t

-fu-/o,v (di 4 IL,{,r tL di $;;oP r. ;f k'{

(r) t C

Jt*u/t t -ab",!-W>tlo( ur1Lu'-., &fiWtsclt A U)

- .a . - ,

-:LJ,q.u"ri-L t"'/ I -: I ...fc

e.')s, rtzi, c,li u,-, j'.,, { L J PL trt{"tL.l )'!.(-iD


t4Pif t?5 t--)

* J.rt L, (a fu t., tt
;t,-> t r i t, t./,u 1., i 6 |/tu; { Q)
O iJ p t! vrt,r r,Ln J* -rb t!,i $9g q{- l{
:ll.:ict ttef Ltrc,it:
<-/oov.)w!w c,f (,.-,tirr4,(alZt.,'r &. fd-r (O)

: t,, g t { 6,, t, 4 L, v. t L ul{, n p Ja, ; e, } 1,,.f,,r'fi,

:7tfiJ,,11j,*r) islrtfll d:/-t o' (r)
L., G r,* L.! * t ),; o1trt!, rr'1 i t1y 1 tJ
L b tJ r;, r r t/.,., r t(o)

:,t Z /fl ).:-r! fd, tt,5 (,\,.>, :Y,'y,, ) i 6 el

L f,,r',,,n -,Pgls,tlrt4,8a-ill6Jl, u f ()
:f*{tt {e, 1., 6L :q )",:,, v et o*t4Qfu t t

t<g- tt r,f,-f,!t l,!-,,)"'-A\L-dfluc,'/tvoLtf,r a)

o,-/o,r/,,t- &,y E6fL r"t,JL tJLr $r!cuJ*/-;lt ((,,)

,,', -,!! ;.;5 u',): r.qw rJ, ca /

- .a .,
- qzEtl {" sJ'1r/r S}- :<: (L)
,ly ti{Y'-rtt*, r,t itr,,f tf ,/iL J' l' (r) I _fl
-+in$-t;ttl.-,i,!r)n,yvotfu,,'*,t ti?'P,,/,d(t/,/y (r)
-,L gx or,r.?l-: i 1:Y 1r1
o rV' ; O) A' f, L uN Q, {.>6 [fi 7 u,l':,, v
j, tt t, s

r, t *L i [;i7, uF{.-,1-, u*, r, i--' r/; v rl f r,f,y'- (-)
t y s, 1,, 7 {ti, /1' I 7,,, -Q u f {rt r'/.-u. C {- t 1g1 r,

c.4, ;! L na 7J t,.,4 1w fL f,/,* =lb' g)s fi)ie

,,,. ( 4 /, * 0 t, j *fse., ; L v * i -Q t k; {
1J ::

-(.-,11 jxr(.,,gy',,//e.,/Lr/ortrc,Vt'"f' i{t"fr/ (r)

.- i- --1,,r i L irj L el ; -:Bi t t r 0{l<- _ff

i'L:c-,, -,v& O {; uL t t i /(, i."';'tl' r, Cv, {'!v &l/, J t4 I
-,!tv,!uYi"'r i;s
.:, F r-'

, otbr L Jr err -:(t- a) sv,l'{,/- L,-ff

-f- q /,tf,,P,l,lt't, L,i,l;o4t g,s,/' t/,y'r :;v ;'I t

ilut c,t )' )" L ii,'i V 6 i'tl { eI

t ql t
-rQl tl -ff
(L /€' *, i+' : L a * ;t
t z-- a z J., (75 ?
, i
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