Mozart String Quartet

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Mozart String Quartet





Mozart’s Spring Quartet in G.K. 387, Mvt IV: Molto Allegro, is a form of music that uses

classical style during creation and performance. It was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,

who had been trained in the art of composing music. It was developed by Wolfgang Amadeus

Mozart during his stay in Vienna. The music is one of his many compositions that he composed

and which he gave to his fellow composer Joseph Haydn who was instrumental in the

development of chamber music1. As a result of the Spring Quartet being given to Joseph Haydn,

it became part of chamber music as Joseph Haydn incorporated it in his work.

When played, it is revealed in the second reprise, which inverts both leaps and the

chromatic line. While fluctuating, the melodic roles down into the viola and cello parts bringing

out or rather enabling witty contrast. This witty contrast aims at making the music interesting and

attractive to listeners. It is also a way of bringing out the different expressions and features of the

song. Contrast provides a subconscious break to absorb the material from the main expository

piece2. This was one way in which Mozart used to bring an overall change in chamber music so

as to express suffering and terror.

The Mozart’s begins with all four players in bold unison. This provides a platform for

exceeding the full range and power of quartet texture. The trio also plays the role of introducing

the first dark shadow in the quartet. Cast in sonata form, the spring quartet exposition is made up

Mozart’s Viennese instrumental music: A study of stylistic invention (published by

Boydell&Brewe,Boydell press

Neumann, Frederick. Ornamentation and improvisation in Mozart. Princeton University Press, 2019.

of equal parts of polyphonic fugue and homophobic melody with accompaniment3. This

produces a unified drama par excellence. The two thematic areas in sonata form include both a

fugato and an accompanying theme. The reintroduction of polyphony to the accompanied

lyricism of the progressive sonata form is one of the key elements that Mozart used in achieving

a mature classical.

Mozart ends with subtle, delicate finesse, quietly completing the final statement of the

first fugato subject with its missing 3-note tail for perfect harmonic closure4. This is referred to

as Mozart’s effect. It has been shown to result in short term improvement on the performance of

certain kinds of mental illness and that has early exposure to classical music. It also results in

kids becoming smarter since it encourages mental development.

The spring quartet explores the use of a variety of genres to pass the message across.

Some of these genres include symphony, opera, the solo, and the concerto. Mozart was required

to explore the available and already known genres but add more to make adjustments in order to

create a new experience for his audience. In so doing, Mozart was able to not only impress and

entertain his audience but also use his act to express his emotions and art in a way that was

relatable to the audience.

The Spring Quartet has greatly evolved through the years and as a result, it has gained

popularity, and it is being used even in medical research. Researchers have made claims that

Mozart’s Spring Quartet has some healing power over patients suffering from mental illness. It

has also been used to pass down cultures of different generations. It provides a platform where
Klorman, Edward. "Multiple Agency in Mozart’s Chamber Music." PhD diss., City University of New

York (2013).

Neumann, Frederick. Ornamentation and improvisation in Mozart. Princeton University Press, 2019.

cultures of different people are incorporated together in order to develop one music form that

serves the needs of all the cultures involved. The Spring Quartet, as a form of entertainment, has

been used to create and enhance unity among those involved5.


It is evident that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played an important role in the development

of western music and especially chamber music. Through his invention of the spring quartet, he

provided a way for the expression of inner feelings in a way that results in the entertainment of

others and even help solve the dangers posed by the lack of a common factor uniting different


Klorman, Edward. "Multiple Agency in Mozart’s Chamber Music." PhD diss., City University of New

York (2013).


Klorman, Edward. "Multiple Agency in Mozart’s Chamber Music." PhD diss., City University of

New York (2013).

Mozart’s Viennese instrumental music: A study of stylistic invention (published by

Boydell&Brewe,Boydell press

Neumann, Frederick. Ornamentation and improvisation in Mozart. Princeton University Press,


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