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CASE TITLE Pemberton Benchlands Housing Corp. v. Sabre Transport Ltd.

INVOLVED) Plaintiff: Pemberton Benchlands Housing Corp.
Defendant: Sabre Transport Ltd.

ISSUE 1. Did Dave Paterson have apparent authority to sign on behalf of

2. Is the construction contract a fixed price contract with potential

LAW Apparent authority is created where :

• The principal makes a representation or creates an impression
through words or conduct (or even acquiescence) to the third
party that the agent has some authority
• The third party relies on tha representation
• And is induced to enter into the contract
• And the third party is unaware of any restriction on the authority
of the agent
→ if these are approved by the third party, then the court will find that the
principal is estopped from denying liability on the contract.

APPLICATION Plaintiff’s alternative theory on the Tabulation form:

• The tabulation was titled Construction Contract, signed by Dave
Paterson next to “Authorized Signature: Sabre Transport”, and
gives a cost summary of $2,859,765
=> the plaintiff has not shown that anyone with actual authority for Sabre,
such as Mr. Den Duyf, made representations to Mr. Cote or anyone else
at PBH that Mr. Paterson was authorized to sign the contract (to enter
into a 2.85 million dollar fixed price construction contract) on behalf of
Sabre. The first necessary conditions for relying on apparent authority
have not, therefore, been established in the evidence.

CONCLUSION The plaintiff here has not established that the alleged written terms of the
construction contract were signed by anyone with either actual or
apparent authority to bind Sabre.

Accordingly, the plaintiff’s claim for a declaration that Sabre entered into
a fixed price construction contract with PBH and that the maximum
amount payable to Sabre for completion of the contemplated scope of
work was $2,859,756 plus a contingency amount not to exceed
$500,000, is dismissed.

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