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A report on the project done at

Institution of Technology Training Center,

Submitted to the Mangalore University

in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the award of the
Degree in


Reg.No: 071930174

Reg.No: 071930178

Reg.No: 071930158



Gratitude is the most exquisite from a courtesy. Hence I consider it as my

privilege to express a few word of the gratitude and respect to all those who have
helped, guided and inspired me in executing this project. Completing this report
would have been an impossible task without the help and sport of the several
personalities. Hence I take pressure in acknowledgement all those who have
extended their kind cooperation and helped in bring out this report into light.

First and for most I would like to sincerely thank Mr.Sathya Shankar for
his help, support and proving me valuable data in completing project.
I would like to express my heart full gratitude to Mr.Ravish.Kumar,
principal of Shri Dhavala College, Moodbidri.
I also thank Ms.Rohini Lecture and to all the staff in the B.C.A department
for giving us the detailed knowledge with regard to my project.
I would like to thanks my friends for their time support. Last but not the
least we would like to thanks my parents due to whom I could reach this point of
my life.

Place: Moodbidri Sheethal Kumar

Date: April 2010 Sujaya Kumari

I here by declare that this project report “Online Examination” has been
prepared by me under the guides and supervision of Ms.Rohini Lecture of B.C.A
department Sri Dhavala College Moodbidri, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement of Bachelors degree of Mangalore University.

Place: Moodbidri Sujaya Kumari

Date: April 2010 Sheethal Kumar

Chapter No Subject Page No.

1 Introduction

2 Synopsis

3 Software Requirements Specification

4 Structure of system design document

5 Data Base design(ER Diagram)

6 Structure of Detailed Design Documents

7 Screen Shots

8 Integration and Testing

9 User manual

10 Conclusion

11 Bibliography


Introduction of the Software’s used
Visual C#.NET
The C# programming language is one of those intermediate languages that
programmers use to create executable programs. C# combines the range of the powerful
but complicated C++ with the easy to use of the friendly but more verbose visual basic. A
C++ program file carries the extension .cs.

Feature of C#
1. Flexible: C# programs can execute on the current machine r they can be transmitted
Over the web and execute on some distant computer.

2. Power full: C# has essentially the same command set as C++, but with the rough
Edges find smooth.

3. Easier to use: C# error proof the commands responsible for most C# errors so you
Spend for less time chasing down those errors.

4. Visually oriented: The .NET code library that C# uses for many of its capabilities
Provide the help needed to readily create complicated display frames
With drop-down lists, tabbed windows dropped buttons, scroll bars and
Background images to name.

5. Internet friendly: C# plays a pivotal role in the .NET framework Microsoft current
Approach to programming power windows, the internet and beyond.

6. Secure: Any language intended for use on the internet must include serious security to
Protect against hackers.
.NET began a few years ago as Microsoft strategy to open the web to more mortals
like you and me. Today it’s bigger than that encompassing everything Microsoft does. In
particular it’s the new way to program for windows. It also gives a C-based language, C#,
the simple visual tool that made visual basic, so popular .A little background will help
you see the roots of C# and .NET

Internet programming was traditionally very difficult in older language such as c

and c++. Sun Microsystems responded to that problem by creating the java programming
language. To create java, sun took the grammar of C++, made a lot more user friendly
and centered it around distributed development.

When programmers say “distributed” they are describing geographically dispread

computers running programs that talk to each other in many cases via the internet.
.NET is a framework, in many ways similar to the java language. Just as java is the
language itself and its extension code library, C# is really much more than just the
keywords and syntax of the language. It’s those things empowered by the thoroughly
object oriented library contains thousand of code elements that simplify doing about any
kind of programming.

Unlike java,.NET does not requires you to rewrite existing programs. A visual
Basic programmer can add just a few links to make a “web knowledgeable”.
Introduction about our project:
The online examination on software is proposed to develop high secured online
examination to handle the entire examination life cycle to replace the traditional
examination method. This provides the user to write the exam using computerized way.
This can provides the high security on online examination method.

The online examination is best available tool to assist you in write exam, create
exam, and create question paper, student registration, faculty registration, read student
and faculty details, delete details.

The online examination is an examination procedure where the examination is

done through local area network enabled high secured brows from, in which student is
secured to tick for multiple choice question our aim is to developed the described online
software, with random question paper preparation for multiple choice question and one
word question . The online examination also features multi user environments.

The online exam is very powerful to store the details in database. The software
handle the store details of the student and faculty in they are register using while
registration and its can able to delete the details



Title of the project:

Online Examination

Group members of the project:

Sujaya kumari , Mallika, Sheethal Kumar

External Guide of the project:

Sathya Sankar

Internal Guide:

Objective of the project:

The online Examination software is proposed to develop high secured online
examination software to handle the entire examination life cycle to replace the traditional
examination method.

Project category:

Language to be used:
Visual C# .NET 2008

Requirement specification:

Hardware Specification:
Processor PENTIUM, 133MHz
Main Memory 128MB
Hard Disc 1GB

Software Specification:
Operating System 2000, NT, XP, VISTA, WINDOWS 7
Front end .NET 2008
Back end Visual C#
Database MS Access
Structure of the program:

The online examination is an examination procedure where the examination is
done through internet or LAN enabled high secured server form in which the student is
required to tick for the multiple choice question within a time declared by the software
developer. This software provides random question paper preparation for multiple choice
questions, true/false and for one word question.

In this software the staff or the department of examination will be creating the
question pattern. They select the number of students for write an exam depends upon
their registration. The question will be prepared based on their semester wise. The
question differs for various semesters. The maximum marks are defined in first.

Duration of the examination is automatically displayed on the separate text box in

the question paper. Question paper will be closed automatically after the declared time.
After submitting answer paper the student will get the result after one hour.

Module description:
The program consists of the following modules:
Login module
User module
Examination module
Evaluation module
Result module

Login module:
In this program we should enter the user name and password.

User module:
The user module consists of two sections:
Student: The student will tick the option which is prepared by faculty.
Faculty: The faculty will responsible for creating question paper.

Examination module: Examination module is used for the purpose of creating question
paper and to make necessary adjustment.

Evaluation module: This module used for evaluating the answer paper.

Result module: result module is related to setting and displaying the answer paper.

Any other information: The definition and maintenance of the data base is done through
the ACCESS user interface.
Future scope of the project:
 User friendly screen dialogs for the definition and maintenance of the database.
 A batch mode of operation so that the whole process can be automated to
minimize human intervention.


Software Requirement Specification

The SRS is a document that completely describes what the proposed software
should do without describing how the software will do it. The basic goal of the
requirement phase is to produce the SRS, which describe the complete external behavior
of the proposed software. A basic limitation for this is that the user needs keep changing
as the environment in which the system was to function changes with time.

The software system itself is created by the software developer. Finally the
completed system will be used by the end users. Thus there are three major parties
interested in a new system are the client, user, developer. The problem is that the client
usually does not under software and application area. The basic purpose of software
requirement specification is to bridge the communication gape.

The process of developing an SRS usually helps in this, as it forces the client and
the user to think, visualize, interact and discuss with other to identify the requirements.

The main advantages are:

• An SRS establishes the basis for agreement between the client and supplier on
what the software product will do.
• An SRS provides a reference for validation of the final product.
• A high quality SRS is perquisite to high quality software.
• A high quality SRS reduces the development cost.

1. Introduction:
The project entitled “Online Examination” is developed in Window XP environment
using visual C#.Net 2008 as front end and MS Access as back end .The project is
based on quick in query processing and data manipulation. This project includes modules
such as login module, user module, examination module evaluation module, result

1.1 Purpose:
The software is designed to write the online examination in a write the online
examination in a high secured way. This system is a procedure the examination is done
through the local area network. It is used to improve the technique of examination in
education field. It is used to store the details of the student and faculty. The student can
write exam is in online. They can get the result in faster way. This program used to make
the preparation of question paper pattern and also make evaluation.
1.2 Scope:
• Replace the traditional examination method.
• Provide a to computerized online examination system.
• Providing high security.
• Reducing time of the evaluation.
• The evaluation of answer paper is done automatically.
• Providing easy access to database.
• Automated examination with exam duration.

1.3Definition, Acronyms, Abbreviations:

URN: - The URN is University Register Number. The register number is given by the
university all the student of particular institution or a college to write an exam.

SRS Software Requirement Specification
URN University Register Number
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ODBC Object Database Connection
DBMS Database Management System
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
DFD Data Flow Diagram

1.4 Reference:
The following references are used to preparation of our system.
‘An integrated approach to software to software engineering’ by Pankaj Jalote.

1.5 Overview:
The software online examination is designed to provide high secure online
examination method and also replace the traditional examination method. The
examination can do automatically. This package serves the online examination by
maintaining each and every record in the database.

2. Overall Description:
2.1 Product Perspective:
This software developed to provide the advanced examination method using the
web application through the LAN in easier techniques.

2.2 Product function:

The online examination performs following functions:
1 Student:
• Write exam: This is used to attempt the exam
• View result: The result will be displayed after the submit ion of answer sheet
2. Faculty:
• Create exam: The main function of this option is that preparation of the question
paper pattern.
• Student setting: it is used set the student on the basis of semester.

2.3 User characteristics:

• The main use characteristics of this software is the user should know the basic
concept of computer.
• Only the student of particular institution who has already registered by the faculty
can able to attempt the exam.
• They should know the password given by the department.
• The user who is given the special instruction about the software can only work
with the software.

2.4 General constraints:

This software is developed using visual c# .Net 2008, MA Access. This can
implemented using 2000, NT, XP, VISTA, WINDOW 7.

2.5 Assumption and dependencies:

This software is used only for examination purpose in education field, only the
institution who adopted the semester system. Before attempt the exam the question paper
will be prepared and set by faculty department.

3. Specific requirement:
This section describes all the details that the software developer needs to know for
designing and developing the system this is typically the largest and most important part
of the document.

3.1 External Interface Requirement:

3.1.1 User interface:

The online examination have user interface. The .net gives the visual tools that all
the user to interact.

3.1.2 Hardware requirement:

Processor Pentium,133 MHz
Main memory 128MB
Hard disk 1GB
3.1.3 Software requirements:

Operating system 2000,NT,XP,VISTA,WINDOW 7

Front end Visual c# .Net 2008
Back end MS Access

3.2 Functional Requirements:

The functional requirements contain the functional capability of the system are
described. In this organization the functional capabilities for all the modes of operation of
the software are given.

3.2.1 Module 1:
Login module:
The main purpose of developing this module is to protect our software. The login
module is very important module to enter the username and password. Only the valid
username and password should have to give.
If the username or password is invalid the appropriate message will be displayed.
The user name and password is already registered by faculty.

3.2.2 Module 2:
User module:
The user module contains the following sub module.
• Student: the student can only write the exam and view result. They can not allow
changing the setting and other application.
• Faculty: the faculty can set the whole examination procedure and set the question
paper pattern.

3.2.3 Module 3
Examination module:
This module is designed for the purpose of attempt the online exam the student of
Particular institution can only allow attempting this examination. They should answer the
question with in the given duration. Question paper is created by faculty. This contains
the URN and the exam ID. The faculty first creates the question based on the related
They create only the multiple choice questions for this online examination
software. The students can write only the appropriate exam according to their year. This
can be set in the Examination module. Before the examination instruction are
automatically appears. Students can write exam only after reading this instruction.
3.2.4 Module 4
Evaluation Module:
Evaluation can be performed using this module. In this module the software
evaluates exam after submitted by the student automatically. Each question paper
contains 50 questions and individual question carries two marks.

3.2.5 Module 5
View result:
When the student submits the answers they can view the result after some time. The
result should contain such details like total marks scored, Number of answered and
unanswered question, total number of wrong as well as right answers average marks of
the students. All these settings will be done by using this module.

3.3 Performance Requirements:

When the student want to write the exam they should answer the question and
submit within the time displayed on the question paper. The visual c#.Net 2008 is used
to store, retrieve, delete and update the data.

3.4 Design constraints:

The design of any information system produces the details that state how a system
will meet requirement identified during system output and other outputs. The new system
will produce design of the system also describe how to process input data, calculated or
stored. It is the responsibility of the designer for providing software and user manual with
complete and clear outline software specification.

In analysis pf information of the various phases, the tables are designed with the
following structures. It should be noted that bottom up approaches followed while
designing table and it is ensured that all table are the third normal form.

3.5 System attributes:

a. Flexible: The proposed system is developed and they can be transferred easily into
one system to another.

b. Secure: This is best use for maintaining the examination secrecy as well as misuses.

c. Visual oriented: This software is mainly based on visual appearance.


Structure of system design document
The design represents the process of design. The goal of the design process is to
produce a model or representation of a system, which can be used later to build that
system. The produced model is called the “design of the system”. The design process for
software system often has two levels

At the first levels the focus on deciding which modules are needed for the system,
the specification of there modules and how the modules should be interconnected this is
called system design on top level design”.

In the second level the internal design of the modules or how the specification of
the module can be satisfied it decided. This design levels is often called detailed design or
logic design.

The purpose of the design phase is to specify the component for this
transformation function, so that each component is also a transformation function.

2. Applicable document
• Student
• Faculty

3. Function decomposition
• Student
This is primary module for this system. Hence the user can able to write the exam
that contains selecting the answer with particular duration. In this module the user should
not able to create or modify the question or any other information. The student can view
the result based on the submitted answer sheet. The student of any semester can write the
exam of the subject depending on the semester.

• Faculty
This module can be used to preparation of the question paper pattern. The question
and answer will be created by faculty and it is stored in the database. We can add, delete
or edit the question and also exam. This contains the registration of both students and the
faculty. In this we can store the details of both student and faculty. Only the registered
student can able write the online exam. The time setting and marks setting by the faculty
before student write the exam.
4. Function component and design assumptions:
Assumption and identification of modules:

Login page: This page allows the student or faculty to enter this user name and password
to write exam or other purpose.

Student page: Only the registered student who wants to write semester exam can able to
write exam.

Instruction page: This page contains the certain instruction to know about the online

Write exam: This page contains the answer sheet to the student to write exam, which
contain the multiple choice question, maximum marks and duration to exam.

View result: This page contains the attended student result.

Faculty Page: This page has the faculty should create, manipulating and evaluating the
answer sheet

Exam Setting: This allows the faculty to set the appropriate duration and marks to
submitted answer.

Create exam: This page has the creation of the question paper.

5 Description of programs:-
This program performs the task related to the online examination. It includes the
creating, writing, manipulating, deleting the question or exam and also some changes are
to be done. It also contains the register as well as removes student and faculty.

5.1 Data Flow Diagram:

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data
through an Information System. A Data Flow Diagram can also be used for the
visualization of Data Processing .It is common practice for a designer to draw a context
–level DFD first which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities.
This context-level DFD is then “exploded” to show more detail of the system being

A DFD represents flow of data through a system. Data flow diagrams are
commonly used during problem analysis. It views a system as a function that
transforms the input into desired output. A DFD shows movement of data through the
different transformation or processes in the system.

Notation of the Data Flow Diagram:

Data source/Destination


Flow of data

Data Base
5.2 Context Flow Diagram (CFD)


Student Student Registration Faculty

Write exam Creating Exam



View result Store details

Top level DFD



Student Faculty

Write Student Staff
exam setting setting

View result Exam

5.4 Description of components

5.4.1 Data flow diagram for student





Input: The basic input of this component is the student has to select an answer among the
multiple options.

Process definition: After login the software the student can able to write the exam. In
exam the student can select the correct answer in multiple options. Both the questions and
selected answer will be stored in database. After submitting the answer paper they can get
the result.

Output: The student can get the result after submit the answer sheet.
5.4.2 Data flow diagram for faculty



Student Create Staff

setting exam setting


Add Add Delete
student Staff Staff

Submit Submit

Input We should input the details of the student and faculty. And also the exam details
with different questions with multiple answer. The maximum marks and duration will be

Process definition: The faculty will register their details after login the software. They
will create and set the question paper and also set the students who are able to write
particular examination as they set.

Output: The output of this process is the Question paper that will be provided for
students to write the exam.


1. Entity Relationship Diagram(ER-Diagram):

The main focus of the entity relationship modeling is the data items in the system
and the relationship between them. It aims to create a conceptual schema (also called ER
Diagram) for the data from the user prospective diagram.

The basic units in an ER model are Entities, Attributes and the Relationship
between the entity types.

An entity is like an object in an object oriented modeling represents something in

the real world that may have a physical existence. An entity is like a class. It represents
the general structure of the entities that belongs to that type.

Entity: The thing, which we want to store information. An entity is an elementary basic
building block of storing information about business process. An entity represents an
object defined within an information system about which you want to store information.

Attributes: Descriptor of the entity, attributes is elementary pieces of information

attached to an entity.
Notation of the ER Diagram



Participating entity

Key attributes

1.1 ER Diagram:

Passwor Semeste
Username Duration
d r

ExamID Marks
StaffID Name


Manag Includ
e e

Student Question

Student QuestionID QName

Name Class

Passwor Options
URN d ExamID




QuestionID QName


1.2 Data Base Design

Table name and File Attributes:

Database name: Exam

This database consists of following tables.

 Table name: Faculty

Field name Data type Constraints Description

Name Text Not null Name of the staff.
Email Text Not null Email address.
StaffID Text Primary Key ID for the staff
Address Text Not null Address of the staff.
Password Text Primary Key Staff password.

 Table name: Student.

Field name Data Constraints Description

StudentName Text Not null Name of the student.
Gender Text Not null Identifies the gender of student.
Address Text Not null Address of the student.
URN Text Primary Key Identifies the student (student ID).
Class Text Not null Class of the student.
PHNO Number Not null Phone number.
Email Text Not null Email address.
Password Text Primary Key Student password.

 Table name: Exam

Field name Data type Constraints Description

ExamID Text Primary Key Identifies Exam id.
Semester Number Not null Identifies the various exam.
Duration Date/Time Not null Maximum duration of the exam.
MaximumMarks Number Not null Maximum marks for the question
 Table name: Question

Field name Data type Constraints Description

QuestionID Text Not null Identifies the questions
ExamID Text Primary Key Identifies Exam id.
Semester Number Not null Identifies the various exams.
QName Text Not null Question name.
A. Text Not null Option A
B. Text Not null Option B
C. Text Not null Option C
D. Text Not null Option D
Answer Text Not null Answer for question.

 Table name: Answer

Field name Data type Constraints Description

URN Text Primary Key Identifies the student(student
Semester Number Not null Identifies the various exams.
QuestionID Text Not null Identifies the questions
QName Text Not null Question name.
Answer Text Not null Answer for question.


Structure of Detailed Design Document

1 Introduction
During detailed design the first step is that the detailed design or code or a module
can be developed is that the specification of the module be given precisely. Once the
module precisely specified, the internal logical for the module that will implement the
given specified, the internal logic for the module that will implement the given
Specification can be decided.

The design process for system for software system after has two levels, At the
first level the focus is on deciding which module are needed for the system. The
specification of there module and how the module should be interconnected. This is what
called “System Design” on top level design .In the Second level the internal design of
module can be satisfied is decided. The design level called “Detailed Design or Logic
design”. Detailed design expands the system design to contain a more detail description
of there processing logic and data structures so that the design is sufficiently complete for

2 Applicable Documents
• Student details
• Staff Details
• Exam Details
• Question paper Details
• Result Details

3 Structure of the Software package

It contains the details of the student and staff of particular institution. And also
contain the examination is used to write the exam for student. Evaluation can use to
evaluating the answer sheet, and the result can be displayed for the answer sheet.
• Examination
• Evaluation
• Staff detail
• Student detail
• View result

4. Modular Decomposition of components

The functional components identified during the system design are listed here.
• Main Page
• Student
• Faculty
Fig 1: First level factoring (Main Login page)

Online Exam

Faculty Student

Fig 2: Second level factoring (Faculty Login page)


Setting student detail Add Staff Detail

Create Exam Print Result

Fig 3: Second level factoring (Student Login Page)

Write Exam View result

5. Component descriptions:

5.1 Main Module (fig 1):

Purpose: This is the main part which provide link to all other modules.
Function: It calls the students who are already added in the data base to enter in this
software and write the exam. And this also includes some other modules.
It calls the faculty to make registration of the student and faculty .This include other
modules such as exam setting and result etc.
Subordinates: student
Dependencies: None

5.2 Student module:

Purpose: to attempt the exam.
Function: This module provides the facility for to read student details and they can write
the online exam .The result can be displayed.
Input: in this module they should select answer among multiple choices.
Subordinates: Write exam
View result
Output: The result can be displayed for the submitted answer sheet.
Dependencies: Main module.

5.2.1 Write Exam:

Purpose: To write online exam.
Function: This module provide the facility for tick the answer for multiples choice
Input: Select the answer
Subordinates: None
Output: This module displays the result for the answer sheet.
Dependences: student module

5.2.2 Result module

Purpose: To view the result
Function: Using this component the result can be displayed after submitting the answer
sheet. The result is set by the faculty department.
Dependencies: Student module
5.3 Faculty:

Purpose: To make a preparation of the question paper pattern.

Function: This module provides the facility for enter the information into the student
Details and faculty details table and creation of the question paper and Evaluation of
question paper.
a. Student details
b. Staff details
c. Create exam
d. Print result
Dependencies: Main modules

5.3.1 Student detail:

Purpose: to enter the information of the student into the student registration table which
are in database.
Function: This module provides the facility for store the details of the student and used
to view the student details which we are entered in which they are stored in the database.
Input: We should enter the details like name, URN, username, password etc.
Subordinates: None
Output: It displays the all details of the student registration table.
Dependencies: Faculty module.

5.3 Staff details:

Purpose: to enter the information of the faculty in to the faculty registration table which
are in database
Function: this module provides the facility for store the details of the faculty.
And we can view the details of the staff using faculty details which are stored in the
Input: in this we can enter the details of the staff like name, username, email, password
Subordinates: none
Output: it displays the all details of the faculty registration table.
Dependencies: Faculty table.
5.3.1 Create Exam:

Purpose: to make creation of the question paper pattern to write online exam.
Function: this module provide the facility for creation of question paper that include
question with multiple choice the answer will also added and it contain edit and delete
Input: we should enter the different question and multiple choices and identify the
correct answer.
Subordinate: none
Output: the created question paper can displayed for write the exam.
Dependencies: Faculty module. Print result:

Purpose: to display the result.

Function: the modules can be used to view the result after submitting the answer paper.
Subordinates: None
Dependencies: Faculty modules.


Login Form
Main Form for Faculty
New Exam Form
Creating Questions for exam
Entering new student detail
Deleting student details
Entering new staff detail
Deleting staff detail
Main form for student
Instruction for student
Selecting exam form
Faculty module

Login module:

1. Select faculty module from the login page it will login to faculty module.
2. Give the user name and password to login faculty module.

To create Exam:

1. To create the exam we have to select the ‘create exam’ from the menu strip.
2. Click on the ‘new exam’ button to create the new exam.
3. Enter the exam name, semester, duration and the total marks.
4. Click on the save button to save the newly created exam in the data base.
5. The message box will be displayed that record is submitted.
6. then entered details will be displayed on the list view and stored at the data base

To create Question paper:

1. To create the question paper we have to select the desired exam from the list view
2. Select the ‘edit question’ button to the question.
3. It displayed edit question form.
4. In this we enter the question name and multiple answers.
5. To update the question paper we will select the ‘update’ button and then we can
make any updation.

Student Details:

Student registration:

1. To register the student selects the student registration from the drop down menu.
2. First you enter the student name and you fill the concerned fields.
3. Then click submit button to save the student details to store in the database.
4. Then it will display on the list view box.

To delete student:

1. To delete student from database we should select the student from student
2. We click the ‘delete’ button to delete the student from database.
Faculty registration

1. To make register to faculty we should select the faculty registration from faculty
Details pull down menu.
2. Then we enter the faculty name, address, username, password, email address etc.
3. Then select the submit button to save the faculty details.

To Display:

1. To display the faculty details we should select the faculty from the list of faculty.
2. Then it displays the faculty details in the appropriate text boxes.

To delete:

1. Select the faculty from list box.2.Click on ‘delete’ button to delete the faculty
from database.

Student module
Exam list:

1. To write exam first we select the exam name from list view box.
2. It displays the list of exam which is stored in the database.
3. Click on ’write exam’ button to write exam.

Write exam:

1. To write the exam select ‘write exam’

2 . It display the select semester, register no, time, question name and multiple
2. We have to select the answer from multiple choices.
3. Select answer will display on answer textbox.
4. We can click on “Next’ or ‘Previous’ button to move to next or previous question.


1. To view the result we should select the view result on the menu strip.
2. It displays the semester, subject, total marks, and percentage.


Testing and implementation is the process which tells the reliability , efficiency
and flexibility of the design system reliability means how much there are expecting from
the system flexibility tells how much the user are comfortable and additional facilities
with the system.

Testing is the vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical
assumption that if all the parts of the system are correct, the logical will be successfully
achieved. It is critical elements of the software quality assurance and represent the
ultimate revive of specification design and coding. Testing presents and interesting
anomaly for the software. The testing phase involves testing of the system and various
test data.

The various levels of testing:

 Unit testing
 Integrated testing
 System testing
 User acceptance testing

Unit testing:
Unit testing focuses on verification on effort on the smallest unit of software
design module. ”Each module is will be tested separately to ensure that it is working
before being combined with other modules”.

The purpose of unit testing is to uncover errors in the smallest software unit in the
routine. Each routine will be tested individually using black box oriented test. The
programmer of each design will design a set of test cases for the module and ensure that
the module is fully tested importance or complex routine will also be tested by at least
other person.

Integration testing:
Data- can be lost across an interface module can have an adverse effect on another
sub functions. When combined may produce desired major functions. Global data
structure can present problems. Related module will integrate and tested together before
being placed into the system. “Related modules will be integrated and tested together
before being placed into the system”.

This function describes the integration strategy and produces for the system. It
gives the order in which modules will be developed and how they will be integrated. It
also describes the specific tests that will be performed on integrated sets of modules.
System Testing:
The entire system will be used together after integration is complete; System
testing includes function, acceptance, installation and regression testing. System test will
involve some testing by the client. “The entire system will be tested together after
integration is complete”

User acceptance testing:

User acceptance of a system is the factor for the function tests, performance test .A
walkthrough of the user manual and the final demonstration. “Acceptance testing consists
of a suit of tests to be performed in the presence of client before he accepts the system.”
Form Name Command Input Output
Username and The user page window
Login password displayed

Reset Reset the username and

User Login Exit The message will be
displayed ,if yes then it
exit from the project else
continue its work

Submit Enter all the student If valid, new student entry

details will be created otherwise
error message will be
Registration displayed.
(Student) Reset - Reset the student detail.

Close - Close the student detail

Enter the all staff If valid, new student entry

Submit detail will be created other wise
Registration error message will be
(Staff) displayed
Reset - Reset the staff detail

Close - Close the staff detail

New exam - Enter the new exam detail

Save Enter the exam If valid, new exam detail
detail entry will be created other
Exam wise error message will be
(Create) displayed

Delete Exam Selecting the exam Selected exam will be

Edit question - Question entry paper will
be displayed
Close - Close the create exam
Submit Enter the question & To save the question
option details.

Question paper Reset - Close the question details


Next - Enter the new question

Delete Delete Student details To delete the student
(student) details.
Close - Close the student details.

Delete Delete - Delete the staff details.



About project:
The online examination on software is proposed to develop high secured online
examination to handle the entire examination life cycle to replace the traditional
examination method. This provides the user to write the exam using computerized way.
This can provides the high security on online examination method.

The online examination is best available tool to assist you in write exam, create
exam, and create question paper, student registration, faculty registration, read student
and faculty details, delete details.

As a faculty of the software, the online examination gives faculty to create the
exam for appropriate student for particular semester. The student of that semester can
able to write the online exam.

The online examination is an examination procedure where the examination is

done through local area network enabled high secured brows from, in which student is
secured to tick for multiple choice question our aim is to developed the described online
software, with random question paper preparation for multiple choice question and one
word question . The online examination also features multi user environments.
The online exam is very powerful to store the details in database. The software
handle the store details of the student and faculty in they are register using while
registration and its can able to delete the details.

While making login for student of particular semester, once the subject of that
semester can be displayed and the question of the selected subject can be displayed on
question paper and result a\can be displayed. In short you can easily implement the online
examination. It provides automated examination with exam description.

Online examination user friendly screens:

Online examination features a user friendly interface that allows you to easily
navigate from one feature to another with few clicks. The screen is sets of the all
programming technique adopted by the qualified and experienced programmer and
designers. This provides consistence use of the software, window compatibly, timely
enhancement and updates based on your feedback after using this software.

Online examination benefits:

 Automated examination with exam duration.
 Random and different question paper for every student.
 Should support object type and one word questions.
 High secured SSH client server interaction.
 Evaluation can done automatically
 Provide high security.


The “Online Examination” software that is developed and designed can be used
by any institution that maintains the computerized system for storing records, updating,
accessing etc in the database. We can manipulate any information that is stored in the

The online examination is an examination procedure where the examination is

done through local area network enabled high secured brows from, in which student is
secured to tick for multiple choice question our aim is to developed the described online
software, with random question paper preparation for multiple choice question and one
word question . The online examination also features multi user environments.

There are plus points in the package.

 It provides the high security in examination method.
 Replace the traditional technique of examination.
 Reduce the time of evaluation.
 The evaluation can be done automatically.
 Providing easy access to the Database.
 Providing computerized online examination method.
 Result can be displayed automatically.

The Online Examination is based on quick in query processing and data

manipulation. This can be used to write the online exam. This helps to improve the
technique of exam in any education field. In this system the examination can be done
through the local area network.

In this software only the student of particular college or institution who is

registered by the faculty can able to write the online exam. The sheet can be evaluated
automatically. The result of the submitted answer sheet be displayed automatically.



 “An Integrated approach to software engineering”

Pankaj Jalote

 “System Analysis And Design”

Igor Haweyazkiewycz

 Visual C#
Sphar Davis

 http:/

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