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Quadratic Functions (Chapter 2)

Completing the square : x2 + bx + (b/2)2 = c + (b/2)2
: Note : In x 2, the x must always be single (always 1)
Formula : x = [-b ± (√b2-4ac)] / 2a
Sum of roots : α+ β
: -b / a
Product of roots : αβ
: c/a
Quadratic equation is written as : x2 – (sum of roots)x + (product of roots) =0
b2– 4ac > 0 :Two distinct roots
b2– 4ac = 0 :Two equal roots
b2– 4ac < 0 : No real roots
Indices, Surds And Logarithms (Chapter 4)
am x an = am+n

am / an = am-n

√a x √b = √ab
√a / √b = √a/b
logamn = logam+logan
logam/n = logam - logan
logamn = nlogam
logab = logcb / logca
a = first term
d = common difference
Progressions ( Chapter 5) r = common ratio

Arithmetic Progressions ( AP) : To find nth term : Tn = a + (n – 1)d

: To find sum of first n term S n = n / 2 [2a + (n – 1)d]

: To find sum of terms ( Without the word FIRST ) : T n = Sn -


Geometric Progressions : Tn = arn-1

Sn = a(1-r n) / 1-r :lrl < 1

Sn = a(rn - 1) / r-1 : lrl>1

Sum of infinity : a/1-r :lrl < 1

Coordinate Geometry (Chapter 7)
Divisor of line segment :[ (nx1 + mx2 / m+n) , (ny1 + my2 / m+n)]

Area of triangle : 1/2 [(x1y2+ x2y3+ x3y1) – (x2y1+ x3y2+ x1y3)]

Area of quadrilaterals : 1/2 [(x1y2+ x2y3+ x3y4+ x4y1)– (x2y1+ x3y2+ x4y3+ x1y4)]
Chapter 8
r∼ = √x2+ y2

r = r / lrl
Solution Of Triangle (Chapter 9)
a/sin A = b/sinB = c/sinC

a2=b2+c2-2bc cos A

b2=a2+c2-2ac cos B

c2=a2+b2-2ab cos C

Area of triangle : ½ ab sin C = ½ ac sin B = ½ bc sin A

Heron’s formula : √s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) ; s = (a+b+c) / 2

Index number ( Chapter 10)
I =( Q1 / Q0) x 100

To find composite index : Sum of (index x weight) / weightage

If graph is sad face, it has a maximum point

If graph is happy face, it has a minimum point

Add maths exercises
Indices, Surds and Logarithms
Final answer
should be k = 15
For a) apply the 3rd law of log : Which
is push the power in front
n = 14
Round it off
It is given that 12, x, and 48 are three consecutive terms of a
progression. Find the value of x if the terms are in
a) An arithmetic progression
b) A geometric progression
How many numbers between 100 and 300 that are divisible by 17?
Find the sum of these numbers.
The sum of the first three terms of a geometric progression is 27 times
the sum of the next three terms. Also, the sum of the first three terms
exceeds the sum of the next three terms by 676/81.
a) Find the common ratio and the first term
b) Find the sum to infinity of this progression
An arithmetic progression consist of 20 terms. The sum of odd terms is
260 and the sum of even terms is 300. Find the first term and the
common difference of this progression
Coordinate geometry
Solution Of triangles
Extra Practices
( Functions, Quadratic and Solution of

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