Interupptor de Potencia 01

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忠霊霊計。Za.d可, qu。一曲。剛。, m。, d。 th。 W。.

k d。S。ribed be-ow・

work may oniy be done on tlle OP珊ting mechanism when the opening and closlng sp血g

The ci「cuit-breake「 must be switched off and oarfhed fo「 SFe刷ing wo「k"

The ci「cuit"breake「 can be switched back on when珊ng is compiete and the eさ冊ing has
been di§COnnected,

ReIease the SF6“P「eSSure before wo「king on the screw comecせons of the gas chamber"

Signal/Lock-Out E備ect Possibiecause(S) Remedialmeasu「e(S)

しossofSFe SignaionIy SF6i闇k LocatefauItandsealleak-Top

(Leakgene「訓y§獲ow) upSF6tOnOmina獲p「essllre

Gene「aiSF8lock-Out Noope「ationpossibie SF61eak SeeLossofSFe

RecIosingiockout CIosingsp「ingnotcha「ged, Nomotorpowe「 P「ovidemoto「SuPPly/「epIace

Iongerthan15s nodosingpossible SuPPiy/Moto「defective moto「

Tabie 9 Di9tu「bances

5,2  Dispo§in9 0f HighVo看tage Switching口evices and Switchgears

The ci「cuit-b「eake「 3AP「 FG is訓enVironmenta=y c。mPatible product,

漢n disposal, P「iority must be given to 「euse of the mate「iaIs. Envi「onment訓y a∞ePtabIe disposal of the
device sha= be ca而ed out in iine with cu「「ent nationa=egislation.

丁he device can be recycled as mixed sc「ap, O「言f it is dismantIed as fa「 as po§Sibie, in a mo「e
envi「o…enta=y acceptable way as a sorted scrap with a mixed-SC「aP 「eSiduai portfon"

丁he fo=owing mate両-s have been used to makさup the device‥ Steel・ ∞PPer’aIuminum, PTFE’鰭St
「e9in of cast-reSin-imp「egnated fab「ic, glass-冊e「reinfo「ced piastics' 「ubbe「S for seaiing- Ceramics'

greases. electric and eIect「Onic components.

Before disposal, it should be ensured tha=he She= Ae「o Fluid hydraulic冊d p「esent in the drive
mechanism dampers is d「ained・ This should be done in a∞Ordance with cunent o飾Cial 「eguiations at the
time of disposaI.

No oiIs used in the circuit-breaker contain PCB,

in as-SuPPljed-by-Siemens state, the device inco「po「ates no hazardous substances in the sense of the

pertinent 「eguiations in India. 1f the device is to be ope「ated outside lndia’the locally appii∞ble laws and
「eguiations must be foilowed"

The insuIating and quenching media SF6 has to be 「emoved by suction using suitable equipment and-
afte「 reconditioning, made available fo「 reuse・

ln the opened gas compartme=tS' the「e may be solid decomposition p「Oducts resulting f「om switching
operations, The gaseous p「oducts are absorbed by the bu冊n皿e「S・ When switching devices
inco「po「ating SF6 aS insulating and quenchjng medium are disposed of (with pa巾Cula「 「egard to皿er
mate「iaI and soIid decomposition products), the necessa「y safety measu「es must be comp=ed with"

Locai customer support offi∞S wiii be able to answer any questions conceming disposai・

``Maintenance kitsn required as part of maintenance, aS We= as consumables (Cleaning liquids, lubricants
etc., See Section 4,3 CIeaning L佃u碕Lub面oants and Co仰sibn pIOteC的n Agents) a「e aIso suppIied.

6.1,3 Maintenance Kits

Maintenance kits contain various spare parts in the appropriate quantities fo「 the pa軸cuia「 service.

Maintenan悌kits a「e supplied訓d cha「ged fo「 by Sjemens Ltd, aS Part of the inspection and maintenance

1t is not advisabIe for the custome「 to hoid stocks of maintenance kits, aS SOme PartS, e.g. O-ring seals, are
SuPject to aging,

6,1,4 師tiai Date fo「 inspection and Maintenance Service

The sta巾ng date fo「 the inspection and maintenance scheduie is that at which the制te「 mate「jai is piaced
jn the circuit-b「eake「, Which is then evacuated and馴ed with gas.丁his is no「maliy the yea「 of p「Oduction.

The sta巾ng date is oniy 「eiated to the inse巾On Of the冊te「 material, nOt tO the date of energizatjon,

The sta軸ng date §hould be recorded in writing and the numbe「 of mechanical ope「ations and fauit cuITent
OPe「ations etc. monitored in o「de「 to §ee Whethe「 i鴨pection and maintenance shouId be ca面ed out as a
function of time or of wear.

6.1,与 Di$turbance$

in the eve正of a distu「bance, Pi前se嶋quest印p「叩「iate Sjemens repre襲ntation of qualified pe「sonnel.

We粥k you to state the type and extent of me di$turba=Ce as accu「ately as possible・ PIease name any

甲rtS thさt a「e Showing §igns of damage"丁o simpiify identifi鯖tion, State the paれdesignation§ gjven in the
OPe帽ting instrudions (designations and pさrt number§ t。gethe「 vvith the orde「 number of operating
inst「udions, Page numbe「, numbe「 of i=ust昭tion) and state the seriai number of the ci「cuiトbreake「

6,1.6 PointstobeNoted

The iocking eiements of any sc「ewed joints opened fo「 inspection must be repIaced.

The same appljes to aII seals and gaskets exposed in the process・相open ci則it巾「eake「 parts §hould be
COVe「ed to prevent the ingress of dirt.

Du血g nomal operation no switching dust should resuit from switching.一f dust is found afte「 「epeated
inte町uPtion of high short-Circuit currents, PrOCeed as fo=ows:

Any switc冊g dust should be removed immediateiy when the ci「cuit-b「eake「 is opened and any
Subassembiies have been 「emoved" When this dust is exposed to ai「 fo「 some time it wiiI absorb moistu「e
and can then only be removed with d櫛Culty"

GIoves shouId be wom!

Remove the dust with a piece of doth o「 use a vacuum cieane「・ Do not sti「 it up unnecessa時Clcths and
Switching dust shouid be disposed of in keeping with environmental 「egulations.
ー  Cover or fence off nea「by live pa巾S

lt must be confirmed that these safety measures have been taken.

The c看osing and opening sp血gs may be charged〇一f the controi and motor powe「 Suppiy are not
switched o情,帥e ciosiれg SP血g wil- be automatical-y recharged afte「 a ciosing operation" The sp血g
state indicato「 show§ Only仙e posifron of仇e c-osing sp血g - unintentional switching operations cさn
lead to severe personal injury.

Before beginning ma皿enance vvo「k' 「e-ax the opening and加Sing springs as follows:

-  Disconnect moto「 POWe「 SuPPly,

- OPen the ci「cuiトb「eaker言f the ci剛iトbreake「 is in the CLOSED position○

○  CIose the ci「cuiトb「eake「 and

- 「e置OPen the circuit“breake「

-  discomed the controi voitage"

The po-e coiumns aro unde「 p嶋SSu鴫(S○○ SeCtion 3"1"7 A鳩叩印Ch巾g me伽′朋SFd - Damage fo the
POrCelain part§ Can reSult in seve「e pe話onal叫ury.

一 Befo「e opening inte「叩te「 units, enSure P「eSSure 「eiief by means of the fadity p「OVided○

○ Afterreiieving the p「essu「e, g「adua=y and unifomiy undo the sc「ewjoints.

- Do not aiIow any tooIs or hoisting gea「to knock againstthe porcelain parts・

- Do not lean any ladders against the poIe coiumns; u§e SteP ladde「S"

SFe is heavie「 than ai「 and can di§p看ace伽eさi「 「equired for brea伽ng - Daれg○○ Of suffocationI

- SF6 is odou「less, nOn-tOXic and about five times heavier than ai「. SF6 Ieads to dispiacement of oxygen.

SF6 COnCent「ations of mo「e than 19% vol. cali for speciai protective measu「es. Such concent「ation$ Can
o∝ur in opened and unventilated SF6 COmPa巾IlentS言= COnfined spaces on the fioor of switchgea「
insta=ations and in lowe「-Ievei 「ooms (e.g, basements, Cable ducts)・

- Suiphu「 hexa仙Onde (SF6) must not be reieased into atmosphere・ During servicing wo「k suitabIe gas

ServlCIng equipment §hould be u§ed to receive the SF6 gaS"

Spec肺cations for the use of SF6 gaS

-  旧C 60376

- I巨C 60480

Unde「 e簡ects of arcs, gaSeOuS decomposition products and switching dust occu「" Decomposition
p○○ducts of SF6 are toXic - Coming into physica看contact with them o「 inhaiing them can cause
i而tation to the skin, eyeS and mucous memb輪neS, Nau§ea, dizziness and lung oedema can resuiし

- These substances vary in toxicity言n combination with moistu「e, Switching dust is caustic and fom$ a

COating that sticks fast-

- Smail quantities of gaseous decomposition products al「eady initiate aiarm sig憎Is, e.g・ Pungent

disag「eeabIe smell simiiar to rotten eggs (hyd「ogen suIphide), befo「e the「e is dange「 Of sしrffocation.

- 1f emptied housings are opened afte「 correct p「essu「e 「eiief, the「e is the possib皿y of contact with

SWitching dust.

- Do not inhale switching dust (use dust masks〉, aVOid contact with the eyes (Wear gaS-tjght goggles) and

the skin (use special working c10thes).

- if switching dust has got ontothe skin neve仙eless, uSe Pienty ofwate「to血se it off.

- Handle輔e「s 「ags and othe「 mate「iai so that the dust extracted does not come off again" Do not open

冊te「 bags" Work cIothes,輔e「 bags, range etC" Which have oome into contact with such dust, dispose of
according to IocaI 「eguiations.

- Locai environmentaI p「otection 「eguIations must aIways be taken into a∞Ount When SF6 is disposed of.

In speciaI cases rega「ding SF6 disposa吊he nearest Siemens o簡∞ Shouid be contacted"


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