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Aim: - To determine the numerical aperture of an optical fiber and also to find out
propagation and bending losses.
Apparatus: - A fiber optic, a signal generator, emitter (fitted on a board) screen,
graph paper and measuring scale.

Theory: - Numerical aperture account for the light gathering ability of the fiber and
it amount the light accepted by the fiber. NA refer to the maximum angle at which
the light incident on the fiber end is totally internally reflected and is transmitted
properly along the fiber.NA depend only on the refractive indices of the material of
the core and the cladding. Mathematically, A is defined as a sign of angle of

Thus if θ0 is the angle acceptance then:

NA = sin θ


NA = (n02-n12)1/2

NA is also called the figure of merit of optical fiber is the cone of acceptance of the
fibre. The light should strike the fiber end within its cone of acceptance else it is
refracted out of the fibre. For short length of straight fibre, light ray incident at
angle θ at the input end and must come out at same angle from output. So, at the
output end of the fibre a cone of same angle appears. Hence NA can be determined
by making measurements on the cone at the output end of fibre.

NA =
√ 4 L2 + D 2
Where D = diameter of circular spot formed on the screen

L= distance between output end of the fibre and screen.


1. Set up the apparatus as shown in figure.

2. Connect the main power supply to the input of the frequency signal generator.
3. Connect the 1 kHz sine wave output of the frequency generator to the input of
the emitter circuit. Adjust the amplitude of the signal to a convenient value say
5V peak.
4. Connect one end of the power optic cable to output socket of the emitter circuits
and the other end to the input socket of the numerical aperture measurement.
Hold the white screen facing the optical fiber such that its cut face is
perpendicular to the axis of the fiber.
5. Now switch on the power supply and hold the screen with four concentric
circles vertically at a suitable distance to make the bright spot from the fiber
coincide with 10 mm circle. Records the distance of the screen from the fiber
end. Let it will be L. also note the diameter of the spot. Let it will be D.
6. Repeat the experiments by varying the distance between screen and fiber optic
cable by making the bright spot coincide with 15 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm circle
respectively and note the value of L and D in each case.

Observation table:

S.NO Distance between Diameter of circular NA =

output end of the spot formed on the √ 4 L2 + D 2
fiber and screen (L) screen (D) cm

Result: - Mean Numerical aperture of Optical fibre = _______

The standard value of Numerical aperture lies between 0.2 and 0.6

Attenuation is the reduction or loss of optical power as light travel through

An optical fibre. The longer the fibre is and farther the light has to travel, more the
optical signal is attenuated. The attenuation of power can be represented as For the
Fibre Length Z 1 , We


Pz1  P0e Z1 Pz1  P0e Z1

Where P0 the power at input end of fibre and α is absorption coefficient. And for
the fibre Length Z2 we have

Pz 2  P0e Z 2 Pz 2  P0e Z 2

Dividing both the equations we get:

PZ1 e1z1 PZ1 e1z1
 z 2
 e  ( z1  z 2 )  z 2
 e  ( z1  z 2 )
PZ 2 e 2
PZ 2 e 2

The loss in decibels per kilometre is given by

10 v12
log 2  loss(db / km) 10 log v1  loss (db / km)

( z1  zz ) v2 ( z1  z z ) v22


1. Connect the main supply to the instrument.

2. Connect the output of frequency generator to the input of emitter adjust the
amplitude of the signal generator to convenient value.
3. Connect one end of optical fiber to photo detector and another end to emitter.
4. Connect the output of the receiver circuit and transmitter circuit to the
5. Turn on the power supply and observe the output receiver circuit and
transmitter circuit voltages and resistance.
6. Put the values in the formula to observe output attenuation.

Observation table:
Input Resistance= ……………….
Output Resistance= ……………

Voltage at output end Loss in dB is

No. v1
V1 V2 20log
(Transmitter circuit (Receiver circuit v2
voltage) voltage)
20log 1
Mean loss in dB=

Mean loss in dB =

The standard value of loss of 2.55 dB at 850 nm.

Precautions and Sources of Error:

1. Optical source should be properly aligned with th e cable.

2. Distance of the launch point from cable shou ld be properly selected
to ensure that maximum amount of optical power is transferred to the cable.
3. The optical fiber provided should be handled carefully so as to
prevent cracks.
4. The cracks produced in the fiber may lead to higher losses.

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