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Evaluating a Game-Development Approach to

Teach Introductory Programming Concepts in

Secondary Education
Stamatios Papadakis
Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, University of Crete
Crete, Greece

Abstract— Owing to the development of multimedia and leveraging technology tools that set challenges focused on
computer technologies, many scholars have attempted to employ active learning in educational contexts (Sáez-López et al.,
digital learning content to improve students’ learning 2016). Within this learner-centred instruction, more attention
motivation and learning achievement in CS courses. In this has been given to the strategy’s learners employ in the
pedagogical design, students interact and create their own learning process (Al Abri et al., 2017).
content related to curricular areas with several advantages, such
21st-century learners who grew up in a digital world
as motivation, fun, commitment, and enthusiasm, showing
improvements related to computational thinking and playing digital games also learn differently (Chang, 2010).
computational practices. The purpose of the present study is to Educational games or game development approaches are
evaluate the combined use of App Inventor and a game- expected to contribute to deeper and more active learning,
development approach in school lessons, as an example of through which students learn from their own experiences. The
constructionist learning in an introductory programming course use of games for educational purposes is a concept of
for novices. This study was conducted in a public secondary continuous academic interest. Digital games have been used
school in Greece. It used a quasi-experimental control group in classrooms since the 1970s with some of the most
design. The results of the study showed that the combined use of successful educational titles being the Oregon Trail, the
App Inventor programming environment and a game
Lemonade Stand, the Lure of the Labyrinth, the Orbit and the
development approach has a positive effect on students’ basic
programming skills achievements and motivation in a CS Quest Atlantis (Stieler Hunt and Jones, 2017). Although,
course. most education computing courses are still taught in
traditional ways that may not be adequate to keep up with
Keywords— novice programmers; secondary education; app modern concerns and may not support the necessary learning
inventor; game development approach. (Petri and von Wangenheim, 2017), a number of surveys
indicate that the majority of students prefer programming
I. INTRODUCTION projects and assignments that one way or another involves
computer games (Kurkovsky, 2013).
The demand for skilled computing professionals is
continuously increasing and consequently, the computing The European Commission estimates that more than
discipline needs to attract quality students and educate 725,000 high tech jobs will go unfilled in 2020. While digital
them to be capable and responsible professionals in the 21st competency quickly becomes one of the most important
century (Petri and von Wangenheim, 2017). The ability to be prerequisites for getting a job, too few students choose to
a creator rather than just a consumer of technology is study computing to prepare them with the skills they will
increasingly seen as an essential skill to participate fully in a need to be successful in the 21st century. A reason is that
digital society Therefore, learning to program and although the learning of programming language is critical in
computational thinking is receiving growing interest in science and technology education, it might be difficult for
education research. some students, especially novices. One possible reason
might be the fact that programming language, is too complex
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK cognitive activity and abstract for these students to
understand. There is extensive past literature in CS education
Educational processes have been strengthened in recent research dedicated to the various challenges faced by novice
decades from scientific knowledge in pedagogy across programmers in their early encounters with algorithmic
different models and methodological approaches in constructs and the complex process of problem solving
educational research. The last few decades have witnessed a involved in programming (Grover and Basu, 2017). For
great shift in education from teacher-centred to a learner- instance, some of the basic computational concepts that
centred methodology where students’ responsibility of the designers tend to use when they program are (Brennan and
process of their learning is maximised. Today’s educators are Resnick 2012 as cited in Sáez-López et al., 2016):
• Sequence
• Iteration (looping) Figure 2 Examples of code to display “Hello,
World!” on the screen with the use of two popular block-
• Conditional statements
based languages,
• Threads (parallel execution)
(a) Scratch
• Event handling
• User interface design
• Keyboard input.
The difficulty in understanding the abstract
programming concepts, as well as the traditional teaching
approach that is characterised by lack of interactivity,
reduces students’ motivation and additionally their interest
in learning programming (Piteira and Haddad, 2011 as cited
in Giannakoulas and Xinogalos, 2018, p.2). Most education
computing courses are still taught in traditional ways that
may not be adequate to keep up with modern concerns and (b) AIA
may not support the necessary learning (Petri and von
Wangenheim, 2017). According to Xinogalos and
Satratzemi the classic approach to teaching programming is
based on:
• a general-purpose programming language that is too
big and too idiosyncratic,
• a professional programming environment for that
programming language, and
• a set of problems from the area of number and symbol
processing (Xinogalos and Satratzemi, 2004, p.60) that are
hostile and alien to them.
Figure 1 Examples of code to display “Hello, World!”
on the screen with the use of two popular text-based A. Research Questions
languages, In our research, we aim to test the following
(a) Java hypothesis: The creation of simple mobile games by students
using a suitable programming environment for novices can
improve the motivation and knowledge of first-year high
school students about programming. With this aim in mind,
this study addressed the following research questions:
1 Do the students who learn with the game development
approach show higher learning motivation for programming
than those who learn with the conventional learning
2 Do the students who learn with the game development
approach show higher learning achievement from those who
(b) C++ learn with the conventional learning approach?
B. Research Design
This study is a quasi-experimental research design,
where one group is exposed to a treatment and the results are
tested while a control group is not exposed to the treatment
and similarly tested in order to compare the effects of
treatment (Campbell and Stanley, 1963). The control group
used traditional teaching instruction and the experimental
group used a game-development teaching instruction with
the use of App Inventor. Figure 3 shows the experimental
procedure of this study. The intervention was applied in a
special section of the lesson entitled “Programming
environments for creating applications” (teaching duration B. Learning achievement
of 16 hours).
The result of the analysis on the two groups’ pre-test
scores indicated that there was no significant difference in
the prior knowledge of the basic programming concepts.
Thus, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) can be applied
The researcher used an achievement test to measure the to compare their post-test scores by excluding the impacts of
first-grade students’ achievement on basic programming the pre-test scores and using the pre-questionnaire of
concepts. The study of Kleinschmager and Hanenberg was learning achievement as the covariant. A significance was
used as a basis for creating the questionnaire (Kleinschmager found for the learning achievement of the experimental
and Hanenberg, 2011). The test in its final shape consisted group and the control group after the teaching intervention
of twenty (20) multiple-choice items and covered aspects (F = 3.58, p <.05). The experimental group outperformed the
related to computational concepts and computational control group, indicating that the game-development
practices. The pre-test was given to ensure that the control approach can effectively increase students’ knowledge of
group was similar to the experimental group in their previous basic programming concepts.
basic programming skills.
C. Learning motivation
The researchers used a questionnaire to measure the
Similarly, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was
first-grade students’ attitudes towards programming. The
adopted by using the pre questionnaire of learning
questionnaire was developed on the basis of the Computer
motivation as the covariant. A significance was found for the
Attitude Scale (CAS) (Loyd and Gressard, 1984). All aspects
learning motivation of the experimental group and the
were measured with the use of four-point Likert scales (Not
control group after the different learning activities (F = 5.57,
at all true to Very true).
p<.05). The experimental group outperformed the control
The adaptation of both the questionnaires was made by group, indicating that the game-development approach can
two experienced teachers who had taught the science course effectively increase students’ learning motivation.
for many years. This is a common approach for developing
achievement tests. All questionnaires were pilot tested prior
to the main study to establish reliability, validity, and VI. DISCUSSION
feasibility. They were distributed to 10 students who did not
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
participate in the study to minimise potential problems
differences between the effect of using traditional teaching
related to the students’ understanding of the questionnaires,
instruction and using a game-development approach on first-
the translation from English into Greek, the process of
grade students’ learning achievement and motivation in
conducting the investigation etc. No problems were
programming. A pre-test was conducted to collect the data
encountered during the pilot study. The Cronbach’s alpha
before applying the treatment to prove the equivalents of the
value of both the pre- test and the post-test questionnaire
control and experimental groups. The data were tested
were .82 and .84 respectively, showing good reliability in
statistically. The following hypotheses were tested at .05
internal consistency. The whole data was analysed in the
significance levels
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS application
(ver. 23). 1 There is a significant difference in students’
achievements test between the control group who used
traditional teaching instruction and the experimental group
V. RESULTS who used a game-development approach.
A. Equivalence between the groups 2 There is a significant difference in students’
motivation test between the control group who used
Prior to teaching intervention, statistical analyses of
traditional teaching instruction and the experimental group
differences between the experimental and the control group
who used a game-development approach.
were performed. The results after applying suitable statistical
tests showed that both groups did not differ significantly in The results of the study were:
their characteristics, such as gender (X2(2) = .43, p>.05),
behavioural approach (F(1,28) = .62, p>.05) and knowledge • A statistically significant difference has been found
in programming (F(1,28) = .74, p>.05). In summary, the between the mean scores of the experimental and control
results show that both groups are equivalent in term of group in their post-test scores regarding their achievement
factors that are thought to underlie behavioural and on the basic programming concepts.
programming knowledge differences (Berdousis and • A statistically significant difference has been found
Kordaki, 2015; Chan et al., 2000). between the mean scores of the experimental and control
group in their post-test scores, regarding their learning
VII. STUDY LIMITATIONS motivation and knowledge in basic programming concepts.
This study has various limitations:
• This was a pilot study with a small sample size. The ACKNOWLEDGMENT
study was limited to the first grade students at a public
The author would like to thank all the students who took
school in the second semester of the school year 2017–
part in this study.
2018. The effects with larger sample sizes should be further
• This was a short-term study. More long-term REFERENCES
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