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ASME B36.10M-2018 (Revision of ASME B36.10M-2015) Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Cx Ue Ce Ly) fell hy AUC Dr ea) ASME B36.10M-2018 (Corer nace SOT} Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD em SO SC ‘© Mechanical Engineers Se Coreen Cra a ACL ECS Date of nsvznce! October 12, 2018 This Standard will be revised when the Society appraves the issuance of a new elton. Periodically certain actions of the ASME B32 Committee mey be published es Cases, Cases are published on the ASME website undor the B32 Committee Page at hitp:// a¢ thoy are issuod, Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections to Incorrectty publisnec items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errors in codes and standards, Such errata shal be used on the date posted. The 932 Committee Page can be found at http://go.asme org/B32committee. There is an option available to eutomatically receive an e-mail notification when arrata are posted to 2 particular code or standard. This option can be found on the appropriete Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “Publication information” section. [ASME isthe ragieteres tragemath of the American Society ef Mechanic Engines is code or standard nas developed ure procedures accredited as meeting the criteria fer American National Standard. The Serer ds Committaa hat spprovedthe rode ar tana vse Balanced theatre that ncvldaisfram campatent and eancarned nterestshavetse! an pportuity te participate, The proposed code or standarc wae made available for public rev ew and comment thet provides an oppersuniy for aditeral pubic input ‘rom industry, acaderni, regulatory agencies, and the publloatlarge. ASME does not “approve,” “rata,” of “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME doesnt toke any position with respect tothe validity of any peten rights asserte din comnsction with an tems mentioned inthis document and coes not undertake co insur= anyene ulna standard against abit fornfgarrent ofan app cable eters pater, nor assume arysuch lblliy Users of code oY stanardarexp-esly advo thatthe termination othe va ity of any such patentrights, and the oak of nfringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsilty Participation by ‘ebera agency eopresontatwo(s) or persons) afiiated wich industry no co be intorprotod 2s government or industry indorsement of this code ar stondsrd ASME accepts responsiality for only those interpretations a this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and polis, which precldes the izuance of interpretations by indivi No part of this dacumert may be reproduced in any form, In an electron reviovalsjstm er atherwle, Uwithous the prior written permsion of the publisher ‘Te American Society of Mechanical Ergingers Two Park Avonuo, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2028 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WECHANICAL ENGINEERS Al eights reserved Printed in U5. CONTENTS Foreword « an . iv Committee Roster wkneseaeai s vi Correspondence With the B32 Committee .....2e.eseeseeseeeeeees RAR eee g ESTATE vil 3 Materials. 4 4 Wall Thickness . 1 5 Weights/Masses . 1 6 Permissible Variations .. ea 1 7 Pipe Threads 1.0640. 0seeeeenees sr : 8 Wall-Thickness Designations ..... 1 9 Wall-Thickness Selection ‘ 2 Table a Dimensions and Weights (Masses) of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipes. c.sscccee. 8 FOREWORD {In March 1927, the American Standards Association (ASA) authorized the organization of a Sectional Committee on Standardization of Dimensions and Material of Wrought Steel and Wrought Iron Pipe and Tubing for the purpose of unifying the standards of these commodities in force in this country. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) were designated as sponsors, and the first meeting of the Sectional Committee was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on May 18, 1928. The dimensions of commercial pipeingeneral usein the United States at thetime, conformed rathe~ generally to these recommended by the ASME Committee on Standard Pipe and Pipe Threads published in 1886 (ASME Transactions, Vol. VIII p. 29). On these standards, an enormous industry has been built and che satisfactory use of this product proves the soundness of the original design and specification. Increasingly severe service demands, at the bie of the Committee's organization, had been met by using the nearest available pipe oF tubing for haavier sections such as casing and mechanical tubing, wich resulting uneconomical malti= plicity of wall thicknesses. Subsequently, the Committee, withthe cooperation ofthe industry, completeda survey of existing practice asthe logical starting point for the development fan American Standard. From this survey. table wasdesigned to provide aselection of wall thicknesses 0 pipeto cover the power piping requirements of industry where strength to resist internal pressure governs selection and was later expanded to inchide pipe diameters and thleknesses used in other industries, The original Intent of the Committee was to establish a system of Schedule Numbers for pipe size/wall thickness combinations that would hayean approximately uniform relationship equal to 1,000 times the P/S expression contained ‘te modified Barlow formula for pipe wall thickness that was defined in the Appendix to this Standard. The resulting, Numbers departed so far from existing wall thicknesses in common use thatthe original intent could not beaccomplished. The Schedule Numbers were then adopted strictly as a convenient designation systom for use in ordering, Inall cases, the designer must base his selection on the rules and allowable stresses set by the code that governs his particular construction, The table is dimensionally complete forall sizes and wall thicknesses within its scope, butsome of the larger, heavier wall sectionsare beyond the capability of seamless mill production and must be obtained from forged and bored billets or other sources. ‘The fvst issue of this Standard was designated American Standatd “tentative” by ASA in November 1935. Subsequent slight revisions to tne table and the footnotes of the dimensional tables were approved and the ASA changed the des: ipnation to American Standard; the date of ASA approval was April 28, 1938. Further revisions were made by the Sectional Committee. The list of specifications in the table was revised where nacessary and shight revisions in wall thicknesses of some of the largesizes of the heavy schedules were made where P/S values were out of line Itwas thehopein 1939 that the designation of pipe used commercially by all industry asStandard weight, xtra Strong, and Double Extra-Strong would gradually be replaced by Schedule Number designation. However, owing to customs of ver SO years’ standing demand and production of pipe te hesetraditienal dimensions was unclimin'shed. Consequently, in response to a demand from users, aecepted practice far dimensions and weights of commercial weaught steel and Welded wrought iron pipe were addad. These changes were designated an American Standard on Febeury 23, 1950. Subcommittee No. 1 was reorganized in 1957. In addition to necessary editorial changes, a simplified (ormat was selected for the tables of weights and dimensions to include and identify the sizes snd weights of API Standards SLand SLX-Thase changes to the Standard were approved and itwas designated an American Standard on December 21, 1959, ‘The Standard was revised in 1969 to include auniform method to calculate the plain end weight of steel pipe and minor adjustments were made in the tabulated weights of steel pipe to conform to this new method. Additional sizes and thicknesses of steel pipe that had come into common use were also added. Inasmuch as API Standard SL no longer included wrough: iron pipe, reference to that Scandard was deleted. These changes tothe Standard were approved and it was designated an American National Standard on February 3, 1979. ‘The Standard was revised in 1975 to include additional sizes and thicknesses of steel pipe that had been aided to APL specifications. The table with dimensions and weights of welded wrought iron pipe was deleted in its entirety since ‘wrought iron pipe is no longer produced. These changes in the Standard were approved and it was designated an American National Standard on june 5, 1975. The Standard was revised in 1978 to include S| metric dimensions. The outside diameter and wall thicknesses were converted to millimeters by multiplying the inch dimensions by 25.2. Outside diameters larger than 16 in, were rounded tothenearest millimeter, and outside diameters 16 in. and smaller were rounded te the nearest 0.1 mm, Wall thicknesses were roundod to the nearest 0.07 mm, These converted and rounded SI metric dimensions were added. 4 formula to calculate the St motrie plain enc mass, in kilograms per meter, using SI metric diameters and thicknesses was added, The SI metric plain end mass was calculated and was acided. These changes in the Standard were approved and it was designated an American National Standard on july 18, 1979. Further revisions were made in 1984. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) designations, whieh are no longer in use, were deleted, and the list of specifications was revised to agree with current ASTM and API specifications. Adaitional sizes.and thicknesses that had heen added to API specifications were added. Taat edition was approved as an ‘American National Standard on August 19, 1985, ‘The nest editien included additional woll thicknesses and was approved by ANSI on August 24, 1995, ‘The 1996 edition contained table revislons that included the addition of pipe sizes, changing some plain end weights and masses, identitying metric pipe by the dimensionless designator DN, and eliminating the API Specification column in one table. The 1996 edition was approved as an American National Standard on September 23, 1996, ‘The 2000 edition contained revisions to the density for steel that was Incorporaced previously. Other editorial changes to the sections were made. The 2000 edition was approved as an American National Standard on December 1, 2000. ‘The 2004 edition contained revisions that corrected the equation for nominal plain end weightand added the missing, DN schedule numbers, The 2004 edition was approved as an American National Standard on June 23, 2004, ‘The 2015 edition contained revisions to table notes and references, The 2015 edition was approved as an American National Standard on june 16, 2015, ‘The 2018 editiowexpands Table 2-1 (formerly Table 1) by adding Schedule 160 and Double Extra Strong (XXS) rowsfor NPS ¥4 (DN 6), NPS 4 (DN 8}, and NPS ‘% (DN 10); these data were adapted from ASME B16.11-2011.A plain end weight (mass) hasbeen changed in Tabie2-1anda number of editorial revisions have bean made to Table 2-1 and sections 1,2,5, 7, and 8. The 2018 edition was approved os an American National Stendard on September 6, 2018. ASME B32 COMMITTEE Metal and Metal Alloy Wrought Mill Product Nominal Sizes (The fatlowing le the roster ofthe Commitee at the tne of approval ef th Standard) STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERS hair STANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNEL ral, The Ameticen Society of Mechanical Gagineery ML Nayyar, Slo ©, Bankston, Ir. Beciel ALP, Rangus, Bechtel K. Reamy, Tomer Industies Group EW. Tatar, 5M Global CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE B32 COMMITTEE General. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the Intent to represent the consensus of concerned Interests. As such, users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions or a case, and attending Committee meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to Secratary, B32 Standards Committee The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 hutp://go.asmeorg/inguiry Proposing Revisions. Revisions are mace periodically to the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of tne Standard. Approved revisions will be published periodically, ‘The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals shoulé be as specific as passible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the reasons fer the proposal, including any pertinent documentation. Proposinga Case, Cases maybe issued to provide alternative rules when justified, to permit early implementation of ‘an approved revision wen the need is urgent, orto provide rules not covered by existing provisions, Casvs are offective Immediately upon ASME approval and shall be posted on the ASME Committee web page Requests for Cases shall provide a Stateinent of Need and Background Information. The request should identify the Standard and the paragraph, figure, or table number(s), and be written as a Question and Reply in the same format as existing Cases. Requests for Cases should! also indicate the applicable edition(s) of the Standard to whieh the proposed Case applies. ‘Attending Committee Meetings. The 822 Standards Committee regularly bolds meetings and or telephone confor- ences that are open co the public, Persons wishing to attend any meeting and/or telephone conference should eontact the Secretary ofthe B32 Standards Committee. Future Committee meeting dates and locations canbe found onthe Committee Page at inttp://go.asma.crg/B32committeo, INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ASME B36.1091-2018, WELDED AND SEAMLESS WROUGHT STEEL PIPE 1 SCOPE ‘This Standard covers the standardtzation of dimensions af welded and seamless wrought steel pipe for high or low temperatures end pressures. ‘The word pipe Is used, as distinguished from tube, to apply to tubular products of dimensions commonly used for pipeline and piping systems. 2 SIZE The size of all pipe in Table 2-1 is identified by the dimensionless designator nominal pipe size (NPS) [diamétre nominal (DN}]. Pipe NPS 12 (DN 300) and smallor have outside diameters numerically larger than thei corresponding sizes. In contrast, the outside diameters of tubes are numerically identical to the size umber far all sia ‘The manufacture of pipe NPS % (DN 6) to NPS12 (DN 300), inclusive, is based on 2 standardized outside diameter (0.0.). This O.D. was originally selected so thatpipe with ¢ standard 0.D. and having a ral thickness that was typical of the period woule have an inside diameter (LD. approximately equal to the nominal size, Although there is no such relation between the cxdsting standard talcknoss — O.D, ané nominal size — these nominal sizes and standard ©..s continue in use as ‘standard.’ ‘The manufacture of pipe NPS 14 (DN 380) and larger proceeds on the basis of an 0.0. corresponding to the nominal siz. 3 MATERIALS ‘The dimensional standards for pipe described here are for products covered in ASTM specifica 4 WALL THICKNESS The nominal wall thiclmesses are given in ‘Table 2-1. 5 WEIGHTS/MASSES ‘The nominal weights (masses) of steel pipe are calew- lated values and are tabulated in Table 2-1 The nominal plan end weight, in pounds per foot, calculated using the following, formula Wye = 106910 ~ He where D = outside diameter to the nearest 0.001 in. (the symbol D is to be used for 0.0. only in mathe matical equations or formulas) f= specified wall thieknesc, rounded to the aearast 0.001 in. nominal plain end weight, rounded to the nearest 0.01 Thffi We ‘Tao nominal plain end mass in kilograms per meter, is caleulated using the following formula: Me = 0O246615(D ~ Ht where D = outside diameter to the nearest 0.4 mm for outside diameters that are 16 in. (406.4 ram} and smaller and to the nearest 1.0 mm for outside diameters larger then 16 in. (406.4 mm) (the symbol D is to be used for 0.D. only in mathematical equations ar formulas) nominal plain cad mass, rounded to the nearest 0.01 kg/m = specified wall thickness, rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm Hye 6 PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS Variations in dimensions differ depending upon the method of manufzcture employed in making the pipe to the various specifications available, Permissible varia- tions for dimensions are indicated in each specification. 7 PIPE THREADS Unlessotherwise specified, thethreads of threaded pipe shall conform to ASME 31.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (inch) Schedules 5 and 10 wall thicknesses do not permit threading in accordance with ASME B1.201 8 WALL-THICKNESS DESIGNATIONS The wall-thickness designations Standard, Extra Strong, and Double Extra Strong have been commersally Used designations for many years. As oxplalaed in the Foreword, the Schedule Numbers were subsequently added as a convenient desigration for use in ordering pipe. Standard and Schedule 40 are identical for up 0 NPS 10 (DN 250) inclusive. All larger sizes of Standard have % in, (9.53 mm) wall thicknesses. Extra-Strong and Schedule 80 are identical for up to NPS 8 (DN 200), inclusive. All larger sizes of Extra-Strong have ‘4 in. (12.70 min) wall thicknesses. Pipe of sizes and wall chicknesses other than those of Standard, Extra-Stong. and Double Bstra-Strong, and Schedule Nuraber, were adopted from API Specification ASME 836.100.2018 SL, Line Pipe, It was not considered practical to establish Schedule Numbers or new dasignations for them. 9 WALL-THICKNESS SELECTION When theselection of wall thickness depends primarily lapon capacity to resis: internal pressure under given conditions, the designer shall compute the exact value 1 wall thickness suitable for conditions for which the pipe is required, as prescribed in detail in the ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME 831 Code for Pressure Piping, or other similar codes, whichever {governs the construction. A thickness shall be selected [rom Table 2-1 to suit the value computed to full the vonditions for which the pipe is desired. ASME 836,1001-2018 Table 2-1 Dimensions and Weights (Masses) of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ouside ‘wall Plata End nes entiation Schedule Diameter, Taekeness, ‘Weight (as), ow tote (1 No. i. (osm) in. um) 1/8 (hele) aa 10 10405 (1933) bea9 (1.24) 1039 (020) 46) ‘ 30 10405 (192) 0057 (1.453 021 (022) 46 sm "0 ‘405 (102) can (1.79) 024 (027) 46) x8 0 10408 (103) oaws (aay 031 (047) tie 160 ‘040s (193) ons (3.15) 037 (056) 46) ms 10408 (103) 0190 (685) 0.46 (045) 4@) 10 540 037) 0065 (1.65) 033 (049) 4@ : 20 0540 (037) 73 (1.05) 036 (054) 4@) sm 0 0540 (137) cae (2.24) 043 (063) Ke) xs 80 10540 (132) ons (2.03) 054 (080) 4 @) 160 sa (127) 0146 (2.53) 41 (06x) 48 us sao us) 238 (615) 70a xan 10 67s 072) 05 (1.65) 042 (063) 10) 30 9675 (172) 73 (105) 1049 (070) 40) st 40 67s (172) 0091 (23) 057 (088) %(0) xs 0 0675 (172) o1a6 (2.29) 074 (1.49) 00) i 160 067s (07a) ase (201) 087 (129) 200) mas 0675 (17) 0252 (640) as (160) as s oso G1) 005 (165) 056 (080) 05) 10 840 (213) 0093 (2.41) 067 (1.00) ya : 20 940 (213) 0095 (240) 076 (142) 245) so *0 840 1) 109 (277) 095 (127) 20s) xs v0 940 (213) 0347 (373) 09 (262) 160 0840 013) 0198 (4.78) 111188) xis sao (213) 294 7.47) 172 55) em : 5 1.050 (202) 2005 (1.69) 060 (1.02) en) 10 1050 267) ens (24) 6 1120 Keo ~ 30 1.050 (262) 0085 (241) 087 (140) 2.20) st 20 aso (263), ona a7, an (169) % eo) x8 20 2.050 (262) 054 (394 19 (220) %.@0) 160 1050 (262), 0219 (556) 195 (250) 0) ns 1980 (267) 0308 (78) ase ery 1e5) ~ 5 151s 634) 0085 (1.55) 087 (129) 1@9) 10 15 034) 0109 (2.77) 141 (209) 15) 20 1515 094) 0414 (290) 4146 (18) 105) st 40 1315 (334) 0183 (338), 148 (250) 15) i 0 131s (34) 0179 (455) 217 24) Les) 160 ans G24) 0250 (625) 265 424) 15) xs 1s (34) 35a (9.109) 65 (545) 14 G2) 5 1660 (4229 05 (1.55) ann thes) 14 02) 10 1.600 (322), 0109 (2.77) 101 2) 1.03) 20 1.600 (422), 0437 (297) 192 (267) ASME 836.100-2018 Table 2-1 Dimensions and Weights (Masses) of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'd) on) 1 (2) 14 (32) Ga, 14 G2) 14.09) 1%, (9) 1% (10) 1 (99) 9) 1s G0) 1409) 260) 2.69) 2.650) 26 260) 259) 26a) 2450) 269) 24 (69) 24, (65) 2 (65) 2 (65) 2465) 24 (65) 2 (65) 2 (65) 2, (65) 24 (65) 2% (65) 24 (65) 2 (65) 2 (6) 3499) [Note (2)) ‘stb xs as sw as sD ws Senede No, 0 wo 160 10 20 w 0 100 10 wo ao 20 w 0 260 Outside (mem) ‘eco (422) L660 123) sen (422) 1.660 (422) 1.900 (483) 1.900 (40) ‘geo (183), L900 (483) 1900 (483) L900 (33) 1.900 (433) 2.978 (603) 2375 (603) 2275 (6023) 2395 (503) 2375 (603) 2375 (603) 2395 (603) 2.375 (60.3) 2395 (503) 2375 (603) 2395 (603) 2.375 (603) 2375 (003) 2075 (730) 2975 (720) 2475 730) 2875 (739) 2875 (730) 2075 (730) 2075 (730) ars (730) 2075 (720) a) 2895 (730) 2875 (730) 2075 (730) 2075 (730) 3500 (889) ‘Wall ‘a, (xm) D140 (2.55) sa (485) 19250 (635) paz (9.70) Des (1.65) 109 (2.77) 12s (3.18) 4s (2.58) 9:20 (5.08) vz cy 400 (10.15) Does (1.65) ows (2.14) 409 (277) zs (3.18) at (358) pas 3.9) par2.(437) 108 (4.70) pais (ssa) 260 (625) an (719) D349 (874) paso (1107) oes (2.14) 100 (2.77) 120 (3.05) 125 (5.19) 141 (359) pase (395) oar (437) age (4.73) 0202 (5.15) 216 (549) 250 (635) 276 (7.91) 0375 (953) ps2 (1402) ows (24) lata End weight (mass), 1/fe (kg/m) 227 (2.29) 300 (447) 377 (S50) 922 0277) 1.26 (1.90) 209 (3.11) 237 (352) 272 (405) 363 (541) 4807.29) 541 (955) 161 (239) 2203 (2.03) 264 (2.93) 301 (18) 337 (601) 306 (544) 4.05 (403), 440 (659) 503 (748) sae (85) 929 (936) rar cia 904 03.48) 248 (3.69) 222 (4.00) 353 (5226) 2367 (548) 412 (613) 455 (670) 497 (740) 5.40 (8.08) 5.90 (8.62) 1a (a9) 702 (1048) 767 (LAN) 1902 (14:92) 1371 (2039) 303 (452) ASME 83610012018 ‘Table 2-1 Dimensions and Weights (Masses) of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Cont'd) Outside Wall Plain End NPs deruifeatton ——_Sehedute piameter, Thickness, ‘Weight (mass), ow [Nore ()) No. ‘a. (mm) ‘nm ae (hse) Fan) 750 (5) 109 2.77) 395 (55) 3 (0) 10 3500 (389) 0.120 (8.05) 438 (640), 3 (00) 3500 (989) 0125 (3.18) asi (672) 3 (00) 3500 (985) 0141 (3.59) 506 (753) 2 (@0) 3500 (89) 0156 (3.96) 550 (830) 2420) 500 (229) 9122 (837) 6ren) 3480) 0 3500 (388) 0188 (4.78) 666 (992) 3460) stp 40 3500 (98) 0216 (543) 750 (1129) 3 (00) 3500 (089) 0250 (635) 69 (1299) 2 (a0) 23500 (099) 028i (7.14) 9.67 (1440) 3 (80) x8 80 3500 (988) 0.300 (7.62) 1026 (1527) 2 (a0) 160 3500 (889) age (11.18) 1434 (2135) 3 (0) xs 3.500 (Hts) ‘o600 (1524) 60 (2768), 3% 00) 5 ‘4000 (1016) oes (2.1) 348 (5.8) 2 (90) 44900 (191.6) 0.4109 (2.77) 453 (675) 4, 20) 10 4.900 (101.6) 0:20 (3.05) 490 (741) 34, 00) 44900 (101.6) 0425 (9.18) 518 (772) 3% (00) 4000 (1016) 0481 (3.58) S82 (865) 3%, (90) 4900 (1016) 0.156 (3.96) 61 (954) 34 0) - 4000 (1016) 0172 (437) 704 (1048) 34 (00) 20 4.000 (101.6) 0.188 (4.78) 766 (1141) 24, en) sm “0 ‘1000 (101.6) 0.226 (574) 942 (1357) 3, (90) ‘4000 (1016) 0250 (65) 1we2 492) 3% (00) 44000 (191.6) 9281 (7.14) 1117 (1868) 34 eo, x 80 4.000 (101.6) 0318 (3.08) 1252 (808) 4200) 5 500 (1142) 0.083 (2.11) 392 (560) 4+ (100) 4500 (114) 0.109 (2.77) 512 (762) + (200) aw 44500 (1143) 0.20 (3.05) 562 (837) + (200) “4500 (1182) 0.125 (3.18) 585 (87) +200) 4500 (114) 0141 (3.58) 057 (278) 200) 4500 (1143) 0.156 (386) 724 (1078) + (200) 4500 (1142) 0.172 (437) 796 (1185) + (200) 20 44500 (1142) 0.18 (4.78) 867 (1291) + (100) 4500 (1143) 0203 (5.16) 932 (1399) C00) 4500 143) 0219 (656) wwe (149) +100) stp 0 44500 (1183) 0257 (602) nn (1608) +200) 7 4500 (1143) 0.250 (635) 1136 (1691) + (100) 44500 (1142) 0.281 (7.14) 1267 (1887) (100) 4500 (1143) 9212 (7.92) 1397 (2078) ASME 836.100.2018 Table 2-1 Dimensions and Weights (Masses) of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'd) Outside ‘Wall Plain End Nps: Mdentineation Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (ass), ony [vote Cy) No. ‘in. (mm) ‘, fe0m9) 1 /te (g/m) 7 90) xs = ‘son (1183) 7 (#55) Ysa (2222) 400) “ 120 4500 (1133) a6 (11413) 1902 (2832) #190) 160 4500 (1133) san (1343), 2283 0358) 400) xs +500 (1143) p74 (7a) 2757 (4.03) 5 25) ‘i Ff 5563 (1113) ows (2.11) 46 (721) 5428) 5 ‘5563 (141.3) 109 (277) 65:36 (946) 5025) 5563 (141.3) 125 (3.18) 729 (1083) 5.425) 0 5563 (1413) 134 (349) 1778 (1150) 5029) 5.563 (1413) pase (390) 902 (341) 5 (125) # 5563 (141.3) 68 (4.70) 1080 (16.09), 525) ‘ 5563 (13) 9219 (555) 1251 (1861) 5 (125) sm 40 5563 (141.3) 258 (655) 1463 (21.77) 5125) ws : 5563 (141.3) zat (7.418) 1587 (23.82) 5.25) - 5563 [L413) 312 (7.92) a7si (2605) 5125) < 5563 (141.3) 0344 (8.78) 19:19 (2057) 5.125) % 5563 (141.3) 095 (958) 2980 (3097) 5.25) 320 5563 (1413) 9500 (12.7) 27.06 (4028) 525) 160 3563 (141.3) 62s (1883) 3299 (49.12), 5.125) ws 5565 (1418) 750 (19:05) 3859 (87.43) 630) x ve 6.625 (1683) Does (2.11) 580 (8.5) 630) “i 5 6025 (1693] a0 (2.77) 759(1133) 6 (50) - 5625 (1623) 495 (2.19) 260 (12.95), 8450) 10 (9025 (1083) 9.38 (349) 930 (3.83) 650) 5025 (1033) p41 359) 977 0458) 6430) : 15625 (1683) 0186 (395) 1979 (1608) 6 50) w= cas (1683) pare (437) ang? (1767) 6 (150) . x 6625 (160) 108 (4.70) 1294 (1920) sas) . 02s (1683) 20a (5.16) 1394 (2076) easy) ‘5025 (1683) 219 (655) 1500 231) 6150) 65025 (1083) 9250 (635) 1704 (2830) 6 (150) sw 0 6.625 (1083) p20 (7.11) 1899 (28.20), 6 50) m8 25 (168) 312 (792) 21.06 (31.3) 550) 625 (1683) 0348 (3.74) 73.40 (3439) 5150) 15025 (1683) 75 (958) 2508 (3781) easy) xs wo 5625 (168.5) vaxz (1097) 28.60 (425) sas) 5625 (1683) 500 (1270), 32.74 (4873) 6150) i 120 6.65 (168) see (1427) 35.42 ($420) 6050) si i 625 (1683) 04625 (15.08), $909 (59.69),

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