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Quark Theory Compiled By: Manzar Ali Khan

Atoms are all similarly made of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and
electrons orbiting around.
The electrons are elementary particle but Protons and Neutrons are not
because they are made up of Quarks.

The matter in Universe made of Leptons, Quarks and Force carrier particles
that hold them together calledGluons.
There are 4 fundamental forces – Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic
They are elementary particles with no measurable size or structure. The
Known leptons are:
Electron & Electron neutrino
Muon & Muon neutrino
Tau & Tau neutrino
The neutrinos do not have electric charge and each of the six has an
Up, Down and Strange Quarks are “Baryons” Electron, Muon and Tau
Other 3 Quarks and Anti-Quarks are “Mesons”.  All three have a charge of -1
Leptons and Quarks  The electron is found in everyday matter.
 The muon and the tau have a lot more mass than the electron.
They are sub-atomic fundamental particlesincapable of being
 The muon and the tau are not part of everyday matter because
subdivided into smaller particles.
they have very short lifetimes.
o There are 6 Leptons and 6 Quarks.
o The nucleus containsprotons and neutrons which are
 Neutrinos are three of the six leptons.
formed by the combination of quarks.
 They have no electrical or strong charge.
o Each elementary particle has a corresponding Antiparticle.
 Neutrinos are very stable and are all around.

Aitchison College Lahore, LGS –JT, LGS Phase 5 and Phase 1, CITY School, LACAS and SICAS
Quark Theory Compiled By: Manzar Ali Khan
 Most neutrinos never interact with any matter on Earth. PROTON
Quarks 2 2 1
u(+ )u(+ )d(- ) =p(+1) Forces are strong between Quarks
 Elementary particles, which are used to create other particles. 3 3 3
 Six quarks: NEUTRON
o Up 2 1 1
u(+ )d(- )d(- ) =n(0)
3 3 3
o Down
Beta Negative Decay (d converted to u)
o Strange
1 0 1
o Charm n e + H +Anti-Neutrino)
o Bottom 0 = -1 1
Neutron =Beta + Proton+ Anti-Neutrino
o Top
Beta Positive Decay (u converted to d)

1 0 1
p e + n +Neutrino)
Protons & Neutrons 1= +1 0
 Protons are made of three quarks, two up quarks and a down Proton=Positron + Neutron + Neutrino
quark.This is written as uud
 Neutrons are also made up of three quarks, one up quark and
two down quarks.This is written as udd
Protons and Neutrons in the quark model
Quarks have fractional electric charge!
u electric charge + 2/3
d electric charge -1/3

Alpha Particles

2(u,u,d) +2(u,d,d)= 6u + 6d

Aitchison College Lahore, LGS –JT, LGS Phase 5 and Phase 1, CITY School, LACAS and SICAS
Quark Theory Compiled By: Manzar Ali Khan
2e −1 e
= 6( 3 ) + 6 ( 3 ) = +2e

Matter vs. Anti-Matter

For every particle, there is an anti-particle.
– Anti-particles have the same mass as the particle.
– Anti-particles have the same but opposite charge.
– Anti-particles have the opposite spin.
Particle Anti-Particle
Name Up Quark Anti-Up Quark
U ū
7.11x10-30 7.11x10-

kg 30kg
+⅔ -⅔

Aitchison College Lahore, LGS –JT, LGS Phase 5 and Phase 1, CITY School, LACAS and SICAS

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