Study Guide CH 20 Diabetes

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NUR 242 Nutrition

Study Guide for Ch 20 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome

Vocab: hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, glycated

hemoglobin (HbA1c),
Ketonuria, ketonemia, ketosis, ketoacidosis, diabetic coma, retinopathy,
nephropathy, neuropathy, gastroparesis,

Carb counting/exchanges from (5th ed: pg 577)(6th ed: pg 566-567)

Know how many grams of carbs are in a given number of exchanges.
When given a simple menu, be able to identify how many carb exchanges
are present.

Distinguish between type 1 and type2 DM—see Table 20-2

Usually caused by
How to respond

Usually caused by
How to respond

Long term complications of DM

What are they?
What causes them?

Ketones-what are they?

Made under what circumstances? See (5th ed: pg 144-145)(6th ed: pg 144)
What is ketosis?
How to respond to diabetic ketoacidosis

Matching insulin peaks and carb intake

Benefits of exercise on DM

Recommendations for insulin and exercise (5th ed: pg 583)(6th ed: pg 573)
What should a diabetic do if the pre-exercise check is <100 mg/dL glucose?

Diagnostic numbers for DM for HbA1c and fasting blood glucose

Treatment goals for DM (5 of them)

Preventing Type 2 DM (4 things)

Metabolic Syndrome
NP20-1 Features of the Metabolic Syndrome
Know the five parameters, but don’t have to know the lab values.

Met. Syndrome is diagnosed when a person has ____ of the 5 parameters.

Having Met. Syndrome increases risk for ___________ and ______________.

Dietary and Lifestyle Strategies for Metabolic Syndrome:

For high triglycerides, limit added sugars and refined grains
Increase whole grains, fiber (whole wheat, oats, legumes,
Fish (omega-3 fatty acids)
Physical activity, weight control
Reduce/limit alcohol consumption

For high LDLs, reduce saturated and trans fats, and cholesterol

For hypertension, reduce sodium, increase fruits&veggies, lowfat milk, nuts,

whole grains

Weight management and regular physical exercise help with all 5 parameters of
Met. Syndrome.

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