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Study Guide for 253 Test #2

 Review fetal attitude, lie, position

 Review dilation and effacement
 Positions for labor
 Five P’s
 Stages of labor
 Review station
 Different kinds of pain
 Gate control theory
 Care before and after epidural placement
 Culture and labor
 Anxiety in labor
 Contraindications to pain meds during labor
 Decelerations and cause
 Care with non reassuring strips
 Fetal bradycardia and tachycardia
V ariable decels           C ord compression  
E arly decels        H ead compression
A ccelerations      O kay if increase by 15secs and last 15secs
L ate decels          P lacental insufficiency 

 Amnioinfusion
 Maternal hypotension in labor
 Fetal scalp stimulation
 Causes of hypoxia
 Delivery of placenta signs/symptoms
 Ruptured membranes and complications
 True labor
 Three phases of first stage of labor
 History of sexual abuse and labor
 Admission to labor unit/nursing care
 Labs in labor
 Pre term labor
 Terbutaline
 Episiotomies
 Shoulder dystocia
 Tocolytics
 Induction of labor
 Uterine rupture
 Cesarean birth care and risks
 Prolapsed cord
 Betamethasone
 Care for PROM

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