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NUR 242 Nutrition

Study Guide Ch 2 Digestion and Absorption

Vocab: GI motility, peristalsis, segmentation, villi, microvilli

Be able to identify the major function(s) of each organ of GI tract.

Be able to put them in order (i.e. which comes first—the pyloric sphincter or the ileocecal
See Fig 2-1 The Digestive System and see Glossary of GI Terms. (see 5th ed pg 38/6th ed pg 40)

(mouth, salivary glands, pharynx, epiglottis, upper esophageal sphincter, esophagus, lower
esophageal sphincter, stomach, pyloric sphincter, liver, gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas,
pancreatic duct, small intestine, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ileocecal valve, appendix, large
intestine, rectum, anus)

Glossary of Digestive Glands and their Secretions (see 5th ed. pg 43/6th ed pg. 45)
Know these enzymes—where made, what they do:
Amylase, pepsin, lipase

Stomach—gastric juice
Purpose of HCl:
Purpose of pepsin:
Purpose of mucus:
Digestion in the stomach--most important for which macronutrient?
Pancreas—pancreatic juice has enzymes for digesting _____, _________, and ________.
Purpose of bicarbonate:
Purpose of insulin:
Liver—secretes _______ (stored in gall bladder)
Purpose of bile:
Role of fiber (5th ed. pg 45/6th ed pg 47):
Colon—what two components does the colon absorb?

See Absorption of Nutrients and Figure 2-5.

Both the bloodstream and the lymph system have vessels in the intestinal villi.
What do the blood vessels carry? Where do they take it to?

What do the lymph vessels carry? Where do they take it to?

Lipoproteins are transport molecules for lipids:
Principally carry: Takes it to: Relationship to
heart disease
chylomicrons __________

Very low Density ___________

Low Density
High Density

Four more things that influence GI health (see The System at Its Best section, 6th ed pg 53):

Imagine you are a
-glucose molecule in a piece of bread
-an amino acid (protein) in a piece of meat
-a fat molecule in a doughnut.
Walk through the digestion and absorption that happens to you from being chewed in the mouth
until you get to the liver. What happened to you where? What was necessary at each stage?
(Ie for fat, it needs bile from liver to be emulsified in watery digestive fluid, needs lipase from
pancreas and small intestine to break it apart so it can be absorbed into villi, then packaged in
chylomicrons and released into the lymph system. The lymph dumps into the circulatory system
in the subclavian vein, and eventually the blood carries the fat molecule to the liver.)

Updated SP2018

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