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NUR 242 Nutrition

Study Guide Ch 1 Overview of Nutrition and Health

Vocab: organic, inorganic, essential, energy density, nutrient density, empty-kcalorie
food/calorically dense food, discretionary kcals

Food Choices—influenced by:

Seventh Day Adventists (from slides, not book)

List diet and lifestyle habits recommended by this group.
Why do health professionals study this group?

Which nutrients yield energy?

Know what they are, how many kcals/gm.
Be able to calculate the total calories of a food, given the number of grams of pro, CHO, fat.

Which nutrients do not yield energy?

Which nutrients are organic? (As in organic chemistry, not how they are grown)

Nutrient Recommendations, Fig 1-2

Initials Stands for Used for

no padding in the numbers; excess energy is stored as body fat

Compare a naïve versus accurate view of nutrient intakes (see 6th ed. Fig 1-3)

Know the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges:


An Ideal Diet has six characteristics:

Table 1-4 Key Recommendations of Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015 (and see summary
A healthy eating pattern includes:

A healthy eating pattern limits:

USDA Food Patterns.

Know Recommended Daily Amounts of food groups for 2000 kcal diet.
(USDA Food groups based on similar nutrients (vitamins/minerals/protein/CHO) provided, not

MyPlate: be able to describe proportions of foods. (6th ed: Fig 1-6 MyPlate)

What is a Daily Value? What is its purpose? See (5th ed) Table 1-10/(6th ed) Table 1-11)

Label claims – 3 kinds:

Nutrient claims—words like light, low, low fat…all are defined by FDA definitions (see (5th ed.
Table 1-11/ 6th ed. Table 1-12)

Differentiate between health claims and structure-function claims on food labels.

(see Reliable Health Claims on Food Labels (5th ed. Table 1-12/6th ed. Table 1-13).

Dietary Guidelines for Americans—5th ed. sources

5th ed users—read the following internet pages, as your edition has the 2010 Dietary Guidelines:

For a more detailed presentation:

Updated SP2018

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