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1. This question paper consist of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
2. Answer all sections in this question paper.
3. Questions in Section A have four options. Answer each question by write the correct answer on page ……...
SECTION A (20 marks)

1. What is the term used to describe the wide

variety of organism on Earth?
A. Habitat 4. Unstricted logging can distrupt the nutrient
B. Living things cycle. What is the step taken to solve the
C. Biodiversity problem?
D. Universe A. Replant tree
B. Decrease the consumption of water
2. Which of the following groups of animals can
C. Use public transport
be classified as vertebrates?
A. Horse, starfish, and crab D. Increase construction of building
B. Spider, snake and crocodile
C. Seahorse, porcupine and ant 5. The followingareHas
the characteristics
tap roots of a plant.
D. Eel, lizard and turtle  Has network like
veins leaves
3. Diagram 1 shows organism X.  Has woody stem

Which of the following has these

A. Durian tree and paddy plant
B. Maize and paddy plant
Diagram 1 C. Rambutan tree and rubber tree
What is the characteristic of organism X? D. Sunflower and paddy plant

A. Segmented body 6. Which of the following is not a biological

B. Without segmented body control agent?
C. Amphibians A. Aphid
D. Reptiles B. Guppy
C. Owl

D. Snake

7. Which of the following statements best describe Gases P Q

the oxygen cycle? A Oxygen Carbon dioxide
A. A cycle that involves the use and releases of B Carbon dioxide Oxygen
oxygen C Nitrogen Carbon dioxide
B. A cycle that involves photosynthesis and D Nitrogen Oxygen
C. A cycle that involves the use of water and
11. What happens to the amount of gases P and Q if
all green plants are destroyed?
D. A cycle that involves the use of oxygen and
carbon dioxide P Q
A Increases Decreases
8. Diagram 2 shows a type of interaction. B Increases Increases
C Decreases Increases
D Decreases Decreases
 Does not dissolve in
12. Vitamin P has water
the following characteristics.
 Prevent rickets
 Helps in the absorption of

Diagram 2
What is the interaction?
A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism What is vitamin P?
D. Competition
A. Vitamin A
9. What is formed by dragonflies, frogs and snakes B. Vitamin B
which live together near a pond? C. Vitamin C
A. Habitat D. Vitamin D
B. Population
C. Community 13. What is represented by the Visking tube in a
D. Ecosystem human digestive system?
A. Mouth
10. Diagram 3 shows two gases P and Q in a gas B. Stomach
cycle. C. Small intestine
D. Large intestine

14. Primary consumer is an organism that eats the

producer. Which of the following is a primary
A. Tiger
B. Fox
C. Frog
D. Grasshopper
Diagram 3
15. Which of the following organisms is a parasites?
Which of the following are gases P and Q? A. Remora fish
B. Tapeworm
C. Clown fish

D. Lichen
Abror ate a plate of fried noodle, two green
16. Guppies are reared in ponds to feed on mosquito apples and a bowl of cendol. What is the
larvae. What is the method used to control the calorific value taken by Abror?
mosquito? A. 460 kcal
A. Law enforcement B. 520 kcal
B. Biological control C. 480 kcal
C. Change in population size D. 120 kcal
D. Migration
20. Diagram 6 shows a human digestive system.
17. Diagram 4 shows the set-up of apparatus to
study the absorption of nutrient.

Diagram 4
Which of the following can be detected in
distilled water after 30 minutes?
A. Iodine Diagram 6
B. Protein Which organ that digestive protein that feeds on
C. Fat food?
D. Glucose
18. Diagram 5 shows the calorific values of food P, Answer for Section A (20 marks)
Q, R and S.
1. =A= =B= =C= =D=
2. =A= =B= =C= =D=
3. =A= =B= =C= =D=
4. =A= =B= =C= =D=
5. =A= =B= =C= =D=
6. =A= =B= =C= =D=
7. =A= =B= =C= =D=
8. =A= =B= =C= =D=
Diagram 5 9. =A= =B= =C= =D=
What are the food types of P,Q,R and S? 10. =A= =B= =C= =D=
11. =A= =B= =C= =D=
P Q R S 12. =A= =B= =C= =D=
A Rice Margarine Carrot Sugar
13. =A= =B= =C= =D=
B Carrot Sugar Rice Margarine
14. =A= =B= =C= =D=
C Margarine Rice Sugar Carrot
15. =A= =B= =C= =D=
D Carrot Rice Sugar Margarine
16. =A= =B= =C= =D=
17. =A= =B= =C= =D=
19. Table 1 shows calorific value of foods.
18. =A= =B= =C= =D=
Food Calorific value (kcal) 19. =A= =B= =C= =D=
A plate of fried 280 20. =A= =B= =C= =D=
A green apple 60
A bowl of cendol 120

Section B (20 marks)

1. Zarina and Athikah were carrying out a classifying activity for their science project in school.

Bee Snail

a) Complete the following classification chart using the words above.

Can fly (i)

Have legs
Cannot fly Centipede

No legs (ii)

[2 marks]
b) Bees are one of the good pollinating agents. Underline the correct answers.
(i) A bee has (three,four) pairs of legs.
(ii) The substance produced by bees after sucking nectar from flowers is (honey, pollen).
[2 marks]

2. Animals can be classified based on their common characteristics. Write True or False for animal
characteristics listed below.

Animals Characteristics Answer

(a) Eagle Warm-blooded Has feathers
(b) Frog Moist skin Breathes using lungs
(c) Whale Gives birth Breathes using lungs
(d) Crocodile Smooth body Lays eggs with shell
[4 marks]
3. a) Match each type of interaction with the correct explanation.

Interaction Explanation
Benefits only of one organism
and is harmful to the other

Benefits both organisms

Benefits only of one organism

without being beneficial to the
other organisms

[2 marks]
b) Fill in the blank with the correct answer about the interdepence among living organisms.

Commensalism Community Mutualism Ecosystem

(i) A ………………………….. consists of all the populations living together and interacting with
each other in a habitat.
(ii) ……………………….. is an interaction that benefits both organism.
[2 marks]
4. Mark (√ ) for the appropriate characteristics of the chilli, paddy , eggplant and sugar cane plants.

Characteristics Chilli plant and eggplant Paddy plant and sugar cane
a) Fibrous roots
b) Tap roots
c) Network leaf veins
d) Parallel leaf veins
[4 marks]
5. Underline the effect of deficiency for the type of vitamins given.

Type of vitamins The effects of deficiency

a) Vitamin A Sterility , Night blindness, Beri-beri
b) Vitamin B Beri-beri, Kwashiorkor, Constipation
c) Vitamin C Scurvy, Blood clot, Marasmus
d) Vitamin D Rickets, Night blindness, Goiter
[4 marks]

Section C (60 marks)

1. a) Affan is watching the National Geographic channel that shows a video about the forest ecosystem.

Diagram 7

(i) State two types of interaction between animals.

[2 marks]
(ii) Predict two effects on the populations of zebras and grass if a big population of lions inhabit the forest for
a long period of time.

[2 marks]

b) Photosynthesis is one of the important processes in the carbon cycle. Diagram 8 shows the carbon cycle.

Diagram 8
Explain how the carbon cycle maintains the carbon dioxide content of the air.
[3 marks]
c) Suggest one step that can be taken by us to solve the problem of disruption of carbon cycle as a result of
human activity.
[1 mark]
d) Aisyah always helps her mother to water the flower plants. Suggest a way for her to save water.
[2 marks]
2. Diagram 9 shows the apparatus used by Ramli to carry out food tests.

Diagram 9
a) Name the nutrient tested in each of the experiments labelled P, Q, R and S.
P : ……………………………………….. R : …………………………………………..
Q : ………………………………………. S : …………………………………………..
[4 marks]
b) If Ramli uses cake as the food sample, all the experiments P, Q, R and S shows positive reaction.
Complet table below by stating the colour observed in each test tube for the experiments Q, R and S

Experiments Colour observed

[3 marks]

c) The pie chart in diagram 10 shows the component analysis of three meals, A, B and C.

Diagram 10
Based on the component analysis shown above, which meal is the most suitable for developing healthy
bones and teeth? Explain your answer.
[2 marks]
d) The enzyme remain that found in the stomach coagulates liquid milk protein into solid milk protein. What
is the advantage of this coagulation of milk protein to a baby?
[1 mark]
3. a) Diagram 11 shows a meal sold to students in the canteen during recess time.

Diagram 11

(i) Name the main class of food shown in diagram 11.

[1 mark]

(ii) State the importance of the class of food named in Diagram 11(i).
[1 mark]
b) A student is eating food in the canteen. The chewed food is swallowed into the aesophagus. Next, the food
will move to the stomach.
(i) How does the food in the esophagus move to the stomach? Explain your answer.
[2 marks]
(ii) Digestion of food ends at part Q. Mark the position of part Q on Diagram 12.

Diagram 12 [1 mark]

(iii) What will happen to the digested food and undigested food after the digestion of food ends?

[2 marks]

(c) Diagram 13 shows part of the human digestive system.

Diagram 13

(i) Ismail is advised by the doctor to remove organ T because there is a big gallstone in it. What kind of
food should Ismail avoid after the surgery? Give a reason for your answer.
[2 marks]
(ii) Mark ( √ ) for the most suitable diet for Ismail.

Menu A Menu B Menu c

 Rice  Steamed fish  Fried rice
 Fried chicken  Vegetable salad  Fried egg
 Chicken noodle  Barley water  Orange juice

[1 mark]
4. Diagram 14 shows a tree map for the interaction between living organisms.


Symbiosis P Competition
Example : Eagle And Snake




Diagram 14
(a) Name interaction P.
[1 mark]
(b) Give one other example of interaction P.
[1 mark]

(c) (i) Eagles sometimes are reared at the paddy field. Give one suitable reason.
[1 mark]
(ii) Explain the method applied in 4(c) (i).
[2 marks]
(iii) State one advantage and one disadvantages of the method in 4(c)(ii).
[2 marks]
(d) Explain the interaction of mutualism using one example.

[2 marks]
(e) State one difference between commensalism and parasitism.
[1 mark]
5. Absorption of digested food occurs in the human intestine. Diagram 15 shows the set-up of apparatus
for an experiment to investigate the absorption of digested food.

Diagram 15

The observation of the experiment is recorded in table below.

Substance in distilled water Starch Glucose

Beginning of experiment X X
After 30 minutes X /

(a) Name the following solutions.

S : ……………………………………….. T : ………………………………………..
[2 marks]
(b) Based on the observation in table above.
(i) Sate one inference for the observation after 30 minutes. Explain your answer.
[2 marks]
(ii) Relate the result of this experiment with the digestion of carbohydrate in the human intestine.
[2 marks]

(c) Small intestines have big surface area. How does this characteristic of the intestine benefit the digestion
[1 mark]
(d) A patient with coeliac disease suffers from the lacking of microvilli in his small intestines. Explain why this
patient has difficulty to perform vigorous activities.
[3 marks]
6. (a) Pak Jamil was pondering how to kill the large number of snakes in his oil palm estate. He wants
to kill the snakes by a natural method without using any harmful chemical substances. Suggest
a way to help Pak Jamil overcome his problem.
[3 marks]
(b) The diagram 16 shows the symbol of recycle.

Diagram 16

(i) Give two examples of materials suitable to be recycled.

[2 marks]
(ii) What is the benefit of the recycling process?
[1 mark]
(c) The diagram below shows an activity carried out by humans for development.

Give four negative effects of the activity.

[4 marks]

********************************* END OF PAPER ***********************************

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