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Diagnostic Test A Name: ...............................................................

Class: ..................................................................

1 Complete the sentences with the words in 2 Read the text and complete the
the box. There is one extra word. words.
I watched a great 0 t a l e n t
deep high slow old shallow fast long s h o w on TV last night. Some of
the people on it were amazing. There was
0 I’m not a very good swimmer, so I always stay in a fantastic 1 s who sang a
the shallow end of the swimming pool. lot of good songs, and also a
1 Sam: How is Big Ben? 2
c who was very
Tom: 96.3 metres. funny! My family doesn’t usually watch
2 Peter is tall, and has very legs. that kind of programme. Mum really likes
3 Jack: How is your grandfather? watching the 3 n , so she knows
Joe: He’s 76. what’s happening in the world, and my
4 The London Eye isn’t very . It only sister likes 4 s o .
goes at 0.9 kilometres per hour. She watches her favourite one every week!
5 Dan: How is the river in I like 5 q s because I
our town? can often answer lots of the questions!
Mum: About 5 metres.

3 Match the sentence halves.

0 I’d like to have a rat as a pet because they’re very A dangerous.
1 I went for a walk in the rain in my hiking boots, so now they’re B intelligent.
2 Sam and his family want to fly to Brazil, but it’s very C energetic.
3 My brother always does a lot of activities on holiday because he’s so D lazy.
4 You need to be careful when you’re in the mountains, because it’s sometimes E expensive.
5 My sister never wants to go hiking because she’s so F dirty.
Today! Level 3 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Choose A, B or C.
0 Sarah’s family is planning a trip to the B to see the fish on Saturday.
A bowling alley B aquarium C ice rink
1 Sarah also wants to go to the to look at old things.
A museum B cinema C sports centre
2 Sarah thinks that clothes are the best things to wear for the trip.
A small B casual C short
3 Sarah put her new camera into her bag very , ready to take pictures.
A correctly B carefully C slowly
4 Then yesterday, Sarah had a temperature and a sore throat. The doctor said she had .
A flu B a headache C toothache
5 Sarah’s mum says she go out on Saturday because she’s ill.
A must B can C can’t /5
Diagnostic Test A Name: ...............................................................
Class: ..................................................................

5 Circle the correct word.

0 Tom was happy / embarrassed because his jacket was very old-fashioned.
1 Sophie was upset / jealous because she lost her favourite flip-flops on the beach.
2 Ben got 100% in his test so he’s very scared / proud!
3 Sam is bored / excited today because it’s his birthday!
4 John is angry / happy because he can’t go surfing tomorrow, and it’s his favourite sport.
5 Sarah can’t find her new sunglasses, so she’s jealous / worried.
6 Complete the sentences. Write the 8 Circle the correct words.
correct form of the verb in brackets. 0 If you want a pet, a parrot is more / most
0 Jack’s brother plays (play) interesting than a cat.
football every weekend. He loves it! 1 These hiking boots are the more / the most
1 Sophie and Sarah expensive ones in the shop.
(listen) to music in Sarah’s room now. 2 This tent isn’t the good one / the best one
2 Ben (not always play) to buy. It’s very small and too expensive.
computer games in his free time. 3 My rucksack was cheapest / cheaper than
3 What (you / do) at the Jack’s.
moment? 4 Your cat is beautiful / more beautiful than
4 Jamie (write) a poem for my dog.
his homework now. 5 Brazil is the larger / the largest country in
5 (Jack / watch) TV every South America.
/5 9 Complete the text with the correct
7 Circle A or B. form of have to.
0 How cartoons did you watch at the
There’s too much housework for Mum to
Today! Level 3 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

A much B many do, so we 0 have to help her. My
1 When Picasso born? brother 1
walk the dog
A was B were every weekend, but he’s happy because he
2 you watch the new quiz show last night? loves his dog! And I’m happy that I
A Did B Were
walk the dog, because
3 I cooked a pizza for Jack but he it. I don’t really like going for long walks. But
A not like B didn’t like instead, I 3 tidy our rooms
4 I the film on TV last night because I had and make the beds. So my brother
too much homework!
vacuum his room,
A watched B didn’t watch because that’s my job! What jobs
5 Sarah: was Nina Simone?
you do
Mum: She was a singer. at home?
A Where B Who
Diagnostic Test A Name: ...............................................................
Class: ..................................................................

10 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

isn’t going ’re going ’s going aren’t going ’m going are you going

0 Next weekend, we ’re going to drive to the beach.

1 Mum to make a picnic for us to take.
2 Dad to drive all the way. Mum will drive for some of the time.
3 I to take my favourite beach mat and flip-flops.
4 Let’s hope it’s sunny, because we to sit on the beach if it rains!
5 What to do next weekend? /5

11 Match the questions and answers.
Waiter Sam
0 Good evening. How are you? A No thank you. Just cheese and tomato.
1 Are you ready to order? B Two, please. Thanks very much!
2 Would you like red peppers or mushrooms on it? C Can I have some chocolate ice cream?
3 And what would you like to drink? D Can I have a glass of lemonade, please?
4 OK. Would you like a dessert? E I’m fine, thanks!
5 Of course. How many scoops would you like? F Yes. I’d like a pizza, please.
12 Complete the dialogue. Write A–F in the space.
Sophie: Hi Max! 0 D What’s new?
A where are you going to go
Max: Well, you’ll never guess what!
B That sounds fantastic.
We’re going away on holiday!
C Have a great time!
Sophie: Really? Lucky you! And 1 ?
D You look very happy!
Max: Next month! I’m so excited!
E what are you going to do
Sophie: So 2 ?
Today! Level 3 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

F when are you going

Max: To Australia. My dad’s brother lives there.
Sophie: 3 Where are you going to stay?
Max: In a hotel near my uncle’s home.
He’s got a big family, so we can’t stay at his house.
Sophie: And 4 ?
Max: Well, Dad says we’re going to learn how to water ski.
Sophie: I’m so jealous! 5
Max: Thanks, Sophie. We will!
Diagnostic Test A Name: ...............................................................
Class: ..................................................................

13 Read the text. Circle True, False or Doesn’t say.

My name’s Simon and I live in London. I’m doing lots of different things this weekend. First of all,
my cousin Jose is arriving from Brazil, so we’re taking him to some places in the city. On Saturday
we’re going to the funfair and then to a café. My friend Tom isn’t doing anything that day, so he’s
coming with us. I think Jose is going to love it! At the funfair, we’re going to ride on the Speed
Cars, and then go on the Big Dipper. It’s the fastest ride in the funfair and it’s awesome! My sister
Marie can’t come, though. She’s got a bad cold – and anyway, she’s too young for the rides. At the
café, I’m going to order a really big ice cream for Jose – four scoops! Then on Sunday we’re visiting
the museum. It’s Dad’s idea, and I don’t think Jose’s going to like it very much!

0 Simon’s home is in London. True. False. Doesn’t say.

1 Simon is going to be busy at the weekend. True. False. Doesn’t say.
2 Someone from Simon’s family is coming to visit. True. False. Doesn’t say.
3 Simon is taking Jose to somewhere outside London. True. False. Doesn’t say.
4 Jose wants to go to the funfair. True. False. Doesn’t say.
5 Tom has some things to do before he can go to the funfair. True. False. Doesn’t say.
6 The Speed Cars go faster than the Big Dipper. True. False. Doesn’t say.
7 Simon is sorry that Marie can’t go with them. True. False. Doesn’t say.
8 Marie is younger than Simon. True. False. Doesn’t say.
9 Simon is going to have the same ice cream as Jose. True. False. Doesn’t say.
10 Dad is taking the boys somewhere very different the next day. True. False. Doesn’t say.
/ 10
14 Write a blog about you. Answer the 7 What’s one thing that you love doing at
questions. home?
Today! Level 3 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

0 What’s your name?

My name’s 8 What household chores do you have to do at
1 What do you usually do on Saturdays? home?

2 What do you usually do at school on 9 Where are you going next weekend?
Wednesday mornings?
10 What are you going to do there?
3 What are you doing at the moment?
/ 10
4 Where did you go last weekend?
Vocabulary /25
5 What did you have for lunch on Grammar /25
Saturday? Communication /10
Reading /10
6 What do you like wearing when you go out? Writing /10
Total: /80

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