Monera Bsee 3a - Week4 Output

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Monera, John Philip M.


A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. DIRECTION: Read the question carefully. Choose the best
answer for each question.

1. Who was the President of the Republic of the Philippines when the Rizal Law
was signed?
A. Jose P. Laurel C. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Claro M. Recto D. Ramon Magsaysay
2. Rizal Law was also known as?
A. RA 1423 C. RA 1425
B. RA 1424 D. RA 1426
3. Who was the main sponsor of the Rizal Bill?
A. Jose P. Laurel C. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Claro M. Recto D. Ramon Magsaysay
4. There are several steps before a specific bill becomes a law. Which one fall the
Committee Hearings?
A. Step 1 C. Step 3
B. Step 2 D. Step 4
5. Voting on Second Reading happens on which step?
A. Step 3 C. Step 5
B. Step 4 D. Step 6
6. What is the main goal of legislators like Claro M. Recto why they pushed the
Rizal Bill into a Rizal Law?
A. This set to seeds the nationalism in every Filipinos especially the youth.
B. This is to honor the heroic achievements of Dr. Jose Rizal.
C. This is for the re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which
our heroes lived and died.
D. This is for us to pay tribute to all the heroes we have as they saved our
country from all the invasion and tyranny happened on different era.
7. When the Rizal Bill signed into a law?
A. June 12, 1955 C. June 12, 1957
B. June 12, 1956 D. June 12, 1958
8. Who gave Rizal the title “Tagalog Christ” in 1907?
A. Felipe Salvador C. Miguel de Unamuno
B. Apolinario Dela Cruz D. Emilio Aguinaldo
9. Which church in the Philippines declared Jose Rizal as a Saint?
A. Roman Catholic Church C. United Churches of the
B. Protestant Church D. Philippine Independent Church
10. Who was the founder of Adarnista or the Iglesiang Pilipina in La Union?
A. Felipe Salvador C. Miguel de Unamuno
B. Candida Balantac D. Apolinario Dela Cruz
11. The following are the primarily beliefs of Adarnista about Jose Rizal. Which one
does not belong?
A. Rizal is a god of the Filipino people.
B. Rizal is true god and a true man.
C. Rizal was truly a heroic figure to everyone.
D. Rizal was not executed as has been mentioned by historians.
12. What is the difference between Catholic Church and the Adarnista?
A. They are both Christians.
B. They both praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
C. They both have the seven sacraments.
D. Only the Catholics praise Jesus Christ.
13. In what section of RA 1425 stated that “It shall be obligatory on all schools,
colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an adequate number of copies
of the original and unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works and biography?”
A. Section 1 C. Section 3
B. Section 2 D. Section 4
14. This statement, “Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the
curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private” can be found
in what section of RA 1425?
A. Section 1 C. Section 3
B. Section 2 D. Section 4
15. Of the following steps down below, which comes first?
1. Consolidation of Version from the House
2. Transmittal of the Final Version to Malacañan
3. Voting on Second Reading
4. Committee Hearings
A. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 4, 3, 1, 2 D. 4, 3, 2, 1
16. Which novel did Rizal wrote first?
A. Sa aking mga Kabata C. Noli Me Tangere
B. Ang Kababaihan ng Malolos D. El Filibusterismo
17. Atfter Rizal Bill was signed into a law, which of the following was responsible on
translating the Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo and other works of Dr. Jose P.
Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects?
A. Department of Education and Culture
B. Department of Education
C. Board of National Education
D. Commission on Higher Education
18. How much was allocated on printing the materials needed for Rizal’s work as to
be disseminated to the different level of schools in the Philippines after the Rizal
Bill was signed into a law?
a. 100,000php
A. 200,000php
B. 300,000php
C. 400,000php
19. Who was the founder of Sambahang Rizal or Rizal Church?
A. Felipe Salvador C. Miguel de Unamuno
B. Apolinario Dela Cruz D. Basilio Aromin
20. Which of the following only teaches that Rizal was not the Christ but only a
A. Watawat ng Lahi (Samahan ng Watawat ng Lahi Presiding Elders)
B. Iglesia Watawat ng Lahi, Inc.
C. Watawat ng Iglesia ni Rizal
D. Iglesia ng Lipi ni Gat Dr. Jose P. Rizal, Inc.

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