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Problem-Solving Rubric


(4 ) (3) (2) (1) (0)

Physics Approach The solver has The overall solution The overall solution The overall solution The solution does not
explicitly stated an indicates one basic indicates more than indicates a indicate a basic
appropriate and physics concept or one basic physics fundamental physics approach.
complete physics principle of the concept or principle of misunderstanding of
approach approach is missing or the approach is physics concepts or
inappropriate missing or principles for chosen
inappropriate approach
Useful Description The solution includes One part of the More than one part of The description The solution does not
an appropriate and description is missing the description is indicates a include a description
useful problem or inappropriate. missing or fundamental
description (like given inappropriate. misunderstanding
and unknown)
Mathematical Suitable mathematical Suitable mathematical Suitable mathematical Attempted There is no evidence
Procedure procedures are used procedures are used procedures are used mathematical of mathematical
that result in a with minor errors with errors or the procedures are procedure in the
reasonable answer. answer is inappropriate. solution.
Final Answer for Each Got 5 correct answers Got 4 correct answers Got 3 correct answers Got 2 correct answers Got 0-1 correct
Number out of 5 problems. out of 5 problems. out of 5 problems. (9) out of 5 problems. (6) answer out of 5
(15) (12) problems. (3)
Final Answer for the Got the word correctly Got the word correctly Got the word correctly Got some letters of Not even one letter
mystery Word without any erasures with one erasure with more than one the word but did not was correct.
erasures form the correct word.
Neatness The solution for all The solution for all The solution for all The solution for all There are more
problems is problems is problems is problems is erasures than the
organized without any organized with 1-2 organized with 2-4 organized with 5-6 solution and answers
signs of erasures erasures erasures erasures to the problems

Prepared by: Skhylyn B. Nidoy

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