Homework #1: Universidad Tecnologica de Honduras

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English II

Homework #1

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: English II Código: INE 205
Unidades valorativas: 3 Duración del Modulo:




I. Specific Objectives:
-Use there is/there are to name places in a town or city.
-Identify the vocabulary of places in a town or city.
-Practice the use of prepositions of place when giving directions.
-Learn basic phrases to ask and give directions.
-Recognize the parts of the body.
-State opinions about art.
-Distinguish different house parts and their corresponding furniture.

II. Goals to achieve:

-Create a description of the town or city where you live.

-Be able to give a word picture of their house or an specific room in it.

-Use the English language to provide or ask for an address.

III. Development

Exercise 1
English II

Make a description of the place where you live. Use there is and there are when
doing it. At least 8 sentences. Use at least three prepositions of place.

Ex. I live in San Pedro Sula. There is a park near my house. There are many
restaurants and huge buildings. There´s a lot of traffic. I like how fast life is
here but I hate the noise.

Good day

My name is Byron Paz. I live in San Pedro Sula. There is a stadium near my house. There are many
big houses. There´s not much traffic because I live in a quiet neighborhood. I like the place where
I live because there is a lot of trees that remembers me the place where I grew up, a little town in
a mountain where there is a fresh weather. Unfortunately, I don´t live there anymore. The place
where I live is called Ecoforesta there is a big park where I used to be every morning walking my
dog. There are a lot of birds singing. Also, there are many people walking around, we can see near
the park a little church. Across the street we have a supermarket there are many groceries to
buy. And next to the supermarket we have a coffeeshop where I love to drink a cup of coffee with
a delicious dessert.

Exercise 2

Copy and paste a picture of a GPS location. ( workplace, home, special place to

Write the address and give instructions in how to get there.

Ex. This is the central park near my house. It is in the 3 rd avenue and 1st street.
If you are from San Pedro Sula you can take a taxi cab or drive. Take the 1 st
street and stop at the Cathedral. It is in front of it. At least 8 lines.
English II

I want to go shopping to the city Mall, I am going by car, I will take the 33
street, I take a left in direction to 33 street, I take the second loop an dI keep
in the 33 street, and then I will take the south boulevard in the 16 th street
finally I will take the 14th street and I am at the city Mall.

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